Nhltujygrugwmr it WIlls Editor shoot Heartless rousing tutor whmnnrmGS The Children or warI Tragedy Of Our Time Now that political geniuses and mili tary luggiers have pertormed their ap pooled doom in Vietnam and also where its time to have look at one rarely disurssed aspect oi war the children those pathetic creatures ior nooorsbld ace agreements Tbec motwsrmnnyotwhom simply dont understand whats going on when bombs explode and napalm ripples llamas the streets torrid me in later tile as ychoiogleaily sod idrysio oily mutilat wrecks incapable oi ear ulna love or teeilng or oi tormiug tng relationships in Northern lreiand children are being reared on cowardlIy vicious diet oihaired violence sod re gloss Intoler ance Reclaiming these bardcyed drild run now is virtually Impossible because oi the dangerous poison drilled relent into their sense ttble pliable ml by singlemlnd radial and political sabetcurs in North and South Vietnam tlvoe are children who are irnlmedI for life in bodyand probablan spirit bisoy at them have ost their parents Others arent aware yet oi that reality because theyre too young to comprehend Orphanage and hospitals can barely cope with time shattered remnants War is not the oral psychnto cal murder Disease corrupt on and poll lcai bhindering are heavy contributors to the terrible toll erected directly trom child rcn Bangladesh India Pakistan Vietnam Zambia South Africa Angola the list is endless damn Some little victims oi the Vietnam War are kept also or cared iur partth the etiorts oi an organisation knownastloeter Parents Firoinehioney received irom tooler parente is used to help dslidren who have been injured or who have lost their parents cost is about area per year tor the tester parents sntldiotlcstty low Erica to pay tor saving or helping eiill Kevin Doyle Canadian Press writer reported from Saigon recently that he saw le less boy shout tour years old sitting tn his own excrement on the bolls sidewalks slmost every day pathetics iy holding out an old but tor donations Doyle also with Lilia sn endesr trig lively little girl who thanks to the war has no legs and only one arm Just two legacies lelt behind ior volunteer agencies to save or try to These children face an IpleiiDIlY millililliliihiiliiiillm your vein is re PICK no me risers sun on iHEM saeir roosnrsn seam society which ordinarily isnt pnrtlctiiar ly interested to the handicapped The United States has indicated that money may be available tor reconston YOUR BUSINESS lion work in rih Vietnam once the Communists it do theysre genuinely interested in lasting peace Fnendr In Ottawa We hope that as much money is merit For Our Farmers on the rehabilitation or children and or vorcsrrr zosrr Mantras THE QUEBEC ELECTION Culiurol Sovereignty vAreThe New CalChWord$I or also contention others to that matter as was spent on the destruction oi buildings and military depots IOrllila Packet and Times Later In the same predominhles rs sinus as visas soo IN iowu Barrlollxamlner 0st 22 too Stomry meeting it Board ot lierlth Chairman ll Montgomery scorned Sweeney ed bears trained monkeys noun muons Lilith several hours literal Allans Hotel in Aliandale village at leIstoi Deputy Sherlit Den Sml ilarrie ialr tortured eduoai blot and onstsliii rid Kishl llsyor John Bennett oi blocking recooi zuana iopanse Acrobats direct irorn mondailons ior sanitary lmrovemente tilts Worship denied it its his dbair cootonlediy Sb on Cookstown Thornton reireslied by Hunter Kenned ton Hotel and tell lnldirec hipeg Walkrttron began at Que with Vancouver this years goal Victor Ross back trom England where ge studied tor several months Georg isxion citizen or Barrie lbs to years died He was chiei ot ilrc brigade llibir dignity at Niagara I854 During tilt and 1874 he ought Barrloh two big downtown tires on St trom Five tor more than year Club showed good term at Queens Paris powertul in beating Thorntons goodteam rkosca llawireslone Band played tor Oros 55th annual Worlds Fair at hiltchell Square Town Council rescinded bylaw to allow pits under privles glmost destroyed Duniop olnts to Owen and part Cispperton Hayeld Henry Canoo young transient trom New Yo gem county jail in Barrie by took ng gr Smnervills in cell and ltooekiri overnor Slasens He was captur 20W 71 mm THE FRENCHLANGUAGE PRESS This is slcclioir st ran iorrris on some topics Etrsrrsisiea item the French glaogpaga press at Canada Quebec in Belch President lNixons rhoiee as vieeprert first is the to minor ity lender int Senate Gore Bald Ford who ssacoeeds the dormer riceorrsldcnt Spiro ihzrttw Mm uililyr hurts interior to llayileld Street Dorrie Ontario Telrphwe auteur Second muslin iieglslratlmi llutbe1I MM iieirrti portage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Sisiulory Holidays uccpied Subscription rates daily by srrlrr its weekly Mill yest Single copies licby mall arrlr unit yearly 51mm Counly rrror yearly lislrnce rut Canada risen yearly All nthrr countrirs WW yearly