itadio no renown Alter STCITIOII Shootmg Stevens lulledmemndu one lltnAl lederel Men in mid tor It tonal eiI mentor rIyI Throw It Sinclair see ear in hit mhly oenleliei bu he new vote to Mob it rodent eiediooe reoqu It tour to nail lrorn lhI dry the In mmord Ie polio data the trauma Ptvrroulve Our more nlmbtl om Art In 0d Imounoemrol tnhoo Parr BIrneoi ermvtuaeei would to all in Dec II ciotttoa Iblrh nobody mid not me name let Nedtill to not to the rude hIr Slovene iurtiw tietel thIl vim too would IAIN to pIirn throun the Mini Nee YeIr period 5mm rod Felruary Ire mt II riled months By voting to mother dith er the modem government or the NDP mlth not In eiedion to late Ilay or line the in orile time tor hIilot ceiling th mrwm untold iir Some Mid the ad Itno lolby My unseen no that tour that In 1mm hour uriirr had ruod at me per Ionahty llrn moon In In new nlt inrm booth pole raid The IhotI iIIIed la piaeoe the III Kong then nahod late the by at the Italian nod that Mullen Item laid him had undermine Iii been ot worry Thdey Iierooon It San Trained GenerII ItoIpIlIi II dodon tried to ring the blending and rqu me oi the talmIIl damage date by the mind in III dial and ride him I7 leIreI hit ole Ioi tire daiidren Kinny died In the um III horror Illlim lotion Iuryrry tor tingle nit Jaded heed rotted lreightero Crash IAWI hm lilltll Oat CPITn hndaten were In voivod in minor Million log euiy mile on lion mm hirer in were Iiimd ie aoottoue alter lanpotUoI Med little damn United sate out loud rpommn nhd the mute Itduwipei eIdt other Iaotl re toilet north at here Dogs Get Estate Gas Price Hikes merry it 4an Men vernrnd it er AILmu utqu IE1 vim both hoor rod on mm IOIIIII Daub IIIadooIlI IIId Md Donnell II it badly under mined to meat white Ind IrIllIlie Input price II II upon to nowout to lot Iaegietnt council he told meeting It the Woodmerh can Comltiu he the authool rpeda mortqu hveiirrtool which Iilov BN lion oi gm hitter Ira It to lore or or mm It It bevel IT tin iiiidhidddrdfdudd not It to on not igiggztirgggl Mlm JAN labor llead MAN Pruner IGi Iiar rel Poole nutrient nith ooo lederIlion at National their Union elected proideal Friday at the Mllibmurnr her World Labor Maroon the wide thirdiugrrt labor ormlution III told the In deiegItu Ii teodioy the III roorrul he at great hIttlI needed to tree tho Ioritrrl oi the world To Energy Board TORONTO tor Premier thilun BIviI Innotnced the Ippolotnwi Mdlr It tour new metrim to the calorie inert and am to Merrie Width Orriemt aim 301 motoIeyote with him III hllled in eoiilelon with car guy be lornIer oi ldll IOrn Darby Ind tierr Connie Steven eoItIe oi thl teiIleton min weer tie repeated to revert other televtelaa rerier including llama new no AlldltII Sunday Oct 1th at the Center Oren lulhdll Ind 5de mug in or yeIr roeoe Hlphvrey l9 EIII Allletort ROAST TOM TURKEY If Mm mud In coercion ouuo ANTIQ snow Board lm may trieleion movie Hell oi Arm NAT WEDill eoooootlat and rm vieeoreo hm our treat or mew Unirentty Thunder BIy Ind title role Wydrmnoc mlor to ilrinr in the ordario treIrury Reiuser Appeal tAPi arid total III vriue at It hm hron mrded to mli urnelm MM apiece droat All nine late by Dear nor Ritalin the Allie Mata Iil III ShItEIodanvmlIil ago at ll Ind loll her entire or lIiIb Dorrtmerciri AppeIi Trt btotIl rduord Friday in rattoro tall worth it million to door Chicagoan Robbed TORONTO it China one ear robbed at nee In nth Ind trmiiera cheque naurl day pint when he Mapped in um All dlreotloor plate II Toronto IIId George Alameda Mende chel to Alrrrteda rammed downtown to our two men the ruy to illiter lot ihea he let ooe oi the meo llldz Botore you to we WngmelaI Cahdindte AW Wit nun Catcher in The Rye Is Nothing Compared With New Approvals to are my llle Periuty Charger 5003in IGI Two men Ind trre women rhrrged Ittir petite were committed FrldIy iortrltitryiudgeaod The timer were lI Intent Calvin Campbell hit utiedvrtrty Jun Dim winnore Ittd Keith Gtipin Iii lronr Emery II the remit It trtIi tut Feb I1 aim Carmel wu quulltrdl on ehIrII oi hnerired driving