== ml ll mz illit iii I5 Pubilahed by Canadian Nmpapm Cernplny Limited to Hayfield Street lento Ontario Robb Pubiiriwocenerri Manager it WIIir Editor Emeline Heathen Managing Editor atrvanir am II In rant EBayclub Highrise Proposal Should Go To Council Soon Council mutt take the iiiydub prop by AdeveloparnllenI roadrtradiywith ai iron the bands at planning board Ind make decision on the downtown bigbrlie project The nature oi the proposal now wot ered down to 210 unit in tuiure oi the twin lbrtorry proporai over an Ibore what he will Iettle tor and the city Itartr nailing it back through rerier oi proposals and counterpropoaain When project gela close enough to the citya rtIn mix it up be approved The haycluh at it rlrndr is not close to the eityI riandrrdr But there Iiandarda bred our yerrragonrr notbereaila cnow RAB toning may Ive been economical It yam when Barrie war updating ite toning Irth and oitlcidt plan brat it might no be now No one nu to be re minded tht materials lead and labor torlr have Ikyrockrted in the III can three the Ilaudardr were conceit and the tour rinca the bylaw was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board Council must decide whether it will let Dayduh proceed at oor rptce ratio 0124 to instead cl to Council policy tr to encourage down town redevelopment Hm iI proporai that will be boon to the area and it towrrI in relationship to downtown counclia policy at encoum ng downtown redevelopment Ind the artandardr tor RAh roping are all on So it the fact the proposal in becoming political one ioraome meuiberr oi plan ning board blltlaaii it rometimer It the tune tton ot the planning board in to adrlre council through ttr city development compiler and not get involved In polli Temperr ared thii week when the piahhera were diccunln llaydub and thlt rhowr the proposals old he pat in the hands oI council or soon at possible it the planner cInnoi decide to ac cepi reject or pass on the propbaai to city development Bayetub should rp rroaeb the committee ritually In our poi ticiant can become invoiv it ii iii uitlrnaiaiy who will decide Hllid the proposal it will be diiiicuit choice Doer council uphold ltr RAJ zoning and Itand turbo per cent lot coverage Ind install rough this that the Bayciub density be reduced or data it iiy in the lace or iii owr toning laws and allow the project to go aheadt To hen the developer tell It the pro ject will be uneconomical it the city rayI bar to be cut back any more Dcvcloperr oiicn cry that their pro lectr become uneconomicai when govern rrlent Iiartr chipping at their proporaia Time tradooil ryrtem her emerged WICS LIKE ANOiiii GOVERNMENT SCHEME TO KEEP YOU OFF THE LABOR MARKET LETTERS TO ITOLEN IAIIKINII THE EDITOR mi law decree that have rhouii move Irrittiy and tri now may parking placer encumbered anywayl theme will be tetra IWI Irorn dowry gengertlan my lggltgita but town Burial hat was remnicwmbtibtt tr rte it acted recentlyebotIIhI new int Indrociail wheelihy trIiIic plan tor itvI Polar One might III how long world ile didnt know it war lull III null iIit it it had Irmrtiitt wI didnt corntdrr per AM To degree txplIitibd tililthe that it the carillon our rill he ran can wII piareicrv Iioiid It theraIIiver mini ddntturl iiut ii mutt Ilto ll be he repiiidli while they Itlli hm city to plan arid play withl are gullyminiuve Mm Welling Fenlci will tell gm ugly wa cu you run eem ruvcivlen at the rig but Itghtyem parking time will DOUG Emmet alto vi the tail II in Peru be be cloien irom Elrrir reridentI mu civilian Iovonmrntr It lira lrallle plan goeathrrugb have null into chant Thlr war in tea pretert term In oi iirIILi in that early lttlr livliei value ludrmartt were bake the llmalrt Preiident made by the carved who 1an doalart and at ulla under