hmnmumnmmorromrun thbIIIxIImmnJtyudtbewbllntlxremreb umrenown otproteninulmm IIIplIrnIlMMIIlllolretni nut MWNMNWI Wmlnlmlwhmolm ROY SCHUEIT BIA Ilele Aye IIIIIII 10 HELP WANIED SUCCESS FOR YOU IN 73 We have great opportunity In the Income proteetlno held tar In Invbitlous Ind poIIUIe perm Ibo um weer IIIIII mlImIIed polaairl QUALIFICATIONS 111151 be lent an or am IIUSTbeln road beIUL MUST bu the owner rtllnble ur you CAN IMMEDIATELY EXPECT minlrrlnn o1 pimde eormilulon yIIIr lint min In thetleld Generous lull omission or Ind established mourn YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE You will melon III II InienIiIn trIInlnI In Toronto expean no You Irlll learn how to Apply poolllva mmlIl ItIlt EIII opportunliy tor rIpld IdrInoenIenl WE CARE 0on those driemllntd II min In their year diould Apply our New mu Yorm ransom iNTtllIVle 11115KIII71E72uolul Tiradzy 1pm Iolpril Wednesday 111 Inn to pm 10 IIELP WANTED uInIIrnV mood ItoMI IIItI our war IIeII IP mm IIIIII twirl Nimitz Ian If III III run mmu Vmbly with ENIW IIoeIIIIq MM Auto III mail if IAlli XI 11 XIIIL III billWm mum mud IIIIIIIIIIIL cIiI Nu JIII Monte WI trolled um yrllbmllmm Milli llvillld Mil ItcnouTLns millet MI tuition Ii IIIIAIrilx FitterII IN moan IIIVI IIII irI um want In mum Un IIIrrnI Illnl IMW wedded MM Ill NM All II flat1h IM Illr IInIII MA Irma Ind IvIn lnoo our war Ich one cool IIIudIo wormm Irmai mum 1161 uuln rout II mm IIII bvrlrIII wire ltvtdlomutrm IIII mulm toil Ind IllHM ditnrr Mont be ml to IonIna mom II III oily Apply um dilly II DIIIII III winner IIIIIL IIIII TI USINCIO MIMI 1111 will Swim In Iogllrm Ind Milv uI ImnIIIm mm TF All V11 II WII wlItt upbri Ira III you 11 won II II DIle Iwonllu II IIIII IIImar Ilny Anny View my Into Gm llln IAIII Ivorian ItLIIII 1r Ilwttto rumIII router Mum IInvIr MIMI IAIIIIII IIoIIlInu mvlrod Dn lib VIIti VIVIIII Apply III min Cm Nil um CI 115 AWN ll IINII MIN AID WDMIII IIINIG lit Imll Im II hIlI Toronto ltII mlm IM Iinvl only not rotIII ENNM not amour commu WI HHWI II too IMII Ollll out I11 IIIIIIIY I10 Hulklad II DI MINI mutt MD Mi Mi It In uooinyom or WIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Good Willi mum tornguly bemtlio III III IIIIron IIIII III thin wk will min CIII MIII Itvomoo malt mumI III AFAIWINY mumm mm Inunlr ItIndIrnIn ADNIIIIIIIJIIIP III mm mm Ind WIIII II III FIII Writ I6 utL ltml IIIII ml neutr lu halile llilm W1 not unllIl Tulnlrp worm ltllllbll IIIII In nmon In Home lull II IF IIIII mom nimmnt poeltlou TNWM maul If mun OI IIIIIILI IIqu tor VIII rid Ilium run run um III out hum Mtrr I3 ITTIMI tIIhIIr IIIIIIII Imit l1l mill In In omen In Ill mom or am ltttny II MIIIII MW IOAv WuIIIy Ind Mlkal WIIII AND Whit MI mi nitIm III mou ildilIAidiAbmiiitIESN wt 11 IuLLvIMI In mu It IIMI InnImmune III III WM mun on Tron Iramy III III emu mt II II lmillm IIIiIII mom IIIIooo or III II IIItIIIo mom norm II II Icuwy oiw him If mIIInde on MI IIIIIMIIoI In It by to Iran IIIIII Iroly In men OCEAIIDNAL llylf DWI IDI Dom IMI IWV Im IM IIIIII mutt II nut lldln III III nInIInlI TIIADMM III91H brim or DI vaIrII IIM II or All Innuiurim In It IIII Dll III hm HIS Ill The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario Mumunmmn 0qu EIIIIII II will too Imel Vern tweetatrium BIRTHS pradleo to provide III ENOAOEMENTS Ilull Mr