Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1973, p. 5

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to the vit be It and Iv but rc ll than until the con not urla In to Farm Strlburne paid tum HORSE TBIlIISPOltTllIION Ellll RECALLED Simiknagy platen mus young risitnra rm Intrigued Wanna tulhics Eddie aeuru at Tildmd bra various by trounce cart on deploy and Karl Itoetler are rbm mnlnthnoichnhorneuaos anddeotrnwuruahcdrhlrb WMcartJEnminnr puristm eraiartblrmtuo Mmlwbdmmndan Photo Conservation Board To Ponder 74 Budget ANGUS Mt liennherl at the Nduwennga Volley Oun ecmaiod minority board rbtch nomads re naunldpultlies rill disars prepared me hadnt levie II meeting called or Wednesday evening ed it the chniruaan Inna blelean oi Dalston told the member earlier he was bopetui that moi nlclpdl Ictics held lllh tamed revenues trout other In milletrelive Idilce anteater irorn mam to ml am Hid to be the main teeter TIMI CONTROL Tlerrd mind budget it 191 was plated It it which to non love than the concert vorr figure le mommadied Ldgct Ior land purrhancs Ia duun trom this year 03000 The mono ttrluden trooooo hi pmaae oi land In the ltmndng Swamp am It the board decides to buy more My thin The budget Ior tieon min was nbml rt MW with hadttded NM heard the no ministration beadqmr iel by the thawasagr river opposite lllghm to hire For 1714 the develqamrn budgct Ian placed at lm Carr multitude tor im were bind at M000 and the mommeudrd mi huddrt mud to MINA Tannedlalstutuluthepro vindal Walla Wiles Ant the Itotlamgn Valley unworthy one ed anubcr established In the plviince tor the purpose at cormvatlon et hatur roantnces Inchldnug wa lnut mil toasts Ilsh and will me my area or you dlaim ls muted ol the Note taunary rim and all it tria tdarlrs the Prrtly river Sltlfl amt and tirilerux creek In all Ihauat LTln mutate ntilel ternly rllht mtmlclpalltlta roprmuttod lududn the city ul Barrie ahldt to partially in the ma tire town oi Won Cul lingvood Show and the com town at Warm Beach long with the villages oi will Ornkstonn ilrccrnore Ricthrone and Term 81 MEMBER Thumilitia include Adlala arr Elna West Grillimbury Io rsrtl Iticdonte Noitawaongr Dru Tectrneeih Mile and Vespra In Sim Ootmly Other townships Irn Amaranth llouo llulm kldancthan Coiling rrnrai and 0am It udgtbralng arocn term Oro rem Tlr lilo Thembmmeetrtthern damityr now balding on the Nottrvsaga River burn which Whitetail nrxmilISIAIIR In II with Tickled dtalr mannilnlramatimnndedbcu tluranivbrryhoani unmet mahltbodeeJut pnrtinrredaryaststenttotbe mtnmotmaalresotam Marielle Midland Could Become ELIMAND Salli Midland would bccorne the largest unan utpanty in Sinon out one in are and county planning recon attenuation tor restmunrtng were adopted according to tig urca reteued iron the county oloe The recommendation mil have billiard united with the loan at Penelanguisbene villag re at Port Mini and Vittoria Harbour and townships ol my and Try The ma population lotred em in contention Iotiarrtoshltbo Both Iran hate shown trutber growth since hid it was estimated the per eeniage remained about the name Tile camirtee made no roc lea It the ornmendnilon tor the emanation ot the cities ot Barrie or Orlllie along votb the torus ot Coiling eood Ind Allister and lowth oi Wit Orlina IPII popule lion arr listed at urea lnnln ria at Orlltutuoodl It SAM Ind Allliou It M35 Barrie all highest tor total equalised assessment listed with 197T flguroo calculated at little mroo Olilila with 5053515 rated abound but with Innis illl $13055 third Two maior vmnt proleds pinnmd in Onllla are second rrtiilclal ice arena and new Holiday Inn The letter In to be built on the itjgtnray uh ant rance near the Ontario hospital School Panel To Discuss Planning IllTry Township Meeting VICTORIA HARBOUR Stall llomhcra oi IIy Township Ratwua Asstxtallon will meet at the Try ball bore thtn evening to hlnnutng Tbn exectrllve tool this It Wy meeting inc all residents to mend said an Belt president explaining truce lions