laid diet tither Iceloeu the previeur November the trial the tour tettiltod IhIt Cam it me not driving hit car it In involved in Iceilitioa licences Renewed OTTAWA ili The CIrtI dIIrt RadioTelethon carnatio Ilra hIr renewed the bmdw carting ilrerIrcI oi ottewawae wail iimdcutiot lid it Inaoooeed Friday The toneuh Itierl atollTV otinI GIOIITV Cornwall IodCJOlliV Deurm0nl Iood Prices Board iiAUW your Hurt iiurnptre mum at the tool at iood priree review horrd IIId Friday tin band In rertl idem to the coowmer rod corporate Itlatrr depIrtrrteru Ihirh may ieId to the prone motion at rotor IuperrnIrirete Ind iood otInutIlrurrrr Olrl Pturrum told nevr wotereoee here that when cen Iunler complaint rIrrte in only It trickle Iiior the bond vIIr iirIt termed the bond hired to loreellyatorr to go out Ind dig vOlouae tome day turn OPTICAL Collier IId Cleperlol Milli Tomi the MI rttIte oratIerI licence Ilridi IHIIVON II the rattapee rd hII Emil Irtd l1 m0 he derIIred ctIoriI Irrirtrot deputy minty The land Iru at the earth is ter olthe indlrrr IliIirI IrriIb compared to ITIII II whether CIiritrr in the Rye III Ml Soviet lows Held itOSOJW Rutter Tour tm rho tool part to thori llred derrIonIItItlon Ridey in proierl IIIInIi dlieiei Soviet ratttIItr to Iliow them to at Irate to hurt have been Ira teoced to between it Ind it Ax doteotlar Mitt met Tam other merrbm oi the throat Iroup nine were do lIIoId mine the Interior rain irtry where the med their eel were ined Ind re med Iod the other three re edited only motor to Itop their Irtlvtlier the return W0 The on iirtmnt Joieeh VIietdeltu at II we tort the lirrore toiiowloy Iot uptoy which dltdllim lit OP IdIiII EARTH ARIA rt estimated It millim IeuIrI Ind wit run miter tye olerrtenliry Ind reroodIry Irhooir lhiI year yet none at thI tnntrro hId Ieert the tilt at lertr they were IWTbVIBl FrInl Prothero Tottehhrm truatee Illth didnt thiait It riirrurrthrt oi tetlhooiu pm Air to Irlt the trurteer to at the toe on mItter they new CItrher in the Ryl II hotly Ipproved hy the rrtlrtlttry oi education awedIyI mt on the comment at Dr Allen Fitter Burl truttu thin week It rrteetind Simeon County BoIrd FAurI whiny Ibout lioo The trurteer were muted the tie on replying to ouetttort textbook had been rotten irorn from Alvin GrIinie ieoe eirruirr it In approved tilt oi tronishrar truriee Iho Iried llllwdhl Implied by the mint try will roved the ntlaittry new pi the her It choren Thrptpnrtteer here Approving terto wll Irritable tar lrurtees Feux Follete Here Thursday The Feel Tenet to Battle inurIdoy It Iirrt olloriay oi the more ODI tapiIln concert Setter ntiI uIIoIII Iariu chides the lantern Beetroot CenIdII many culture In the Wind Womble Iyrnphooic orrheurI erler New York worldeeomn toot Iitrr it Iurrartui ed 1m plIntIt WT ream Yeterinary Clinic Here On Tuesday The BIrrio breath at the iirtlrrio iiumaoe Soder II brirt hack tha ruceettiui moble veterinary tIIIiId that visited the oily tile in the rum mer iiartort Fell oi the Incier raid the eiirtle will be It the animal theiter II It Phlldnnli ltd Thdly atterooart Dr Ken Enron ulti lrta Irv oiolrrtrntI only tront noon lam will be open until nm The tail time the their will here about too pelr ucre treat ed The latest tiumeole eleva lrn lrt uro ore ittltri in the storey John llarworlt hutidiny to Clinton they meme at booiot belrtg tread in the roun rto view thiiowiay th mutiny GeorgianCoiiege AOUIT EVENING CLASSES MORE NEWS MORE NEWSI MORE NEWSI Here Ira routres that hove recently been given new start dates There are router in all Registration will Itiil be accepted until oourrer Ire tull WORLDI VINO RELIGION Art itttrodIIolory more on Bruno and here Enterrt reit doeu ierrrt titrde imuru ilirrte Ird dttcunlorte the Worn oi Salvation oi lilrtduirm Ind the Pottr Noble Turin oi Boodhlrm the couru will include duty at eeriy durteu reitttotu the concept oi lite alter detttt ltt hepariardam Ird Add oi Wm ruddy Ind itr lilAititl October 100430 not My tor treett Faerie MTUTIDAY AM not renew IIIII Iome experience who would the to mien variety