Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1973, p. 3

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dly In real pro Iona In or the germ moha ever It out who mind their tomb anon Ill LDTI noon amt new In turn II III Queene rut tenniemstx an Iranian Bell uye ti eInt Number In plIrin ill II Heme IErImlm Photon err7 til In Line With Provincial Averages Geergtnntlotlegeehrperm lnluiltlm enrohrut It OniIrIoI neoll In pl lied In Ind ted noiozy IIIwa am Itlldv em in now 505 per 61 Ibo In yuanma enrol ml Excluding the Inning rtudf entr lulltime enrolment It the In the helm nunlnr prorrlm hnnn the nut Iulitme emi in Bmie meet tum to 1mm Under total II 166 diplnInI nun mam enrolment LI up 37 in Itudeein Irma the prelim to time In the numher ot hm hm triniemd to col mime stutter thir yexr his in thLI yerr lrhm hregltri lrrreued by Into 11M reload pt Inning ThI udvnty firms incline Enrolrmi in adult trulan Ind mantle enrolment It the Dnt Ippro pmzrm LI up Irio lnrtIIIte or Stqu In it one pt In in mar mnmr rmnon Ind Mltime rudiment ed with last ynnre crept Ior 15 trInrfemd diplo Thetkre reminument InI min modem It ltyeb omrirl mrrmtlu iht you rur Polytechnic mum Ma rrr NEWS I115 mm EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER III NIGHT IINII other rooms WW MUST 0an IIIINIINII rows mmmmwm liooaldrillmlhemin til bkrdbh an hummmtnodnndtttlllhmmtrmrmlu they Irelnemuetu tnlli time to THIN mm Im meninr motorrm htll mm more or In more In Ipply Pay structure tor cormntniltr mm lm WW sun srrmol Iteiph nun InntnIdtI room to trim It the Barrie Plet depart ummt mm in he eolteeu lSW to per cent Ind IrrJrenity enrolment on in awed by three per rent Firms reletsed 0d It Georgia College Ibewed eat lolltime dry rtedests altered It the three morgue Ind 3th tint Ind second rear students mm numu or The another 11 new Dermal Party notnuiuulbn the MIm pol lr or II led have dictum vote on the sub Jed Sindhi Stmmebrrrrd In the Ilene ol thin The Onsemtlre MP ior to anroe Iald the Non Md It irht to request confid vole Ill mum III not my Itrnd lie the itlthed The authority melted pn Irm project report outlining the ruin ot Ill mind under him by tho Iuthortty III 1m Mtytwu thnmnd thIrI n1 Inert on In develop ment In um Ind maride 1an rmuim to he done the nit An outline nl the polelbw oi mtmrhnlnx Ind milling cxemllro rim Ind Id visorybarrdntiibnenttethe IIoIIeIIl Ind nhntnirtntlon Irlbcommittn or review nod mammdrtion In the Im II IIIIIl MelIll nut the In untied Idtnliy dirldtn tine More hi carom Ill enmrm to Sound eI this Im Lt lire withHurt reieued IllInd by tech riddle him One rum nerotlrtttm be toeen the ministry at entitle ltd uni errltla Ind represent tivu who Citti Smite AI Bordello oi Ontario or oil lhil net 11 Ilium In nepoti Ite on it out or minim Ir Iowutunbrrmtwilu at mine Owen tritium IndererpIdIuyerhttn Sound Ind Peneunxtrrhene or lionltlltomeln Itmdriolatnlhtnlllllm Oomptttrory Irhltnlton un lIttn me to pa per mt doe mumhe mm hire one In um Inn redo ride to II Item wit mm was Irma gunmen lrhltrltor ind Hum my In mutt rrown unploynee collective hIr liter ot eotluoe Ind nnlverdllu III II Irttve Ind IIInost Itu your Iluumov mmmdn 35 Illiii mm till coon mm College Teacher Contract egotIatIons Bre ak Down of lth mm ne this ms in Eutern OanedI Ind uhd haw no mo Candlnn lutl will be mdehvallahlo to Quebeetnd mm inwmr the III Mr Stem air In hairdilng rrnrnerlI hqu politic IIi the rommmmm his has gargantle IIII behnhhrl the rim to govern northo llll Illa the ml in Ito raid that the mm rm It Wuyoremrmtwhlchnw wmmm eprnentotthlnckmte Iphehmlltehu Imilyhrx rysternlorotleodor HouseTo BIIIII were lint they must here on per lighting In their quki from In hithour Illtt Im let tI Inn hill him helm ennrtre lie aid the police depart ment In IIld rhIrru tar vb IIIlon Irthh IIIr Ind It in kl la mun II 53 or mri irind may beluoo reuon the min yin wnhd Slum mm hinderIt Thcro lih lsaIisriItlnnmm 50 l0 310 will hilt here on thumbing hlmggltwwi hiarttr mmw trim he rirht to strike east Sindnlr Serum PoYork Irrioool