Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1973, p. 16

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toaler titty Barrie Examiner lobb Pubilrherdmrat Manager Walla Editor Interline Manchu morning rand um um II In Hill Prices Taxes Away Up From Era 20 Years Ago in $335 tlouaewivea who have been concerned 35753 in I953 to 5780 iboiore deduc wtlb the tncreutn budget allowances tlonat they hire in makeTor iood corte in thin Higher prtcea for such item at eggs tnCnilouary era could bar be Named and mild helped to rovtda iairer econ ler looking with envy to relatively omlc deal the era who were by low pricey oi 20 years ago ging behind in 1953 llae Guol Mercury in commenting mm mom on tbedaangllnlood pricealn 20 yea Barrie Exalntner in 1953 aborted ad iald editoriall that it am lake the Can mm adlan worker Ices limo rrlih more money iroin beet rteaka to car were only Mu and now than it did in 1958 trial mm Mm PM thereb more in the category coal at living Ar matter at tact atatirtlu rim plain ituu merely Surely the that in 1953 twill 01 Mr mid be price or bourtng Insurance rutomobiler provided with nourishing iood ior 31in my ML mm mm week The more iond ironi January 1mm mg The lercury dnttnuda upon tax in pr coat mm and lttm rlren even mm rm 20 my Pm Hm there have been cube autial too and th Bumobagmdnhdwglmy tfgestltmiyy into the incomes oi thiaa rinoe re ano er wool it war worked out that air Th 1mm PM erto mmariniaia had to work we tutti it Im lidtlre lb pay this lood bill blemish wait mi in um Bi the MOM pk umwwmzunmwaiancmmmmmwm lure tlrcli even the net income doeant Haghhlixiiiiahihh tell the lull atory in this rmmnm Wm mm mm mm are That it the reason tor the owing 315 concerned In the developed eotnttrlaa blob have been attacked them lor the dominant role their Mariam muorrier iD LIKE LOAN AT THE SAIIFS WEST AS THAT FELLOW THERE on MAJOR CRITIC Bil tin United biota any provincial retail rater tax which rtiil doesnt ailecl iond too much except tor lrertaurartt meals Anyway it was aaid the average lndur trial wage in Canada har turnde from allotted DOWN MEMORY LANE Uiie Itenirlur Ann tVorrait Tina Center is rears woo IN 10th Barrie Examiner Sept 28 1958 Bar rte Collegiate Band won three little at demand for government to he delicll iinancing continual tar riaer and the ac companying price lncreaaea When busi nesr and industry have to loot larger tax bills the price at goods are bourl lobe 0a Linda Ilarrliail they won ilnat game at St Caiharlnea On return llayor Wit lard Kinda led cavalcade oi motor cara Will Mill in mer in vieto parade through town In car bnubGanada pipe line under oing ilhat irate irom Barrie to Toronto mime uae Large crowd gathered at gar in Oro lownthlp tor memorial Iervice oi old African Epltcopal Church Brigadier it Purvea oi Vtctorla I3CMlnod Commander at Camp tiara den Plaque unveiled on trout lawn Ernie Public Him in memory at An ew Frederick llun er Imam editor ol Examiner who became olltclat hirtorlrn inr County oi Stmcno in 1895 Clttr ena Committee held rpeclat mealtn tn releat proporod plat to develop old oat lore go ed by Iiurlel Lam tier pr nclrt phyotia tonarclia coaoli had bertenEaatlon onto Bovrrnamtlle and llamllton Ex aminer carried relies oi articlea on City Statua ior Barrie reacarchod and com piled by Ctileenr lieacarch Institute oi Canada generally lavorabie Town Council considered propoaat to turn old Barrie CNN elation at Port Olttce Square lnlo attractive rertailranl ll war not well received Prime htinirteryohn Dlol enbaircr openrd Cookslowna centennial lair with vtilsgoa echtenartan hire Ilcnry Couro cutting ribbon Kenneth are lor commercial rleer Orawiord it current president or agricul Alterna plan would eatahltr green lurat society which held itrat chow in area iavorcd by Deputy ltrtva Leatar Cooke New OPP district building apened oil Nora St in Barrie Geor Johnston litl Barrie lonarc won Ontario womena roitbaii luvenito dumplonrhtp Basically