umwzwaSW RODGERS your RITES Burton Avenue United scene Of DoubleRing Ceremony EEeE lives no E= eghege 5E1 Ed err 3321 one EE he on AND urn DAVID RODGERS uidly unis bladed the bridee heldher Ind rlstepln Issheldatthe ilwhitInthrrIWWebh Colombia Suggests Ways For Seniors To Make Food More Tempting e1 eusIntrrrtILr um mantel NIrth Storm tirIohinx the Iii oi oi Ind am retired era otters rnltk propel be or bi poor mitten guniitnlizurs oliea tire Ilene Ind Insetiles more This my be earned by lack oi exercise beingtootircdulttsiitilii time to prepare the resin IMlit or line It inst been diets tieIith on rum midi sumsts waI tor older person to prrrotr their Ippetites psi Avoid euiny between meals erupt fruit or inIit Juiced it you do let huntry he lueea nreri eItlour man dry lnsterd oi three anlInt mmaller than the tlreerneriv Idey IverIte Rest More merit planning the trout while you In test III will hep digestive yuim be come alerted it you poor appetite ls due to the boredom oi trite Ilene II nose to hate company trinity DI dont pick nreri palm tons more other peo pie Illlr poor Ippetites stIrllno meal iiill hot total or hot drink Ithnuiates the Iopttile Eetotrl It TELEVISION FREEIERS STEREO CONSOLES COMPONENT SETS GI if and you in Nicer Ire PillIt becrure we Ire Mr tettIurInt once tnnilitlererlnnreoluen Iryudcookiiit EIIOIIT CUTS iimnerous short It in nreri Iltrn be torrid Con vrotenm toodr IrI quid Ind reunite only ten annrrteI ol cochlea Gsnned Ind lroren hoods Ire motions more nu tritious than tronremted ones Dleeoitu problems ore bitter cumin the elderly It mind it til itiiil to when no ueyetrbles Ind meats pare thenr dlitetentiy Shred your IIlId vepvtIhies finely it you eInaot char InIopleniII Ipple truce The urine citizen should eat or heath rather then lot ener gy Wlteh your hotel oi tweets timber and lair litter eo ev eryertrIpolIrdyouearryItI tires to your heIlth Ind even your tile Try to coneeotrIte on lnrlt ercllNes tern mert Ind areas and npptlile Ind well balruuod diet makes ihlvbest Nmnatiun Ior everyone It nreri tune GROWS II FELT too lItIest recorded orchid II the terrestrial trceorchtd which min in the swarms oi Uzrndr up to heights oi II Ieel RCA TVs APPLIANCES il WASHERS DRYERS REFRIGERATORS DISNWASHERS SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE 15 My TWIII thy linden With Bad mthRm 5E lt Hg gEEE 195 Idltnlayitr olthe natal WWINCD llIi poeuieintbenearlurxe Let Children Serve Goodies ly TTTN PAEIEII horn six to to one It the Andreas bl bones ol eons leatioi is Iha gets the blunt piece or the outside lchu or roetr rhea tmt II divided Solve thiI bottle try libliiil one niild to divide the podici the other to have lint choke ol use divided pieces 0i course you will root he needed to remember whose In it to be divider bu there out be no more regimens likeyou Lingo yet the biz plecIte tress to mile En AIR AND IBIS HEREWARD hhliTiiN Open House Celebrations Marks 45th Anniversary An open home In held It ihe Vmomer meet rcsdento oi hh Ind hits tiereuIrn hlIt IL on the eeeIstm at their Kath Iodine ulrmuy The idem lore hurried II Centric minted coma on sat in tn 1hr brides attendantc tin Alex Stevenson lnee llIry Bessie oi ilrpie Late IIItrburtrrn III present tor the Indirernry teletrrItlnrr The bride II the lorrner Am Mendeuphiarollhe He hit Ind tin Robert Ttruct oi Silo ty Bay hlr Martin it the son at the late Mr Ind httr Renry lirrttn at My my TEA POWER Antony those the perlorrned the In honors oerc hits indium hi Salli Ste ltrrte rod mmmrumrm ROYAL ceonrreo sentrce ELIMINATES SEPARATE SERVICE CHARGES It covers much more than just the personal servrces you use most alten ltlte your Personal Chegulng Account ltIlsn Includes rIvIrIl other convev nleneas