Jwwu uuevrrervrrvmry STRICT Egdhmmunijr identity vania oCreemore NEWS WtamOee olnboudnltrtavteuluat Ina ImmanMDWl monmldichtnrrtalatra tdaeilamIndttdlrttagI roemam Mary In any It uazor with tie rvaadi III penal gumneat change In reheated in that tint poet rowing to the view at Carl all rm owned in the cor GcIIn Irllhov tout mm may in int man mere term time la rom tr In Idneiage In the bitter the latter part It the manner at cart bride tra year at tnyur tern he raid Idemlg ta mm and at the uracil Aha ri ergantnttons and grape Iurla rind int Omani toe in in in heeomrmuty interest rar lerrru me time Noble with lalrtirrdar milder bl Doughciil CIrmIn than and rpom II In rumble ital hhcilouid Thariiiageolmcamre bu Atheemonmident Georg been placed with the town at it Shepherd lumme warden Windtcmbshiplnlmi in ml the pceuot roualr dale and Newman la the clerk canton alarm is tar county planing mitteeg re mrr ram oi manure Hort reccmrbemng the ebtrg terh cl member Illim gclnrmopahieauthenat Ila Lemar be held mat etc Holstein Awards Made At Lindsay Tbilutariltnuybiachod VHIOMJMIMMKWI Vrllron PIvtlibra It tindaay or out at county remixing Records our the my Ii meander dale when rattler elated to mm to the location by the and rum ileeior moretiru nyean tie Iocceedcd John kl lined in IL Richmond the allowed by it WIltbb mt iiinn clerk Ind be III Gremrre oliiriIiiy berm village with beorperaiim on Jan tart Jame Spence III the tint riilrage rem raid and metal iii item Gaelic it III by pioneers Police vuim nun erI her elm Ibllt Git lat1 Ilmr Keene em rec itrid tn mlimttim With the don Robert Flatt Oshawa pict ed up meat at the tee prim mmwammmm Ir be brecred to the premier iy carrrpetkloru In the Victoria exhibitor Ito Prank Barker may iloiIteln club Samm contract we premier breed Sum chord by Blythe lann or MYWTWIRR Thoracic arilngrianpro chamoionterru aided the limit rimnurirn iIiii yrordd Euuwbili klark Rove coring Fern stariigtt mm by lime ahoun by Heart IIIn Clarence WilmniUrbrIngJie Bron oakwood came in resettn champion The lrnlor on ternath came irocn the hit re roll clan to Hawuthe Pm Nelle owned by llrlirrroltobk lop price while Itisty River Periceto Ferny not reserve Irin nar minding ciaatl to James Graham lie auraid SpIdII it awarded to the inn toii on the ae male war lite line frhoen by Genid till gagEr 1qu Teeir bl my HTMLg In Ills BotIiie litiien Ova nor omcn nrtzaa ocrunan the Itll Victoria CNMJ WY It It Primed handle pro beIuIofntizbaelrlH Hint rent unfilan the retro IIIIIES ON FLIGHT YOU WONT WANT DKEEFE CEltliiE Mu IONbIJIlIIrr SIDE SHOWS THRILL YOUNGSTERSIii BEETON Iiiiii Ratlifih ii Wesimiliii iiiimniiiddi WMIRNRRR true naidered it who were vita Mil John brtaane it ICIHll ii and them hriekneli ltr aimed the oviiataamug Etuvhitoca horn Imin horn iiiarhim ll Aline Briana tiirettiibcr Picioi ill tell III II the Berlin Squash Stores Well II Kept In Dry Place an tiara man to elite the cam CREEMORE TAX PENALTY You can alto pinequ euro chattiotta tSteltt pen mauy meantime there nadir in per rent will be have prom to be very Iii to 1m property tax lev tlrI to enrolling mite 01 try Ittrr October it war In OCTOBER i6 NOVEMBER ALFRED DRAKE AGNES MOOREHEAD MARIA KARNILOVA DANIEL MASSEY rite iI Lerner and Looweg new areas MUSICAL GIGI with KARIN WOLFE ciI Gigi Oriiiia Mounts Mrs Sulor ORILUA lStIili Filtili mvirw tor bier llaude beam lah alter widow at Frederick Bier lormer MW local boteirub II held at Doolittle Merci llama hm yerterrin afternoon interment war in the stone church cemetery in ThorIb tounxhp DISTRICT