Eggggig Earn than eke grid plet nntt liar lelthrazlre Icr colllnnood re ted the Won to trimth over the Helm Inn eariler we vmntlle plneer trhm thIIlln Did Fow ler IIM eurtod et tint tor the Wolves took one the celnlinl other Arohlo thaw hurt his Ilorerendtheewmhilrperl we In the ninja etch the plum Itreire noon onto 1min Inrhd oil It OoIIthreood end on smithu briliirnt mound per Iornreze Bertie had to Ill ertIrr the WilderI been John Oohon retired loeel nil reliei whet nude tro ol Err roedrr end Intmu manner hi rtee hilt Ihontpson end the Intel Red Sox periomed It Scull mode Dre Dim PROVING POlNI AT OWEN SOUND Aher lemming Outlinewood moon min end one only ehei WI In diminntlnl the Git by Smith Yet Illlle hu boon Icy Will the om Sound htlnv Id limit linrrhltlon II In Just more at the thneournmcntodr eboui true tint not onl the We have run wired III un bcit Infrrmnilnie berthi riuh contorteble Ioelinp lhni we rney In Ontario cum from him re turn hora badly rerun end that army but eke the wood but MO II IItmtt the cauldrt he became Peroten rte verll let oodutirtnillnpeeod little behind uzwootl In eb lend torrid have Ill hollow Ity In tho flue bottle pluntt It It tree that heiidnt look like new wowed Dizzy Doe elem he portomcd MMMh Smith In the germ et dealer extlnet ierdtildon made good to pro he Ollie both did turn to hell end prom in the rneior drden perionnenoe It net dihe rteliontlleguornd Iter ukt to he eomethln erhldt to 1mm smith th IIlll waded oi the hotter htniere In oi the Nellonel Item end Ilr lheBruoe Ioegree Bert nppelun thihlon nilh Philndelphie Albino tlyhernehelorviormormhe lire oi the Atnortcen loop ehrn COIMan Wit dthnod the lam n1 piloted by the it Thu rrmor about him herring mono noodle tindr um um eppeere to here heen Hannibal eventually oren thetltttlt Mad Smith In the union on perm mung not tnthelneetmepltdmdltwlne mouth in pill the Coilinsz extinrt nine leeeee to rent with item thrown In the eudden the lending Americln turtle len deeth WIIHIIIII toilinpr lore to IN on end loot downed Conhton to pith duplte the me thei the north noun retlrlnt the out it true outuorJMtlutoe thetmr roan to tote himIn order Hairline better then eerth htri the SunThu Arno ulcer or am truer ed to the Penelenrrlthene nth Ae SpottyCerrnltireeI night in Phil Itarohtidon who we try there mt hetehell echlh nied er the em pitcher In the romth oi the it ehortlti prove league the year hoiore en lorpiretlott or the pmtnt Ihe SunTimer tlto roicrr time Cameo contending Your the hell Iene more Ilttpinl the prebceei Petrolhe end Phil linrohildm this your it it oIItnmod eodhmith Bot Iter clildon pitched met ball thin term In thetlrirk oi the battle Ior oouniy honorr would do much to recrinbihh hnrehali In Itr millet plnoe In the rhlrmllthor re EVENIFUI REAR FOR COUNTY SPORT thddenleiby the yeer rem em on erenihri one InBerrte too er nit lrornd the bunny ror Barrie the 0qu with more Item pertormtrn ted Dyte not end Bill Wt Green Carri eon Ind Alvlnhouon en the OIIA on They diluted Pet mush It the untitlnrle end then htordrod oilIBI Illdttoll Colleu Dimer In the ellOut MM tbe ltltldr it nrinilnelt retrenchment In the Iatlrrrthey him It to emit to it Gullioyle wen Kain etrone on the mound tor am Roxy me that mmrnble your end himodd In piloting them to OASt Intermediate It title dcioated Emu llllichee with attiroyie elrilrine out the rubber tern ot the Iinel Ilrrrrrq Johnston our the tier rte catcher ntile mere sinne mm In eeuire IItld led the birth