III II ser quorum Innurrrurr 72M IDA NWT llI ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES lmxlmmtlndulnd tuition Mdmmmr llddunul Iurdr the per Inrdl Bingo I1 S18 uptrrolmlotb licplllu cornito evrurs DANCE Foul Harmonics APPEARING AT THE ROYAL CANADIAN LIXIIDN 117 AID VM St IlIrrle FRIDAY ocroozn II 1m pm In lm limboI Ind 3301 PER WUIIE 11M IIIIIIIIle II the II Wednesday pm IENDLEYS FUOIVERS it Elm St WI IlUltIELs FLOWERS Bulleld SI mutt ltIIutIs rwwutts IoDInloISLF Ml udan tour you NMEMORIAM5 tllIIPDOT In Wm o1 our IIIIM willd II Md IN WIN IIIrIe rem my the mm It Int memory tum mu my It Iy mind It IIIoIdI Mm Ind IKV In new or Ilmuu In Irvin mm wt mow III Imr III we rand My Domr 1m III II out not Iorrnttln AI It Ito mood mt In or lonely torn or mum nowII II NM III IlwI our Dm or uproarIr mu or rim my mm III IIIqu IIIle lot my lime Im the man rm It Murmur mm muted IIIII round by win my Ind mum limo III Tumor or 0N IO HELP WANTED LIGHT SIDELINE no In Inn you my mum owlIII ummnu II rrovm IIIIIII minim umnrl IIMI In Imam our remini It In guilty DIM mommi my II norm no erloot III WWI vuth mourn In on llllv mu Imhttul nWIoIIId IIIam In aid Drum II III Ind our Ina III on him Ind by IM CM ICNIMI WIIDIIL IIAMIIII loving mtmm I1 den ttn Md brother IIt IIIrum ound Iwa Weber ml WI mm It IIIIII Nu vl il VIII Ina III tourop Print In NIII Lot or Millerle mm Iii mimoth IIIII nu mmikllml wold mm III Mimim morn mn Ivar new Isa Marrow Intile II um rumm ll mum com For Ml IIIIuI rumu In Ion rm memo Don until II II mm mm um uI mm nu MinI III II Iumtrn 11 rum Die 91 nally nutrition mm IM AIM DAMON1n Irvine mm III ourqu IMIIIM wva Ia Iur Im II 51mm TIleohm 12 mm am My lm WI ottrn III III think rt um mm In III II Item rec mm II Inly VIII1 TM will an nu III em Wed no my Hill It or wtlr run IodyImin tInItIInoI In loving mmnIy II IIva rum INTI um Ier MIN Im mu III III Ind IonIII Arid IyIIvIvIIm eon row we IIIiv to you micI AM TV 1111 Elm Ill WI KIN OMNI Vnu um II IIIII mo III lnsIvI no Im my mom WIII ImI ml moron Ever mumm by room Ind III Irm III WM ot unmbe In iovtrd MMI II MiIIII Jlmll Bill mud my October rm Irmvnt new II you Mr II mm mm mm II III ma III woo II to uy any Wlillllimlm my my sIon IIIII II no IIIII In Niven Mm Dobbin Ind Ihtrry IllIlIlito mun mo IIWI only 0mm ovumo II In may wamloy owing whim um III mtmlnwr mum norm Ilia AMI er milm ml IMI Ola IAIIIIITII toy trim IM loom IItIrv Willi with mm in tent MIN Iridium 101m IIOIIIIKIIPII Muted III Ihlldilnl Mounts IIIth Intern lilo tlll Till7 EMPLOYMENT WANTED you run your vullbtrphi lmrml mlnrli wulnllld mm our ImtItltlinn III II mm mm moorlr l4 PUBLIC NOTICES TOWNSHIP OF lNNISFIL CLERKS NOTICE OF POSTING 0F ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONERS LIST rumor Inreby rlvm tlut have poetod run my ruin It VII line Stroud on the All day oi Odobu me The Assrlrlnonl OommiIIionuI III IIIwa under Sedlon 11 ot the AIsessment Ant 1114 IIIt II moor o1 Ill Inbobilantr oi the ilunitlpullty and includes IIIon Itrrrrmt lnturrmtlon lor the tllltdlorl oi education uxu Ior the your mt lherrby llll upon IN InIIIbonntI In lnlto lmmcdlutr promotian In have my error or ondnioru tormtod Iowrriinr to law 31 Iaotdry ltIr IIlInx Ionmlrltntn ll the 10111 day Nomirim Revlrlnn olll rurrunrrite II Innhlil TownIin Utilrr MM um DATED