Ileana BARN Centht mhgilmtlmlfl nan irraattha nodal at tended Myatirdt yin iorrnntion Pehmrn at and Itillad oraa ll hob and hiarrtortal non mi in Allie Grade ti aorta Iiarntiton tnnFlt0lliEYTr Kathy hire Grade ll thiamine Photo 2210021 Studenteltttend grnioimaeon Program An eriirnatod nioonraeahr eoduttodeotttrnnneaoarstro mom areltedtherantaet mentor boutbaun null aponeor at mltiea nnetoladanl lll taou Iodnldroe defartment oi oration timeout be are alone also have the enunth dance a=a ehanoe in go wrong the 1xroata reeent Mot or nail ver ath teen atbandrjtouree dimer reeen Ivee gredited unlreraittea Inn spend much oi their time on the road eototnzlbo admin in com theorem llnn Procrlrn thtatoant of inter mation nttteer and notdante eennahtlorr Inaeruth in that to help new In trimaran Inatoaulitd univoutty tile We have iotaod that tb raid leadrera are virtually amped with lolonnatlon abet omitted and India dilitrnlty nithreoent eoarrra rota raid lion tini ler ehatrrnan at the atandlnr til bet boh yearn pa htudeotanallld the nldauro tea era he Laid propane river the rind tote the nooorlunlty to hate taeatoieoo dent on th tantvtralty unreanattttuea who eat earner Ir The Ieerehta on ion urn bowie in Barrie obese evo monta markthem Ia mainland tnreitlrena The limit layeeer are None on their annual Outrtuuitnr odna Canadian program to oiioeai elttaeoahetween the area at it and to none who will be honored tor their Itrtomolhh meta Deaditnoior audamlsaiooa la Nov The peraonr honored have chance to receive nltlooal hon atlhotltled tor tnla competition by Div The tire nintere oi Vanler narde that year as ontatandlna You Canadlrnr were hortn Broth 29 conductor with ltarnltt ton Philharmonic Orchestral lllrold Cardinal an Indian Ar Ioetatton ot Alrerta preaidentt David aerobic rl mayor oi Tor onto rararr hchotuolirhi pre Iident ol Cilill televtaian and radio to Ttnmdrr they Ind liar en hlanunaarn at world horn plon wornrlll atatrr tournament lilmvnie vinelni roller are arardrlnn or niolrn ear totl Cruevmlel The ear not re blot IlAhlAitli totul at too dunner rtorlt ported atolnn irom Queen hith in lilmvnla at llrlb om Toot th The vdrlrln holonnn to hit rr Sirllt rd irom tunrar mlolutll the parting lot in the erosion lltall Too earl were ml Cindy llqu ot bert and tin IItlliIm tlrooir Strand Thu Iteldrnt happened at on not lumin NY inhrrlta were re tom Wye minor with iodine her it are and their name must be nu Canadian htounttd Iotttn Lenten tlen fartieul rtlona about their Itddi Pant giddneoieaeh netitudoo er ior llrn veare It tiantlna it need to be called career nttn ornanirrd humour uld Did laid Mr Butler But the no mood on Idea are or my Pr hmanlthllimutierthlt nanonnrnn then In doitnttnly adestre am Theidea renairorntbo vote on eminentlyoriented student aria UnireralleI Registrar Ita to know exactly ashore deem mention and It hIa hecom vrllgetlhrro we route er Ittatrnie went to tnow about un noonTourer lveralttee Thearerory donntoeartha SW event to know about bout it now aha laid the tuition hoe much the rein to uneducated about thunder Nil them where they eaa live mm reddmeer and in tianlar Ititihee earn wort mmm if to ilnd ranI lnthe one when ot hero univerdty arm ther Moderate gt Mid ttr Rotter mandamus noon at Thin tart demand seem the etuy imi tillhhhhhii ren Ieeo scrotal It Matag toataatvorwelthk nutter lint there rtu will derItlon oi whethet or not noodle Ina that enue melon betneenr IIWANI urea women no at road ratohia daolrll name new drnrooa etd to requirements and reue Now they want to know it Ilon outho need tor Graddll bill they tale will not them hir Rutter raid the ltddlnoi lob toil hlr bidierr murdinn were lamented tilt Winston tnlormnttoaPrW llndlnz out ii there it tend aunatlgnmytteunaltrdenlaeerz Whig ngmltmnra Gauge it uh now yo re orclaotnool tllll rum ot the editor tnlon ily mention ullttera tor pertodot to lie explath that mtvereitlea no on Itooordinn to hit Miler the lie but admitted there are oraeationa naked dirtor the luv Mrrrfaanivarattit nhieh Ire Ioextona werenta atdeli dil atrrtotinf the roles Iormhwat iorrnt irom Irry session Overnlavu3nne we antinted llo raid it was