Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1973, p. 1

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oral no Hy or 11 lIlbelInwmrIIvm Melodie will momma mm In In IMMM oi Illa bolrioll Ilyoko conned lbese proce noierldeotwbonlbedoolrlon Tire IrIIIso II oIIIIIIIIo LEGISIIITIOII Credit Report ProteICtionlOn Way our ease er Eel one gee 52 ol Ibo IIIIN onol unl edlln1tllodl III In born In boollee no Inn la ImlM Pbolo by Peter Noon com Mach II =3 II VloIorll IIII so IIIII Mmmuhnl mm in lbal bed lobe lmed WINNIM IInornbero In nonMe lor wmmml tilt In More MINE rmlunurleomlmmmd 19 nmclhlntlo worm Ibo palmmm ollay nimlnlv ummmnnbdlevelbemwm bydoorgu will 10mm some bu ol IllkI puree heon Wilyvllbelwhm mnlullbe ollbo WeenIM emnlmNNIlmeoy comeel we III none PillT on STUDENT SMOKING PllllllliD mIIInnuIIIIIIIdo mm elllle Mull Inn lr ll Ind ellur II the eleer IrmlrdoIDrIlIllleInIb er IlIrrlI mmtmllre loll III sham Cobbly Bum Erwin II II repelled by Ibomow menu mom rim war ended bl bunny almlor II edIIeIlloII lrlrl lbe bald bI been or II rmeblu Ill rlIIIleIlI ulOIIIreunly Iebonll Illlloub mar uboolI IIvI ImeIln Irm en lbzlr manor III III III Iron bro Mom IIIlIIm II Irubbenwlnn lny Ilrr no III helm ell mlierw only lnyorler lo InoII dm lulmbModr IIIberm Ian Illrr Iebool rlIIrIl Winn Inbldx were moon to proceed wllb lm done by Ilrlmhle lobed llydm bu from um Ml WEI NM All Dr Ilsbor lonnrr Imb er ulrl prluloIlI room II he lb IllIrlollIIry mruIIr they om bedVllb nprd Io Imellnr by Ilroenlr III one um willed ool llro only money done II III rebeol III II the bell room by there Ibo ltre III lIIIIle lo Iwa IIIIIII llI IIIII ll would um um llcll lo rel up bowl pol ley lo Ibollsb boxing mu III reboolr llreeb In no cIlIl In nlber lelllllll lure Io may your lrlI IlInIllIr II Ibo noon ol Itboolr mel my be all Near Inbrador IIOUNI WITIGIII Que CPI norlborn who wall In men rlt llon III Ilcd mom mid uh mIl In mlbnbo more III III III men lmlul rnrlllenra bullb menu In lbleb Ibo omen oi menu In unrbl Gilbert weerInch IIIIn lee mm the Midlandml uld III eumole will be III by In drlren Allborrllr bun lllll Downer Ibe WIIuI eI any line lnoleIllIr rep neIebllIIIee blrnlell Imam nun ollbI Mun bury Imokrr IIlI be mole renrolun be n14 III urlyl Iy by nTlllIranIl rIIIIIIIn Ilrmll Iller Ire IlednoadayI rho more Iron 2o lrellerr ll ule lnII algloehen lot Ono work one moo Tbrte men oiled Ind Ill elli on were lnlured We llrer Ibleh levelled about lblrd or Corilot Mllll Co beeLibredor Irony Unfair libel or me lions roll lbrre Ire probably open pander be ol bbornoul In No llell ol yen minor wile Wilma mBmlnlorInnllonm1 WAD Illgvlgwlg Nomi Need noII rope Ill ulmlgmbgmgmlull mlll Ed Id IppllrIllIm III II mote Io irresponsible tho lorlslrolre ls Iwroloo cumml amormnlllex II on summer bm Io roller In Mm ol lbIl rule II on Io roblrol the Norrie ouron ol permal lolorrnr ll lnIIWII mopln loglmuon Non lo Impurle on lame to your ohm om mom dlycleym mended Idea Io IIII lW mud to Ind roller ol more Worm Ilm be It III Wnlhlnzglnrl MMN Mmm um MM million Willem well In lelrlnIIIIII lnlormallon ll let mm mm Irolloble lo Ibo eoorumer ll III mmlmm om 3m mm romeo mi lerIl reprerenlo re In 3mm mlulylrr Ill olvrrloos