IIIII DUI duy ut mlm dorltAdmlnlstmlor TOWNSHIP or VESIRA CLERKS NOTICE OF POSTING OF ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONERS LIST Notinolr hereby given 111111 Ilnvo potted In my oitico II 11 Owen street DIrrII on tho lDtII dry 01 rm tho Anora mrnt Connnlnslonrrl list Iurvplled under Scrtlon 11 DI the Amu Inent ADI lIIlI list It remit III III Inhubltantl tin lilunlclpullty Ind Inclutos reboot awn lnlonnItlon tor the direction ot edu ir ration tIIeI tor IIII yetr MI lvrrtlry ull upon Ill Inhabitants to take Imuedtute pruecrdtnyi to hum my mm or outlsrlunr umrerlrl Irruriing to law The liIM day lnr llllnu onIplIluII II Ute ItItlr day Ill November run lichIIon will tonuricnun IA VIIIIII Tonngthlp Ill am oi Ottobrr 111 rm Dated IIIII 10th duy oi Otirbrr 1m EARL RICHARDSON Clrrlr MI 011 09 ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West Speclrl lune share the Wealth Inursstort to mm brIIIII 13 Iucnou IILII ln Iuppm II III llIrrlI Blind leanI at an DISCARD SALE ot Iood Ural Clothing out Ind Ends PotI Ind Pm Ind urrtul Irtlrlts THURS 0171 ll 7D Ell Illl OCT 12 010 All lit ST ANDREWS Inmmmui cutinrn 100er Open bl Ind Wbrrlry Sti strunntvs AT PAL WEDNESDAYS II It South Ward Community IlIIl Gill Ind pom ontlII 1ll BINGO SI John Vlannuy llull TUESDAY emulation AlTI AUCTION LARGE AUCTION SALE or ERNIE and IIELEN MATTHEWS lhl II 0011 la Tecumsetlt Np Direction sun at Cootslcuu or North II Sebarnborl on 27 Hwy to Newton Robinson then turn West In ioth Con tor Ip pm Intlrr to arm on FRIDAY OOTOIIER II It Dunno CATTLE 1N bend herd oi rood brood MS Hill 1st ult hellen Incl ulnrolrlr llerclardn Ind DWIX Ill the m1 Itd hnllcrr have rulytl by IIdI tram Ilw Gmrulol bull Ind low Ire tram In Anrur bull to rnlxod Itockorl IppruL wt in Ind up llerd Sire lion ouron Didi Loddo llllou Eden has been with lbr blood can rim Aug 1st SWINE Approx to ply writh lng mind In 11 Inn III 7500 him II My most Clorer Iomn AIIIIII Ind broma hry IpproI 3910 bales mired grain arm The machineryinwdcs 11 meter model tillo diesel with model to trout end loader ttully powered 101 we tractor lllIl It trutor Good 1111an equip Nil Imdel 150 buy bait witb bIlI tiuoler Dion too upon basittt mill or thmetr WWI model as 12 omltlnn lover Iorecn oudli Illyzrtth III hole yrln wtmdcrrurrllle mm qum 1210 Ford PM It ton Ind Milka body Ind hoist III in III III too truck steeldumpbonndlnisiiltlil No ol good misc limo Indy II work thaw oi Ind rattle lune cattle IiletIrxmy Ind lime IItlrlcr pony Aarnrsr pmy mi Henri Irllle Illn pm iirrirtm IIIth III hot Ihot Tile maul ion 01min 11m lumelrnlrl Iumltura Intl illlltllel bodic Ind Gentlemen fIrIIII list may thiI II large vitaI he on now Terms tinII tiny of air IImr II Iold Nothing III III IIInaItd until IeItIrrI turt Amldcntr Neither the tlwnm nor the Audionrrr will bo III pomlblo tor llttltlttil or prop trtv loll lAIritIr north Nnuton ltniiinIrn HOW ERNIE SEVEIIIN Autiltmcrr 1111 AlIlIton 501 No Seliln by nurnlrer Oi REPRINTS 11 you unult liloin have In print at my noun olrlum lrlren by our unit photomphrrr oIeIII call It our Builneu Oll ollllv II the My lair II Coll Sevnral lawn Illulrl Hooded MrNehmIIxl plank Maryqu purw nub motor mailed rooil oath rum Ill GIIIII choir mi Index Small radio Nd domgdmoportr VIrIoiII piper Ird lilting III at Merl thIeI