Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1973, p. 3

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Council Committee Will Study Criticisms Otrormer Planner 22 Fri 93 aid 43 c3 55 53 limklzrt igigilrg company Ink lll cnllret tor revizrvuyhtrme Iuhordiu on runs mcthode ot ht MW mdrnr would go ALD horror er try Aid lira Armor said he teed lotrlly vatr Aid Thomp when deRmStryirensIndAld would prod lnr Irininrtrtai tneetinI oi mm the end potable Ivluiinrta it Iny Ire needed reruntrot enrrlnitire the mum In tent to My the com ol it procedure tor checkiu out the BUSINESS CORE InorIIiIIn hIndI propotrl marl heed Ii Alisinn Bentley to Anna biotin borrd Lr runnuntrrtcnemltoi Emwww mmmmLm dywouldnntbnmnklnun tI to to to be the Sutton heard It nitration met with Home In multimeterwhole anrd nicotine blender Itch Lulr John Irwin committee on tridenu Vitegtillciplib utrtxton riverlntrndenl Idli Emir Fraser pittance dove him Ichool II Exam my Elementary School Guidance Suggested At Education Meet on name minty noun oi Eduction received resente tion by roman eiemen illl Idtml vkeprlnclpulr Ind ltee eI reconrm 110th turn reprerrntrvzs wit interest htondry niche It the aduuiin Centre but not qitirrt eye on proposals Ind mutation The vireprlnclpII were It the committee oi the uhool board meelin in Ink that guid Ince cornice on be hired to work in elemenilri ncbonlI The recondrry Irboo Iridium couneellon ukrd lor brood nnedcd delinltlun to their tune Iion to include tnudr connect lipn ot In emotionIl Ind Iodrl return well rnteer roan Illnl Sindhi Ntttrttlltre mm lienry Door Brooks John truin Ted ttumy pinincd the neat tor guidance in the elemrnirry rcboolr wbIt the role the yudInco worker you Dorited their concern Ind mode tour rcuerII recom nvendettorte Tllcywnvttdlikeinrce mmlhhh borrd on neey tire need at pretence eervicea Ind work thrd their Inclusion in nelncntIry rubmh complete Ittuiy be nude rou cemtnz the role or the prom worker in the rlamntuy IvboolI Ind bis potentlrl tor racistrtv cer pilot procrnm berth re Ioon II printde request culti uorker in hie school Adkilonel pittance worker be hired tor elm mm It principlie regret unite The puidInne counsellan Er nie Preset liIntlnx Memorial tr ml lteidl Peso cart to tlnrmrltl blob reboot Geo rye Farley Barrie North coder IIle Jim lloltnce OrliiiI Perk Srrel collegiate Al it Colllnnuood policpiaie lnotltvrte In all Burnett billiard me nndrry odmll made more loom ymrntltlon Al AN WMUAL They told the roll ot guidance it to treat each stud uvturnhiividurl Mylo Margaret Miles Lived To 101 Metal miter wtlibe held Wednesday It pm It the Jen nett mm liorne tor one nt Berriet oldest mtdontr hlrr Imilvibzzlei tiller who died It Royal Victoria lloepttIl on Ilondali llre lilch we lolyeurr old Site win born liercb im Tire tumity home over loetitd on lllrhwry where televaten Itctlon Cith new Ittndt so lived in Petiteka belore coming in Barrie Ind obedient hr yearr 1n the city hetero cu lethg Buth lodge nurelnz home tour veers are there aided tor many yetrr on Brad lord Street She was predeceased by her petunia lir not Mrs John Neil by her husband John mule end by Ions John ll Int Ind AIMI John it not Ind Albert she in Ivnvtvcd byyrandeonr James or linden Ind room oi ntiobltttn Burial old be It term Union oooteu hint to plan hie retirees Ind chem cereer or vietho Ind the muellurr role is to brine hi teeter evidence in to play by will youthul peroon in muting lbtlnti timinr lddn dowile dentin uurtdrty Ind roelIl world The pmcotrtion covered Ilnvl ol cotmelhng certienlion It touniellorn Ind concluded with reverIl comm ct tuidenee euneriiora in ry they deelt vlib rrpvrdinr the res Willie oi Nitlllriitlil to lncude responsi bility tr nutty kind or prob lemr treelnr them lront more trIditlonIl work at helpinl in llrneirhle prrpIrItten little out Ippllcutton term Ind dir rlpllnlnr rtudentn standardize tlnn to tome extent It the our lttcrtlcue II counsellor Ind rotddlnr them with ltclltliee to keep up with what tr happen lnl in their llelde mi in like lively nerve the student needs