BRIEFS GET SECOND TERM ORILUA Stall Ben Ilurtb hie ol Fun Remit has been re eiccind nroaident ot the Iiiitmia Tontst mainline ipr aecmd tom Danny Reeve Alan John mt at Veepca Ild elected to the empire rIIo taco valeem The cylinrkitai butternut It earl recognized by it cond uab enkarged boar it In email creamy yritow akin About nine to it lather in truth it but bola dilMH oi about three to Ile locher it can be invalid It diritihll til Irarra th nddtiie oi Septem between Lhun tood rpec lwd bot urtii NAM INSqu WINTER DAMAGE iood thI preprred the twill Under the know thIi rupeta lira the wand dining Ontario wirv Acorn at which my mice alien ohmadhm ll rootr Hrifwbitut rm rib tome para no elich wumt be EUIVAII WM Iquuit thrive in bet warm weather Ire hbrvreted inlet and tinted over thewlrler hem the nama mg on be kept in cool place tor period oi two to our rnmtbr tare are many IIrtatth oi rdnter aquaeh To help drtinr are Inn run at at vlaiton that it New Piiylng Till Sunday Changes Marie On Food Council RIMVALE Willirrn Sie vrIrt 0mm mtnLder oi Irrb culture hardwime the inert ree new intan We the Ontario toad coun Ill They In Out union Nap nee mild produce liar liit tmdm ment In rlitribrtor Ind ilrr ern Garden Sunbury reptlteniv Ind Wine limbo oi the Cuancti who wprr reappointed include Gan net Nlr Villlaudale nonrea Ig muuorr it New Leclr WMWWWIM ie throalr retrewntlnr pro reuori Kennedy Iiilyiav It range reminding dilIlIilllinl and itarnrei lotion New iiant yva era Sam ltot Stoney Creek rrgnorrntlng produce wet pointed tor threeyeru trnn mi In rrtelting the new appoint menta llr Stewrrt dtrtbute to the retiring rnrrn rI oi the Ontario Food Currll How old repreienllrlg produce litre ti llrechlu reuretoatlng School tertbcrl at Five OIII near Parlr thI put weekend lira Phillie Harper enlrrtrin ed at In InnivcraIry dinner Sunday mating in honor or ltr Ind lira Wlilrcd mth llughy mIrried one verr on Sept 15 Mr and tin llowarti Crawiord married at yeIrI Sept it Ind ltr and tire Andy Bartholomew who will be married one year Oct hilt iAirl Appiehy Iiarrir Ipent couple dayI at her harm here recently Sunday visitora oi ltr and tire ii Crawturii were ttr and lira Nehru Johnathan 0rliiit Ind llr and till Ray Levin and tImily TIrruny Ind Mich Iei Midland Mr and iii ileiviilo CrIw SPECIAL GAVIN IIIT Tbmhtlopimitbldb Ila Ibui lliiiI oi Barrie giving the em miheromuuuity hall which nu redecorated till rurorner bar been booked Inc may banquet and other plotting their tuba placed near lb haunted by learnnon but0i the II Ni electtreasurer oi the village armhdnge and two daughi outh 49 It IIINE ndtlcirm prdetdm mm may limiirgo hleholwnllr TOMRDNTIO COUNCIL out or on ug gl olrorr la the manager oi the itch EVEREiT ISNII lotoron to our aiaterr Ethel nearnhn Iteln herd mwhzdeam Nob GUTHRI WWW villitit theiroll rm hammer in WW mind nohiiii mu rrimnmiiluio Undsay fit mailman mortalw it tiiiti term ur Ilu ca er ith ptaahee ct aura ytIIbi our out near gm Fmiii Nil Riot Tiilticli nu cannon ran Ia cc Natl mm mu Mitdllbtniy codrdbd re IIImolImlHInIirzv iii Heron my 2530 mam Tum wild BlIrIb iichcIll anyygdgm 0R0 STATION 32 mm mm myqu mam lii midi 0mm Mm Md Mm he liurribuod urlli February deinm In mm my mm WI mm tore the tint rnow tiled rung ed my mu By tilts ll CRAWFORD likmm Mm Iggyma ll 5W my bin Glenn noun uiu yr inhibit fjmk pmiailawnrm amt Emmy ggnggygt ligating iirbgm la WU up thrttee Icurcg mm mm to Mr my specialty likI tail cm and llrI lvarl Clark lire Vern irihi admiration Shawna Iiilitilit warn in grow iivrui trim the in your ninth