cnrm into town like Ipbcalyptlr the life lirrrirt Preddeot IIi horprnlan IM blithely draw up 12111 matwtmmimzmncm 51 ll NW 9b torn and it Ir roan power It the iirIriL ttl rit rvn llniei Slater which the iaa ire2itrt Elmairrer raw It clare liveat lo Amecol democracy illttwilr CAIiTALiST Adrnlirdiy when econmtic being the major am am it reticy Ir cone the limit now raider military rtia or hit an ntliary regime in power tivliiIn gbverrmeniv Iulcep new irr anneal lo contmoia tibia in written or takeover yeara given their country mitt on MICE bear ltr Canadianr well know lax town can be very arbitrary very selective rm 14an tutzt It mutautmau rm ml dfiddti Out To Show Canada Old Is As Good As New by unit rotate the Titania NIwI terrier Aprt UilAWA no Phillipa MW should be approved it the lame time council should call ior review oi ltr RAB zoning it it in 33m in be unecltnomicai to lpglrtbupon at per ten coverage IW rhouid bechanged Adpprcvin hbayeitlrib ll rouiddbet ar gu wnu errt ng prece cn ilut council should make gutsy do eliion Onothaiwouid beta the beat in terert at downtown redevelopment Whliitl illicit it HWNVM WW by JOHN iiAitiiIlN ahouid ba reexamine ila toning rtand rmira Altairr Aaairll dialh Thornton NewI Service Iou ma arnexcrpibn tie it immediately atart looking into the corn Ki iiinNiHfH omch MIA Inning retirictionr They United Stntrv Itd mum may not be reriiatlc lrcnt natlcnei armed Iorcea ahoir thrhi hut canard ca you bandage the inertia pita twhsueldnthnpid GI DEM TAXES in WW5 Frmdeniyiiiadrn btuprIreai 1cm eiivii mammary Spedgmg inelrir be ImIKbItIVB hit you hit nirluandII compililiye ani in tlr budget the iederai government ran AL Tm OF awnmm my ng rm nfgl ImpletidIrrrwtrnrncapitaigrlpr axcr mm pwuthmalhrlhuiniiie lilhiildbf the lat lwhon peered trout one generatibti thbmpgmm omgiytinafiwmmnm aml mg2fmmg new But unlike 0iina Ontario isnt election whatever ltr Trudeiu may have been the not irmoui rei WI rhilllnr with litt lembgrrggacd wttluwcglth nttrxgoumg lhlnk The prctcnt riale or suspendEd mark at retiring lreildeur hila geomta mlrw irithil the province jailbonr death duller Ihlmuiion in the Comment the turret Dvlthl witde fling where will that 100 million come trorn duty in the uhoiebuainerr communit W3hlmlwhf lhit year income taxes Sale Texas the inability oi weak government jg iiowavcr thrre lraiot oi room tor conr grapple riiecllvely within IItton and an or in us mluuvyinruuual promiao between ouiri abandonment empoyment tl there taken together complex oi rucccssion duller In special arrange the rapowariui ciao ior letting the will llu doiruciiort raniieande mentr to protect valued lnrtltutlbni Ar ot the Common on crucial nutrtlon tutticl it In Illegally heal military leevrr only one int benign mliiary ertao iitilmrni in our hmirpherc namely our ml And their butt compttentb in not brlht benign war shown ijiiiia clearly and rigidly ac win the till and eIItcient role It the norm in Quebec dining the tilt iUI criair The BraIIilrJt ndiitwy Nl ringlehandedly and birth through minivtrainn at intamoua mlliinnylnlurtrial complex Iii ian Milli generate airbag beizrvrrr by nil aorta NEW YORK tAil ThiItI columnist ntlcht nIver know Ida are viiiblc example at what he talkr about The on eupy the Ieeend and third Ibora title bar Ibown hla mentor iby Egg lm vadrr Allrndr plan boredom the annihilation ayaiauimio at dtiruu The ibiiiiyet nIthlary otltparittngpiaceet iwuuld at minimum priror and aim 0th tint to in ink United ruggett that uytmrtllgent er the tedernl government ivaer State it lilii reserved in the not will rotvr web graham iainly in tune it Iermr Iiriet iIIaItlIEIntUedkaHiermm mm mrmlmm WWW mm millaarohra ii orraIiH NHrleHornthEIeddttIUHnHeIIecd Hillard Inn in the back It too thrill lance