duomo llldrnlable table lnmpr Ill stand at bird Ind llIIIo TV bum ol oerrmlc will we Ami bar reirlremlor tripdricl in Iron lmwu Vacuum dearIr ml water water 15 tent uilh Iqu Ind rem Wheel burrow Irubbtt limit 10 noted Indus blltei Diexi IIW elec Irir traln lobIII ot English quarry tile Several am It male lite Several burr ot Ilidtuse cement Foldlnr pin pongtilble Antique cabinet Aotlouo pank trble Antique china Itntloue Du otter miter Utility tube polo linon Msrodtst Push type rotary him Inner VIIiouI rant oi paint Doll ol hauler rope Bathroom lmlrl Wider ripple bullet Severn exten sion cords Ibldtng emery can Antique died oi drawn with mirror VquuI gIIdIn tour lip elewle motor It hp elutrlo motor marl Imlor IrIl Iurnm blower Oll turner urllt Ilnlltrom hnsln Ind taps churol storm windm trigrim Elwin Iruyytlc leInlI DoyI 21 blade lllIII dnIrr GIIdI training mt Baby Iilttr roll Tiller Quetu mm clutter Drtsser Fold nway bed Dread box Lamp limb CIIlldI extIIuInn rate Uiildr our bod Stroller llIby rarrtIrr llotllI sterilizer GIb rrultrun Doll rnrtltze Small labit Iloor polislrer Block Ird whip TY lrldtmrlnl zrlud er tloor rur not our mull er articles Terms msb No reserve JERRY OOIIGIILIN AND GEORGE PllilEIi IllDllDllCH Ii 12 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL TENDERS FDR SUPPLY WINTER SAND SEALED TENDERS In Town ship at lnnlslil onyelnpts plain ly norm II to contents bill be roeolvrd by the ClerkAri nllrurlrutor ol the Township ol Ionlsill It Ibo lounrht luri elpal moldings Sim Onta rio until pm EDT on FRIDAY OOIODED 11 191 or the Iupply oIWIIIIER SAND It the Tuvnshlp It in nIIlll IorII yard Speclllcntlonr Ind Irnlu tom may ho othincd It thI oilth at GodMmlnlrtutor tertl ltd them tor ol the bid TIDBIINDTIINE eIclI tender The Inmt or Any ttntlcr Iinl nmrlly IcerIIorl III DEIllSTEll Rood Suptrlhlmlent Townshln oi lnrrIIlil Road lltpurtmenl Slmtll 0M 01II TENDERS CONTRACT 7330 SEALED TENDERS will be rII Iclml In tinder envelopes pro Ilikd by tho urviortlrnevl up to 5pm ottobor It 1W1 for tho CONSTRUCTION OF TRUMAN ROAD The colulrudlon Includes 30111111 cubic ynrtlr ol EXNVIIIINI 10111 lineal lest II II Inch dIImettr Mimics tempt sanitary Iewer lllltl 3000 Iom oI DMIan Sprollieullon niyl lender enirl tilrs may bu obInIIird II III lorbtrtvt llttlTlo on payment III mnrolttnduble ttton lee lowest or any louder not Itc manly ambled Ice Wu Irn sorry we cannot IIIruI phone orders roam IIIIdIInInIled Innln mm wile Imel mbuiiotbohodorybtl BRIAN union PIII limited ll IIIrItuI munI Am NNOWlhlwotlmm Eh 51W ot IIIIIIIIII Driving dorm the NbIll entt Highway 100 we noticed IIIII lirao1 my line examples pl pine mm lemon bid by the pioneers In this lmlrestina little and Tim too on tinnorlIIIlde ddmmlailweruwthu that at tho nequ oarly little from human runny which yup lIlnr armed with tarIn In brlik Names o1 Inrly lurnilru lrleludu tho Cwnnr DomIII Reynolds Keltyr Grahams IIIIbbcrtI Lo bula11mins Wires lIun tern liInIorI OConoclr ONCE LOG HOUSE At the tumor of the Dill Llne Ind tour slderord uo Iore lust intInIotnwotIIIturnnrhnno oi Tommy Ind lsabol Dowmm stripptd II III Imul brick old hgtooxporn on warrantin runpe oi IIIldlIooI twoxtory log hm mu we made at IquIred log up to two tut detpt Than Im squared from pine log out In tho turrn and they have runabout In porlrd