thillnalt to not otth tho tnodny meet lesion leolhl blrtlcdtlt trend Iimnl urad tell it war more medal the attadenlr to one or too unl than IimtlIr tension held in vanities Rania tart year OutetondingYoung People ESought By Barrie Jaycees Gr liennolthe Jayeetaratd be It be aendinn aervtee ellha lettere whining the pronnan and min them to lend to no mtnationr Public nomlnotlom Ire Ilro accented It the adhere Rania layreea OYC Promo box 1M DIrrle hir lienn aIld In iicatlon trim it needed Ind name rhrdmadgon oi thomfaidata Iceman III will at I3 the perton ahoidd heeonahier panel at ttvo lvdlea be lorrned ttdiea governing elihtttly re atrlet are at candida to be tween II and an yearn the no mlnee moat be Canadian ettt BikellThon Saturday To llid Thornton Arena Construction blltoathon will be held Sat and to Rithwa no hetero turn urda atarttna irom the Horn lax around an coming been too rehatl It Into Inn to nine stoned hindtll iPGteeIN Mei it new Thornton lerlndtrmoeiwlllboonhandl Irena ntd arena war der ta llnlahllnn leeward the win ironed try lira last month oer on our rhdahhihlillii ahntlwi moo lntereated perrml Concesataa ol Em Tantrle hit Wm ten and Mist than norntnatten term Achievement oi nonuneea eboutd be In one oi the lotion inr la tielda personal improve metal moored narration we let imnrmrxmot to mater tumoury problem phltanlh roplc tontriboiion or oinntIry Iervite political or government Iervtce uttettttie er terhootori eat eeotrttnrtione legal ratormx natural aerioiarmnt tto include literature history education route and other ertal academ ie leederehip athletic letdorr rhi moral and relixlotla lead era lp retreat in the lnituenna it public opinion tnewa media and other rneanrl Beeeives llChlP Centennial Pins Edward train at the Dilltliijt the gill llll hair it oi ih ior Si IV melted retreat ltnynl rillrene ottharrre to with the lttlt prod luck on their 100th Innlvmory Ithey bara been enroll with derhrl loree tor to yearl thlt trlnl Idler recently to recta or the ten tour en tire teal eleven he rent llChtP head unalttltitl Oiltea thin admin it tho them he Iald Plot to tittriboto tho among his lrtettdl at Air Inuit vho rolleeta alou pill or at hobby and he not Hllovvryrr the pronam was MAM dial tonhr atill tool the Grada it In pro soundly lItnIly Ind lenient attendant manna rouse lllmdin the annual mend mootanx downward de retoome raverm The Cenl Berle Bodkin mental tart tenet the tentxal eon at the limit em psi render and mmdetea martial Itnde Ind Itnhdaa tratlta mleea theIndian new Granted holler 11min The miirge hairline pfoclnm baron lnteaontner oi when the Rent build ing III and on the Man tempera tlr aria then rotata tee et notation imtly opened no border on no to road Ni time day Mann and port limo eatendon and are new beta carried out the collar at eaanpnse in Ben nonhumanrapt Penttamnthene In addition ammo lino Irta trIltI Ind nenerel interert worsen Ira preoertted hy the oottedta burn mer School at the Aria ttatovahr anal the tinerrlan ii Rented tartan the urn varnmer ldml and than 1100 madam tnvnlvedln in moon in so eerim Ye StarveIn it Will Benet United tipped nauamnrrravarvnc be locked my on run Yl Steve to retro money tor the Barrie and Wet United Appeal tram Daznonuit nodal pron ram director It the Y1 raid on etudem and adula are rod in nttend thmaent at the teen hlnll behind Kldda nho resolved pmhletn deterrbtnr the event Participanta viii ditch into the It on tiny and stay until mm For to there all he oversaw Ietlu P00 roomhat no iood The color television beta have been homomom Soota at narrta to note the starving when they are not ewlmmlnr the nation In the Nail aoonu Inlchlny movttn Monday or in united tar Invent loonnamentr Allen the iodine wane tho idiowaap by collection gdnea made by trteorh and hora Irenath tetha time the parti dpanta aunt within land Three in medal prize tor the person lotto tho most weight and prtro tor the Demon who earns the moot money tor tho United tweet The terrain rotted will netnfo lothellarriellhtdtothatl tr red Appeal nhith has dozen as aedated Irotelea oi nitlob tho it in one Rertstrntton In at Em Fri day and the atnrvoln rain