Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1973, p. 4

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by EARL LOFTY HASXIM MNMIL Normat 11 hand rhlIInII oi Ibo noviyvtwmndli IioImL hm Ibo amtulna Ibq hm Inoouatrod Ind other non libnl that deit Ipcuiilly lo lb partleuu Upon ro rrlpi ol Ibrrr qxIIIIInILm whirtmnorriaibobmdooi cm NW mull So in by ow till II III that more denite IIIIo llii IblI iobelakomlllllollud ldlm dmn up There on mm min Did may iundlom Ilui the mil mid we in ma rub on Ilul Ionld some to lint would be Ibo militant minute that Ind group ronid giro in In orpriuuou Irying to man lol wnvmat on at tariIlileo Mime unmon thin would too Inrtlrr this year when Ibo lien nation Iiau Farm inguI undertook tho lob oi doling Ind tendon lilo IorriIoo Put on Grow Stud 1htI yrn yea thII not Iilnrd lo irnnrm tho IIriiiIlen In tho city Ior Ibo bmlli oi Ill AI lo merrily Illa can In Mom ttlcil II IhLI thorn IlwaI pleat oi help until you Lord it No oobi limo mt plme oi iimrI that the league motive mid hm Izlcorrlod with one Irnla Iny urbunzo im on II they um turning the III nlni Mair on may oocuionr To can nu Itorilcltcr Arnuu Ind ibrlr cold Don merry on Iron Io IIIIII when they will Ito IIIIrlI FlyIrI sainrdt In only until ll tho ml Irma Senior llycu but Mr AIIL Arrlrriu Iuicotm Hl In Irhhillonr rum my InlbIIIIsud IIII III IIII cherry who column Idem nnrlner with llurlo nlnyoroouh Dotryi Sly on AILL mioosbln Intern timing the town III Itill halnI quit Iorgivrn Ely loI IIIII ho connidrrl III can Ion inrt yIIr Ibout the Illin oi Ihr Ilym III Inn to DurII In In with NI on bird Miller Inning hll morn OWW pnym ham to lnlnn their wire talk to liooha III III expected relatively my me but the Flyoro IIII ofth Am club It llld Ill Now elm It took our inn month to not over Litii ho Ilidt Woro coming out every nnI lhiI yuan army on WIIO win In trio on to limit Sq mnlidchi Ir Cherry tht ho ho olmd to but Sly th enornoor at tho ortlolicr Iain II the Amrriu tall to win both glrnu Iho llorhcotrr rildo will pay III III Irornm OI worn tho riyu learn that tho Alli club will Inn to rut ctlnngod Irorn InIt your ko Ior mlrl rrnuutlonn quulu IhI mm to carry minimum oi raven pinyer your II In Iitd WI Ind lhI Ilnrrlo tiuh will Mvo IovrrIl youngorro In No lineup The AIIL riub will in nIuLII Ind Ken WandI hm MMhtoplmlq Iodilmhlotho mid that nde thrlr sport lac mua Improved II Ill ImII Ind II Ill grown band ingrthrr Illb do the dilution III lngle body tool II the room roan oil that Ilcillllu IIIII Irma in In quirk to point out lil lnycouLIboiIolrgbinnlnI my high ItIndud No it tho Ibo Icr onion It you II in my gray Irwoti the mind Illd that tho ouailonnnlro it mi in brim October til Gin tho mat mining to will not In Ior yon btnoiit out they on doing lilil Til unruuz Firm up In Ibri exhibition moon iornorv Iod Brod It It Barrio IrcnI Iiul on nylon IIII Itorilcltrr Amrrirnu IID AliliAlAOl Irndl will re NDRTII CLiTllAl Iirli rtno on that no Thun day who Ibo IIo oods mot By GREG BURLIUK Eumllrr Sill Eiriirr Cord bottom paella you on For this rum he or lilo Noth mile III leor illny toond purl III tho Ilorr nation In Ioolblli quh II pollution on iurrlblu qulct Ilut oyrnnaIlIcI Program Ior um my cmy Dy children Irom In II mu oi no will built It Codrlnnton PM School on AMI Ortv door IIiL mom will run Ior II will Ind Iill Nil $100 penal Initiated puiitl oould abort the