and cashsaving benehtravan special authors on the regular Interest rate tor your TInrlplIn Personal Loses it Ilsn provides you with special personal Identltlcntlgn card which writ Intltle you to special treat ment In number ot important ways at any branch at the Royal Bank Inywherr In Canada It you apply NOWalrud oi the rush you will rrcerve your RnyIl Certrlled Service card in plenty ol tvme to allow you to alert enioyirtg Ill ol the benelrts ot the plan slIrtvng on January Isth You may even have two cards one let yourselt and one ldr your spouse We recommend that you carry the card It all times since many ot the cocoa benehts to which you roll become Intrtted Will regqu that you show your card Your card will prove that you are personally entitlrd to several ipeeial advantages that we will not be attending to other Royel Bank Customers UNLIMITED CHEOUINO Is Royal Certrlled SEWICB customer youcan when many PCAcbeoues as you won without paying the normal it centsperchegue service charge It you pay lot or your bills by cheque youlI lrnd that these cash savings alone on quite valuehleto you OVERDRAFT PROTECTION It tor my reason you wute cheques which cannot be covered by the balance in your personal chaoutng account they wllt be honoured up to Stool No more accidental NSF chequesthls prmleoe is tor Royal Certmed Savvch cardholders only Starting danuaryis onloyunllmlied nochargo chequln Guardrail Protection up to $300 Sale Deposit ox reduced Term tan personal loan rates and ti other beneltts All tor 300 monthly Mdruttswrl be subject to monthly interest rate at tvtlNO CHARGE AT ALL IF THE INTEREST i3 UNDER 50 REDUCED TERMPLAN PERSONAL WAN RATE As Royal Cultured Service customer you roll he llltlIidd In SPECIAL REDUCTION bit the current thievest rule on outlarmplsn Personal loans it you hm an existing Templar PersonIl team you Ire entitled to tan new IdvantegeWI will give you cash Clldll eoutvilenl to this special reduce tron tn Interest on your outstanding balance When you receive your tpeclII Royal CIvttlled Service cue lust come to the Royal Bank brlncn when you but your Tetmplen loan show your card soon you eonvInientty can alter JInuIry ISIlt and well do the rest Your Ipecttl reducten Will tIle eltaot lrom the date you present your RoyIl Certltted Semce and and will not be retroactive IRIS is another good lesson why you should apply let your Royal CCIIIMO Service number ship as soon possible FOR NEW CUSTOMERS It you Ire bottowrryou will be glad to know that one the most helplul things Ill dots termite Iteesylotyou Ioborm mona trotn usThouesnds oi responi rlbte Inadlens have honoured It the Royal Banktcomlotieble In the known ong that we volt never Imtngly let them not In over their nerds Mary our nicest customer tIlattbrtshrpI started with such loin exctusws PERSONALIIED rot CHEOUEE You Ill be gluon he distinctive lolly petIonIllzId cheques IintIhII exclusively to New Cerutred Service member These cheques will be we your name or address one telephone meet It you choose drrd mdrlrrn Iii bridce sister hlrI time liner Ind hire erred Turner It Toronto Ito tented ol hilt hlIrtln hill WIiIcr Sutton tin IItri Then use 1h Ml Anderson hIrt Henderson Iatnli hill Robert ItIrtin Ind 541 Paul hlItlin the celebrIntr daughterrinllnur ad am Solemn The mole received may con nItuIIiory mazes AotII tenements rdLr rad tele Inna Otlolctty priests were Irrrn thrusts Ind Geneva New Volt Earrii Ste hisrie AMI IIn Ind ilelI Late ItIirbur or title TIW EXAhlINUI WANT ADI PHONE 77811 lion All the banking services youre Iikelytuneetl in one simple package MGUE CASHIliGCOASTTO COAST Your Royet Certlhed Service card end your exclusive Royal Cornlted Semen cheques you nuts lt genurnely easy tor