atollrundown lbINllIblcb WM no Winnmm III reeled Ibo Ieglslaoon eerie Illod MIMIMr lor aboul lied IbI oomllleel lnverllrellon 17 level llI um lo lIII rill083 III are In mp mom rl bIIboen5Iodr own is $52 erg 3e Wats Sixth No c1 Victor mlor odd IIIII Iou INN Ibo Syrlroe elbe IrrlrII boIlI IN lrdlbler an Iunk ed III one were kills In Syrian Irmlml my guardian Ibo road mo modelled la srrlII rom mien commode Ed Wad IM SM zonal lrIIII Ilrnek II eonlvyI Ind m1 ler nl gamma lo comm Whom Irv fmmkmwm hull II lillnvexo glr belllee lbrln mi over thumb counlry Ind molar mnmwleoee III III more lmll loll were men orerLbe Sm urn lrool blltl In Egypllan Ir more om melrclIo mom lmelllInlu Ind desirorod In entire colInnn ol EyrlI Ind Earl lure dIImod Ibootlnm0 do 311 lsl lorlbelrI oil boiler nell lmur re Ir Ielolrned loll 5111p Inle bmlllllles salmon lmrlr Ilr IIIAWMIMIMU Iorcelmkmplonel Truslee Sons New Legislation Could Erode School Bd Power In New boom Imolroow Ibo eooeerm II this my dorm boord or broaden l1 ul Ml see why my Idvh ory mun Ilmld be Illwr rd to MIT be IAIN Ilr ung mo poosIhlll or vi they at wbelber nnnolrm um lor ll of Mom lm Wei lilo more good III board lol no Ionslrl bolero IIII Indnolenyeoamlllee mm leglIlIllre Isa Ibldr has al moron lirey llbe elm Ilrenly reached or end monll wmrorekobxhomo ondmdiMIndIIlnlbowrrr at Met they mice rlrre In In Ibo WIN mu onem muses mode ammonium mnll Dr AIen Flrber mule dollo MN Irlul rilll dl reed llb by Ike myrtle Ml the Mr French harem warming mm III mm at check end more room rm nounlmmh Ind rIlber then murder or pm lbII bl concern IouIi 31T NM IIolilll or III INN bonnie ol elm mnibmdlbfmoebm llon bmboenehelerl Iylbepop oornrnlllce Ire ILIo elreleo ulellon of Ibo eoInly lo oorri nonunllm Ioloo In by the MeOIllou bwnel lull $1 $0er Ibo Mullen Ibo sNIrlrlzlledeleelol MM on Iolborlly Noommm mum Ill we poorer mod ll proleol marry lor Ibo exrbenre lo bolero Ibo mrnmlllee Serb In Ilel be laid Iholrlcl balance In ollvlduol rlxhu ullMl one bouillon prerlleoo Spokesml lor Ilbe lnsuronee ronwanleo unlrrzdlllouiele Irrlleol Izolnsl Ilrelorure ol rooreol Ind Iold Ibo room ollon Importenl lbe lnlor rnelloe Ibo lerlelallob they all could have Ibo oiled ol drylnr all Ibelr worm reeler would bard numbing detrimental mid are bed lo the pony memo lbw In II he commoner lrom ln we loom ol Info all remote MIWII eredll re mm Wm anon Ind WW1 MW we Ibo tubule web reooNI corroded Sevonl eommlllee member elfw more Weer you own berry orlnkrr no line mlllloelv olonl boy your bill Ind yor Ivolrhlrelblrnam lbe comme Illl IIIer mxm mm In swat be lqls xolm gwhu lIllou out nook men will rm lgI ghrfhmm use mi be repelled lo Ibo lozlslrlure II Mrlri IIIonr INDYTo mImmloesollbm Mo more uld Ion II mllybeedod II prl III Mr KIM III on loIuepleml Ibo lerlr modular 4mm Spolbltdb II the calm llelrer llll rumor IIITSOC Prosecutore Agnew Ilgvud reler tome Inc lo DemMl Ibo Iona II R93 Ilulmm rbeIlIryIInd Id muoer qtm We Ill Prrrrrlolln Conmlry Ipuklng Imam delonduil Ill use low rpcdllhl lbI Arm cue Iou III our III ll pm In orlmlnal Irw rim to me norm more In In roe be used No Ilium elrl roll lo loroe pIyrnroI willy plea Ibo mid erldenre rolbemi lor lbe Imi nIl promllon lo In II evidence