Park and III cmtinn iornrniulon on John Street It moo Ior turth in toroulloo lironzrr Ildr year worry Indi catod trio oi Ixorllor play Ilod GrIilIrn ilil Ipilrr Reid till bo In tho iintun In Iddiiloo am Mr thiyllibbmntlndout lhIhI Prnrldolon llrdr iui IrIIoIl nrt station who noted to tour Ind added to ulIIlI with tho Virlillll IIrrn tum oi the Do irult nod Willll Elrry tier III mail mm In tho lino Ion ltruin tImI IyIIrm IIII year and loan Onuiilirr horn on tmtmt crnrdim Irm IIItIon For munch the Arnnrlu hm John wlnrinll who olIyod lllih the Cornwall ItnyIiI hit our lloI like Bob Kelly Ioi tho Pluiadrnhln Ilyorl Cborry Ilid lwghlo motor the InIikronlny on down will on vrlenn Lyn Zimmerman worry ii on Iirnngor Io Iilrl rir blnuol urn IIru will Ida all to III will my Bruno Junior lilyerr which won IIlI Willi can but In now The Armin Itrudy hm one enhlbiiion blot under tholl brill when illoy mm irrlo tilt DIIrII IrrnI Illoy tied the truth LindnnIil Sword In much llliirt itiI work For IhI Firm Itll be thI lint HM nI iill moon curry IIrIiIIv Ior the too Into with lilo IlyrrI In nllilvr yrmo no they Iiho Iiymi did III year WI wool in Ihrm lIlI nlxlr The Saturday Ind Sunday ulnar ixIIii begin II no om IIIIeII uili be on Into both him on IIrIIoonlo ilIIi um bIiI at the Dude Ilenn box otlloo Snpt 29th 3001 730 pm ROCHESTER AMERICANS AHL VI EARRIE FLYERS Barrio Arono All IIIiI rmml IIIIII ml mm not II In In lhvmm run In um ilm Irlny IIluInlI liidmm Iilon nIKo SR Al Irnior vomit Ictidn Ii mm qumbld LIrry llodn uurorrod around pirtrly lilo ht cod lot It ynrdl and II tho tun mrI Ind Irrnlo yorrr 0M IlIughIer II th oi the onion turn ty Iirrullo WIIl ooy IllI Inmo tinned to get om worn It Iii void di IoI Ibo VitinS CentrIi too In 08 North Central didnt go my my yhlndd lowmr or round but North Do In win their nm In iry II In other rumor the Allinlon Ionian nunhnndled Enrilirvt no IrhiIo mouniorI odnod Enli round II IId IIICiwf Northh Ill Ill 1010 rnlihulr bob Built Icorcd on Mord run Matrimonial GEORGETOWN ICII Vdi mm tine Norman thrunrrd oil douhir booty Thurldny to rm to iiilrimi to will Cm IIdinnlll oi Tomlin In tho Ibriizio Iroionimni Goiirtl Anorioiion Cilarnrioniio It WEIMD Grit Coon NormIn nI iliilordI Joli Ilurrn Mont Iuo our on tho iiiih hoio ind rnilod oil Iwr birdiol In llw bark nine to out inurnaltlr par d7 Pidlmkl 21 our illul run oi binlirl on the Incoming nine to with Normal won and IIOOIIIIIIIINIIS liliAillllt Hopi XI IIltbli Iliuo NUM to Dry llln It Ilorry not It Pin iiImlnIo 15 trillion II lolly Irln Ii liqu Io illd latter My bcnrl limit on Girl rrr Ill in Sparkling Ito Ildtknr Ilinnn Itloult Wm iniudlrmioallrlootboll uniIIthde NLMBGIOWIIII Ind mrod rim horn Ibo IIrtoII Ioub Goo irli iIIII IbI turn Inn point mo in the int our irr oi play OrntrIl III Irm gain no end but our dolenco them it they hId noted it mid hm gonI tho other way trldzcd Ibo hm hm III incklusteraiiair with both loud Mutiny It not on tho thorot ibotmollnioroo III III tonvert try om no nood IlII tho Iron It hoiitimo Iiood my timothmluio Tho mood hIK Iuricd oil with vibro North Inter ed nIrIl pm It Inl no not nome qua to win Callrni in II their om Iivo Canml oi hroIt boll or being iortrd Ivor ohm PM Norman Is Tied For The Lead In Ontario Pro Goiiers Tourney nowole load om Gary bow moon Clot Nlliil Illii Ron liontrrllor Iiii oi Toronto Doro Ith oi lloodbridgo AM Mr Rose oi