verrua virbllity It cm vum mud at La lawn tr ll ting who are too to mini iii on rr irt trermlpml WI iiidihihiill NiHiihuii rum in waviwlwlm or kin poiI Icenaria trim the Pitt ill will WWI will nawiycrertcd policy Itrategy rmvltinr tor Ideruvto Iiimll 10 WWWF and an dirtctnrnter oi our lives uttwly wireless that ill Witw department ot nnllbnai doicrlce twu liiiiiiid oiintuu THE LIGHT TOUCH untihiltiird ban rriieiuud Il Jr mm quluMmmm wrmbl In It Wallf out Ironlr whole them all my LIOHNmuirblgarmo Nil 19 ar lillhiiirthir hrIHHIuIHnI Irineriiarcrr yourreil be tattooed unieII are there in be benign Ihouid youre lure you want to marked tor lite Later ternptr to remove tall leder government in hecd rho comment oi iieii Au ruatn iitochot Cittca new mil wantr to prove to Canadian the on can be late ll uIrlui Ind eitlrtua It now And the Cuktdimr he would irmet like to met no there in government Ind lvate trial raear who decide at old bulld tlngI Ihrroid be destroyed to imalre way ior himeisrr and Mapping cartrrr Iir Phillipa iI executive dl inch or iiultage Canada It rorganlartiorr that received in chuterelona wih lilrnll lion wetlrneuniy grarAIrorn illtr Barrie Examiner ll Iiayileld Street Emir Ontario Telephone mam Second tiaar Mill iiedttrallun iv Iber attl ildurn portage guarrnteed Dilly bilinliil and Statutory iioiidava errepted tiubteripllon TIIEI hit by Iy tingle angler tie by mail iliarrie tint yearly almrat Cillliiv mot yearly Ilainnca vol Canada into yearlrr All low rrunrira thirty vrnrlvl yttotar throw all new yearly Nattrmai Adyrrltring IlinreIt at Queen at Wall Taranto rot Ilia III Cathcart at licntrcai liembrr oi the Canadian Pratt and Audit Ilureau oi threat that the Canadian Pretr Ir exctub iveiy entitled to the are tor re pub ieIilori bl Iii newa dlrpalchv III in Hair Taper credited to It or jibe taro ated Free or heater land Ilao the heat newa pitbilrir 1rd therein the limie Examiner eialror yright In all original Iowa in and rdiloriai material ere lated by ltI empiaveea and ye produeed in thh nowepaper Cohiiltht lleilrinllon Num ibertoilli rrrirtrr Ii atlng II In innitlinden na tional group aiming to encour Igr Cmaditrla to preserve that tr valuable oi the put The federal grant Iorrned the bIIiI for an endowment land which It being lnvederl to pro vldr operating tunda tram enrn little iierllota Canada will everturiiy reek more money irorn private meek and mono rallnnr although ltr Phillipe tall the nrganiauiibn but yet ready to convnar tor iundt iie we in etiahilih track record iirIt he ardd SET AIIIIOACII rlrnary nhjrctiva will he to Ruthie at what kind oi ID rruech icrliege Canada Ihouid tale II it dcvelnlla at ithililtih tnrrt inr proportch with heri tage value hir ihiiiipr laid the group hat been liadylng longestab lished notional trqu in iirtlaln Sentient end the United Slater exampr at how Inch Irm lroiiona worlt They are varied Iithough III chart the common trait oi indcptrvitm trorn gov eItrlrr roe weeliii birth yrIrv ii in llrttaln the national but has become the comtryr rec nrui arge=t landowner rmking tally hdrhui litu crown The Stuttoh natirmni trurt ownr midi ietI mural property Itlll ha devoted ttaeli morn to talk In mural Itnnrtr ncniail rio tI opmrntl whirh titrrtderr the rurrwrya heritage bulldingt Air Phillipa InyI iinrtlagn Canada will probably akin trav lich bi ail ayrternr hnr looked at In tar Ila Inform the triad rwuchauinu rclativriy tow grottotier itabil in tho tint fibre in budirt in would lanr lei rercntiy at it million tor the Iirsi two but diurnal city tho wont Ill ring rec Rather he hopes truIt ran marl governmnrtr Irtri pri vate hurinnra to take errand look at old Itrurlurra particu larly there which may iarm linkwhir Cnnndur rat and Iiilti new rith inr them Irtra EXAiilILF The