nurture telephones was Intense Mutton maul nonhuman dietide omumwmmommm petiole 0W Copy CanIII Delivery re Weekly II Pu ISRAEL bowls Jilin remIr missed mwmmum no Indihelawrmhumwhcn Itmcdovrrlnlhehlxh an HTOWTO OPTiiobcrt llixonronrhntitnwrtum ullhodtnthemttnd noun simple one myeneki beternnooolmmioerlhntol oz on Initial more than our word lathe plum Nixon REiectedIBleiherals Ay Deacon Delivers Support OTTAWA it CanndI Ip porrrrtiy lr beinr Inked In III the some tllddle Era pence lupin role it prwkicd in the some Iran 17 year no Tim is the preirmmy intm Aitnvc r5 HE giro 87 legit Egg Es SB if gin ddegntim to It the UN to reel clarification oi the request llrl Sup told he hqxs the Conndirn decision will he made in rm puioi ni time add Ina the situation is cruel rt 33 izgh PTERS 5575 eggs 353 rite Site it to two at the bet lit Canadians Asked Fill Same Role EEC ii the tint registeer dele mess the province MA Mw lo For his put in we if WW berellrriihmentlorootario oinl rue rm or Mr Nixon cam moved the traditional motion to rule Ilr Nirnnr nomi ti Mr kuam Wieldaim no use lined Meet How nerezoodmenrndiwowm yewld economic nlionniul mum Ir not It voter no the drst ballot and III Motor lit Deacon tisnussed tini in Miller durinl hit presentl mle 12 fmmmuonsnmuw do bed dermal or Is on out In entry mm those things Illhonrh his to mutt oi the Torre Gyezrpld Idle former nhen ll WW We cun WWW it Donald Deacon In united the in when he to onixd WiggleEtta honeymoons torrent would mm moonlit In or hit ll C05 mmTl Km NEXT WWI hil mi and Dmm Iota Linn Ind moonwhrie Cnmrhnn hill lir BoomSi loid Ibwt loo poem the teetl Tot inter Ior tin Nixon it Wilma lmirIui lend In mu on my no son Woumhrnmumn llr mm had indicated that prttnilnn being by ltr aid WIldretnr mumhire on Voted Notions Isked In provide the lirgnlIryGuiernl Kurt Wrid bristle met the loree hrimr muesldor Cundlnn includinrr In pnrtiurlnr Iir sup rompunent In his new 100llmrn port Immoral columnientlom WAlngflYl no related logistic lIdItIlne wu vol an IIIITEUNSUWYDILIIQWH mugth tiutttaidrirnhnduhedCIn lm trinln mu slim gavelng mm mm mm mm with help It the tale tario Lberrl lender hoihy older Ind wlIer liter time thhrlhrllot violin It the pert enmmlron Sendai There we may tutor4 In the eonsenuon Ind more null or them were lol me the opposition luder Hid liter do gitin Worm will on to pulled into Sue Ihere Isrreli Indiers nid there mum it matter opunni up on mum nale There NW$ lg nuestinn today whether Cone dull Tm line tmqin would bi Willi tn um mini Outline amNuMuniredh Wmthqu hotlyiurnoul lvioderatelieavy OWL It turnbtd It lhI pollI In tomorrow or it In ontmt It rilneupe were rqxxtod It In iIxiilnn IudIorriotionIl erftrizitdaln Sing ed behind hislltndmhlp In the pulp mlddeinat the Proms rive aroservIlImnlrrnmenl oi Ilenlier WiiIIIm Drill In the election expected In rm Victory II impossible with eon honour molt or MIDI win tort he told Icbcorinr en NON The liberal lender hadthe out the support oi liberal nort er thrcurbut the province BILMISAH tote indu omy rtioe with humiliated tn the bid the the tint oi the Inaden to vote ion Dimtr or the M13 who not its ballot in hishome rid intolilmommllonmuh end It ilontrmL Ihorlty um out limo arm inter Ire eligible to cast hniioti in the lib lktory in 753nm our ltoserimage Haunts Nixon Even To Face OI Victories notion OF mom magnify potillati on in own prmindni riding Villain Winn Id ruin lIrpport oi iesI thrn boil oi the delegItee in the eonveolion on the first halal Ind along with other party odiciahr uIt mysti rtntcd es leader on thirdbul tot idnry en the weekend one ol the Lint challenge be buried II convention delegates was In ellect you eleded laser Ind none Ire you on to no Inert on Kim oi muse Wit the My to will ernurd that hasnt IIIaye our ILtnmItlI in the partbecome on hereto wow Aoi hr Idded mere rm lesson in be trained hem the Grill enropnlm pt direct headed by some deicgnler lie for BeloreI amine rncttng