Iy not only In Fire Prevention year Fiï¬ Prevention West will be marked in Cans this your Oct to with slowo Don Give Fire Place to Stntl It is joint drive by ire Prevent anyhow ul an on Ionization to art the tire lms of properly and lives Chart shows rome oi the common igon better bulldhtf Motion grams and regular plastic aeratorflies inclltlldV n¢ avers per or as tibia dining alo your perloo CP Newman week ShouldBe Yearraund 3y mwm linrrig FireChlel Oct to Oct 10 is lirc Pre voution Week This is the week especially set aside to remind us all of our own responsibility in the fitht againstiilre carelessness but it also be week in which new resolutions are made to ac cept this responsibility sericun Week but in 365 doysoi the The need for such campaign is forcibly brought to our atten tion by the fact that Canadas fire loss is one of the highest oi any country in the world to day For lnstance Canadas per capita fire loss is approxim ately four times that of Great Brlldin and more they ten times that of some European countries lt is evident from these fig urea that previous fire preven tion campaigns although com mendable have only scratched the surface at this tremendous and vitally important problem of the loss of hundreds of lives millions dollï¬efog prope nee ass ere through fire srecm aprons ail municipalities in Simcoe County have part in the fire loss of this country at ours and aeyour Chief andFire Coor ator for the County of Sim coe am asking the full cooperau tion at all citizens in the City of Barrie and County otSirncoe to make special effort to have acleanup of all rubbish and inflammable waste material that may be in or around your home or piece of business Now thatyour heating proh Iem is about to start for the season it would be good time to have your furnace and pipes ahd chimney cleaned and also to check over your heating eduipment andsec that all nee essnry repairs are made as soon as possible This being done would leave everything in good workingcondition for you when to start heating whencold wea ther comes This will do great deal to protect your loved ones andbomes and places or busi ness iromjires There are great number at items that as your Fire Chief mustbrlng to the attention of all people to help safeguard this City fromvunnecessery loss of hfeand property will now outline some of the main haz ar ook after ljlccse make alcareiul check of your premises or call ilutofllils Bridge 3Persons Drowh MALLEYFIELD Que CF Two women and man were drowned Saturday night when their car crashed through draw bridge barrier and into the Beau harnois Canal near this city 35 miles southwest of Mo all The deadhwere identiï¬ed as Mrs Yvette Lebelle 42 Mrs Romeo Forgeti4a and Aur Lop 34 allot Montreal iilricajProyram To Publicize Facts JOHANNESBURG Reuters four ar plan to combat over seas ï¬xgnorance about South Africa will besubmitted toEJt iornal Affairs Minister Eric Louw turns from theUnited lnformationSe who nnounced it repor Ere on hlslrezurn froma rop pean tour Sunday boringaufsoaay cure the service offlcï¬s found that We the people at Barrie and your Fire Departmentand they will gladly make an inspection for you DONT GIVE FIRE PLACE START Have an inspection of your electric wlriog by an clectrlcan and he will see all witind is in good condition and that no cir cuitis overloaded This is one Very important item and re commend that it he done it you are not certain about electric services infyour home and place of business Never use obeavicn fuse than 15 amp in your domestic service without consulting your electrician as heavier fuse mhy cause wires to overheat and set fire it circuit happens to be overloaded Ks Visit To US Sparking Summit NEW YORK AP Henry Cabot Leda United States am bassndor to the United Nations says he believes Premier Khrush chcvs recent tourof the United States paved the way for sum mit meeting this winter Lodge who accompanied Khrushchev throughout the US said Sunday ona television pm stem that be detected an evolu tionin the Soviet line Theyused to say for example that if war came theywouldnt be hurt but ell the democratic countries would he hurt4 Lodge commented Well now they dont say that Mr Khrushchev SPECTACULAR CRASH Thomas Howey RR Sarriepwas charged with care less driving Friday night follow ing spectacular crash atthe lovermaracurve ontha Ather ley Road near Orillia The car left the road when HoweyJost control sheared off two guard rail posts bounced back on the Second Lieut Arthur Bill Edgecombe ot adieu Army Medical Corps has heeh selectedkfor duty with Field Ambulance RCAMC in Germany Hells expectedto arrive overseas ground Nov 16 and will at that timenot be Edith For the past two years he has been employed as trainingoilicer at Depot Tram sag Company of The Royal CnoedianArmy Medical Corps School Camp Borden