from liliicrrat School idle youihlut trait pla Karen tiara Ann Kearacv la hnBowen Carol Agnew Sa ra Spring ttleeit OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WINTER crown aaartst London Free Prers Loolr down there in that black od tie No We Why it abav bean Fsbabean la Vicia Faba which could be the heme ot model in Playboy ccn ireictd but is really broad bean with new lutttre in thin protelryeonrclous Dover Township near Chadian Solar regretta lyicatahavelndlcatcd tilted the at Md is to you can bring lababeanr to trim Ontario you cant rntlre them in rec Itrovlnciil cooperation in doing can be deep row lta too hot Itcacarcherr aay the so thou aria lose their lab vlion the temper gture aoara beyond iii degreea though Mexico it help create more an more divorce and paradoxically more unliled aociely m2 Wmmmtmmrmmd airing Large Eilort ltibtl George Chuvato 2i attened James Pariter oi Barrio to retain Cane adtan heavyweight bottln title it tool Jurt two minqu ol ltou Ono tor Obliv aio to end Parliera attempted comeback Itvo yeara ago Porter wra ltiyocd in yam were nine roundr by Archie Iloore in world ayllclati title bout at Toronto bait parkliort den ludylinrtt Stlciiatdvin lion Don Robertson named coura mu ttcutlurit development and ttlatory it thorn that than resentment at trying to late rciinctat party and when the teat ocean the pro vittclaie clone raniu ttiie war iery evident in low when Walter ltatrtr ran againrt John thlilertneyer and even thourh llarrir had been let prominent at the national on little limit To Shake Oil Sleepy Image il in dStreeI bar Ohtltlo Telephone will llrrnaid clurIlalt mditrationlluiberdtdl More portage meaniced Daily human and Statutory Itottdaya erupted Sttbicriotlon tater daily by earner toe weekly litto year blade eegtei ite tty mati minute yearlyt Slmcot County mot yearly balance pt Caneda moo ydltlyr All other enuhtricr cw yearly Motor throw all tenor yearly Naihnal Advertisltir nlitrret queen at War Toronto it me so Callieta it Montreal Itember at the Canadian Pm and Audit thread at Circqu lone the Canadian Praia lr rreluw ital entitled to the tier ice to pub alicrtol all have diapateb er in iblr credited to it or Actor ed Praia or lteuter at the beat em public ed therein Iritaelllarlrta eldairnr TIIII Oi III IV Img email rdltoriai material are bled by Its emplryrea and re produced in this newspaper foggnn tieriaitallon Num be lit rerlateril KEVIN 00th Willi llieucrl Itextoo Ia making their eb law to the chewy irav mtthu rthawnr oi brother that Mm that by doing to It can tomeday end it tradition at yam trait deliciie The push itarted tear than three eara are with the est tatuttiletwrt ri the aerial rrnmehtai Iteriaao Inatlitle htr totelgti trade lnetituto Itertrrm Cotitrrcto lbucrior pact tlIiClCl and law lli iirtt mator test this mitt whcn Iteucna targeet trade lair to date 0me in lien Antotdo or the initiate alalia acetic romartorctal olden eroiatd that world the Now limit older it an elegant larti Averate little at itlorl iier and nine dltpiay rarer that Kilth eimtty the image comrriaatoner here Juan Itryne would lite to toe boom the insane oi by indivtty to bid outfit mtti it will latte youth he laid to an interview to titanic teh lco item land oi thereitottr batches and elector trio roimlry with the Idol oi cherry ahwrn by turn wand eomtrtr hattnru ll Jam in cldentaity Aa mod that the potrtg people who work tor made not the lmtltute cit lunch at their sletlre and out In limit or Noel Mexican meridian lureaa teem content he uid to limit their alter to their nan country and thereby avoid the dtltleuiilra cl tradedilatedch like maid one alts ol clothea tar tttle retro and then havtny to con in wanton rowan are to mod naanularlitrati tor at that are rig to have to charm blaylde raid ti Itetdro it ever color to em mouth weigh currency to male that trio modern in daetrlatlled Mitch byrneiintea Will have to mammoth Weill twill AM that in what olilr rare at