luck Renury county duck tinn director Inid Then Ire my vim personrlly but om lion think vaI to be raised They no tor cunnidention He picked point from the prraenggze Ingenhcdl oevelrel or our in debate is the Individual elvvute beet roiled to make the brot photo on Md we mace titre thing nl leng lilo without the homily oi coming litinxt Deer toclcty rrIlly try that an individual on longer need be yrodrriivet hlr ttnrnse asked It the tnco department method to II wnyo Iiunr annuity lo stu dent tr Iced or whether he Ihwld receive disdene He asked whether the tendency pt teueber louoie the attldmtt level is under uhether the crochet abode net on etrmple lor the student ilk Planer ex treat his perceive mer culdanncovnoeore neat more time to tally resist Ittxienu that be problems Irtd crnt ilud mm to listen DIYLNDS POSITION llr deiended the position at the coumellor nylon cont up Into the interviewing trorn the miller We counsel vI Mp lirinrnr with tnclIi pro blem my trainee the ttudeotr verb to tblr Lt whet or do Trustee George lIyior raised politic the role at ruidvnee co the nriety oi Mme orice and the owl tor rode counsellinn With the wry you In in you wudd have to node from the ninth ot eelllr not oi decalion It you with Ill there tour on then there my be too many entree uttered am It the ogre be cause comm be to Guid Inm Wu could tn room lnto expensive thlnct lie thr in MD linden NI lruer hiviled llr Ttylor In to spend IomI time with brn tn moi rnd got rst hand in praeeton lit henna said then in pub lic lon over the role ot the ruldvnee mum WI have dnd out what the public expects wbIt the retro crI meet what the kids elpvrt Indnccdmowe hetetoput it til into the picture and dry tribe the role It guidance in ccbooln uhlnh are email part oi tbe Iocinl vastcnv Anm hirltny the board in drvziion Itmonot orient sold the permit perhnpr bret quell tlnd in help with Iltlicntr pm bimre it borderr or parrot who heron like dim boiler than anyone elec llr Rumy said inst tryhtr menisci on in usdul Welooirrthwwecnhlnr more thing Title is progresr rphmerutxildnirbrd been AidPnrtInidbelrnntpre pmdionynowlha thth Inredltr rnttrmwlthin the Butler mote Irunst our News rut Item ntutcvnn runruev ooronnrr my ll titling Delays Development Plan nilm oi iW Iidemven Iuccetrtully iIbled remn dttlon about development It me which wold have rivrn the city Ibntl ll Irene nl WW5 union the Beyileld ttvt in re turn tor Iliwim units oi tnunhrme end IpIrtntrote The ability came Iller Irr lou llilitlsm oi the duel Ihielr bu been workcd out between developer Hurry Dmrlck Ind the city development committee The Inth IdvurtIed the mud rive Ipprnval tn princi ot cm protect holnre Irnd to the Dorrie Plomlnn ertl ill the mnmm Aid Bob llnoilry nuoeilooed the line point oi the deal tell more Meyuhbrtw dcrstend wite the city is tru Aid Bentley said by his cal culation the developer would IbotAZhSuuiLIiIhehlo develop the oil min to the eItstinn residuqu retrieve it seem that lied become the devoiopcr tasked the too Inuit the ltrst time end beat him down to till units we think were getting need deal he raid kill lien Slam rite consists th Kidd Crick ravine which ly not only designated as were in its oiliciei plItt ha decided it it needed to trunk sever maherly or Inn other developnturlr blr lkroiek not agreed to be Eteoih 25 mo oi ourend to my inr it in return tor the higher density Aid Perri chairmen at city development committee culled the den special case since tort the pinning bind lute bmn ely involved In in nego tiations end we ndvoeuto amn lnljdlt to them tor comment rI Aid Perri REVERSED PROCEDURE Aid Bentley IIid title Imeuut ed in reterelny the normal tuning procedures Ind rated or the motion to be tehied until the next city council meetinr Aldumen VII Brucktr Ive bit and Bill Strongman zippered the rubiins motion Ind dimmer mind blr Brrnicte cutie lot 60 undddacmdmm no phones and Elimdni with ritual Lion in gildevdnprnmt ol loll people Aid Pent said it is his com mecehtceliuf1 hungry is or or cnsity tiere ll border highly cornm clal Irea soccer in main