Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1973, p. 2

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ct little littttttttttt mayonnsnnutssm whysth leocyltslatrms larch Ontario VZLLMMIIWraIMsw Meta gt on wsnunw Managing rum reprocessinocsoarandsn rears Walls Editor an With important Decisiidns tion There is the question ot costlier two wrongs make right to consider so cording to the argument otsome or whether capital punishment actually infrasadeterrenlwbidssaves lisnalu oongrun The urgentlssuo or growing idtsilnn is conddored ol more concern to nanny Eillillhlt2litt reports inotilrtal tigureslsrorlycztedtu many ways tor shoppers and uspa who reel theirr roaelttailves when he takin more postlve action to protect their treats hhlsliywuillontgllsnlehwnaldwide co tons many use cept the contention this tells tile tuil story since rcvious Canadian govern meats worst to to contain battalion well below the world averages in the 1950 1980 period dtlterent now it might nersare several bills part1 lawman to Canadians enaratry whids areduetobedectdedla soarsentses ston ot Parliament not returned Pmbahlyot nan importance to gro tectlon oi democratic rights concerns the bill on election retorsn There has been much controversy already over whether political partiesvsbould have to disclose revenue sources tor election carn expeoses Tbsl this would be tn the interest or yoters eneraiiy so they could betterovaluaie ow mods lathe euce ti eoycsuch contributions may hava on part poitcieststoo ohvtoustorequtra yletstie comment One suggested alternative is that the taxpayers should mainly root the bilh tor sk political acttes with election ex panses prnvtd by the government are could he great deal at interme live discussion regarding the pros and cons at this argument with rtlnenl tarts available to rtspport both des It should interesting to Csnsdian voters generally to see what their reprc centstlves in Parliament have to say on thisirsue The bill concerning whether to extend the tireyear term or suspending capital punishment except tn certain dire cases as re out Enough Lessons To THE EDITOR mg piledtoreovllertvulvm worn US military equip ment stile limo otths truce liilisagreodlornosec nasal upended only by American and Anten military eatabtalhlmdtl the Emits Viet nam national poles to pss seat Conditions are be arguedwilh certain justication But the real risotn tasspendiu more than tdou led in recent yearslsa eavytactor in soaring prices and ination People who have read that Prime htintv ster Edward Neath was able to do some thing about halting intlsllon tn Great ltritain can hardly be blamed for wonder wr wan NOJCHCICE or course you REALIIE ALL or lorlll AMERICAI SHE MIGHT HAVE OVEITTHROWN mmvmammc sworemm or where policemen or prison victims is certain to receive pr mo attest so at Ottawa to visnsaoo lucsrv barrio Examiner Oct 11 Appeal conslug along nicely willsdtuss Davey at fY as campaign chairman and Angds ltdtay vtmhairman hirs Stsn Shier was secretary andbtrs Willard itinzle and sin Ross lurobuilbradrd residential division Other division chain noon ltailuded Dirk Cont hell Woolworth advance soltc tattoo Bob Nel manager commercial llruce Dowsoit payroll Gordon Walt schools more or spa ell 511ch115 oltmllygo lists Ill ON JackJTrlngtn dimly Wilcox corporate bruco Owen pro Tim compTaEcdlAltlticchr 48de Smith relented United Ap esi ha rds are Argos were in last place with onig 19nd United wins in nine starts Barrie Norl ing why more ellecltve action is not tak two Colt legiste opened loothail season with ltd playing ed two but Csvan ministrator at over Stsynor as Steve Atkinson now hooker tor Editan Sabres scor toucladowns ltatph bougheed grad of Central Collegiate recetv Chartered Accountant degree to already having Chemical Engineerlnt degree trom Us verstty oi Toronto Vocational addition and 1100 seat audi tortuns ottictally icgtate Horses board and Ernest liurton business adtrola ssh the export oi In addition opened at Central Col ratt was chairman oi Principal ll Botvmau stall and students dent