crndlllon HIN the window ensrmnnts nro original III limp lny vith the mumilimt timber nltbndtothefioorbondsnm and up tom lett lint tuI wring mudn trout tIIIurrIcIr poles Accordng to tho Dow Nth with glee II In out uIrIIrI cold on IIImmeII hoot Only In building the ruin ilid the original builder Illarul lyIIII tinr11 TIMI they built Diem upoodlngly stoop pitch at mapper tr tidal mu Id yreuslne lloilitiay Stnnunrrl Ind rnillr At IIII writing the house bring dismantled to be moved to W111 lotutinr by Torn to buys III Donrnrn LI nullknow In In lioclt 01 um Iilld tor ban chamle ellorp sheur or Actor the Inuit ItIndI tho purity title Knoctsirhool house red brleltud SS No is built In tour ultrh linen lilti has Iervol Know eomIrIIIIIU hull ltloxt mixing to the steeple ltin boliry llII orlltlnul whool who rstnhllrhod III lull Until rem yourI another Knock londmurk tho old inure llnll littlo lramo bulldinI mm to his own Irhmdouort III tor the lonlrlit SunlImyllll thrIIp opomd by Selby Dow mIn In thA tilt Lion oi Innis lll tbn Grpure hull llo ill Ivor built In 1817 The Ordn IND rtubllrlltd Iur tho Noble pur To dovololi WALT trian IuIl uommlrood ln luster mutuul underrlnndlog and Owl not To tomes11y dearer Io Iuprrsa ptusmul loeoI mitoti DI Ind natltml promoters Ill unhentthy rivalry III settisli Im bltlm to Idytlm the consent Education tlIIIIIslIl Ellislnrtcol Dentemliul Review Knock the Mme ot the Dow NS bMMtllullnllobc ruul Frank whoop prtuuitnthur will turn meIIt tho arm on lot 11 MAI CDII III 1862 John retired Irinlrlil my Iuporvl Ior NOTED llLllollLAN The Inmt now uwnml by Rob III Coonu nntl vitrle litllltll by the CDII ii BroUan III lDltiu rItItItl loin llttyeo Wynn Int III Cut 511 III 1110 birthplace til ottI ol ODMIIJII most outsoutinr historians plaque unveiled in 1131 In lront ll STRAUGILAN Ely Clerk 001219 Ruth Public LIIuIry by his IIr liarth Abigail llonter yerrnbmtbnyhdit be tel Ell titty Ardm notde Hunter INIWI lbll dltiinwbed nosIII Ind un neologlst IrIr born In JIM TWP Flawed from the University at fibrooto IIIIla Ind unitar It the lirrrtn Imminer lam lilyextensive emlontlon It IrnIIIeob onl Iitu 12mm IIIIIII IIIed viii interest In the his tory It that Im lie Iuppllad Inuit vIIuIblI lnlormItIm tor limiter volume edition oi the Jetuit NellilhtilHlinlll ImIecretIryo the OntIrlo tustorlnt Society 191m III write my IdeIIly Irtides HII lllotory oi Sim Oomty published In 1909 II Inc It OntIrloI earliest Ind but re Kloml ltlIinrlex Dodnd by Ont Ardn Ind llIstoricSleI mm The late Mr Hunkr located over soo inIrnor lnrliIn vllwn site III North Simeon My 11 has hit IIurInrI IIIbor Willlum who named Knock Iltrr Pluto ol tho nnrnn norm In III Mivu Wand Kole dc gtth small hill cousin pt Vlltlinmt livod own ootho Iran who III IIle 171le limror limo bent pooptn on II the um Nubia Knodr WiIiy and tho cousin on tho wt IIal Willy We mind In drlilrit LIIDIIIJI lltn lily Swamp Iinlch our one ol the Id mobald nI btnrn Ind nolvm htho area that Ibo block Iplre ot Iprunl Ind balsam mo Ibooltll extousivn and It bush mlmrrui northern Wm very pretty with plnon tamnrnrln ni ver binII min Ind trembling mm FORMED STATION lumDIg up tho In on Armand by the lmll Vlnn MIDI buildnr vwblta with Inigo overtuutnr root typlml all mummybuilt eIrly railroad billidinp This old building ot the