Arimt arterial rutlI und in Idlncerd to the lorcest trad oi ity without said Aid Perri it there is thy place It the it witcdinrlhbtmotdc merit tutu II it The dcveiwmcnt includes live Icrce oi lani set uido tor possible school site the board ot education deems It necess Aid Perri said the telling mo tion done not memrily mean tool the promvi will be review ed by the city development com utilize Aid Rive ItcCIymmt said he arms with the tinting motion ying it gives up all little time to think oboe TreePlanting Plan Approved Domitmr Instinct Ind rill renr Alike uhvukt shit to Ice thelruileolloboroithedow torn improvement boIrd Inim time in thenext hIo werkI uty met aloudu villi up gored lire boerdr rst place the Improvement the down ttmv curl the ptIntinp or up untimely so 15th urn 1m none Diniop Street Downturn erobrnl Ibo Ire win tor rte improvement through IpeclIi Increment retitled the tint pbue morni tnovuly III IpecIIl mutton ittt week The hralryerr hudnet ta Mm lobe Cockburu member oi the improvement board Ipperr ed belnre pained etenday nlrbt to erplIin the trceolruiian pien recele the mornhunls rewrot Ii nod to tell council whet the lnemedlrir plane are He IIld the board hot receiv ed ruIrInire irnm nuer that the tree will he minced ll nereotnryr Provided they Ire planted belore Nov tin rIlrt the ninth could he done within two week Ind Iii work Ill be done km or Iin raid it it puiilll devel nprmrnt theme trill evolve lrorn the boards rtlorie provided my there eunuch interest lronr the downturn mervzhrnin lie Iddcd that trees with Data In con Ilrtent with AIM my theme or tooth The trees will nucIsure rough iv Incite in diameter Ind will rtnze trotrt to 15 leet blzh They will either be lterine locust in or ervay maples both ermine Ire knnun or re listener to Irit Ind changer In weather To DE LIGHTED lie eIid Ihe board hopes to have It least the centrnl bush lllSI area llnlrhcd by initiate and the true will be lit Iitb white lipids hit when waer cmrnctl Ind merchants not to not up tizht il tome vi the trees die there is bound to be tome nab More Ice Time For Minor Hockey Is Plea Delivered To Optimists Minor hockey desperately min more Ice time in Barrie me tire mitotic pressure de rred to the Monday hirer Inertia ol the Barrie thlrntst Cltb by tour representatives iron the Lezlon bilnor ilookey hilt Ouxwortb lotion minor hockey condo raid with over 1M bore Metered in the to ytotr imp Ilene ie in honor lIlibie tn Imunze ice Lime in Dar The 1200 ere pare oi the lot ner llxure ol coon boyr InmUed in Benin minor hockey 00 In the Knights oi umber Is tocitilon Ind 00 more in the Barrie bilnnr llockey AIsoctuilco llr vaworth rid the tee time trial in unraveled by the ions by tile oi the Thornton Irena Ind the In the ire time In Ind EIvaie is no longer IvIu able to city born The construction ol Eestview Inna didnt relieve this situa tion It Ill be claimed lie said they hive to vie tor too time vvlh learns from Grorrian Col lean and In lndtcrrlul leogug plus other minor hockey resort Idooe lle cold the city has to oblige tlon it it hit surplus unvuvd lend to work out oomo agreement with crevice chrbe to build on are tliloiu otkdoor lee runlure lie Iddcd the more lend next to Eutview none would he UNITED APPEAL GETS Ii BOOST the Barrie end Mtrlct Ub edit at mImllw Viroorcsum at remote cm his ye 500 done Sign A1 11W unilclly ohntrmnv lowed The Mthiw mm rtl our cent at its 3115000 poet thus tar Cmvrmerr Ire expected tell their bill oi the citya rceidentlnl Irene this mn lEIarnim moi Irritable rile tor until torture RAPID GROWTH 00mm laid Idiot IrIltt he token to provide true Ire rut1m because ot Barriou rep ld moth lie termed the present eitur lion little nrilicrrL Jerk ltrnucll cbntrmz oi the ltzion tituor Hockey raid that In two oi irgiour six leagues three rcrnce It lime Ire pin ed on the icosurlrce The prow dtnx muetrt the lrnlonr Jun ior league boys six to seven yerrsoid end the Western lea lite lot elmmoldy tie ntld too true will play bettern the blue liver while the litter tour loam wUI pier It the two opposite and oi