oltices ot lientage Carr would KIWI II cercivyoid downtown 0t iawr home Mr Phillinr pri vellmolltlgomlil Itimliiohiirfly ry In no nrnlturr Toiephoner and an Interim Iyatrm the natty curriculum in motion budneaa gId ctry ore relegated to low in under window ltr Phillipa bar long pine tabla whinh Irrvea II dark but he told he aeidorn Luca it plaicering to do mmt oi hit work rotted in hit antique Up per Carlotta rocking chair The Iurnlrillngr are not lrtv tended to recreate In mlireum like tuition 19th Centui ni tice lie Ilili marl at tho pitcea would more illtely thI been ilmtnatarmhwe am trying to demonstrate that heritage ptottrty run he put to modern litethat it it eiilrliet to mate yracticri uao oi old thiligr ha raid in predict the Indigo oi the ilcdttilnt urgbhiutton will in in relationrhlpl it hoprv to mold with are or II voluntary ad hoe argrntrailenr arena the hlrot Ire rcgionally or iotbiiyv Iran and meet have Inning up mind particular laiur like the raving bl an all building Imm lha wrecking ball IIttl iierltage Canada Inna their existence pt praoi ital Ca natilnnr on growing more aware oi the vain at the physi cal vernnam ni hialary lt Mott to ho aide to weld those rcptth rroupr into national beganllbiion that ran prear tor lrgiiirdlutt which will mulevl old building land encourage buiidm to that alternative titer Altitoudi it her not yet launched mamherrhip rainy win iicrttato Canada menu Ihlp it open to anyone who wither to Ipbnd in all indi vidual membrmin or ii tor Inrnliy in addition lir Phillipe raid the group ulii niiu ire yrIr rnombcrahip in people trendy rrrurltnro nl rational ur local nrgarrirntlrurr ltiiiiil he roma entwined with iierttagl CartIdI capitallrtlc expaorton at up pared to the more wiociyutei rtatiit verrlort have airnutt bur rowed the pattern Iran lira HOUR BUSINESS DWIGHT Iii EIARNIIOWRR larued warning ilrv B31 who never errord to be are the truly unlike the police goer out to kill our WineMakers See Sales Game by warren renew barium and drummer attain Analyai Thornton NewI bervicr it It an ill wind turnr none In good it you need proai oi Thimaa Tuararr lothvrenlury Itiorn corrider Canadaa wine lrrltutry The ill wind the tunerlav Iirtlo the kind ihal hinthci tired to moire thItI been tatt ing place in the prion oi French other became nt roar tag world demand eapeelIlIy from Japan pricer pl tome hrIndr have gone tip mare than ienlold In the tart tive yearn Canndda ulnamake have kept their prireI iairly tirady and are expecting to rupture that altrra oi the martet that era no larger keep up with rrlcer nt imported other in the latent illtaar period iar which airtirtlcg are rom plilr Crnroiani lnrrtarci than ronrurnptlon oi imported other by Add per centta million gai iona to up wired with at mlllon lit ttor Growth In aaier at Canadian wince yet only lll per cent lit million gallonr vi 11 llor The rrvuth raI war higher In the early part at the period and lower more recently inNIiIiY IAiIHIIVlliii Although or wirerrv have not burn rial ta chalk up any thing ilra tha prrvcntarc cainr ni their Inrrlgn cnmprittnra their progrrn naverihrterr took ItirIellva tr Canadnl bmtilWiio thI bear Wliih in beer am new clean at no mrh more than the rate It nuiation growth WtanadiIn ilrnaerler lid ital goquiled Interclla llhrcugh holding companion in Iouthern Wltil gripe bait and in liocra law Caicarr New Wari rrilnvter and Victor John babati Lid through rimliar mover control giant civaluudal Winer Lid and diatom Cartier winer tiorv meriy Parkdaa Winert boihul Toronto Calabciin Winet ni yrntielnn Ind Normaadie Wlnra oi Iihnclort Other bigname acqulrllibntr be ltIirar Sacrcriet oi ilan traal Dittillera Cornden gum or CIIInI Wine oi Keiownr and VIII Caionr oi st llyarinlha by SlIhdIrd branda BIBLE