biolor throw all store yearly lntlonal Advertising Others 55 Queen St West Toronto rsi trio did Cathcorr st llontreai hierobcroi the Canadian Press and Audltliuresu ot circula gloss The Canadian Press is mine lsaly entitled to the use tor re ipubticatlno of all news dispatch ms in this paper credited to it or uThe Assoc med Press or Neuter and also the local news publish fed therein tbe bargeIlflxarrilncI cltma yvlgirt origin ven hirng and editorial material cro pied by its employees and rt reduced in this newspaper loggith Registration Nurse 815thch it iiugclgar on Clark and Leo harcisani En lish Ari an journalists trying tor world diam ooslilp reached Barrie covering ea nonstop irom Sohornberg along pitcher railway track through Tottenham beet erosnex hash InI Are They were Tigers tails IIo I2Town Couodi lighbgleud IiInI on more comer re more hits lookedovor pineFlIlndLhtJmllL diliilivlhrrliiirmsmhw Veapra to connect on with On rioIoverumenls rsiorestrtlon plan Burton Darrlos star baseball plans to play tor Toronto East season it tryout with Detroit How can the Tories atWelllngr hope tor success when there is no on ot Win harmony in the partyi They are split bee city over government ownership oi railways Di and Import trellis lsrmers hailing introduction rural mail delivery Sir William liuloclr given much credit ior lhis legislation at Ottawa With Slr Wtiirid Leurier denounced campaign oi slander that his eh Toryoppunents have been engaged in Barrie Cricket umwmmmhsmztu The man Is not totally on Iranian since his name was mentioned as possible run ning route in MI its is described as cone scrvrllve moderate and so lniernstlonallst which doubt lrss explains the presidents personal choice since be is from iilcklgao at the door way to the httdwest it goes without saying that he is not an isolationist it also goes Vilth saytnf that it sale bot his nom natton will be welcomed in the United States and In the world We are also assured that he has atwsys had corn dlsl relations with Csosds The post at vicepresident has not always made its oecu pants happy The lob ll eiien controversial and some have even suggested that he be re Oiued by council oi state suds as existed to France Ill der the Fifth Rethink bid everyone realher that the American presidentlll system can hardly abandon the viceprerldent hallway along the road it Is dltilcult to Is whether the situation will range in coming years The Nixon administration It currently between two crises Theinternal crisis appears to be in the process or resolvln itself with the nomination hir Ford Washington ilods tiaslt theretore better able to con tront the international crisis which has resulted trees the recent conict in the illrldla East in both elect the situation radiated teethian distinlty and lll certs Imovrnt oi disenchantment it will be in teresting to see whether solu lion oi the lnimtni crisis will share some sheet on the ex ternal crisis At any rats the United slates and not worry or the moment over eventual doirn isil ol the government Does ltcpubilcso Gerald Fords promotion represent new turning point tor the ltrpirrlls can partIiI Is it ply an interim sp potoimest or does be hope to ruin try the ml electioni This Is still wellguarded se riotA Trtmhlay Oct til litunsiors LErangeliae star iistlcr Canada has lost pubs llshcd some lnlcresilnp tig ures on language in dsty use in New unmswict We lesrn that mutt or ill per cent ol the population use French as their trum at home let us lm alely will out that these ilgures are based on population sample and are not beech rarity correct iiowover think that this is good ettotiglt Indication sith Statistics Cnntds would not rim to sornpromlre its protesrlorrl integrity in this matter also believe that question about the use at French timid be included in the next nstlonol sexism Be that as It may the uses are encouraging to the sense that the threat oi luv legrolien into Englishtspealrs lag society does not seem as serious as predicted Too many Acndinns test that all battles on the linguistic level are old hat and that we shoirid occupy ourselves with economic matters Im in rgrccrvwnt with economic progress but we must not neglect the linguistic level or we risk finding pun selves richer without our own language Ddueatlonlsts sociologists sud all ihlcrertrd persons must iiivd ways to reverse this dangerous tendency to la lcgratloo Business end Consumer Altair AulyIi thsmsoa News Service WhatIITltih prices tarmm are so tag you so think tbs cultural tumour nltyIcmid turd IobI little rrrapisnlrmus You would think that the iod erai mlnlsieroi sgrloiitiure who happens to hold the reason record his most or by righthandmade show eonsurncrs tired lrisomes Isod rising tood prices but no Eugene birdie likes to rub It In looking over his spcetltcs whlrh when he is its term he dcllvrrs once tilt Ind twice on SaturdayHt appears thIt the rest at us have been ens gsged In giant conspiracy against isrmcrs ior yenrl and