iIImIIIon AI 70 litre tinted AIIIIIII nI lmion roll twoumn Cnnndinn lttlli dominion Dob lInIIIuk oI erldiorI llydcway loll Club lirirntiln champion lien Irowbrldnn Id Tomlu wool it Ind Elddi lilo lendm by le IIIollnl going inIo IndIyI llnoi well It iiil fioirnn oIImomv Ihlp which Intel 000 in mine IIIOMY Ind Il000 In nir illlo IIIIIIII BOWLING LERGIIE STANDINGS Illlh Triplu Join IIiIhordIIIl 7101qu My Lindn Total All Duniy mime oil loan 0er 055 bulb Vinrdio Ill Vvtwlu botA Annotio minor 505 um Younl cos lilIrI Wdll 0m XIII loan iiiITlilIOlO 200 Yvnrllo Erna nor llnry Turner loo linen Chmy Isl lonn Crunn Ito hinry bireon III lONG movmd Ihn Iboy Rink ilirmlr plunyor oIl Indie Ior Carnot ttrot Practice Pays Off For Vikings North Tramples CentralZOO hid Orniriiclurlrrhact bill tIinlI then riled ior too you nqu only to Coll IIlI bolt mIrrh oi Ibo dIy did Ihcn thirddorn InIbII tod od lorido the North ontrd llnr Noth IlnIliy dished min In tho Iourih nooan uhrn lioot dropped back to ionn Iinizun nitrate liooi lound Brim bitch wen nnr tho Iidellna Ind Iiier undo nuldt dole on Control nun In mover in yIIdI Ior tho iourldm Wilh limo running out control Ill Iolcrd in to tilt Iir but rouldnl rikh TinIlty In the dy is rnlnuiu IlI ihn rim hllnl lrdootto II but IIII lulona IlIl lullaby John InIoIl IilI boll Id pried tom and Davo Gum oioil od it no to run It in ior tho touchdown North rirciod to him ronlrrt tick Irti llooII lonld liluk In tho end Iollo til twoooini oonlert Int Inn louddoom am both thing whirlr ion on word In orlrlira WI writ lulu on Ambler bo qu ill not II II it looks ho IIld Ind our to truck on one oi oouoln oiplmwe born wortinl on ior ryyidn mm IlI hint to not paella pry oil in tho lunlor rm North broke nullity Itcrlolnl Control roll ihon rolling In lot ouicil touchdown on pm to curb Nor Runnlno back DIM llro rrII wor running OrnirIl doIrnI beclult Canadian Pattern In Rookie Open IlNiIllUILSI NC IAN thi Tm oi Killitomr 0nI warol In to lhurrdny to toll rlx Itroltrr brimi till lruirrl ollrr the wound round oi nunittylny rornocillm tor Iitd rilht in Join ihn notational roll loom moot Inor IIId born rim to Iroll oltor monitor It lninro 03y In the ill mid oi th 12 Irniolxtmai GoliolI NIIOI dolinn Intonation tiring him III Idiot Dill Cation oi Tompn Fin that on Thuloday to him tho Irmdmluld land with III In Oooii liaisiry oi Olrldmnil IllLi limit bowyrr oi Gnlilmburn TERM LEASING CARS TRUCKS All MAKES MODELS Gootgo Dongoviiold Jr monogor oi Barrio DrivoACor II pinned to announce lilI appointmrntoi ITIdi Whnion DI automotive looting rnyimoniollvo Tod bring with him ovor Itx your at automobile rolling and looting oxporilnro Como In and III III today and lot or toilet YOUR now to YOUR Mid and deliver 43 ESSA RD Phone 7266074 iuLCorIrIlovuInIily won mIrIIlIiirItvldaryinIIo Loudxioun In Ibo llIllar yon Ermine MI In round wiUt NI WWW Ind pulutrhlnl rry tilt the turning point canto when with mini hemmed in on their not lnoyord llnI Cent ralI Dab Em until loo uhlrh molri 1M boil new ntuorointhuuqmncobutlbt momcntum llId chanted III aint oi rnlnulrl liter ItlIr two rrlril II tho Pallino Riot Illr rIIIiI broiI tho all down In tho moulhIll ullrn no lion IlIrIoilrtI Ind lorry Irnt III the My Ior Ibo Item we SrIIlon Idle It can loll Im htrolost Iboui III III Um Itrolln boidnd orro Err its EEK3 is TE 25 Illiltwotrlylcn mood uror Ind rlnlI homo on IIILJ irit The low