Nation Pht Lsee first all rubbish and tunicunable material store rooms and attics 511m ila suggestion to all places of business recom mend you make someone in your employ responsible for kceplng your buildings and lencweys and back yards cleaned at all waste and inflammable mater ials that may cause or start tire Make sure that waste on or and material is placed boxes and tied so that they can be lifted onto the garbage his posei truck withnut breaking or falling apart This will help to make fast cleanup hope and pray operation of every man woman and child in Barrie and sur rounding districts to mekelflre prevention work in this city for fire preventionALs people and only they can make Simcoe County fire free Cyclone Kills 40 In Indian Slates CALCUTTA Reuters More thonio personstoday were re ported killed in floods and cy clone which hit West Bengal and the neighboring state of Drissa during the weekend At least 21 persons were ralt ported dead in Orlsso 13 were listedas missing and500 families are homeless At least 2000 cattle were lost Seventeen persons were killed in West Bengal wvhere about Torctalvuluv 1000000 persons were affected by heavy rain and high winds 10an AND GENERAL road then swung onto the shoul der again it ripped out ten more posts hydro pole and trees and rocks in 300foot skid through the swampy ditch Neither Howey nor his two passengers was injured GETS 5YEAEJEVVEL Herbert Ritchie of Elrnvale re ceived his Sbyear jewel from Coronation Lodge AF and AM No 466 reqently His son Ross Ritchie is master of the same lodge SPEAKS Al ELMVALE Mrs Smith titBarrie who has made special study of childrens reading and meth ods of teaching reading willlbe guest speaker at Tuesday nights meeting of Eisnvale Home and School Association It will be the Associations first fall meet ing SMALL COLLISION small collision between two young motorists occurred at DunlopStEast and Mulcaster St intersection Barri StlndBYj Po not say gtJohnny Supyk 16 Richmond SL Toronto made Katherine McAller 17 Park dale Crescent Barrie to Miss McAllers car was 425 is dini posed of from your hasemcnts for the co you an noted to out $150 down wallow years have ahead as high as $00900 Chief lom Nairn says the drop irdue to better ï¬re preyontlonj pro lemons of premises The Can departm rot stator calls during in gm year which included six to the villus of Angus and Listed Eunaidalo Township Chief Nairu hu wflfllld that residents 01 0am Borden contact the local like deparb recommendation if lieve hazard says the chiei Fire preven3 tion begins with youdont let it end with the fire depart ment being called Observance at Fire Proven tionIWeok is heartily endorsed by Clint Commander Brlg adicr It Purves During this timeln they be lltnrn and was in collision with lDamage llVlt contentious PICTURED Fivfseneratloos the family of Mrs Joseph Wat tan whose homofis in Shel burne were pictured reecnta ly at the home atlas and Mrs Morrow on High way 27 at Holly Standing are right to left Mrs Morrow Mrs Elisabeth Me son and her daughter Mrs Sutton Seated in front QUEBEC CPA papal dole gation headed byAlfredo Card inal Ottaviani was expected here today toriweeklnng celebrations in honor of the man who 300 years ago established the Romanjath oiic Church in North America The man was Bishop Francois de MontmoreocyL al who came to Canada from France May 161059 and organized di ocese stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico Cardinal Ottavianiy prosecre tary ol the Vaticans Congrega tion of the lion Ofï¬ce lsraccom panied by 15 other Vaticais dale gates The party was in Ottawa during the weekend and stopped briefly in Montreal Sunday night CONFERENCE MEETS The Ottawabased Canadian Catholic Conicrence will meet here during the week The ICC is an organization of Canadian spareéasous ca roe Arronmmvr Home as 34201 There was no damageto the other car accompanied by his wife rams ANDPAYMENTS wo DH WHATST meat tor oo inspection or thexhave potential lirel that do be demon we oven on each uolt tofemind us all that um are to prevent fires we must continue to ddgoeeu lywbatlwo have magnets necqu prayat re break out he says YIn particular each parent must boeertain that the chil dren understand how caroler seas wig lire aches lilllurle or none out are away the data that the warnings often rageled may come to he dines edj lodiltoreoce is Iomethial which we all lmlat lilbl against serious firecauses every one to hovery cohesion of tiroprevention but we know this lstoo heavy price to pay to reoell the lessons which should have beenlnour minds all along Be on your guard carelessness This nausea more than its fair share of tires are Mrs Wattan and little Shells Sutton The residence was scene of great activ itySaturdly when thebuildy log wasnloved to mother location nearby and pissed on concrete