mutant the Oom Immlttee deity Barges lar Sewer Thane lnIIr barren on Km tell Bay Imt part one sIIIIt by nter el Dorrie Contnrtor Gm hu cording to the out IuodItlon branch preddcntr Dtvld cattle 5A0 Garden Pollen Itrmeb President IIId no omen pmhlun their other him In nerotlIlo III add inttun nu new wired thcdrumths Am cum uni ust hem hlIyl in MI Nggesls Mortgage BIll Delay in mm 0me Ice Tim mm with not Can mm roaraorhom SWIM mum at thafgmddim 1th Urban Allnlrn limiter FlEGIhnIuwedtMitthe Khan wt Mn Itnnllrdwd over de Vlt nbltd to the bill my mind PM 44 II moroo wo eIlWI Face Charges marl Barrie Store Sold rmrmIIHm II Ce money orhomepmhuerl made no sniory otter Ihrthtr It ma mm mm to buymdrell ruslhthillairhlgt emu dd Lbc pKiri mvliilzhimdhl from ill poorestme otnrrerrmumnrmmdmmlmmmrrh $111 Kigali15M Emmi mm Nwhgmedufhtwoe iihildsioii dary reboot institIrtlhrrliimmm girlhth highlfnli miheluo Ill taken money nu MD 719 or In It niI gum uhrrrtonundcomseliarr Ire bun mnprdinmnnodlon with remixed htr Wordith notations PM to WI WW Emitter in loch thin Allin IICSAOI no My in min Mm ot corporation rttivlum mid femlint in so you lot the rrmm In the till gamma mm Wh to bi mamiwdgdiiwi raga gm store or BIrlleld other IGA in Barrie tho on oral retire triage hm numeral AI Martin at the In triennial Mmthld tough mm Nahmm my lebsgg fin pastor lob tmnty phy will lhnshlp Police IIIpm the on Ilrllmorkinz rendition Ind meet said Surmn has been um WW IIva pay ebnrml with public Mel trod He Inld Gelham was In the service mm It the time III the Incident amnion out mid not on norm In III III on by mm Wail lifter om partthhQNIhmm does not trot lt IiIIIllott hitbyi vexrlreswd em mime tum roles IIterIsion 0i Lakeshore Drive ill hhrtellhecreaterhIrr Ie mm at Commerce memb er the hitchted bruitrt meeting Thunder on rend pot term Ind troosnortotloo minim In Barrio era in lnmr at In extension or Iorosboro Drive llomrer they did that extra or two ler the road rhoirld be eIiendod or whether It mu be lrIoIInesorlrrrr Manager Mb Hollymod said there tr no oilictrl chamber nah icy on the extension oI Irate ohore Drltnor nny other In pttt oi the trnrrsportetlon study ayoredlit Chamber Meeting nrtporedlor Ibo III by Read Voorbtu Ind As Ills until at he sold the members III the rhrmber Ibeutd tore pet lryrtnndnndhehopesntren spertnllm tomnit Willi be Bfttntostrylhe report Ind then more monitors to the boom Those mild nttim IIeiy be passed on to tity tour Anproxlmoteiy nowhere Il touted the etrly morninz Mt lot II which Don ammonia militant with Ilehtl limo bros Ind Mime bid was guest mutter lionslruction Has Started The Ernie Fire Dopartrricnl OnIirelrall Drying rower Idd can not on the wide 01 wonthedist gthoernplo the hot cu at the rig enmterinl Futile work and trolhe drwrtr merits tor much longer when It mix to dry out It hoses WNNCIIOII storied murky lllhh eIprI Strut mail on hose trig tower which can hold so id every he dried at bet has ruse autpburt Ittd II used In treating the Ind droning trcrlrmnt ANsoLtrn DISE Keith llertxrtplh tl TIN error we Ilrm on absolute dlsr thtrm lIr Iranto provincial mt Muhamm II mesh 01 hltingIrapon oddtnpltmrilh dischorno romaine he did not tell the incident is likely to mm min Ilerlml In at Itrmrher cottage hm bephages miredd Inrttdh on In The nohhion mould then eat the outrido hose mine 00kt Kelsi Hid the dwart rtIeoI has been usinr tom in the old tire hall Erect which we home the city mm to drain Ind try their boson lying on the oor to endured there to room or Bertram when limited bar the contract to error the toner It cost of mono mutton in expcdtd to he omitted III bout two or three wrote MN CHUS Qty midi hhl mood to ploy Mill uou tor the hood or horrid yonrsteri agin ltd will eenlrimta It to In pay or the etiml SeItI Clot For one The barrio twee motor the annulment tiixh oi the to Judge Mill will pay imported march boildcr mi llnnuucr tomb FolIt Imminent Itmoo in this tll escrptd lnlpry Roof Collapses On Fairvlevri iROCtd tumult Ihods It Fairtier hand Photol ytnnterhlr rolnpsnd ht oing