nstraled opera roleum products that were not ltitallggtgir er led brad illn Fuel Dunn MEMORY anr IVEOI Us orvavcarsr noun business and Consumer Altair harness News Service With winter but around the corner Canadians can he as sured that these will be enough butlog levels to go around To make doubly ours that the United states shortage ot peiro ieusrsbasod luels wont create crisis berm Canadas National Energy board has placed costt tattoos and heavy luet had been the only pot use surrounds eta has 317 The Ivtckoy mam has start ed once more and any sell new parting parent Is rushing out to sign his son up lor hockey Per haps he will becorno another Bob by ltuil The reason tor the arts 46 Iormlsg and otherwise has also begun Now many parents have rushed oval in buy acsrons tickets to conctct series the their son or daughter and or enrolled them In music or as ctasat It is wood thing to be cost rernrd with the physical well being oi our children Are we also consumed with ihrl men tal emallonal wellabelngl it is important iso we thinkl ounis ping um they know whoplays that base the the Nordreai Expos pen Do they or ynal know who plays tlrst bass tor the Toronto Symphonv The death at great athlete would be mourned by our aa tiara It would be lront page uses tilovs many mourned the death pl Kari Anteril Now many even knew who its vast Naturally youwould get up at ridiculous hours to drive your so to bhckoy practice Would nu talc the time in the even hrg to arise bm or hit to band practice choir pradlce or art class or to attend concert with him These days so sorry about our children becoming high on drugs or alcohol Did you boos that they can become blgis no mu sic Instead there seen It but large band retire or will manic or small helmets lam sessions held at horns Do our children know that bee theveos Flitb to not sorbe N21 to dd Ml bombing that can iltt them is hi helahts without the ultra hung over tor aoe aru consecrated has the hchlth at nation that here warships its greot athletes and pays them tautastlc as ten while us have true who Its almost starving tor load and recognition ans eonteratd how about your Youn truly 11 NENVIN BOUT till Strand may times either at pm nation its presidents artists rev opposition tts amino both bloated by Ltd all nthsrtsa system an the mesa trys 11 ssdlltoaa M16 at at whom an nova recsrded on shelltinted volley records MYED IOIT WHAT Al tblg lathe Wis Elli Asian cesahvrbdss stiletqu hour the Oomsalst invalid wastomslsilabeacunlormt non and goodness Illa to South East Asia Tbs truth ls Botstb Vietnam ha been repeat Itll locks till senior ollkers rcrrupteddlc power and UL patina Until Its equipment beard obsolete and presumably raplseahle lrora American stances the Sarah Vleiunnm air lnroc can be called tho est la Aal All do villi Ualras and police and intelligence set ll sltbrrs u$alcduntrylbl IITI IN into to hands Tloreaa Controsnistl to Kitty Woods at Central Collegan tor relay team who beat North and Si Jilte eplas In race along Dunlap St Mrs Clarence Corber Barrie Cttisen ot yaw ws reserved Wgcyfgggg 5123 OIIIlClD C1 INDIE Its good news litat dcrpia sprealtng to council tor more tunds its need general agathp demonstrated by Barrlel es lower twin tunctions pro lects and plans citing use ot arks tor rum is eksrnpie lilck Fraser Wort tan otterod his two reason remaining games tor tree plus 50 er ticket tor taking them oil my ha m3 atatt picked Los Angeies Dodgers to pin Series in seven games They won in tour Stove Jonevcu tavored New York Yankees same number Argo of amines seats or all next season at Strsttord tvnrrsnrivo THE views Agnew Proud Monj With WellT000 Friends by PETER llUCItLBY WASHINGTON lCPl Spiro Agars was proud resort with circle ot weiitsHio lrlessds That satay have led to his downtail to brllot that he was out only repaired to lteep up with tho tsncy loneses bad that lt was his rlsld that Is the sugresiion that Wm so when industries ll Bsyttetd Street Bards Ontario hitpm norm Second Class Mail liegtalsailim Nurlser MM More postage guaranteed Daiirlduttayssod