llIInIIonAllno dnlu CNJI ruIIrthl hm no It heme rxivlnio home lboCowrn Brothers IocIIiInr llor 1n IIII century ohm there we too on and two doun III Imxve bolus day Iroek hello WI leased bore Includ III lack Iluntcr III Wnll ooo Ind llr llIIN It Illllmtti times It WM tIln troelt wolkorl duty to III In iIII by day or why elrht it warm um wattln tor the Iron On more thI one omslon theyromernborodtboy bail to tint the train own themselves Across tho road on the east redo oi the trucks once stood lotulsltlg IDIqu employing II number oi mm lion ol tbp lumber lor the oldie house Pilor to the 1100 Win out here one trazody roared the own lion ot the Itemnorm mill utter boy WA crushed to Moth burleuth rol IDA World o1 It tho lin euplmummimxdmtlnthe log or Iautd lumber tIoIII rnrlr Suump In tmnxi onoIIItv mutually in the littlo lbt Intro lust uusi It the meta II II eule rooltxl rnd ddod ovtr ltI trumo commotion uitlr lion home NEED it we lml III the William Sran IImlly LARGE DAIRY FAIL Just west at Vlllb Station Ind lliItrIoyw dorIIInatcd by huge riloI and blue Ind uhite Innis lsoriootthornostmodandnlry Iarms III Ontario owned Ind up wind by Willard Klnrln and nine Ilrubnpher Dorrie ln lDuI Contounlnt Your lIInIIlll had Iltu tum ol hortlny the In Iomallonal owing mnloh on this turn onncrly ounnd by turmer lnnsill movo Joo coch rune lor 11m yrotu my Inthor Ind mitotl the Lion Inn on lltu North msl trier oi the In trIIrttltu oi lhr ltlr AltllltKltl and Cumsslm 10 and ruloyoil Imyntnkiu lu tpltIl KnockVino mu wide with Rolds sandy maybe nutbonded with Ioneollnno tilled with pint Iturnp tomes looks Dnlt Ind timber Min the III or Tom Knbclrllnd Vine Seem Be Slanding APGII mmIndnyblnnIeyI $5 pig SEE 25 Basra agfae iii Adm show that Ibosine duoerltnd mterymi trlmd Iplot 11 led wdoord by oomrtn iron rollI llle lilo April it ms Igo your II II paItVoI Mum now On the with Ildu the Ir another mtonnlul inrm owntd by Rom llubbort odtlnrl by William lluhbat tun hutbcr up the road north side lot II the lodrbIrt homestead until 11 0131th by 21111 lockllori Inrrmr roevo lrI hunt brother lluml lloro may Iomrniwrlymnmteimdolzel railroad brldze Inn Dow such ovmd hour 192 to typical Scot lIobtut III out my lilo Margarets uundintbrr Up on tho In Iound the basemt Into eII tho homo had tried Kld the burn brought Ilobort 1mm lily 1in pain Ibo original had btnned nuwluldlnnheuponlhp uroundoverrrown with Onlyrtbn thick stone wall stood bold Ind Itmnr pine Iturrip lento Flu road still hurt armIlla Itywnrd Itx Ind room Iymboltt oI Ibo hardy who rloorodtbp kV at one ol the biIIost oed at virgin pine In Ctmdn no nos lly Itnsi IIINLrsI llcernl vIIllorI with the CImcIonI ItIvI beon llr Tire Front Stone Connie Cindy oi Sudbury Mr and Comeroti and Cathy nlovrootl lIlr mi 1111 IMAM Ill My Point ilr Ind lIlrI Barry Ilrlrn turd Steven oi DIIrb Mr Ind lira Tony Ind IIIIIIIy attended the dlII o1 II lotterI men Delhi AlrI Davui tour and Imn Ipont ea In oi with Itlattion In normal ins clIrIIro Atkinson lew day last week sonInin Ind dautbter Ind IDI CIrnpbell LaurI Ind David at Hoblrote III and Airs Cline Catherine Inn DIlo Itlcnilrd international Pluuzhtnz It Alvlnstun on tho noolirntl llro basement lor new house In the llIIrullviilu Iubtilvlstnn ll being our tho irurth new house thLI laid brim tin toil hunter AIpu pm