relating to taxpayer proh mlhhlt have Irinenlthrougltl It re tons wi lid and resprmlbililer ratepayers will he discussed ail ligation llrndallonrmal on tr Vomita MW an 0lDertripletriglgaore or play ratios tor itauro magePIiW bir 53qu ammdng the meet axocndive ieels rendeata ought to wage luau InrAe it it too late new toning bylaw which Null atiror the nourot and rain all proportion in the Midland lcdorni tuna will also be dim haunt llooro hand or Phi Plantain or Pam hmi when will WI vanet and with two membm T3 WISMME Planning ard Time will Mme 91m 131 MM iormrr Padraig In Charla lawn and Allan blin ley at Toy and Gabriel lllao dxutd oi Tiny lir Rohillard is timer rtcrrthorolhtmcuemmym Tao Slut ngltiy tzil 915 ALL SEATS 50 For This Engagement Only Largest Municipality The eryntired assessment or the proposed enlarged Midland was pitted at Iiodittnttl Flor Elnavah Vespra and Wannga heath arch were tried at tilt glint with tilt population oi 95 The Oolllngrood Ilm tor equalized rssesnxnt was 7102 more while Adlai and Too unuth with the village oi Breton and Toilcnham we list ed at tltomltt with popu lation oi am MATNER AREA stayuer Nottawasaga Sunni tlaie and mentors had In equallacd segment totalllng turnouts with 1063 pawl tion while Goldwater llodnnte and Oro had runner Iiih utl people The snattest equallud assess moat shown was more tor Al listen with mum than and Iueorontlo next win roman blalrhedaah nod Dtliiia town ships were about with an equal tud assessment oi boomer The latter ttgure would roar when liar and Rama townships are mulgamatednert year it the mcommhrdritnne are re SHOWCASE PRESENTATION The torture tbl lilo may be attentive to ram people Ttar Management acid Ior MO in Glmrdr Holalein Herd Sold ill $38520 Tanyat head at calLI rare nid tea total grin and at the mall urine aspen at late lor the hard at rm It Drrngrtlln Im RIM poll the top pri at the rain it tor 0mm Iran HIM rho Irred by Alma Anchor and motbrre by Carr iiiea Sovereign Maple Aerial Ttrgale ta rated very good tor body eoratoruutien are pro dentin record It tour yeara ei IR at rarer or milk and OR oi lei Nitrial ital an real in not days tier do also rated very good ter type with no dtuzbter Iren rrtna per mi root at or hater maternal Irter oi Anclmr liable Crmllka Patry Able sired by Charlton umm iii manually Tam Ethane Also rankaag high in the rain In littlood biopic Ml t1 mil AIM bl WM Med Alvlnslm It that Glanmard here voted to mining Inmate Camila Nettie TIle aired by Glenn ton Hudnarater and born in urn daughter oi atrial raid to Allan Wylie littoral tor rota Another huh Ogtne was $139 paid by Abert uvtaruea Brampton tor Canalllea lender Lu rho Ir rated Good PM tor type total IL Illinois told In the tour IItun range Ammg the bid ptarhaarn oI be dry Iran llcury Gettink cl Niagara Nb rho hougtd torn Inlman and Join Cnlhvy Vilni btun England who alto bought lot Inhnala Mitchell Wins mt mull his the Errand Int Dis trtntromrnuty mire iagthaceunty mdierthr fuumnminguutdlu Lr this year the only mmmhmntwu bate had the hmtatluu to meet AT LOCAL LEVEL Warden Jamar Wan rho Is rem oi Toaaronuo headline llecva George MM is abstr men oi the planning committee Iludyiltl with renam moudalioasiaanpontnmn property than was around DISTRICT TIE MIME EKAMJNDL TUESDAY OCTOBER 23 Land Use Among Topics Discussed At Bradford Gilliamnominal that rsrrrntly damnau Ira burghnldrahdtrectnzl dphhth Itlileloildlv lube butanyrnteptbtrnathem tyandhularhaauatr as married tn the mnetrudton at 516 Mmadlitladiosurmllm gh It Breton Ileere liarry their at Twin Is the them who prepared the report with the ap mat oi bis aormttee blnrnhm were rskedvio Ill lornl views on land division land the permit In order tor the any to be In punitloi to male rcport mm datlorat NEARLY MEIETED Thanh ummmym plea rt Tiiitaast hearing conviction The die norm tan honor to while Innslll NEWS getrrnnrrmsulvtewruniha ow DISTRICT rains martian murmurAha animalbabehibylhi MMMMGIIMN mammmuho mauvme 0811 IAMGAMSTIUCTTM IdSAGA Enid