Statutory llaitdaye stapled dubscsiptlon rates daily by carrier the weekly new year ly single as tie by mail Barrie eras yearlyr Slmcoe bounty 2700 yearly balance at cans canon yearly All wiser rmlstnes tilde yearly Motor throw all arose yearly National Advertising nltlcrst as Queen St West Toronto Idd 1710 Add Cstbosrt bi Montreal ltember ol us Canadian Press broid bureau oi accura tbs Canadian Press sscius lrel entitled to the use or re poia cation or all news dispatch es to this paper credited to It or the Assoc vied Press or issuer and also the local news publish ed therein sibs Ilssrts Eusrdnor clslau mutual In all original adver and editorial material ero alod by its employees and re produced in this newspaper Cooyrtrht iteaiatrsltoa llqu her roasts rertsler it emerges Inost strongly lrom sopsgc summary or evidence the Justice department says It solicited In Its Investigation at Arms decade in paisllc cities at the county and state level In llarylood and in the vicopresi dcncy ol the United states Social critics oi the 118 have long tortosed on the corn pelitlva pressures on Americans to maintain appearances and to put on appropriate trout They see such pressures as being dynamic Iuct or Anteri can society but equally as tentlaiy destrsscllvs and illc sen goal log the individual Throughoia the statement at tarts and ovldcnss about Agc new tiled In court by interval at tornrys ihcra runs picture ot man who ielt ho was giving up potentially lucrative pr vats career tor the lesser re wards or public otitcs EXPECTED 11th Despite the lower Iacornc Ago new is portrayed as teeilag that mhadulo malaria genuine Aso prosper rpm to to his public position Ilteres lore it was seasonslis to on out Wei that those who prolited truss government contracts and encosnsged his career shoudl help him out One at the corsilnulng ironies oi the vicepresidents drama has been the contrast between Agnew and the man also In sided over lg tall AtlorneyGenesai rlliat mess srdson is almost an new at the politician comiderrd inc mum to the llaitery at the well hcclcd or the lure oI money There might be other lentptw tlona around tor him but with his Dostoo iirshmin hack groulld Richardson can altord to look iotltly at the pretensions ol pssvenue roalcstsle prov rmters ortd contrartoro And his landiys wealth would mate Yearhonored by Catholic Womens league tirat to be presented with past presidents pin Patricia liamilton youn lisrrta actress now with New York City para accepted by Ford Foundation tor scholarship rdlnin andwlll appear with She appears Theatre Connecticut imaman remnwazm loinl at little envelopes et cold To Spiro Agnew the Greek pedders son on an Upward socket through untouched paid more society and the maelst rom oI politics the turtles do partmeut summ makes temptations iookd erent As one ersrppb among sev eral the summary cites ll liamntermsrs described as htgbly sssoessslui real eatsis deva lope and mortgage banker who developed close personal trteudsbtp with it All shrouds political career the tummy says ills two runs dlsciused Arum personal financial situation 60116111 WEALTH arr prw eontpisiarn shoot It and told ilsntnterman that be had not acwpruiated any wealth belore he waned putr tic oilicc bed an inheritance asst sass pantie oiilclst received what ha mattered salary air Awpibvedmnwro overthse bspos astro red him to standard otilvtog beyond rrtesns llammermao entertained him lsdlm him to Matamlat Entitled contributors and gave in substantial gills Friends and acquaintances pi Agnew have nod to rtceai weeks on tho easura he inlaid in lsohnohhing with men 01 meansthe type who built his homes with swimmingpools and who move richly la circles at their puss ktnd Arrow Iaalsted In court this week that ha is innocent 01 say wrongdoing except tor the row ctlle charge which he did not nastiest that lie cheated on his incorsta tax in lldl The button drpartmertt sum mary vtl llkcly never be tested In court the torocasta by the prophets o1 doom our stiltter requirements have been so tortbrtgtrtiy pro locked