In with ptir oII Elli IIIIII iin Kosher iony Silo he luo llenhrilr Nut lilan tloultorr end Seth were otlwre In the horrid chemplonrlrtp line up AI Orliilr the Irororte Terr Iere won their more unreal tire Centdien ehtmplontltlp de ieedl Ridnnond Fem tInre rum out oi tour ht Vancouv er in the IIlOrrtetIa Ilnnle the Terrlrre ottllneted the Burllnetorr indium ei Illeple trout Gnrdonr winning II home It to lhon Iotlnp in to et Burlington The renter me want to Ierrlm it to hoiere H000 tone it the Warden BOWLING ICEhIIVIEW BOWLING Pink Firminrol It liermltl blender Nlrirt tirne Imne iiir Zlnll II Allenl ti iltbl nrmnne Tonto it home hurt it sorry more old on thldrillm it Cenode Elliot tilt ulue Nun rt Cold The 22 the 831 It OBrith iurlrry r1 Yrro to Elect Sport 21 Tode Iltfbtx shop 25 or II Glnner Cele tilt Sptrth Dare Ntchdlthcn uIrtJInrd In an arm or the BN til Flynn trorn the Breniltni Forum made rpednutlur mum to the Emmott Civic Germ loadtn the Flynn to 41 vim night our the ed to be the elbow rot in Ilntpniodend WM lb Hyu eeoetn with en rrnrrerhti eittIt In the led by Aherrts end Iloh Bntrd phlle Sandy Snow rouliv ed Brtie Ililllfe letdottbid Nloholldxn tut pirnrurl IIIII hie puimnence In trout oi the Brentlord Ilnl Iinthe druan room elttuthe booth lune he not rpertlrrpe raw but Irom the hmdtdttlnp he no lnroired In IIlnie the kind or pants lite he uld litre hlttlnl end Mi mini ztttlnl ItrL 11 WI In lento hletlolishen didnt itel the Rrenliord Pill wrrll etter Muller bid at SUNDAY II IIII Hm Trot Prim It OndIIIL Iiitom South Garlic 0mm Dorm Castle tort lemon Quite It 509 lrvlrre Iiy Tension Iemu IV lichen lottle Who litrlirlte Annie the letter Itoyel Good Nday Connor tenor tel Pm Puree tile 0h Illile IMI Pride Lemon Laurel Atom tlolr iAndye Dellgtt Louon Cete Vet Ill Smile tr Cesr Vol II khedler etiolonlel Boy Mr Ir Ill mime II Iitthlke Ellie Elite Third til Pete luree tilt Ole tiller litre mi more stutter Stet Notch Sonthconl Allen Sleeti Doocte Cournoi it Kennedy Poliolxhe Finale Ii McClure my Coin ll Ilium 75900 Jim 1er he Ililo heron unzon Fourth ll Pete Prtne tild IlrnoeDeelt Illli Shh dauheexrt 0rettrn Blotter ll IM Dixie hitherter Entity In Dent Led Nichole yehoy Built Once mid Lemon Wit It Ieoo Iuno tilt the little eld hit hint Wynodod Full tIlIIeycily Iiurnr lull Lolt ileum rot Ieehetle Johrrtion Illnh Triples Jarret Cnlrr til Audrey chute tit Rhee Burton I10 hendre Itxkey tit Joan Otltteit 21 midlimmti Plb Iii Ride 30 Golden DIehIIII entitle 2r UtthtI or itlilr Ilkh Eindm liter Bittnn Selthrrry Pints home like tap it Annm Doe llolmee tit Don Shem to AI lirmmere tie llerk Iblib our Jlrn nee return mter 214 Lorne nun to toe ltool tony Velnotie 229 Erie Rebate 21$ Weinttiey Alternth Kerwin toad hired teem Jolly IIIII mt Dry Ply Dunn WI Arlene ludner Joan erhlrilron SUNDAY ocrrra 730omI hellovillolSmImlng Im rI hatiihiiirltit IMLIIIIMTALI yrzrrvromrmrr ermone ll Ildtren ll el Belem hertie TIHIII lIInr mtonurtrrme IrrmmIruItmrtrrurrntmrrmn Eeylee vr utrrtrrrtyrrs rlo Arena meow to Inlet NiohOIishenIPtJesF nitth in the IDeer Rout JD It Ilourtun One little mi mt ott eliteyou In the lending doitardehlut third period so yourrrnenbrr than tor the non gene nym plummet Darryl Ely ehultd out two relyum Miller at Nldroilrhcn tor probe Ihme the two tiers otIhe rernr hb eeItI pointinl toIililI Ind Nninilriwn or St ioII Braided Itltl 000 turn but felt the Firm 1min Io hock them the game started all rut Ind Iurlou durln the llrtt tire min