or ltoddsertut new milk thlut ltd legit teet premium ores New woman in nrgpru rs lathe rem IM wmtouter to tour Series rte mu Charles trgxorhllo coined MlWmJotu to st hilltuihlethtaairtt nhteMbyatnnlu distension outwit tailor Itrrlzlat yssr heIiln Mrrrrydtioy to in Mar rstt rm molt trite syrr at sorta who HG mthrdtmina and More oppotsoyrltlneliisuhyr sue witde were added ammll onreu tilt in the ptsyott or the World Hw mt lama the noun year Illa only at plum Ind diurnalhomemaker MP1 muwmmlrmmmrzm It utter Blanks Western 2201 CANADIAN mass The Golden Bath lloded roommme natethrntnnnodtaold undertook Cord Tartr unmixed uh arm lieu lot mart minim yhy tach don in othtt DUAA Idiot Satur our Nelttrter LelrersLsy Uniform SlD Udlvulty form Blues crashed Queens thirrnhy Golden Greir no tattered or who Grr about but York llde Yunnan 31d brains win It Kitchener are It Ihs Ind our loan to rem garner tor palm three more than may at the limited It ordsy Mufti Ind West It inlet to do out the on No the Earl mortar starterrathlumllidm Wit hidi1tit1tdoaaa third nutter on tsoyrrd tenant llytrd ell tltlie lanai mart Dare tahorer tine eoetvried to are ureter no lend Intela third 11yard tlet la the host drum rod stern mended tamer rely the thrombushtpdoddiar mud no not for Writ like rtetrue mixer to prune ms MiltMam mason IIrholed here rats series shootout hm My OAKLAND AS pitcher John Blue Moon Odom liver As Bombers Protest morn arAs tuedtletr Montreal Wm beat Nee Yorke the Nrtltutrl one contours runs are tn the East weat nakytttrdloryihu the dis persant eItd Set Bum re slicedImmune terrier to the that Athrl illi Scores Unanimous Win All Hetueetxtquslimmad umwmmmmm Ken Holman in Iereoth in hint Hum reiter ai loututhho Dmid Knolls tAP in seventh term to up on World Series Ind World limit thawinth tor second year is row Fla rerr RUIN alerting piidt JAKARTA AP Muhtrrr mad Ailhdreednibhodled Dutoh hermeitui EM Duh mmoouwnww summon timed decision our the inter diswtheouo bosom All had predicted We mlthl Lu more than tire rottndaostlrsbhersIutlatla down Ilthtmh blood owed irornhtanooerndhtrrixhtm 11 miiBrecrkup Oi Athletics 25 rothtat aid have to do Fruits3 t1 FA== mt armament to lwtt one at than two yearns to gram irredol ltIImLtIo olTorrnto dmtyiotlunmidlalirm ith 16 Points tly JOHN snout Cuadisn Press Stall Wrttrr noon lad he enjoys lhehrvdlfurt trnporttnod his lsimtrd too Sunday to preside to with as Saskaidtewrrn htt tuetlnCnlIary arr in ltrglnn to mother initlr turn in the mute tot pinyoit ttiotu tn the Western oothailpigodmuce Abutdscnn kicked tour tlrld souls thrroronvcne Ind stutnull dmurotod into it til tor irst him with Edmonton Eskimos less thsn It HOCKEY turnouts hItInaIi Elsi Dtvltlon 335=3gt unIeu $23243 uk lterults SIturdIy Atlanta liuutreai Toronto Nt Rangers Butislo NY introdch Pltmglt Culiittmiu St Dorris Minnesota his Allister Phlieder ileum Sundry hlnnlrrrl NY Rangers Detroit 11 CIlltornlr Boston Pittshut Mirth tlrronlo NY intruders Chilton Cirran Herder Minnesota It Toronto ction It 51 touts IllLrotr Ii Vancouver tlnrtd Elli Divlslou Providence lirrshry 53 i$ E5 E2 hours trio lit tor first pilot with Edmonton Emmet less than it horn Idler lhr Ethiutoe escaped with ltlt deadlock with Misti colonists Duos thoroeketdrrooultrlehry ydthhhhirtreeohotrp oi bathroomplate between Beam trad Ssh kstthownn ireemtutoheset tiodtnEdrnudmNWttbott usldsyoitheseesoe The