oi Itt modtr In sillle Ietllol TV it held II tailor dreveirtr retitlrrtnl rout attrition tittoaott Edith or oltloom weaving tutti instruction lit adult tearrterr la dhrvvrr their own totHertI Ind tIlerttI STARTT Ortober Imvil noon hiltttdlye the II world Yet you WOMEN AND Till LAW den torrdrtmt llnld ie elation it Iiieetr torrent Tull room will look attire wrtcri development ol in in rtiav that to Imrtert one It wormr rider to mud to WI outdone minnl late rittt law erinte Irttie meru Ind taut will beItutiiod lecture oteourturu Inert rpeeterl will be pinned to reopord Io otntioru valued by pJItIpMill START October room pm TurIdIyI tor to unit tire III mp are remind end the citye own chIrrvlotuiup ht Bertie Outedate Brod Four Pellet beget in Iitrrtt mi in tile ititeitui cIrtrr hire he brought to his the drum at tinieee enthuttaettc Itape prctcrtiItiom trom reach It hit drrolcti IrttIiour dInrerI your the companye mode in warlord drottt torn Queen IIhIiII il in thrower Ophled cruihyn Contra theatre to than htlrtoun in turreedirrj teary iout Foi lete periorme Ireon CartIdI Irtd through the United States The tomboy Ilte prtttctpried in Canadar Expo ii in More treat Ind toured Europe in turn it portormed hr rrttiiiurtt It the CIrtIdiIrt partition It We 70 in Osaka Jarrett Last ettrruner the romnieleiy rertnurd new production oi Ietiit FolietI would at part oi the Cirrriottetorn Festival in the lame theatre whirh hId teen their lint protmiortol pertorm ance Tho production then tour ed 15 cuntrrr Iil Erttrrn Canada windirtn up with mortuuier IIII oulI at OttIuII NIlioiIII All Centre 1m proportion tor the Norrie modtuttun ittciuder the realm i7 Following that the clinic FASTEST IIIETA e1 limit are It each Irtd ml the purchased It the her ottiru alter Mil Timruday The corn piete Iorira cutie tin or TIIEATIII ARTE State erott trrirrtirtttrr unIIJI the new Georpiurt Theatre one team about ttttoe terminology trace Ietr mi ttgtuirtr Iot tirtg Irttd port wire rrruItullert movement hart unity the play ttteit with to mull private promotion tor Ituterttr in the meme What an mortunltyi irlAiti titeober It 130 pm bluntly nor it wrote Fee I25 IIIIOTITIIANII Thin eourla II It Iltrndn hated euurre that requiret TEKII trIriI let hero turd some training in the hallo oi iitmrn ilurh II hlch uluxti trqueI or hate once used tttman and need hrushiny up thativ will be all developirtn attend Clam will commerce rdaevduy Oil itd Iribtirdd pm and eortloue each Wednesday evoninu tor lot it retell iro til RALFA ANTI illill PROMOTION rrortit return In our itrritotirty Program It weeitr ot Tittl day Itertlnut Iiortlop titt 9th Fee til CO ACCOUNTING Aloe credit tuttrre Iee tut ATATISTICA Art Irrirodttdory room in Oil it Too III iloiV 10 GET Tllli MOST OUT 07 YOUR FOOD DOLLAR tit 10 roetort room tovero ordr interenlrtI teoirt II the ecowrnlrI oi convenience toads ttrr loud plartI pith NOOOOANII both Betty and trout more it Iiarta Oct It Pro is COIIIUTHIIA Eventttior you turd to know tut rhort lid retttotttr rottrrr Silt nurrdey averting darting October ll nutrient Itelirtita which mm are Iritzmed to III are Ird no it trout tire Olga lrtitte Ileiti Ind tin Andree Ootrrtt took over mllealoo oi Itttieuer It the amnion Gulid Antler Show It the Ammry Friday The Ihow trtcludee dleylayr by In tique deIierg trom II let Iwa at Believllie and tendon Ind will continue until to pm today tilumirtrr Photo BARRIE GEORGIAN MALL NIOHWAV 2027 OARRIE ONT TOO 7260340 Giblet GrIvy Ind bevory rooting BAKED VIRGINIA Served with Cumberirrtd SIuee ROAST PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF With YorItIItirI Pudding SALAD BUFFET SWEET TAILI muted not not me Alto rttt Ni rort nrernvtrtouo room more that makes The little extra it institutional month Accounte hooped durirtp the ill tiva have at lite monlh oatn Interest worn the tint day et titrt BONUS SAVINGS Accouwr HEAD OFFICE BRANCHES eonox147oa DUNLOPSTEAT BARBIE ONTARIO i706i 7267209 Mtotauo no aox our our KING mm MIDLAND ONTARIO t7bbt oztorot utwitrcewioe atrottt tNiUiAth CDIIOIAIIONl ti