uits elite team pin it out WAWIIIIKM NIobolltiten emd oi ntrht In the he titmooted Dmttor mm the Forum to In Worm eiront htbite ureter tumble to elop hint Flym hlt the Rotorlilo protector ii It Inth poneIt ho tieRerrIomntIthp or mm to theirretord endt Norm It leI litteron rep on aim Smith hit rider nidti telerrn ikhuihhL enmrolhle Ilrel goal In thin mini tat with to root ton mm lenmmeie sten Wotorz de mat thnltnni lone on no 13 pal Chintth nnnletlnp whitl highlight In the tr or Pm rt purl lilll err mdelnrnimtoemielmduadur prvvrrd In the prone th ORANGEVILLEPRIDGRAM ntette it hot hm rtrio One Mile Mr omen Hill St Iqueuo Lt Iiuitnn them creme etoddl Ilitlhoe trend tile Butt Im Fruit Gegnon Altrui Archdan rrmu Pointy we Arrrhro turnip ill Ilrooh iaPlIJlield Jt IleChtrn tlettnnteVHir teonny it It Dtbcncdollo limiter Dorm New 511th trrrw IIir $500 wearer ultimatum Bill hrzihtuer relied nine ninor penalize eiIve Itinute hith eilvenrlmietlrhtlnl hits lance Ilu II Killth tNohIe charmer ielrloir with Burlon shapely Com Sue mum IIIlnrlimpit Smith Iilona In linitwoll Abhtrale llorhert II Given emote tr no Pnne trot One little Mr Attorney Core Fuhlort Gnrne ll Butler Bay NI It Young sllny Taboo It Iitli Sr lGtiy liuiton tliutthe llet rm my Dillon lemon Wednerriey Opioher PARTICIPANTSI Belle Gey lot it Monotone rmtrruur urtre glue It Ghhrelth 7Tomorroyrsij lihrttry PeneIDIteurtlon on azcrrrttrrv Mendey October rt one out Em Riddle IIIetIntr Ninth ltlPue Puree $250 One title Metro Knot Ii Whose Bill Lniirulr Deon Lend Nicholson Amber Led II thhrnilh Tenth lll Pm Itirle W0 One title Brenda tley Pldurlivt Arnrhro luln Dixon our Nlppa ihrtlon Lire Row till moron Sotrlly 14 ii Gould tllr We More Hilly MegAhherDI Ornhlnt lir not intit Wuiittem POST rrrrr rs nrr I0 pm Torne narrator tiuuey Hotnhy OGruco Bullet loom Provincial ilhrnry Services IIylorAIilsonArohltort ORepresurrtntIvcr oi the Barrie hrbllc library Board GeorgianCoilege TuWwIhmmfhruh to heplnnorr tonne onrnprlrinz Iltt evrnInl writer or too hourr mil commuted intoono met We very rmrrtui eyrtom rortIIIIoniM tmniqm which quietly Iixtt the try hourdlmore In your minerind Inrllllee butlhlrr rhythrn Attorlilrdt you out be nowhere to prrotioe to out up Iirrrerrloxtrrity nrtd eptol mrrrrrra urrnr No mute piemei out to ellri liomiay Ortobrr It the other to enrt Nortmtier fIIr Eooh rune hit to pm Monday to Friday Incluelvr wrurnux Georgina collue oi Applied Arte end todrntli on lot Driehrorth 5t Berrte Phone 135ml yZEteloN iterlrler by melt Attention Exteneioh linker or tome tn hereon to our Extmlon smrm puree Itp et its hell Perm hold title count Iollnwr the Automated tretruuroe Moh IIpinl 5U rue Ported the err name no one emu Puted mint Wu llrll tineerterre dunno high or brain Itente IEIIItI or errornu nmerure putter rut to meme wt Bertie dildnilehtn tunin thence to mite tIlIIInIitrrCnlrt lII enuntttnr $hmhhn rte ret hnihlr IM emr mt rrrAcrrrrtrs our FROM OtLAND nuvnrnrcr moorqu romp VPLANTSf stuursruri 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lnlervlewawtilheheldiantontodutinothe ieetwoekoi 0oioher1 73Iyou erd interested Biellephnnewllndt eoetlArenOodetih etweentznoonnndartogrnmnMondty Octoberzeorhelweurrm amend dreamed TuetdnyOctohtrttomlrlnptoerByertvo eerJMooreI JI Othhr tiiloneeeopeneiboihuttheoxpondrnu artiste In pltnlel youwouidtlketdletmehout theioborportunllleentMlcholinpIernoerto olvlnpiuIdetelleoiyourtrelnlnp end experience tn oompieie nonlldeneeto Michelin NowGiunwrM LIN