at and rolatioura until Sunday It am medical doctor had been eenruttcd oo nutritional require meat and until he on call tluwnheot liraweekond in the unlikely ever he is needed The man he been piano ed the teen and adult and eon sent term are reotdred tor there under it yearn oi are tiara tnimnatlon ta Ivallllhlt It the it phone resent the Perl Arts MI nidd ma Salem Wendy lob Walsh ldra any material Llt Al Whzmxmaldlitxlaul Pmtol Sean Mulcahy Named Director Oi GeorgianTheCttre Company Brian Rtntnui Iriirtlr dirertr or at GeolyJan TheIira haa re Iipntd and the Georgian rotunda alien tor the Perimeter Arts be emulated Sm lltutcahy ah ttstie direoor oi the medal Theatre in Dhnmton tor the part the yearn to take his oral motion at the hurle Country Club Thread ntnht hire Welsh director thanted htr itintoral tor bin taan over the put too years in erlabtittr inn penmoent theatre ennu in Barrie Sbo raid the loun detion eiti work very hard to the next ten yearn to mate htr dream tor yureound renlonai Drum theatre eenauany relitly hir Rtntout rsid he her no immediate plane other than to let rent ltu emanated ho III New Median Clilltltu htr htuleahy wan born in Ranlry lrelaud lie was admire at the North Monastery and the tmoot nr WE are At the iotndatlona annual en Fl at Art in lie rivaled thea tre In Ireland and melted pinion meant notable roles and staring predrrcttona ot ocIrey Brdett Eliot whit Shaw Synna Ind others lllthiY MIL Sim min to Canada he ht eyed Muir oi role on alone ratio telavlrlon and line lie was Iuoetata neuter oi The Shaw Featlela that three yearn where hi prodtaztion oi DCu eya the mallow oi Gun man still aianda one oi its critical trim lta Mid the professional world premiere oi the aarne otawrtrhtr The at rather tied in Ter onto and mommy alerted in hit mo oatation ol the play tor cot III we the orlllnII artistic diredor oi hiontreaia lad alInl Theatre and uneetnta dir odor and leather Ieior tor taro aeraona ll the hearrrhrooh Playhouse in hadtrirton Ito he with drama at the initiator detention Untmriil at Toronto meme hkhlmer Untrersity Meade College the Untrerahy oi theat ern Ontario end It the Bani Sdtool oi Fine Aria in than be accepted the Irtla tll diredotahlp oi the Citadel Arts Foundation Tbeatra Ira Edmonton The enm tar tlva years been made this theatre one the roost iamoua tn CanadI with paid attendm rodootlnr to capacity and notion wide roverue to rid media Nl oi the Clindela daily liia Records Deficit The Grantee Foundation tor the Periermiaa Aria bar to tat dotiolt oi atom Show eordtn to an interim tinaxial reme preaeatted at tho lrnrrain tlona Itlltlill renernl meetlnl Toreador night Board merrth Ai Sarteant arid the inundation lost approx Slim on thanananrner rea eon and ma than stood on tho We reboot their to the trim iu aide he laid the rumour ream decit araa moo leII than it nine in rm and than were letter In many action and prriormnnen non Dr William hiaeDouahi alanin man the lwndation alld lick trimaranrename tonne nno GENERAL BoredThan PNWION PLEA lodge Jointltrtlolueodny on dered promoter report on Wntno Getbons it oi hit Barrie alter Gelhona plead guilt to ehlrye el extraction pt ot oteen lentil Ila wna ebara red with portenlon alter tenta ttl Turnstile Polite round quality at money In My pos resin that was part oi the taken irom tho Wayinra Restaur ant gar bar on Rodney ton Jame Stanton el shanty boy will appear in mart Dec to rail 1gate aloemtlrtei man so 00 53 in tonnectlen nttn the in ni HEADS GUILTY Glen ilinaton Ttdk 11 oi Itidmrtd Itiil pleaded lty Tuesday in barrio pro eta morn to the bros enter nod theit on tiny no oi Iineoua Berth tottnre lie was new handed nearby olindni wi lro who ohrerv lie and two mntpnnIonI loan the rottaro with their am full at noodn iuiue JaimAnlo will Ientoraeo Nit on Dec tottering metal oi preaenltnto report REMANDED CUSTODY You are rtcry mixed up 3W rnan rerouted ltrdno lotto Min to Brian hatesetl untahohn it ot RR Stayner Readies oinooo tinrrlo and Distrttt Untied Ap neat mien ohairman Genera Wood aald hola atill very op ttrnlatte thin yeara turret or more will be reached Indeed arena the total eolteeted tho iar at