themrrtetnomrl ponderxnttheWhiteliwsrmt president Morn than hell oi the Santa eoirtr Ind not the yrnsident should IppoIntI In round the eiabo WASHINGTON lCP Archi bald can red or credit WI taking reroute prweqlor Ippeen he tore the Steele Meier tom mitten loonyr leader vim oi hearings into his oiegtor lleonrhiie the Ninth Idmln lollalien named to appoint he do new rpcdel prosecutor despite drone ernlnx that liixnn gloom would he relttlrd hy OnnmIlhts week will order whether to porsll bill die proscenium wnuldheiode notsllbitdmdismisstihytlte hroteiitntheviewthntthel To Nnmo Watergate Prosecutor Justice Group be rublwi to the mtreints he Onx said do man who sud chl modulo must have hi in Wudenoe and Ircedom oi I0 lion guaranteed by In Id oi Uiisihn Sundry thenrne Martini tape rmdinge ho noirght were elemiy only rst step in reetrn nreaI dnni olimpwtnnt end one rm the Wrote liaise Stun rum Kennedy 59m Munl member ol the ludidnry commtine earn he rntn Danton presentl tinn we polo over it Iilotnd time Ind htr Benton 51 In direetlon his investigation no in on Wed or main merit in Congress to Ippoiut neopronmrnr who would not limit has said he Will plain on needs him in investigate will BitterStruggie OTTAWA CPIMP1 soon bcI ginwbottouldberionslhird and em hitter anionic when proposed lorolgn Investment re view legisietioo returuslto the Ooolmons tor more debate this or Titfiiguse mud decide on it men it WM ame moot to the bill hetero It ven starts Ironimding debate The bill would control takeover of Guardian companies and screen expansion ol Ioruzn Interests Ilrndy hoe Govrrmrent Rouse leader Al lnn liaeEntben said Tlrrrsdny hat minderending delxote on the bill world trite us well into next wneir diary oils regard that Is In undrrstntemont The bill also trims ponIhIo amendment in the Senate The banking committee there bison perusal at it List tiny Saintly Salter lbydui tabled rennin committee report on the hill aha two months later With inreign Investment Bill Is Predicted tallied more thnn so momma drilnnr for ImendmenLr Should the Smntr Itleuint nmeodmnntre the till Would have to he rottnned tn the Com mons Inr iurihor WWW more battlesboth limity be coming law With more that tile rimm nient my start new mini early in the new year the hill loves the prospect nt suitorin tho loin nI L971 Inertial review proposes uhlih died on the torornment order print year ago The bill is returning tn the spotlight only reek ITIE rt one oi some tolerating tore elzo investment stamina The v8 coeorneme depart rntnt rioorttd 825 billion In di rect US oorporale investment in Canada by the end nI imI lump el Ill billion over the previous year at this tit hit iron represented prots oxide us VPDesignale Said Still Owes Loan OI $15000 WASHINGTON AP for mer lobbyist has submitted sworn linemen in Senate committee roaming Vimpresi dentdesignate Gerald Ford oi not ropzyinz In Illernt 5000 personal than made severIl years ago Ford wII ouolod Li routing the charge cricrarini lie The alildrrit ol lininh Winitt Burger I15 given to the Senate ruler cormnitlee rhinh must train on the nomination of Ford Republican tender at the Home ol Representatives in till the vacant ofce at vioepresidont Colinmust rm Anderson who mum on manual breed no the document in atndnyr noursprper editionr supplied APSULE NE WS Chile nemgees mourn ice The United much bl Canada loomed Indium it oomitlee on wriddoi and teller is elvtnr aid litieen rotuzonn Ind Mints oi hliddle Edit our The cloudinnnnineed new rolem tblt $5000 is being not to the World Cornell ot Welles Germ tor Gotten retrace nhltetinoootshelnrseotlnlbererm In Willi id nornmuimeramm my mm Ontario Man Dies minimal Flight had been zircon mountain Hemt only not mine on the third term eunuch to win but tons thin inli oi the 1001 wire that worn iiuilabln kid orb tolerate It Iheronmtion cast trill seek to determine whether cox believes he was tired he SuseIIhemtrIil in Cr Watergate vest got was ln