In rupporl ol III rlvll oulrn Inn by plondlnlno Mini promo Ibo rerun molly meet from relylng on In Inn promulors avid loroer II In Ibo momma Ind obolbrllolnyrrm NoConlesl Plea May Help Agnew WASIEXGNN IA SolN aneywnlosl plea III In melon room could belp him rigbl my lulIIrI roverrmnl ollorl be rolled lbe book um III whirled llnlnoodIy by comment gr MI lnrolml nceIInd Illow II III IIswon IIsI crssor on Imam In Irv tourism Id meIveonrbImlnxel III mm pram lo be mm In lhl mew Ibo LII bikini Whiz In rare room may Isl pleaded no coolest mm In Home ol don lle Irru lord um mi plated on lbm ym probe Iron lb Rlln lire inict dqm molo wipeder WIN charm urmlm Ind melon an pen Owe Tum Eel Rlobmim Inland EE 55 535 glllourosla To For lanes Iieyllrojeollioolr mommy be II In calmer com let his nmllynnuloeo book on be JunoIBIy development Mot Wu CM ordrr by Chief Jule lulu Desobeneo rum Iller Im mm lnmrrvlor the II IilIm AnodIIlon on In Maurine Tim on Irdlm their new lot III In dlon lo Ilop the horn pro Mr Burns was memo In mm mm II III mid ol My woollen lor ruledlon In bl Orl 29 Cliche mull elec Ierrm ONellly learn for The lndIInI ol Israel IlIorI said limb II Ieeoclellon hwyrn um Ilr Bernese my road buyer in normal Nint prolcd bu born under consid mld mike Doodleme IIId aloe by Ibo mun IDIIWID III book potllrbcd lur reek III month ol mm Minn appear I1 llnl 1an in be and Julia Dm III In herbriisrlble lolerlmnen the can easily be hier IrlIblbI nonml emunodu prelnl II In Ilium lo In uu Ilucnw publk oelnlon In IIIer lbe InlIlebn nominalan one pally lolnlrod II III lbo ore lbillion bydmledrlc Jam Boy we CAPSULE NEWS Vielnem Suspends Talks WilhICong SIIGON miniSouth Vlelum loony airspeed polldcnl Iolbwllhlbollelmnxlnnmmmemulkmbylbe Dumblist Ilde last week The lordgn InlnLnry marred IIIII Ibo 5m lrIelmeeo delrunuon will boycott Ibo weekly melon llNI IIris Iobodolto for may Ind Irlll not Itlcnd non mt rules Ibo Vlol 0m In provmd lo mum reriolnly Survivors Trapped In French Dredger DOVER mdond lllrulrrlSmlm eooerl be MINI Ibollln lor bob lnsldo the bull or Propel Ilredrer Web rpelrrn ln Ibo English camel Ill Nels loony according lo on olllelel kpor Three Share In Nobel Peace Prize mom IANrile 1913 Nobel Pm IW Io rm RDIIEIII BOUIMSSA Nell member for Marlee Wiring bonerloo VIM Kidnapper OI Britisll consul Sought MEXIIX CITY minimPolice berated TM Ilde bl lilo Brillsh eoorlrl III Ilexlun IrdmlrlIllsr in Good aim today Iilllenly lvlovr elueelongoonrbe orary Drllrlbor1 mm wllllnrne ll be nlhlooolre lrduirlollel Fernando ArenzIImr were rolled almost Ilrmltoneowly Wedmloy In dlllo rem area 01 Ilrxlcor second Mum oily borer IAPHIrIb whom to noon lowed axing rolled tlml lo oil oil WWII to may Wu use elp Imel In Ibo Illdelo Ehsl war Al lolrn neon moleronce the Arab dowel Iloo mm alleged lsrorll bemblu oi dvlllon Ioolon el barium elm Tuesray bis tiled me hundred ol more Filipinos Iliiaclr Plane To llong Kong New KONG ABIlene Imieo More wicked Phil oloo Alrllne lemony Ind new lromblmlhlo Ilene Koo obe IklioII president em Ilceqresrdou Ir mm IINgW more bald Item ll be medlrlne rru worded lwa lo loo Allllllafl rue Iwet Oil Embargo Threal To ProIsraelis

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