THOUGHT Thou walk in tha mldri til trnuir thou will retire rnnt thnu Ihrii lielct PM trand IgIlnIi Iill truth at mine raerntel Ind thy right hand than IIrI ml PIIlan Hill The lord lncorpocntcr ult werl with your problem We dont have to it looking Iar them but hit bilava tit arc time Dont vary yntrh that in iilr limo you All Ire thr ivrrt oi Ital lAll thiugr ttan tngeilw id nod to them that love the lord Lida anti tiaran when bit It It Cathariner by hrittahbarrd menu and Colman lCInIdIi TM in remaining Independv cni wineriea auch II Torontoa Turner Wine Co and lotion winery lid oi inndon Ira be lieved to have had Ilkaover hidr tram other cor rIttanI reeling in break into Curb titan wine lndurtry NEW PRODUCT lo broaden their mIrirei CanIdII wineriet have been and Itointroducing variour novoiy or pop wiper There new productr rweelrnrd III vurcd or otherwlra lrrnainrmad would Illroui connoiateur but room to hard ailmulaad rater At the Iamr time Ibme wi nematara have been con rrniraitng in development at new premillmvgrado wirlea do iiynrd to new the pride oi ranrumera who brevlouaiy drrni only imported winer That part at the Indurlry that it located in Ontarioa Niagara ienimuir where the toil ll Iv petibiiy receptive to graph graying itar been lighting an uphill hello to preterva ita Ig rirutura land irnm urban litlwl end induitrlai Irporirion lhir year It ho bad to cope anahrr probitmer rty I11 hot weather trn caut torn ttel proiuriol tutaia down In the Irtri nI iIIt marl tinted loni iaueit Iince it he didnt open hit mIl it you hate your job changa it or it may bit you Nodch Iiudica about iIiri heart It iacu are marl common among people who have low job IItlItactioik At no time In later the dock barman behtg normally grow in rapidly at during the nine monthr btiora birth Wertern ioodr are on live march in the Far But chilnoi rrIpIriwriIbelag Iranehite interior in arid villager in the Altai llountainr oi AIIerlI green ery la In acute that tingle me nin IIth IIvelIl were err Every branch ac counted ipr dualabia Itiableu tile in runwtlrper error but on hr to work ltrrlby hard tor themdram Welt rmnn TeIIllle mukar Dont let CANADAS STORY whether Ian Iper rut ell IcalpI rtee wool mono wheelr or rrttwttar Ibrriiorvuruatiy tho no tieretie Icarr Animal guerlagl Your be trader may know everything but you probriIy wil win money betting him be decent know what toriiia il it an Mitten rnlrnIl that heir like email rtiunt Ind can fle all iotiarnriilng treat the littlhit Na heipt Detenan II III nheiirile drugt rIy they make the mind mart errrtive by winning Ieilcon Iclnurneaa lint medical pertr try no rIgniiieanl vantlon III been produced In It reruii It the are aueh citrate in other later tha ieelng oI Irllcorl rice thrre druga runetimer girel it entirely In iiiurion Government Refused To Obey Majority lly Iiilii IICIWMAN To in Iomrtlrner Iuggari thrt mpnrtwa rum tiltiliI ha decided by pirblrciloi irithd ol by larllarnant ThII war atlrm rd nn Serb tembrr to tilt at en the lame war prohibition Til ioderai govemmnnt ar ranted irhirrile actctr div nallon the nueztion waa Are you in tutor at the park or oi an act prohibiting the im portation trimulIeiure or rain at Illlrltv her elder rrd rli othrr lic ilquorr II it or tori ThI reinitr were In AgIlntI nutarta twain lineal Qiiebtb 1M3 1760 ltdil Ibiil Rbib iiil Mil bill 156 itli Trrriiuer 011 Torir Amid mm Alberta Md lukme were moratorium then their il area are included in irrltbret the tedernl government tlued teiobty the wtrhte oi maltrity lrtma littnloter ricr look the Wititll thrt majority tor prohihiion war Iwrzri enough to put it Intoei Nova South New nrunrwirk Manitoba ilrltirh Cclumhia liii However ihn rertrill view prnhlhltlnlt wat atrongi raced in most pair at Hulda except Quebec