that we have ilnslly been de feated Consumers have ignored iarrners tor several decades but not these dIyn was his opening shot It Ste Anne de bottom one recently CONSUMER DEMANDS We are demanding more convrnleou in tooti he told an audience in TIsistotk Ont by Implication cscludlng himstli irom the first person plural We on demanding higher quality We are derrismiirrg greater variety We are de mandlng all dress things and It the lame time welars demands lng lower prices in Trenton Out lir tlnelsn gave the press its harms but when prices started to give the neon media looted er crywliere except to plain some rrsonunsengolabltot nastv tournslism In the best North American tradition CANADAS STORY gate it to the huvwsrrtcd and downridrt parasites known as uunmdtI ty market Mills on Then on in ibronto and this It hall reputation Lt the big cities and arming the smart set cs wombat or square and bayseed Well thatslust line SWEEPINCI CHANGE it would be even liner ii the rrdnistcr rgmnalbie tor sit the portsol or ho is lhumrn generalizations assumlna we must have public light What In the world is the smart sci thats saying risch swttil thing about him Why are commodity market speculators parasites isnt it me anteirate to say that they play vahiebha role by Issuiris rig the risk at price dream and that the connindtles mar his could not iiiodtoo without them llhals study about news coversIgLIoi food prices irons other the tarmers special point at viewt Whats wrong with corn vcnlenoc quality and variety to steedsand where are the Ida dtad shoppers who sre de manding these attributes II lower prices up the term is illle ally tor polltldan whose party has precarious told on olilco but It really Isnt occur saty to portray the rest at us or selilsit and stupid liwe ask low questions about big in creases In lood prices Granted those Invrrascs are traceable more to such tasters as world crop shortages and the escenes oi lord processors and pseksgerr than to any price goqu by Canadian lsrmera But cts not put the tamer on msibio pedestal Just put The Listener Saved Vercheres BDJJ IiDIlllth Canadas bcslkrlousi heroines are lisdcleine do Verchcres and Laure Secord This is the anniversary at lisdcieinsr hc role achieveth ill 1692 its hum watliildelcloe Jst ret but she lived st Verdict about so miles down the St Lawrence lrom Montreal on the south side or the river There was small lost at Vercherea and it was nicks nsrmsl Fort Dangerous because it was on uclllrsvclled rotate at the ire nets Thy hadmas sacred Lac tile in 1689 but and been inlrly quiet since then ond Madeleines mother and istbcr therapist it was sale for hero to go away tor tow slaw They left Madeleine and her brothers Ind sisters at the tort which was also noted by number at grownups and come elderly soldierth On Oct 21 Madeleine was playing on the whorl and the gro it It ps were truncating crops in the nearby Nils Sol deny large number at irorfuolr appeared srsi began kill rig the people bringing in the harvest liladrlelne dashed tor the lost and inst msnrgedtogct insIlrle la llrm and close the to The dhdnidlcll were Ierrliled and ran into the basement where the gunpowder our tent they were prepared to blow up the tort rather than he captured and tenured by the hamlets lindclelne took thsrpa al though the nu only it years old she put on soldiers can and gave sum to her brothm and sisttir Then they rattled the other people In the lost and told them that they must light toIIrn their hone and their rth the also halo cornea tired to waroI noigidroring soniiildnltlts that an attack was taking piste bindelelne was able to grsrd the tort tor eight dip and plaids abrioet without rice or load and hero the trowel rem entering Finally detachment at set diers arrived irons lionlreai sad the lrnouolr tied Madeleine met the commanding oiiiocr and said surrender my arms to you and collapsed No doubt holsters oi the Vice tulip Clots today would sslulu that its girl OTHER WI 12 EVENTS liloTelegraph company was tonne to serve throats liaise than and his site insSeen normal ordeal in thrtsrls opened at Ottawa QUEER if Prentice Ilobcrt Dmsrssss Ir limb oli lawyereconomint whose wslehwords doing his that sits years in power havebccn econornlc presses and round psblin administration Though this miplit seem an unlikely iumvrla ts caption the inspiration oI the uebec The premier has arid be icela no sentlrnsnisl attach mentto Canada saying But he is compsirning as leader oi the only clearly tedcrslist party to Quebec that separatism lr tmscceptshla In Its economic eledmrate it cstspul no to mluencs to slam order no waging his second we it leads to TSITThhhrnl lend the legislature ara trtsbmari baelheochcr In ten mer prIemchrIhicn issues Opposites on ills sleilar scnteoile hack groundUniversity oi htnn tttsl Oxibid Ind lilrilsrd placed rim to the key role oi iinspclsi critic hut he was virtually polits lcsl patriots when barred the provincial Liberal leId ershlp in Janusry itll