once The metro runs out Not lb The Ontario GWtfnrrteot Brn Floyeea and area deritrtr arng he that the no to Inert their traitvidmlob linen and eampairnotiielaia Ire atill walt in or the retina irom the reti denttai btttr held tart week More can be made direettr to the cannula mo pllke It Dmtop so nurture nunzn Baroda threaten upended in In alarm at and pro at the Canadyletaooma plant they deotrve all the credit we John Ween blue heota ll in duet work It was quickly or od tree Aria n3 liobnt Carrot tom lliliiltt May niterntoo thin Itthatttooanrn Dana role twelve lie roll rarmmemor in 14mm ed baton is at he wounded him in tentedy tn the timid ilealtlt Centre It Pmetangulsbtne lodee Ante II no and him on too yearn pro with the order that he no treatment It the Centre as tone as the outhorities there think it in desirable undone Inst month pleaded ntllty lat worth dot com to men churned ot lake rrrtensea RESTRICTED PRlVlLEGES Judge John Ante Malay Into Lyle Stewart Al oi 0N Station mlrlcted tlrltlng air rrvantltn lotion on Steerte lea oi guilty to three oi unpaired drttiru Retran tho wort we told has in delta downy ear in order to periorm his lob at mundane and nerv Iee teeholeion ol aeettrlty iantni lutiona in book prime and all tor rate WWII and must be on call hoora Jreluo Ante also lured him HIGHWAY 21 can rotlldtd on attorney at near the ivy Sidewad earning an animated tetsl We at 500 The inn dateere involved were Dennis Maynard madam aid Street and Parr Stillxt erotThorntonNo urtcsnero reported in the rat apnhteh happened at rr1I pro intent tor Prize Winners The mini bikNthoo held by tho liarrie ngretr Chm aaw Reete George Burton nt lonlstii Tnnnehlp turn in 31515 In pledro merry and Darrin hieyor DortIn Porter turn in em Reero Burton and hlaynr Perv her path won loapted biotin Is top male and tomato money Him The mayor rate her bio yrlo to Jill Clark at steel Street In the hint school section Kathy Barnes at North eatientata Ind Dona Graham ot Etattiew mmdnry arth each meted enrh rotate at blade at top ante and main monoynairera Ia elementnry wheel union Toronto beardut Iodnarla Srhaoter not to speed blunted Robert Armstrong reached bike penchaaid by the club beenuro he name within at tents David Schaoler prlro inr one year good rhrer went to William Dower it is tti dollar lood voueher irorrr hieDonahiI Restaurant duodenum priro war one by Tracey tironnan whn iln lehrd the mine dewllo tnluriea sustained at the start oi the race She mlmh hlmlo radio donated by Radio Sheet thinua em in by re canes eenrooi runner oi oi ereanrreuaaheomma nanometer dam to doubted Noawrrwrenon noon heeled mm or an at Con at an owl Cancua unto WM mml ax out only at but yrodudten east at the new theatre doubted Ila hid ha III pleased the inundation raised limb lhll year which to double the Ian enrol it rained last year them had Ittlvltten that martial teyonnniohou more depenie be laid Deidre Minnesota president at the Georgian retardation Guild presented the inundation $100 Min Itthnmed lot Witt3 Not their total don ations ital year to it Elected lie Board Members Tnnotyono bored manhera acre eleeted It the annual poor oral meeting or the Georrlan foundation tor the Periormiltl Aria Mday night They are mien Allison Bob identity loin Ditty Hush Nv by the look Geoer Cratr Dob untold Georno Dante Peter Dian blue little It Jaoesacil Lloyd Deidre hlr ionshiur Irlrr htilir Dr Will iam MacDonald Andrea Porter June Waisia PIul wIlah Wendy ttidu Jenn Wilkinson and It Irilroo Georgian Slates Noon Concert It you are bolting tor mid day break irom the house or the otttea Gtorrinn college bar the lliSICl The lotion Vioodo Quintet oi the Hamilton Philharmonic 0r elrestrn will present noonhoue mum at the Georgian Colleen Theatre in Harrie on Werday The concert in open to the pub lie and there is no ndenisaien chem it alert at noon The eruetnlete nttt include Inertia hyliatei Fine wilder Perrietretti Forryth and Ibert to tie Georgian nromm hlemhera olot the Quintet Iro Vivian httn don ttuta Sondra Watts oboe We Foster clarinet ltohert llamaco French horn and delta Courtney brawn er Photo a1ivllrlv Iltt4hvl Wu DUNN MImnattutumeat