you to pet nulclt cashIt Iny ot the more than 1300 Royal Bank branches mmgbotn CIrlIdII ten presumes SAFE DEPOSIT BOX You will receive certtlicete worth on towuda thI annual rental at sell deposit box subiecl Io Ivslthvltty or coulelant ealolteeprng servicesI You will COIITIITIID to SEEM this honellt annually lot as long as you remain RoyII Cettllted Servch customer VACATION TRAVEL BENEFITS These presently include some very speerat and exclusive beoellts arranged IIIR Suntours tn COIIMEIIOII Vittll Sunttrglrl holidays booked through your travel Igent For example has holiday cInceIIItlnn protectlon worth 35 per person and other destination bonuses and special holiday pIelIges Otner specltrc beoelrts and special durtlnatlon holvdays will be announced trom ometo llrne MTAL BANK CNARGEX Royal Cerntrad Servch member you will Iuiernatreotly have Royal Bank Charger card it In ercIIlent personal moneymanagement toot lets you like Idveruage oi sales Ind other special opportunitles Ind consolrdttss II at you monthly Charger stopping Into one limple statementvou can use III might charge recount or Is revahring mun account as you choose PAVvYOURSELF SAVINGS OrtlIguIIL well supply you with booklet at PayToursolt eheouestoi paying money into your Savings Accounteither Royal Bank Rewtrr Savings Account with chaouirto privi leges or Rent 5an Bonus Savings Account out Its higher tIie oi hiereeL it you would hlle to trnnsler tegutIr Irnount each payday loyotl nvmgs mount lust viral your bunch and we cIn IrrIngI that too ItrtomIlrcIlly Ne cnrroe Ior either porrvemencei Alden hearts nods Ind Illusion may bc stored moprlatcty eov cred lor aside broth mmzmnmrmmnomnr CANSAVE Cordsli Show New Designd mndwwoaedih nae inmth end oderinei deliveron not one matron uh Is Ceiohrtt mistrial nth You trolley Force Int French Mutt Jornur Noel at home It lleuretne Anna Is Ilse IVIII CANADIAN MOTIF Deli oi the yerrI rude entry mutton lentil In old new covered learn eotmtry clutch on quiet overture the thine ol drildrea rtnidrnr Crunch core enlist stark whiter when The oher lot tirnkt rpirtrui actors Prot from hi yurt Artist iiLtE GOOD IROITI toads yimrdr lathe new he used rIiry rIrr been Ind liner centrrl Joans and WRIT helm plum nuke mnmi Iol pedal Int minis We Teedtrmseline train 4m unirum If pregame 4m homing ON Au NO the era errds In on one new It Sully Sartre St Dunlap Doras DtsIthty in Weilnatmttm Buss ilror Rur lid in Georgia VIII OndrnI lhmnsry II Collier St ViriiziII Vogue arm Plum The Portltoie Bry lreLi hIIII Barrio letInnis members up Ellen Retihlr hilt Siam lid Elbert Derry SiiEiIiiS Beauty Solon IIetrrelly rt run sum or Penna Reg SILSO Only 5700 Phone 7269200 For Appointment Mu IIIL PAYMENTS var probably tired It convenient to boy your telephone power or secular bills It the RnyII Bank In ttrosa province where we are able to extend these wtrrteslas Instead oi um partner by marl Just show your Royli Certiiled Service card and you can pay your oils through us without any service charge tAnd remember you Ilro have another Ilght cents poslaoI Iach blue NMHARGE TRAVELLERS CHEOUIS Show your Royal Cerblled Service cord and well water the usual MIN Ilon normally charged lot tIevIltets chenuoa let your personal useIs many as you mm In my IvallIble currency through any hunch oi the Rent Bank in Canada NOCNARGE MONEY ORDERS For Iny personal purpose on Ihowvng your Royal Celllllod Selvlee card you can get our leguler money orders In Iny Ivahablo currency without peytnp the commrssion normally ehIthd NOW TO OUALIFV Svnple All you need Is Royal BInlt Prruonnl Cnaqulrtg Account end RbyII Bonk Charger card Come In to your nearest Royal Bank branch and pet up In Ipplloetiotr iodeyt ROYAL BAN the helpful bank