foundation with basement This will be great improvement and will form winter storage for vegetables at which they grow large crop Papal belegation Will iiiloner Man Who EStablishedChurch Roman Catholic archbishoparend bishops devoted to study of church problem conterence spokesman said the meeting was arranged to co incide with the celebrations be cause they provide an excellent opportunity for comparing our present way of life with the ideals set out by BishopLaval this courageous head of young eo1 my Bishop Lavalï¬an ascetic man was continually at odds with the French nobility in NewFrance because he felt they had friv olousand mercenary outlook lieset down sharply the divi sions between the authority of the church and those of thestete The precept of unyielding fam ily ties that be preached is still deeplyrooted in Quebec society where the church has profound social influence one common EYE CARE Noel VSlephenisonRtrI OFTOMErRIST ans commons owner mean emmforrmnlo against ratio unmanned he sill that he had mode some temporary arrangement about the Mblillenhedrfor timers and week xeroim lEttrezruey 1mm zen hadwitnhissu to show on Iron maintain no unguided Sunday horn in Elmvaio he was ace live or more than yemin lo cal baseball aodelthail leagues lie was candtrunlns ol the nay1 Grand lodge of torio arm cogsu hm ifsfaoumiï¬Ã©mf 15 em mi Sergeant Irnm hisdocllday handled the mnemonic and Crown lit torney William Monaco rcp Boo rm Wm flitWW bio Brandon to over our miles He did not to courtbev cause at the be racing tioweltu sentence loOshsm the court as told from records KO will have an additional so days to am uoleu he can pay flange nous costs CHILE DRIVINQ Kenoeth6uton of Holland undies laced two charges one at careless drivioa to which he decided to Find tullty alter be to advise by Crown Attorney Thompson that he would be en tltled to remand he wished Evidence oi the Bradlord Pel ice was that he had driven or tbrcuuh the ltreeta at th Avilage and had not come Would you object to the lac lagct we mcuudonmpegded mm 131 if °u°a itll as restitutloozlsto be model The sound was Win the but part at thl1ionilh good the amouotlfcnvered in the twotransactions and wit laced on bond 00 during pm hetlon that his vehicle wunottbarl QUEB ct orrzazur on the time mentioned The Pop drinkers at Cocklan Magistrate withdrew the charge Fair threw their bottles away with theremnrk that let oi whenthe OPP officer canie their time had been wasted on Th way On searching thecar otincldant happened in July too days to the cooler othm it lï¬ï¬id ewmer 30 werenallowod ballot aw cull or mlprggervwban theywerc amend new week on chem to thait The can will be heard anthem Gslpari chargedin Brid tord with violation the park iafbylaw finally was success to win producingtwo witnesses driven this in oner it you had not had some drink Mas lstrate Cook stated wherphe uk ed him why he hadnot stopped at theflstop signs The accused replied that as there was nothing coming he thought he did not need to so Tho plea of guilty was ac cepted and the fine$15 and costs Asked for time to pay the magistrate said he knew nothing of the accused but in formed by the officer that he was known he allowed time to asleep While driving at what who came before the Court last obtainiha money and come back to court FALLEN ASLEEP James Sovey of Toronto on his way back to work and driv ing on Highway 400 told the magistrate that he had fallen he estimated sizabout so mph he ranintodhe hackot tree tortrailer driving in the some lane doing over $600 damage to that vehicle and over $1000 to the car he was drivin Are you in the hab oi so ingto sleep while driving at such speeds he was asked by the Court Ho was fined and costs or days in jail William James Longhurst of the Bond Read district pleaded guilty to having liquor illegally at the dance hall in Boodiiead and paid $20 andcosts for the error FRAUD CASE Wallaceol Newmarkot VIBRATION moor illlevel New PreslovLile Viblltidn Proof ï¬llLEVEL eliminaan twooutofthreepowerrailum in heavy duty service Built to nice the roughest Imp mom and still deliver full starting power The PreslO Lilo VibrationProof is made possible by not new but leryengineeringadvmoelnent that end plate folluu from rlbrnllonI maior cause of hauery failures week on two cheque fraudcascs had had his plea of guilty chang ed toone of not guilty by the luvcon mot memo It Gunshotreel Eon 50 MONTHS lh norvial posienlar car use oetyrrestome Batteries DOMINION IIRE STORES 21 Many sr an oasis Beauetdtathelynne qunofihaarï¬vnl yerynewbabyinyour Yonr Fresh0le mater gt canvas ones ssnvrce slur 3u nnrrmnnisr BrestOLite Batteries at onler Automoslvev solemn LTD Irsotsuvouurro TISBLAIN TO SEE so OFF YOU 60 THE MORAL9 PLAIN FOR ALLTO SEE WHEN YOU NEED CAQH MOMENT ALL glfHEfllMEngTOOK AND are TAKEQON BRANDNEW Look