the unto lteuidetoekutlutirnemd Ill lecture or pleyers toned this mutilny Lost your ltr Krnuutl raid the Ingion bad 00 boys ploy log on 43 icons This your they have m7 boy now registered on he toms Creln Hunter 113 legion play hid the Optimists there it not much practice time to err Ihln players to trrnxove their skills the wondered theretore it it was worth it tor parent to mute the Iacrilirnr they hm to make lnr rune pltyittn minor turnkey lnchulinr driving in burl weather to take none to play hnc key in distant rim ID II MINUTES Ken Palmer told his UW 0p tintlstrklninhoywiyetoniy to to to aunties playing time during some Orrin said dur ing the sewn in player uill only Ivernge two hour on the ice In order to not more ice limo illr ltertuull told The Optirnlstr In the post we have ILid berm told down as tar In York Unl versily Some oi the bow evcr ondmd it bit much to expect the city to pickup the tab or more ice rvtrtncrs ire minor hockey One tar canlvdvo em em to prov this Inrt at chitin JACK KENVIELL chairman oi Bertie Legion Minor Hoc key snoke tn the Barrie 0plt mitt Club llondny and stress rd the mod minor hockey hos Anoter mked ubtxtl the Pine ability at drying at Kerrtoen ieit Bay dur the uirtcr thtnl sat think we have mailed the ki tin arkrd how merry buy now would welk tour mile in pity hockey lio commented in his youth in tube mid never cue the VI urIl Ion but the trees which die will be reduced be lIid llr Mn Ind the bend tecva tire anrIitIIiinnI ot reterII Ikicrm tor the client in mm Ihort are at tint The bond It In uvrpih month It operIlinn Ind ha been worktop In the tree pbue Ier three uterine The board has not yet deta ntirlod lint the recurred pirIeI of the dountoon Improvement will be hi it it hopeful tint thI irceohotinn ohm will me to reunite Inlerese Ind lupin flout citireut Ind MMMI Will he Sand Dumping lilong Parlt The public winks Muted will overtime to nutrvtrln the Ibvvcilm Mild lIk d1 council added Jim we been discontinued this cortlrtsten Aid Perri build th MI Marty tide wiidx revere It limes dumped the reeponrib titty tor not mnirknlrtinl thI chorellne right on the lily oII deck Aid Purl said he wardrd tirI Entity revival wnueby the pub uurks incontinent dumped LilltI along the Milne but Aid 5055 Archer laid lDI WI meet one ruler that on mayors tn Includedthe rand tty kvde cnnt walk IIde thI hour threw now said Aid Perv rL dont care bow in door but want done romobow lllryor Dorian Pint raid IhI would in rescind the dry It In durum bur iIIlII modiiy it in promil the dumpinn oi Itnd tor the union ot bench It the Pork Aid Rose Archer chairman of the public works ltee ruled the deptrtrncot line been mine on the more mlrr that dim be no dtnropinn in the buy It you Round your ordrv we consider murder the The mayor bulked II this Il moot hhnketilillna oi her order out dlnotmnn It the eunuch table demented Into estrbUelv in the prnttilrrt oi Centennill Pair int rnore ice time He nlso outlined the history oi Barrie Legion Brunch 1m involve mt with rnlttor hockey rm nminer Photo curmdotdiorarureonrcold uinierI mouth to tekI him to hockey more lie raid because bin involve ment in minor hockey he tell pared were urn emudomlly tn vnlvod let the ynrrte lie Iu cot that the rune should be vcn to the kids Aid Archer Ind Centrnni Park as outlined in lit biumrlnt in but Ind trtodilimtlon ct Urn mynrl ob der bu raid twirl posiy per unit dumping sprint to those mentally corrncU decided that the public works deput merit could brain aseurre rewor slbtltty lnr mrintaininn the to Inlet shoreline ot Contender Park by director lend tor Michele we edge ot the park Council rpprnvrd the mo tion 101 Burning Ileottrl Itch Relieved in Minutes helrulvl llIIllnI suntuner Rellml PIIII ll Ulrich lletrrnrrhnldI UyouwanruryretuhoI ilcltlnr hidhem rm unburned Mulch borllo ha round unique built Illlr lune remip retina th humor merry IhrtnkI hrntnrrh dI Iknnrbubeenuhowlbn idmiii idle or belDIDII blind Hiawatha nevuTUm percent tnlrunprevmenv wuer Mud ever pednd nl DI which gt

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