SAD mehlhe nllagowtomamnmhm ered rumination valuodltllr gamutrammed CONE AT ALUSTDH Irmar rant Pania Untied their at uldaod wt games concert An The ning nI Sana at Knox Presby trnata church here on Sundry mung Nov am mam aura LADY Said Another her vy traittc reason nearing rum relation Ior tool orerta er bridge over the Fit nut HIL way he on Highway 11 Tani near this Melanie township erm mtnny The bridge nearly 110 tact long was opened man it am Iligtrrry II this County Road It Prioa Cor near EYE OF STAIN StAtnm Still hm time Debt former rnrrnnisrioarrtrnovaarhagbi tlrth consentiitn year Is Stai ners minty council warren utivr The Stayoer canal II elected last Dumber tor lumen term Site 0t Cahiague Gels Attention WARMIGTHI lilalll cun alderoble toms Inland antin ueatoberbovrulntherllent the onetime lluoota enoitli ghtrgnn not at this commuti Igu on Highway IT direct rrtrntion to the rite which it markrd by roth rreded by the Ontario Iihtorin Sites and Archeologer board Earruv lion in mount year unrutbrd main ni nneilrne lodirn long horner rrror beads and alba relic The area In said to lit the Winn kit by mrdr ol the ram Md explorer Sarn ueI de maraisin to is lot tul abort his visit to the may on county in the rider ot lets ti WWI rceerdcd that the troop the narrow strip oi nitt between bro taken no brand In Same and CoraIaxhing UITLIL the Iranian In recaat years there an nrina theor ies given attention concerning the posnhle Iocailun the kit One Golf Event MWONE Stall Fir tng Iberia In an bl score on windy thy vrdcrunt goiter Ilrn Michell Wt the Simmtde sen Ior championship In the dosing at the sursou this oourse ln ecrnpdition with In Tilda airman who mullilud Mitchell dcieord Intermediate rhzrmlon Bill arran by live mas Don atth chalked up acorn Ind Jack minor Vi Jimmie who who wen large ty responsible for the term anmi an warranted by the by hid Idol tor his assistance lir Well mound plans to make armrnt evrri Coldwater Itinlr To liave Curling WWWATEIT tstatll Wlh pmthon being made to curl tng ion Incitttles at the com munity unirr numerutn nitri era in bldwaicr and trea are planning to play her tor the mtiaeaaon Wamesday nights have been rat guide at the arena tor the with the with John Narra the Wildcat bird Ban bare Tymlt vice prentdent rod lira llarinr Woodman nee retaryireasurer dance in be held on Satur Get These Indian capital was three leaguu laptla Singerllalueslodapt it Will TilllltH 8r SEW with ltlllllNET day nli NOV l7r at the dim ururatly centre will be the tint at two Itmdralslug protects CENTENNIAL LIBRARY ANGLE Stall Oiitclnl op rating oi the Thsa centennial li brary tn the shopping plaza area at Angus took place on Sept 1967 TOMORROWI $15955 mung naIonr LAST TIMES TONIGHT emunone mm in and Advil Entertainment It th now at Momma litihl MIT raeu tI arm to buqu not And it In dreamt Mirlilm liitlr Hlbdlltlm Inn uraprd mrlp REGULAR bFiexiStiich System tor sttolch and decorative sowing ZIgZag twin needle and straight stitching Exclusive pushbutton bobbin Exclusive slant needle Complete with Sherbrooke decorator cabinet Wanbutter Mma rtttga naive dyoovut trout bobbin up nardtl lrtllvunr Omaha Itideol ermine em run Miltill rtovapr compare rm ONLV kgs ONLY ONLY ELEth SClSSORS Regular $996 BUTTONIIOLE ATTACHMENT Howl SIMS Onetouch sewing at SatoAThon bargain price the torturepacked Singer Touch Sew Sewing Machine FHINMATEZIttZAII wtncnntvar Thl vamtita Smuhl Fashion rrta Smog Manhole as all you need manta up that tall urydvoea Buy today SIMtron mops Sun ziprap and might ramm droN tron bobbin mate position Butltin Mm autrh cerrplrtr mm Shea brook decorator eaernat ONLY tih SINGER HAS LIBERAL SEWING MACHINE TRADEIN POLICY tilt in SEWING ABEESSIIIIIES Sure were best We taught the world to sun CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE GEORGIAN MALI BARRIE SINGER SHED FOOT Regular Inns GMT NIGER SEWING BOOK 1am to Seat fashion Knlta Regular $195 $198 ONLY SlNGER Imuwmumm

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