by Ottawa this early in the season The bad news will come with your tirat luol bill Prices oi eit tonne oi ensrly have risen sub vstshtlalLV rcecllng another at actors that are thoroughly tlssallter by nowsoaring world market prices reuniting tram actions taken by the Arsbdoml noted organization at retro lousrl Eaportio Countries the vaoldiv escslotng costs at no veloptsg new Csnsdlso oil re serves and the integrated oli rompaolcs drive to masimlu their return on investment WORLD WIDE AQUEEZE it its any corniort member that tbsseat oi the world la caught in much the same price Iotseeao The Americans in particular have blundered into an energy crisis that defies any easy or early solution They taco not only higher tuoUricea had real shortages that ii air force schools and other pu lie build hhgsioabutdowntprlsckot heat bath the United states and Canada have been bouotltutty blessed with basil lusts tint the Americans who dont share our shinterians smegma on or yenvc oration at oriu and eov meet than as an unused turl HIDE rertsli Is that the listed states has badreguisiiouatltat keen natural gas prlces low by discourage the search tor now reserves and protected its landscape trom construction oi new oil retluertea that would have allsvlalrd its gasoline shortage 00111110 001mm Canidd must learn trorrr the small Americans mistakes lets get sit the collisions room between mid and energy and torso the stillnecked ants ntsts or each side to bend tits in the common interest And in our soul to control car ports lets not torgct that thrso rt sales bet to spread the In pair over ead and thus keep omeslic prttvcs most in Ill stilt THOUGHT ur and the on Betbrl wdcre iboa aselatedvt tbs pltler where taco vswedsl vow uelo met no site gel tires not rroan this land and return unto the land at thy kindred lan esls Illll 11 we keep our room that we make in God in the cat no can look tar snare mountain top extrsicucra in the iutvre Vow Illll otho Lord and yerlorm Unknovvn Quantity on non 0111th Queens Park bureau TORONTO NblmlnCatlk isyenrotd tcdcral member tor 0oerto and the tidrd hnportaot candidate tor the liberal party leadership the other two being Ilob Nixon and Donald Deacoht is still largely ordaoWn ryusn ltt aromdhcre lit Catlks political career has been eoiirciivzpenl In two terms in the le house and Its isnt lsssdliar to the mem berg at the casscur hero or the rest oi the provincial Ubrral crowd 50 made 01 his poieoltsl on the basis at his personality it will take the rest pllths tcssmnlru and the contentire sell tor an assessment oi this there are tetv things that can be said however about him an lederal member to the campaign The ltrst Is that there is sharp ditlerence between his candidacy and that at lermcr Tilt LIGHT TOUCH Government Forms May EndUs All by AL DOYLE NEW YORK tAPb The world may be destroyed train by ood The world the be consumed to minder ya tran vasi atomic fireball Bilt stints asitsls students 01 our planet see late malny even more Irrurtlneot bail mau rare man simply be aid Iocatod by repressing tidal mm at govemrpcnt lvrrru tiltind but lorsna has within the last hohceaiury become perhaps the stator aiusssm ol drttlaatloo it is such an rsscatlsl art at modern ilio It is as log that no mile gives an advanced courts is our to do it liters lorrns bout us at ev ery etc thspisgbputyui exiu trace in tact there are only two rats events in our lives at wblr we dont have to ill out government torsobirth end death On these occasions the puperwork Ir dons lor us by gvtaiglng doctors whose sgnatures loatity that we are legally alive or legally dead YWN LAST CHANCE child can also usually ro ren relatives or lamli It ends to sign his baptism rerttll rate but after that he is pretty notch on his own You have to tilt out lurm to ply area You have to 1111 out torrn to open business You havslo tall but one to buy house or car You hire to ill out term to hull an lddlllhil to your house You have to 1111 out toms to get married or divorced You have to tilt out term to get weltaro payment You have to tilt