Prident Nixon new prorm enviso by Nixon trio be muted week by Adorneme Rob EtBort The report bad name strong criticism olllln proposed iegis inqu Tho report also enn by the us rum Ind rein vested hran Ispeot the bill does not loud tony oi the document to The Aseoeiatcd Frees It The API request Cox and by Nixon bloom he refused to Ibnndm bio tourt bottle to seek WMaIHeIIted Vittitl Horsellooe ltier roll ink gagged Inter Sundry ll Ihnllot ilorolhnnmdoite slonrnmeneopietnlhewhita rote time ml in into Horse honbeen tempted by the Adtheon to the wee rho mm PGsIIssiir IIorthem Ontario the romeo wu liean to Mr Knobthat the 1aplenty Merits under his loader in the pro PRESTWIOK Scotland It An htycarolt men Irnrn Mimi Niel OIL Nilerod honrt Itlrch Inddicd today on lllrltt trout Toronto to Irnnklint West Germany an1 vocationlib retitlves Police idenrred the man no ltnrion ltryukmk Polish indigent to Canada who won travelling with ink wile Ind dellnhtorinirw Ibonrd Lulthnn Airway IlsaIll To Hold Western Olympics In Regina REGINA l0 Tia lile Western Crnnda Olympic lmeI will M4 in Rtlna Sttktbohrwrn 01M linker in Noon moist Innomoed todry lie told new eminence Ippiimtlnnr MCind hm Berton Ind Saskatoon were about ennui in term 0i leiitlronvniinhle Ind lenimiret expertise The doctrion to hold brute In It ion was mnde became the rvri cInIdI Wilder Gamer had been id in thtooolI Canadian Horseshoe Dumping Charge WASHINGTON CPI Aiuluimm borersinee Irnm Canada more being doomed on the American market the treasury do llarlnwnl ruled hairy II sent the rmrlplnirtt to lilo liuitrd Stator Ierill Oombeinn to determine whotbor the lnuorln Irn lniurinr Morita IMIISITV The core involvinn sales or nbouIIllsoooo all one oi the molten Inliehmothuulrus Iroirnt Cor iien prom In recent years Networks inn Poweriui Nixon Iiicie WASHINGTON tAPl While ilaun IIdnPatrick BuiltIliad today that broaden notwnrtn have too much power in United tier hour medium Every Icin Ind rimstilutiuhni moons be onridtred to hurt up that dominrnec in order to out on tlut you deceitrnlire power In this urea linen toy rpeechnntter tor Prerldent Nixon min In an ii on the MTV ttnrninx littint out will It vincial electionsnt 1931 Ind 1m still untied Yot Inert the reinvention probably tenured that it we treat win for in union iloelr becrindglt ms the bra time since he look ovorthe party MIMI her bed to later iondorohi light otlthe con vention nor red when he Home nmmneor loblntvrter to the itll elretioos Indoor reclaimed Ironime to too tttrr Iiir Coniroiiers Return To Wort By run monotonous Ilion Iretiunod to norqu more the homily my on mr iritilic malroi Isristanlr in inrwoimr Ind Winnipcn were hunt on tho lob tantalum Vmouvrr end Winnipeg were the last to hook oil sink in protest rival the Iedcrol trumpan nrye re ttlctzixn to revise their to char unnlion mi they the no true nopirty diet you Air tmllic mild more itlUNDDT RAW 11 CPI poo doom er um 00 tam more wood lint the Natl innotort Wowr theauehe brktomi Iiorthiiot Forgotten Entity entilycldtltittberelrenew were Ittldn llln Prom silo moon Party II to mmmmoitm Premier Willem Daytime el his cabinet Nilth end MotiveWooden hr elled to this inherited city Sat trrdayhnrlousloodwtm proboml out mu minute sponsored by one entity that the Moment to concerned Ind note rooorrdto ne mum odor Northern Ontario An liloworm to not the new to the lib ol the North on Dari nun rouqu he ms eolirettn 25000 stun trues on petil chm unrest tile prenncr to II low the hnldtnrmoi plebiscite the eoplrat isrue ltr Dans took the opportun to mock the INIRTII MW meet in two muernretnt Inlngl menteoddoeloilhtnewi Indmid SH scum one at tired est Indnnierin the Iron Ibout man may Irorn op ening Item owntorr meet good pinto sit polluters Ilse hory thm deyr do outrun PREPABITTOIIS or to normal renntutinzlhoir elubhousu mu mTr Ge Pore oi Tnrorto Cheryl vol ionn Ind Hoyd mtnl mnrmuopemv tmtbelrrhrlot Itsnoe IllIprretnryInd more wetterer rrlhoteI