mower mmonwealth id Getting ore Cohesive tumbler people to we at hand some at the drier es and Mireille ml to ac than th is are 3R EEEEE Tentative Accord Reached IaPtlliwnlem IdhthUPIdellodUPIUmdaedl um Intendsbeth mathematil Lm dtusau buted II maand Parlor suits Ira norm wot no bwr Niesbiub hm when the Tandem ud It Rachaeln tutu links plan Ontarioiv Urban Transportation Program Adtoiceioreveryone Somethingvery frighteningcanhappento dtics vim th They gnhibf hand and almost over le that give them life Theworsto codes are ohm hamperi pooermevery alien systems Cars and truth can become menaoes highways and roadsfuming bottlenecks Subways mnjam andbttsusimplyrelusetohaudlcnn everincreasing load Localoommunitimhave becndoing nhenrlofthcproblemsdiut new beipisa able for now and for the future theirbestiok People come rst People really do come rst Thats why the Government oiOntano is Eicient road policies Communities can increase road capacity with greater use ofoneway streets muicted deliv ery hours and modem parking policies Municipal studin on that subjects are supported nancially Coordination is vital Normal transit routes oiten carry our people across municipal boundaries Cooperation and coordination in intereomrnuniry transit planninv therefore are becoming more and more essential Your government has intensied the efforts and resources devoted to the ourordination of transportation planning GO Dial Bus DiaiABusisafomtoi rightsoiway and its elevated guideways cause little interference with regular pedtstrian or vehicle trailic Citicswitlbesubsidiudto the extent of 75 in applying the GO URBAN system to their needs encouraging an urban transportation system that will serve Ontario people the way they should be servedclhcicntly Ottrnforlab public transportation that has been pioneered in Ontario It does not operate on fixed 25t NM nunnlirRtrIrt Gammon ruhunlrrti mo but manor Inpil one page t3 Ips Iii from WImIEI Implant ea oi Av II It Niall Iithito distribut equip load out III These LII prodth Income with KIWI mm you available phone tot ma n3 mosh tori Iannhal theyre in tho ted magnum no ourstrusts POSTED trite program mainly Involves let Mind your lotInd on Iron one outlet run they at rim tia mortumty toLIrItcL ILWLHYIL the min arm I0 mll Fifth watershed oi MUN Pi In It numerator mtrics not Mr grommet Commonwealth so rietr bodes well for the More or the ornartizotion because they will carry on whatever the contoieldut oi llvvcmrnmts and bmel much rovernments miiehmuu ensures youth dso make him opumlstrc lthinktittyoretahnz Inewlookntthoworidandtbl emdltloos mould than they no that Britain and Europe and rolaliolp IiLH tips enummmlth you tremendous charlie to illieu rtnudlthmkebat eyrn goinz to work my hard uroverays oi women law hrvtho SEIRs FLYER srnltrtue oer CORRECTIONS ARE n5 FOLLOWS Illustrations should not Ippear on ion Sid Jacket piers dine not available Pm itenu ill Save ehmtid read sale price in camera accessories Page to iterulh should read Save $2008 Sale price $249 We lace mile Save $4097 Sale Price $429 Page 11 Spanlsh suite price to road Reg $490 Now $469 Nrglrt Table Re 57998 Sate co $6998 riileditomnean Rod room Suite Re $26998 Sale i230 Commode Reg $4293 Sale $3691 Pege il ltem millustrh lions should not ap pear merehendtso not available Pepe 13 Savlngs $1499 should vnotappear on stone wear set Page 15 tor ball onto should aid cordiatued see that they rot satisfactory wealth read tint inexpensively and with the least possible duruption of natural sunoundings The Ministry ofTrartsportntion and Ounununioations has instituted GO NEW WAY an urban transportation program to develop gt modm WIIWSIIM 95 midi and liuti isto stagger woritmg hoursondalter daily and to support them nancially New transit vehicles Comfortable vehicles and convenient facilities make public transit attractive So the government is paying 75 of the post of municipal buses streetcars trolley buses and related iaolities Go Urban new exciting inter mediatocapacity transit system is being developed for large urban munict palitresihe system will be fully automated quiet and emissionTm It is much less costly than subways or express ways may use existing at III Quid poililltll we met mt Jtutpttf awrwwar Urbatttrnnrp mair romtonuhle roomywanna WW routes with predetermined stopslnstead Staggmd hom it Operates from Another way to reduce pealuload oongcs Thoho andmdpnhrles mun allow ethanol var ofatorlallrfnrrlnrrr ewe7 weekly trafc pailems if passenger demands can be spread over longer penods people can be moved more quickly Feasibility studies will be subsidized upto75b The govemmentis implementing staggered working hour program for ilsownempioyresand hopes others will benet from Mini xed point such as mainline transit station Computer tniOaltmiled area usually residential Passengers Controlled trafc are not required to board and leave the in MetroToronto aoomputer Dial Bus at bus stops the bus comes nghtto their homes when requested to do so Dial Bus is now operating in Pickering Stratford Kingston Ottawa and Bramalea and will be operating soon in north liietroToroIIto GO NEW WAY puts people rst all the way And people have to be involved to make it work Resources rescarch and nances are available to help urban municipalities in Ontario build trans portation systems that will surpass anything else in existence today And prove that cities really are for people Haggard wiring lows One soy orrlrruny rush hour mag computersflhe saving in road construction costs is many times the cost of the necessary computer equipment So 50 of the equipment armory for implementing or etpanding computer systems in urban areas and for installing trafc control devices is being underwritten by the mm on otrrr av ITS purine on new arming nrrrrlvrck roprople LI modem IIOILIPOHOHOII program ortatlotr will been of for the needs of Ontario communities the most signifith challengesfoctng mail for years to come The benets of this program Thats why the Government of are available to any municipality in Ontario developed 60 NE IIl WAX Ontario wishing to participate Ontarios new Urban Transportntlon Fragrant Ministry of Transportation and Communications HonWihamGDlvis Prairies IlonGordotI CmMinistrr ATCMcNah Drptlty Minister