de ieaiiog iormer turtles rriinlr ter Gable Warner is the process lirsr than tour months later he became the youngest pre mier lo Quebecs history The main planks in llr hourasraa pistiorm In two were the prooiiscr to create rosooo tube and To matte French the provinces work ing language liotlt caused some embit rssimenl later sluggish choosy pre vented resitrrtion on ache ule oi the that promise and dis mstlc action on the language question was not torthcoming Now the printer has switched trom epociilc lan guege promises to concept he calls cultural sotrrs cignty the demand ior 0W bee control over slich cultural took as hroadcsslin and measures to prornole use oi much in tridustry lint his trey Issue remains the ccononu peoples atrengh is dlelsted by eco nomle growth The great symbol oi his QUEENS this James and tools tonsequcuminr Quebeeers And be has undergone trsetsmerpbnitr since he so nounsod the Oct to elcotloo gnome mm style we hlctr were tblrlcllrlslllcuhl bis tint all years in outer have given way tor Iler twoiislcd spprosch to beat tradition oi oi busting nevusso or wreath ROBERT BOUILIASA trend Iiina aroundI govnlnmoriis initiatives in the economy is the petition tiny hydroelectric power protect which ltseli is as irorn troubletree Native pewter trem tbs lures they area are reean an lnqucilon to ball the pro eel which they as will do slroy their way at is And they have insight to have the premier cited tor contempt at court tor prmlisli lot book lurlityiog his gov Iernmeritr plans tor the Jsrnes tiny development SUMNER DECEIIIVE Slim and conservative dresser lir hourassa has been likened iacetlously to an undernourished credit union accountant in reality however he keeps in top plriical shape with rigorous daily swim ming program Ila lsweolthy in 1959 he married Iindrce blmard heirv es at tho tamlly that tuundcd the shbynrd st Sorel One new belonging to hicrino In dustrlns Ltd in his commitment to triers slam the economic aspect Excess Optimism COuld Hurt Liberals ity DON OIIEMIN Cocos Park Ilnrrsn TORONTO There is trap the Morris could isli into when they elect their new leader ner Sunday iblslwoiud be to heroine be musedlnte thinking they are politicslhtil log ist To Davis government has been slipping they are Iitlurnalicslly on the rise There have been signs at ibis in the party Spohcsmen bollsin rodent oi on becIiire the indications certainly dont wrrrstitlt lthlieIltIIis ImIIIIhaIIIItho ygv rrnincn ere or been no strong also that the IJberrlr are stepping into any gap that Is being created itrtbcrthe lectisg srcuis oth eruiro While thereis criticism oI the aims ruouoiir Threelore thus will do on to threeO trust and because He still sullen lrom repu tstlen tor virtuoso Meter The charge that he is not In complete eenhol sect bank in the Onober crisis oi in when it was suggesch that lir hourssss was virtually plan oi the federal cabinet and oi his our tuitlco minim ter iIerome cranquetie The charge is still being made by his political oppo ncnir but his record shows dIrse determination and rot brtloo that got hint to the loo and leave inlrglp oi doubt unut his imposed weakness lop student trons blob school dare be long had his eye on political career its won the GIVIMGCII eralrmrdalnsioprtudcntln the University ot Nonirtals law insult in loss end was admitted it the bar the lab iotriugyrar lie earned masters der grce in political econorny st Word in this then studied public finance and tax lva at monitor year Then came stint rd rtrer lo the ledcral revenue deparimeni which he left in rest to become research iiiI rector and secrets ot Duh boo royal somrnlssoo on las atlou government In the sonata thcrs seems to be samu crilleltni oi ihe rob and the NDI It the liberal delegates are lulled by this lake optimism they probably will run the wrong criteria In chweinl their leader it What the my most needs II mere in And leader who will est II Kill It the notion is in state oi eiurh Its about Its changes It weilrnay overlook tldsAndlndoirtdtoputinoi tire the wrong roan the tissue have indicated byl will do this unto thee pre in this sense my illaerqlmr their manner as well as nhrtv bus to meet thy li ism would trod isolator Robert they say that they believe this And at the contention pro ceedings lesdln retire tol in then imdosdatddiy will be sort Amos till The way we prepare to meet Godlslu ac Iinicdwith lilsSoosndaumgllhepsidon Nixon and his chances going tits part are the wet on rise his lebn will set print to oi optimism voicedtuna lie has prodded than is none oi the stroll1 ioc be has led It rentIlons being pep ratios as well as leadership contests And sisoh esters optimism roiild be both misleading and sorrows other nettle solder llcsven givan among raven whereby we must be saved Jesus said sin llw way Now TOM and futile it is to try any other route tor the last syears Also he led II thtbitdt lhb two bycleellbtt wins oi last tall the only notable rhino llielib erslbookatn II nlyeirsu