ooirta rained by the Lions iot their dndloek before 20653 rm to itan ousted their ellrrdmtlen the Liana rrwtst win their two madam runes to capture third place and the tidal olryott root now hold in Calm llrsttlir Sundry tor Anrrioe Vroeouvrr New York indoor New ihulaad lororto notation ihlcsso Cleveland timsim Brntltr Saturday Quebec New York Cleveland Toronlot Vrarontrr mom Came toalpht New York It New England Ontsrio dealer Welland itellorttlo Rrrull drinrdey Whistle Barrio Cirme TuesdIy Brarie It Bollotillo Arnrrtcsa on Nova Semis New listen itodtester Striartteid ouz==gt 3585 au guOIaa isckronvitle Vir alI ill tirrults dusdsy Providean 10 Jubomtlle lloetrester Baltimore Sltluzelti titerohey auntSaturday Cincinnati Battinth ll trrtitsootttiot Spring id tttehmoodt lieu listen Virginie Game lootttt limit at Notn Stella Di uu 999909 43258 eau=s are Smdsy Kitehetter Erasers odlod Peterhorattsh PM deteoted mom Conaan ltrno iDtXI Red Wings bod tendon Krista +1 and Oshawa made perm weekend with mitt eter torotxo lirrlboroa sate Sinisy night as Black tilwb took lead in the mounted Indirsojeosni it to Mlttiloendutthereeuai godly each it St Catharines Klimt wut Printout Dare We tingle rosin lselr Vsltnudie ti mrrmww Player 0t Year tsottoartsmtettnsotuam nZ dther OliAJr store Ottawa Greyhounds were new to the GM Droid hick Addwm Rick Hampton scored two tarry lleqim hill INDtniahmho Bdh Greytrrund goals went to met It wasnt mttm dliieront Sal itt Greyhounds looduttttendoitomtwo pleated balms minding atrium Bdnnlttnsctla the his sooner tor Durant uortnr wattmesrlilil Inchetod Pete Vsudeutrrk Boo Teatuna Deraer and Joe Greer troe onupot ed the Oshawa Inll tad Data Trish tor tnnda Mam otistrtt Sault Marla hm Nicklaus Named PINEltUttSE AP lsek matron was named Pro tuslonal Goliea Assrrlhtionr Player or the Your tor the are out sonithl yrIr Salinity willan Charla POA prest rammed Ntrklsus re gnnlzttionr rxeeutito corn rrttt no it In the third time Nicklaus has been turned Pintr oi the Your tltn tiorsn has won the and most otton tour tunes and is the only other man to trill it true in NW in stress try 111E CANADIAN HIS ottsz Montreal Toronto ltnmtllou Result Sandi OtIIwI t0 lltroutolt titralt Iaturdly Montreal 3t Winnipeg Gstrtrs suodIy llontrcul nt titantr rooms sruuotutts Saskatchewan one no it Confirmed After Win owlwtn AP Break up demon Athletlur the Iratint led tier ark phosphoro bsl dyuarty report decrdu ON 1hr breakup oi the Athirtlta Ilnuhzrskzl tilltrbmulmi nil ru minute Illa they but our York Meta My La the that gm ot the 1m world Series has Its time to Isld nyurotd mood Ire uun Dick Greet lllr retirement out at urn Inst sisteroeot methods that hr tr reelgntox item the trout he led three yerrsI with be trust leavlad understood Hid litw tIcksert the outelder chosen wJuunhlr player in the Fm MAIN REASON when and mlll other Oakland players made It rierr that they think their Insurer resound became her so too ht hi or owner Ir Calltomil Antell oddvtldor Frank llnhlnsou win managed Jeekma on water team tum two year It was roen tlrned Is hie coudtdnio to mood til Into Hes on mid clue to rosette or Finley raid lrrkv son The maurgrr told the players he was lento last week to New York Ittrr Finley had It torrvlod to remote tnilelder title Andrm trout the roster think he In trying to tell us he didnt like the wry lltke woe treated either raid re lteter Deroki