the trade buittuu and tharrintttroiluturlgeod cerrrnecea aveloeen lag tlaig bi loud club not latter in Mexico who midi ill the irrtportca bill it mm at All an are rt NMUIIIO ialr representing tntattr main ltd not altyatrawpbagdahd Int arm raman WAN Salk it time may be rim ibil city that calla oil what at Saritaidaewun TIN oil that med to lo Diem tn comb prorptrti attenuating loans earl Saakatrbevan to yearn are it being tried try with no new main ditcoveriea being tiltclrlr say that twirling write will been producing un til Ml er 1m but at dc ellnlng rate The that on per cent coachs clinic eatlmzte dlrcovrred The Consequences Could Be Surprising Bl DON OIIEAIIN Queeaa larti tturean TORONTO At the time oi writing noon oi the iedetri totrv rct mtnlrtara who have been bmslderliigruluilti tor iha le erai icaderahbr made up their rail Nether Labor Minister John ltunro or Aricttlluro Itintrler lrarrnr Wire at him all dellnlta yet or no iltoupliwhe or some unactentlile reaion they once itin it iiourlrhed In Egypt which it known to ex crtenco hot weither ut ll lababeans aprnul bail in the cold Kent Countya anawcr ts almple Grow them during the winter MULTICULTUIUIM SOCIETY Ottawa Citizen ltlwantan ol eve actually It II already clear lyrwsvcr that it either door go into the race lhla could have tome lma patient and perhapa rutprtrtny aooceouettcer tillP NIXON in the Itiivtilirt that candidate tad ite being culivried exprrtmcniaity Canada multicultural Ioclety tr not ffyfgmmmzi 991 only alcohtttttnnothalrhould be noun mw chance at aucceedliig overnmcntr decision to en hlmeelt cm led tedaral people 14 over the It the eh Columbia oil ea in the aetdhratt hate in turd in For tatevah Weybtana ornatt town like Illdao cerire ol the Iiidala oil ileidettd inc many larrnere the dedlnr oi the oil lndridry will mean radical chances when the aouthurteru db iielda were being opened in the cart and mtdooa recrtta Ptttl ttertiag the coan tryefde Iterated to be covered wilh men naming about with chapter to give tartweer it war anarchic mad rcreirbla rail Iii Selierl tng ltr out once rerwrolhe atahoe minister the provincial wing war aolid enourh to beat hlnw BEACON TO LOSE The mail Important brunet cl ledcral arte then however aravan ta oi ii that there hu been could be on the chanrea ot Donald Deacon Once the outweigh got under way the tartCentre liberal came on attrpritlngty altong becauu ot poor paiorm pretence which made him tcaa than iurceiui in the bottle molt obrervers in the early riagea tended to diamlll him But then when he earns our llghlln irem the alert and thou he wouldnt be waging atay rampalm be began gel lhgeiichtonatld new re rpcci it even ham to ihape up as pattern elite eohlelt between he and Nixon Now however ttli campaign lI almort certainly to be hurt Ii there it lateral entrant the provincial buying logically will retire on Nixon And even it there irnt an or iawa candidate the talk oi one to date NP inbuilmd am surpor ptraert teeter Heres Another SureFire Way ToKick The Smoking Habit VANOOUVEtt tCIt it yai want to clap enrolling itiat lie in dark retold oi about it have it you dont atop rrttoirittl tltoroa rotl may cut down hall and oven non completely alter trim million their an more at the tittd rcicaaod horn art or rrcatl minded by Or Be iluodleld head at the de Brrtmcrti oi Iteyr nlvertdtyol rti Dr huodirtd ltna orrti tried itth lollowtrp oi isola llrri oritodmerw rortduiled at litalgera University in April am ltr had at valuitttrti with littlest to tire rrnolrini iltill ol them not thrwch the tensrry deprivation trolailhh chamber lard the oihera rated at aorta taut radian at UdlD VOLUNTICIIM ihc vritrttcorn wen rpltt Itteh into lrwir minthaw who experienced the chamber with rillinviting mrranrrr nt in them periodically who were in tin chamber only with no mmuuei thorn who alryrd home and had the mite manager relayed we the telephone and thaw who re delved no lrcatrmnt but were tried in lkid her methods