site Imminer HIGHWAY It hereto rum NI the 0th tort Prottndll Polite ostlmntn Foul Men SeriQus Injury Four mrII Thinme Ittanmn when lrl lens III mtd inner Ind build tor material mliopud It ii or nppm the root or lmmpsohih MIpItne Inrl hole ItoIo Indu onlrutlon 4m inhhxixh Illld momen apn too then In gt tor and oomltnk too orhuIIho An og oIll limo was no sum in bands lost 3N the city lion territory Wmoltho tea tributh rim tor the par Robert ItoInn manager at the At More Illtl he llttlA tart WWhtlldcrmd Bill eon escaried lnlury Irritation Imbnmr wire The rotor ttrtttne hk oor ol llhh conslmttion tile on Pointer lug 3033 It mum roll amid the All heard was mmthenhalethinzmmo rushing om quII In member all mnernhre the trout at the car window rhetoric Ind vies in rpttnter tlyiny everywhere lie end llr trackbth mm bee unhurt mm the ll the mound side or heard mu IIIIII to mind car that Gorre attire root Ir tlr Imam was driv the other were lrr Mute shtoorjedni ed to rollapse httTeompnon wait while the r901 him and III 5W cmhkinx tent on eNbIlIhewaf Ilbzemhamgeyrwhde the 9037 comet the min trim Ilene nt 36 mo hrropp said the nerldrnl Insurance ldlIIIlert Ir or potted to Ittdy the damage to mate brook writs to We end In torrent phmlhomii Ilse Ito Estimer nl damage on Colin moored but on onypioyeo Em Erlng Ml Steel It hell IIrrn Ito oi the Item tsthmtttltbo toot plnyce my commm dormant will Ith have to next Ill mgr earth throw and David Shelswril ol Sonn ty Hey The were lnwlrrd hIndahmtodayntirttnm OIIIII parade Isak III year Chief DIn run arid the lion one to in ll theme Whit Time In Time Thepmdetr for Dec It 10 In Rm nlai InlwiilstrtIttheBIrrleFIIn onllLrhnyIIItconJomro timed ilolrnahlp Thm were no blur er INhIsFll FIRE DEPARTMENT Inmrt lire ed oil In Ire Irourd the tiny Ilre limit It Own III cmlrm lllIIlSlll Trmnhip Wednesday It 1020 pm Liter the in leiloutalecnrbdnmrvined at the Km bar unlit Ron hone said the tin department trashed the gasoline It Iwa PURSE LOST Elizabeth Complet of cm Harden told Binin Mm mn dtyhlghtshelmtnpurplopinne with pink ower in the puking lot ol Shytrtte Shh aid the rum conned no money but had errdrt rude Chill lOSl Wendy Groungaord ol Sbmty liar Ilerted hIrrte phlithlhun daytnnwrnoleashtxtlnthe Baylield Ind Ooilirr streets tree CIIILD IIUIII Torry Dehtlw te moths ot llnrsley Street sutured ads Ind mineeld nrrensby Gerry tr or buried our him Pdito will the incident that plnrre Ilia 1132 Im mm on the Post It Ike puking lot Police told Mr Campbell barter Ir up and to it out till that the more he W4 crying The child we rm the back It the rar VINCENT STREET BrIan Joseph Kelly at Grove Street trad minor trainloo when bu rerutdonodrircn byGarth Norther ol Wellington Steel more involved In mhhrp Ihnrr try It 1103 pm on St SANTA anus PARADE The Barrier Fire FIRE PREVEMIIIN WEEK hint Rm trust of the Earth Fire Department slid the eeent mi dispiI put on by the doom ment Ir 0341119 hIIli In ten mth Fire Preiemion dork was hotness bit tin de Plment limited by In Inle talent lie mtg one mistake you orreII displIytndI dlsnIIy by Mother exhihlior in mail It the same time be came the em dLrpIIys my hm out down the crowd Ior etch itutym he hopes to have III liqm lire truth on displty PENSIONEBS tty mil Irlli endorse m4 Iutron lrom Brmtiard nhirb IF voted the prorim to rain the Income or III pensth to per month Aid Rots when told amt hn tree in renamed Ibout rxopienn tired luxuriant Ilrlrre tr mmpete Nit nnz Home and said in tech it who tn been the problem bclnre the par rrnment SIDEWALKS hbt Armor mature ol raid the rubric port donate to rooting on In otetell tor aim wide oldent Itll Ind said It tr Ilse mam trying for sidewalk eon through no general rule rather than by local Improvement the der the Intel improvement scheme the napeyer pay hot the cost III the portion ol the titleontk in hurt or bk rutdem Indtheuty Immunehalt LUKE TRIPLE molyeummnm neon htrthot triplets to hit Ind MT ll Motb with mite Wm Ill participate Inhale II ae mm

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