in illpm in 351 September will March ImHw mind mm ironic omnutan brIiorcayltttach dob Additional control can or mu izi tallth Itter Iervite lira run Noltllln or our WH fy wiiibethe mam It the wars nonhuman itiliidilildh out or duh mm MN Synonyms in an mm pm m5 W1 1ng he at Oriober to in the evening bout tour to Iivoibrher long ed that way wind and rain to sum Wm III to eight inehtiin dlI er iras liieiy to truth the minimum mu WW Oehlrri oro Guthrie Inn on gtgtlan prrabyterlan WMS The iii meeting to on with lira Pl tI dG be la ex tr to It biib ilIl tilt and the the bur the not In Il it warnedrlam oi Ontario run raw Limited Dclat Ivar been elected preain ert and chairman oi the board the part iced cowrl oi Ontario It the Irtrelrtionr an ng htv rnaltl oiiicera lot the liliitil term elected were viro preaidcttt ii Bitten gMIIWRHIIIII mull hi per pres Dimtau were Alrhl bold ot Chathaml Alex lim at Tororto Arnold itIId oi Elmira Waiter illgrey at iiiburyi In Whiiorrr bi Fili iartpn it Spoirioi Graham and Gordon RLAIIIA at Toronto Ontario Ecreuive vi rcriderr oi the plant Iood control it Roth eriorri The plant toot mull at bat Iio ir nn aubentinn ot tortil Irer manuiaoturerr primary prolueuu and related mmpbnirl eriabilsbnitoimpreve and mole the lnlcuigert are at iood in Ontario learn blueprint reading Better labs are we Blueprint reading iI thI till you muythavo iormlnyhig loba And youernh diploma In your an through our home HUI coutll till blueprint reading lot build inn and eontraction or bi roe chanicai lrIdII Orlnroliln our Illnndralllnp eourII Write toy tm bro churn and mention rcourII oi intmat PRIMARY SCHOOLOI DRAFIINCI The Irltulr School oi Diliiill llrr till My Folial Italian trauma Ontario ling Elects Officers The new president ltr Wright ii nrtlve at Ohio Ito ittelv ed his Intention at the Univer lili 0i Cincinnati Xavier Univ rrriey and lllaml Univrrrlty ob taining chemical engineeng degree mm degree in bntncra admlrtlrtrpiion and militcnto kt actuating and tin Irwo iir lirirht new at pilot with the Royal Air Force and the United Slater rii Force re thing or colonel with the USIl lie rnlcred the Yrctiitrer in dudry working In the midrrouh minimal and the mirth curlern pelt oi the USA Burial thh period with emotional itiner Ill and chandeai ilorporwtion he was dated in minor crib IcltieI tn produdiort trance and Saint MPERIII ior tho Iaii moulha WNOBST TRAIN The torrent and heaviest might min on record not tour minim matting oi are cool cm which ran imn iew Virginia to Ohio in till it weighed dim tour GIFT T0 REMEMBER YOUR PORTRAIT FOR CHRISTMAS book Elliy FAVERO PHOTOGRAPHER Maple Ave Ieratrt wow rtavlwo run at run lord viiited Tuetday with it hater In ortlla iAIiEVIEW censuman Int terrain re pretcning diatributora TheIronwork Eukeview Inc IIISlit JI FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY BRAISED SHORT RIB with natural gravy Ol Homemade CHICIIEN POT PIE $210 complain maol lnciudat Donert and Beverage Children under i2 SI55 FRIED CHICKEN Dinner Box Special placer chicken Cole Slaw French Friar Ton Blieuit Reg 595 Wednerdnya Only $i50 bu Mitt ONLY iiua On Tue lame Program SKIPPER TODD DIM GIRLS Itd hie Idea of killan tlmo lloerv OrrI tilt an in Only ruumi Ivanvan It IwowI IllII LAST TIME TONim yuvnvrayfywwnr srnunv nomad oA TIEGRMB Ra IIZI AND Mb LAST COMPLETE bill It te cged teir bodies ttheir desires ITYbIthI Itiitl HHINB HARD TRITON BARB ll tltil II Illil i1 rum Ilitiiii er Irut new new aloet wow SHOWING TILL suubnv mnermmroxmsrwra yRilITI yFORIHB RIRNET Aduil Entertainment iifti ittidt