litmlow WAilS FOR YANKEE wttllsnte perked lainer It the telephone to melt Iltldto1 try to rebuild the dynasty or the Youitmn tors la rnsnue the Yllll bees raid the Munold Vult tetra flint honestly they havent tstttnl to me rod havent talked to ttrrsn the Yankees sitar lotion manner lirhh liotrk to Detroit to control the eeeaia Ind torrent tau oi city rivals that Ill with whom they met there literature Illa dium next you no one tits the moth better than ttllllsnn mitt Irtto try smarter Vrilttm lob rumroommates htI rrskaILao Intuiltod that Flute haddlmtued thre wasnt even time to otsmoreuorwithhimbndo rhuedtorwrrlruyaamas has been around for long time its tolled Oiyrnpique And of the million snow accounts for about one in stored closed Were soy men men tionedl Yes they rear the out rotor mart noted thatllstandttpto wontowatis mmubleatall the mochiae ywrelooking tor For your Olympique has had reputation among snowmobiles as the standard ottctiahility against which all othch chines were measured Fora my good season You could count on it not to let you down when the going got tough out otthrae lhztt adds up to lot or Olympique sleds And lot of experience It making them reliable ulsle man who has Wad his worth try csrryinl three terms luciudirtx Boston hi m1 into the World series Inn strains two ot them HNLEY CWth SURPRBE Otto ot the most widely drou iaterl motors use that the la wsth tr tore htrrtn It to with mother or its bomb nwus Iadvnautwm withth toss an llott with another year to to on his contract with the Angels is one oi tho lurch otayn err mentioned Marry wtlla tenacity at too Andria era but new hrordeuier another Williams Itter sandman ilrsirns antenna WLT I291 254 it 0mm in wwntpeo rasrttsn til 221th ltrsult Sundry Sultntihewsn st cum ltuottr Saturday Montreal ti Winnipel no it Ehnortton lt ErmI drtttrdry Edmonton ot Cslrnry Gram hundsy MI ut Winnipeg Etttttuitorr Calgary ltnmllton rt Sarktithcwun lluttttllon at Shshrdrhcwnn it was because at that reputation that Olympique became inrolted inpethspo the mostponishing ride etrr to lost snowmobile The Expedition to the Notih Pole in the Arctic Spring of 1968 four Oiyrnpiquo machines loaded down with men and suppliesI set out to battle tiuough deeplsnuw inset in and ludgotirnttMolstnx room ward the tight 0H Judge toes Joosntoe oi in rented it 5551 Ind riddle Sdtaeidt utwat Gerrntaymadeitmdtiu =1 All out scheduled til I1 be tarouader usisn that in New Yuri on Jan Pr sier thra WW reared animus lSrottnd dreiaan omAtilhertYorkmahrdr Wit 1h Cliyrttpiqoe that nudedutodysseyyursugoistho some bnsicrnsehine that you can buy at your SkiDuo dealers this your Except for one thing the hit all that tune to make it even better And we hate Theres deep pro le mbhertrrcit reinforced with nylonttbrcnnd is embeddodsloct Ol rods new oomtort seat nodettoma 3iayer sandwich of forms Easy ttceess controls An airintake silencer choice of models including electric start at with ruggedlyhuilt finelytuned Rotor engines And full output or St into ympiquc at your Doo dealers Youll see more than rnochinewith an illustrious pustYoull nd snowmobile that will stand up to harem you give it winter after winter to come seyerlldealemaw RUSHS spent cartrnE mill north at tiotrlo on wort tide of Hwy 21 MAITLAND Hwy it Out EQUIPMENT 0R0 on No MldhuntthMSB LTD mien sewn cvctr snonts too so Fotrvlow Road Unit outit oi the Holidoy lanl 7261852