out lorm to vote travel to another country get Into or out ot the armed torcss drive one or keep dog within the limits oI most cities law guesses are being prulyestt lobe blouse and au grrse ithclsa Both ltunro and llheissa was bring cabinet ntltdsiers had stature which votsld have made them shrrast automatically trout renters out cnltk ohms lop runs has been paritsmenli assistant ship and has bad lit publicity outside his home riding is not to their category iiis seat in the tederal house gives him some standing and makes hint intoortant But it doesnt automatically guarantee him big solenlte has no gb goatic bead slsrt TIED DOWN Then there Is during the campaign he will havr to continue to be some service lo the ledersl use and also that be has indicated that it he does via be may continue in his tederai seat and try and lead the provincial party trom ouside the legislature Those continuing Ottawa duties are going to limit Isis chances For being unknown it is most lnvportanl that Calla get out through the province allow him selt and establish sound bars ot support other iedersl ment bcrs will be able to throw ltltll some worm but nothing like what he will need in coma across alrbngorl the that vols cursors STORY Diverted Troops Hjeiped 11y DOB BOWMAN tiousry araslrong lcscolrorrs Canadu icd General Jack burgoyale luvs ed the US but sutiercd disastrous detail It mats wrsloihey were trstnlnl Servings on Oct 11 tm litow then dtcldttt toaster and navy to bctptha Amrel cans The detest would not be binnrcd on burgoyne Its got his arrrty trom Quebec to the lind son liver and captured Ticon dergn on the way lie was sup sad to be hired bymolltcr rttlalr army at the llucison lttver but It did not show up be cause It had been diverted to attack Philadelphia Cnswugnllv Tinguys was surrounded by on mouse Tllu tutor soldiers curried night the war and seat street umy nil birdsincluding Defeats and had to surrender with Duringwthe Anselloan Itevolu6mmghulog gram Canada int one strutting aspect Many oi the troops were German mercenaries and they loved sni near Quebec ting ventilate the young heart eagles They located the entrants and birds as they accompanied the rsotdicra on the Iotvg marches through the woodt Tho olticcra also had petsob tractlvo women They rode in carriages which also carried temple ruppdes or wines were brandy curses by the In store wlzs otter land to cut roads and build bslces through the Mth trr thorn target the the stats lnietllssm scrgktl Veloped with can stem is the asiosl handy tool can tboltallars alts1 upenlttbt bl tary pres 1n the neighboring visibpr to Presidentlimos resorted to instant bill messusaslo me order and evmt situation close to do war this reentry blrlyAme centred trom its long years der indirect US side nod tiled postwar Ud influence is other unssvor exam at non Communist Allan slit o1 West in 5th East Asia slusessnr nations olrtbe lists st Empire in South East Alta have done better when renal headache and smooth social order are concerned allies Outh trallon ether new articles or Arts began in hlaiayasialas the 1m The British at Commits aua hem merge into lbr walla oi now Asian nation vssylr nastocnasrc HINT Ell ill state also laces political repression but not on scale at Americas Mina attic Anoog all the lettuce In Vietnamese war It did not perhaps the worst is the leisure pt these Asian nations to absorb even small anoint ol wret em denwcrsllc method it look the worst Allan rm modern times toslsow absorp tloa wasnt gelngt happen pads pl tit Mada and we bus or scarlet coals wslsirools ltsbt breeches highbuttoned garters The Writ til the Woods more than no degrees others one it crawls itcHtrillsb engineers demolition ot sort tousburg sm Captain Vancouver asliedtrom Noollaaytud lmihlel Slitln bull ruscdloreturnlo belcnISkllobuyhlullscdrna am or use suns llvrlitlhdtur its vas and strayed by tire olicr delicacies No doubt the itsCanada agreed to volunteer em to llgbtlu Boer War tornCanadian Air completed that traanaahade

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