at at Intoldng reruitt retired in the av erarr amber oi cleareitei rmohed yprmaa prm are it pro virility rtnoirad Chamber with mature Il ore care at rod or air month arrillprrrenelcratni ear rhnmtxr only it peer and it per cent home group rated it per coral and per cent and thon who had no treatment tied tuttiervma ttwrcaae in six monlhi and at per cent otor ate year Dr thierlteld raid lhr then me not to have lttrla attert portthty barman ila It interi litl in the ttolttlon He said next time hell give the ocean at that then let the voluiteer lillt shout lhrrti dbl trtgnih Ii born without could or Ito and Iehiory deprivation rhambeca mlrht be metal at at titer tnrm at treatment titt to crop titareie unoth tut alto to help Moth tddtclr alter they have one throurlt twitttrirewal rtuttror end any people with um habit they want to in rid at tor hitttg claim and now ii senior executive with melt Oil in Calurry lite retncrrbesa era lrocea nrhl riding in homemade aoowmblle in ct was tamer to urea in at 1ltr people welcomed us with open arctic be laid will that atticc the there have been some otmoaiiita about royetilca paid by the oil concealer Farmers receiied boautet tip to Mootrealm and realtch oi till percent let the Note all teemetl pound to the area LAND id POOR Even today titer solicit de veiorrrtent it land will tr rocq and totalled Fortmarraw cattle are raram1 antaaprwtblawetmlty OH pine with their complex neirvriu or electric power ya Fanninuari generally rp Iar laolatod even by San alchewrn aiandtrdr In it laid hit Sollctlihl the ante wai wilderncra with very low peopr in it hit Salli runner aloctt And mam it had nothing going lor It It war very very poor Int cidtural aver tiradeand local rmerna inertiawere The molpatllea didnt have awash money they hall at well it you need road build it And we built them When tarm income ran into Whole irritate the south eatt hid tho all industry to abaorb retina oi the impact Over the yearr more piper wiring and ittttriteul tcltllter appeared and tor tort while production war so to by new ditcovsrtot but the pace at exploration and ditcovery declined and etirrtlen truited etaawhere Laat year 01 million war treat in sulratrhewan on oil exploration down about It trillion from the aroma cl prTvvtwa year to ear rbed melt oi the decline CANADAS STORY MoDougcrtl Deserved Much Better Fate BOO bOtTMAN in tile when Canada decided to buy ltuoetla land from the criteria bay Compiny Wit Iilitl licDouiail wia appointed to be the tint lieutenant iotti nor lie Wu not able in do the lob becattle oi the lied lllver oprtilnr tcuii Itiei etld the Ilstia would not allow him to entry the irrrllor and he had in return to on trnomb nloutly birtlbuglii detected better late ttr war one at the rattled alivocatel tor Canada to take over the liltli territory and be alto wortnt hard to long about Gantrdrrallch in loll be war ens at the clear tlrtla who Joined the con ttllen lovrrnrnettt that civil Otnala lrona dlrtrtttgratlny and made dottederiilen potltb Mttlctlirtl aaa tonic patt In the Quebec and laondoh router rocta that drew up the ttrltlih North America Act tin clear title were men bars at the retotni party when alrga are All rand dirt nhlr1gtlt all the way through Radical Changes Are On The Way In 011 Capital Oi Saskatchewan ever ar are not within ell Sathatdhgwan it might appear thattrt nrrtii irryarevs and in relative senta wobtbly we arent raid tetiergeoi Sukaooa chairman oi the arakmbewan division at the caaadan Petroleum Aarori acn but iite trduli hainlltlt tiarkatchrwln NW Were not sure where the oil it thii ii to be rm Bill were working at it at Title iiower paro But ranch Iiitpettdr In whetl rem or trio their searcherp Ana Illa ell apetuntta aa depende no gorennncet tea Th3 ate crltloii at national policy which would keep doanoatia Itlcel twig than limit prime and nclal lorrraaea in royal ltr Latterte rate that din cotrry cute in Seikatchowan MINI the tart live yoarl we but barrel