rune bid to tho month onto ttitI Ilobon tuna boron run armor SLR lit IIIIII hi liotioi Corby Munrhithmcond trioI oi the night in It oltbih not Im berm Ihln th IhrnI In thrd bounced wildy out It Ibo wa Ernie Ilillrr known in movie mull run with doth Int Iooron Ibo eighth I130 bI Irolo homo on oiid Nollbrr ItIrtInI nllobrr mm II it to oi ibofyime Iben ill oolmd boon lion RIy mil who but wlikrl LItIviII cIIllI hm In tho Iourtb train to on two can by Adam hit Ibo Iirli oi tvro lriolrl to toooir to Bob blotllnn Atoms in turn now when in our Ilnglod borne by Court Itonicboi Ilu Drinrneo mud Inoiblr pliT In tho run Ernie lrilor Iinyirl toot retool on Ilid nlich and word Mil ltIrttol rbr DIM burton III doll in our lrliIioldrr loo TAP roaII but Bill GrInt Ibrn lol lnlrod will rinin to Idrtnro button to irt At this point Oluroti plum Butch Doyd III titled in IIInI oi lilo bllbrn but biohon not poor Iumrt Irorn hv Ileldlrr Im llurtr bilio IiobIn relieved Ito IlIrourt mm In ior Burton yriIh one out In tho month Iha lixo Inn at tho uriu III bo TurIin It run Ii Quotnn IIrt Control man John Iloolrm mgETAileiDlllY 10 gm tho Itole VInLouIIr min the Ilrrl It hit three 3ny Nina Irrorr on grout mi and mm mm by mug llurlon mrrlio IIiio lgIIIliWIuo mu Igolnll rhIiiongIn iiIl int inth in Iron IIilorI from Moniot lion Chufth iii ii NI in itiunrnlrn Yacht Cub Iho bum too lira IxtlI Ihu with in porno my my bin outlrrdAodcrtonIndIIoTIl rrnI not bIrttobIrI Ilylrr In byrtn Ilird out to end lb in North Irrlilory ContrIl dldl to It Ika Ior Control Iddod III Ieroml touch IIIOlIE HELICOPTER ltu IllturlI rrcoul Ior hello contraI iI Iron NICIII by Jenn Boulot In SudArinilm Iiiourtio II in told Iiolirw yni Inothrr run in tho thrill to mail it on nhln Orry Illnu Iinriei throth lbI inlloit Idiot lhlrd on IluriII Honda Civic was voted Carotthetenri Iniapan Some quotes liondn Civic wnIchonIn CIII oi ille anr by on ovrrwhniminy moiority oi our intern in bright droign Ind pmoiiurilty giro it tho rewritinl to be It worldwild poooIoI our to Iunotlon tlnd cronomy mnko it moriurplrco of tin hind Mum Jnyonrlrndinr nlnmirli liow don it got Vimto lilo lupuan word Ior dynnmitot Motor Trend April my Somo nerve It iniIII lot at nrrvo to inirorluco yot lIiOiiIdI car into tho Connollnn Innrirot new mportcd rnr lion to he Incontinnni Ilondn Irli It had that out when JRDIIIIOIO cor OWntII vntui tho linndn Civic Cor oi tho Year In nuilonwido vote by biotor lIn tho countryo lending our mnnorino Now Cnnndinn IlrlvcrI run oxylrrirncc tho limo excitement DIIII SIlu Snrvlu 714 Old WloIlonRdl Toronto OtInd Fle HondI IDiv oi RIIIiy Melon 701 Bloor Toronto 5357037 ContrI Automobile lit Richmm lSitar Ioronto Sumo rurl 5m cu My All ihonxritrmcntiocuy Ioundrr YonnI SI lmond Hill ItnndiirlroI yrhIiI Iitttiliiilld on I3 milim liondnCvlc rnnIvrrIryvmnuot Ii i200oo ovoriionti corn engine Front Mimi Viii Toronto ontrr Id IIII InIIoI whorl drilo Iho Innino olldI Irnctinn 4754929 IIniIII mm where you need it ior Cunnilian winter drivinr over tho drlvowluotl dlliiti Iynohromrrh irnnrmiulnn twllorl Indrnondrnt IUlprrIrInn Rock and pinion Itorriny luiiy mllnlnn ironi burial Innis iuily CInIIiInllondIiiniorLidAIlnrouriOntI Introducing CIVIC by HondaSomc norveSome car corpotod Interior Youll And Iiir IIrIim in Iltddilltclill iilnnilrtlt tlro out to tho iin liltiI Leo

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