when all wtr titlth tor bliter more than that And drilling for the pelctble conilderaby more amenable milling ollleidl til the youth we are about two icet drum The llidvllta ttcngough tietdi it they are there woud be about coon lcrt down They would alio be ameli Eeahapr 2o acrci in riteend ardcr to TINT thin la hill ola lot dil lerenl ball gtrrte raid llr labrruo lmlrrd oi peylng 0000 to drill dry hole other wiltccn etilmaio ii ml ht cert artopoo Without ticentlvo rttennlhi without hither prlcra oll rompanlri will be rcuciilnttt in look tor that bind Arnlhrr dialurhlng tictor la SartrOil the provincial Crown commotion bring torched to ergare lthan all lien ray ey rape SaiIOii to be extremely caulioua in lie that few yearn hyping awylblrum iiiky latch in or drilling ind were led by decree titottlt Milher oi the Toronto ttlobe ltriluuyall war the newt rcetntatt ant invaded the crib Amortth which wir tttro ever by thrown Ittd aniilranialrrl it the illobr Iiitlouzall waa orcrrulve outtpcltrn and not popuar rvcnlwlh Illr own rolleaaitcr it it MI that Sir John hlacdo held onpclhtrrl him in be lieu icnaht grvarutr oi the North writ Tearllctlrr on bent at tilt In order to iit him away horn Ottawa ttuwetrr ttritourrli tart rtro illutl to get away betalie he tell trim the althe day at ihbllgh Crnrir not not sup porch to rate over the territory ttitll December licboigtil Named loirph ltowr tor lotstenting the llrd llivrr uitrttlng sveti thtueh he and ltowa were member oi the roietnmrnt tiers vttilrd had lllvar and talked to tilt btloto atrltvurall srrivei at the hor er Uliltilt Stll It AVIAN lamat mine to the UN bu perilor been the lender lrlce In the last ml the US can at mil Ioprvva retained bidutry Ipokrrmeu Amateur dyer to the titre IAbor trgrnlrartnri rotlteaxetitin dlmard UN amnion Ithodoula United Sine dtrlrlcrert Unrtlvllleadtbaworldbody wueaamobvloil utterance otrbemwiagurmberetnwrn remarried in mlltlary aciionlntltetn rtddandinitib be More ihsSovtet buthreaiaried on lateral occasion not to meet be linear rial enaatniltrncirr to the United Nutm tuhr meinber notion crttlclrrn oi varioua acta at Vial Intro policy the euro new mddllymw ml Secretary at tclbl altruism natlainl Ind atrium coma horn ltenry gtWI which you made ennui Amriny on alleotlttl literally overture earth ihla Ia tho growing vrnrld load shortage From Dr lilarlmera rrtleua tale cod compatrioriata maidn epeecb came the world tood mlerm to tilt dim lmrlcrm aohttltria become the leading air by the late title Aircrdy many oi the devel ea who are bri nailnrtr oi the are aemlprrmlnent lamina alags ly the Saharan contrtca Neath and Ctt Atrth trytni to more tram the mouth in their recorded may Pahlatan tartan maaelve other new nationa like tadedt ere anarcer above city the Mr dernaodi nod stocks at wealthy load duelnl nationi pitta crop irror and bed ttooher round dildtdil italtd ia and the US to allUtrte lows lUItVlVAIa Cttidth it it taller aberr turvtval our plonrt to bring toretber global or ahltailoa United tions ml prove he oererilal tty more than dintna previous political and mllltbry crises the late tilde and IIIOI ti lo the best dayr ol great world body iothor than rorlrclvably lie propoaalol ballot oilel dec rterrtt would be iorcea touihl abort battle York lily Itoronlot tillatwa service between Gait ind burrow tin New IIntrtawtni lahel Initiative Council tItIltCAtl attached nrla politicos on lilalia lrlird tellCanada announced trntloit to build ht Lawrence without Uri cooper lnecerrttry BIBLE THOUGHT Study to ith Ibyrtll prnrei unio lied elattrnll that ntedaih not to be ashamed alrhliy dlctdttag ibl word truth timothy litl The word at and it to diet and thuod nettina better the yottrtelt our neighbor Ilore tltrte the old book will mean trouble with the old tell direction It cornplrtr without treat degrro ct orillghtrnertt the lllhla lthr word tillUfa and ttrlllib arrat it quick reward

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