ll Egg minor RITES Married At Crown Hill Couple Beside At 3552 32 Tani 83 E2 58 I5 95 is in must Ln tower IMle hIlL AND MRS ROBERT SUiNN TbevaeutkmnIu vltbvelturlhbmtomnneh the odor oi their lhI llelrtr tel menu rlbbotlinhchnlr Inert pulled Item ad but mu The mtrenelhnnor were ANN LANDERS Hushnnds Comments Destroy Beiaonsltip lleIrAIt latent Can you In linest Im ll martini relroot iiy btubend in Minnie been menad it were been wen ll never ow the MILK drill nu lhIlmr noonniItederm trl tunttoeeuute llellill Wmamgm itch untold Irmhndy well the been could hove billed him he lI Ilwnrr much own will be In an Irnrd ii dmided not to or my my um um Then she told me to prey about In no MW mete Ice roun next month decided to ItIy rellor ioey IivIIyI ride with lire home My mum win that it men And niense dont It Tell tent ld mere body mu thetti tell to my In or erubie illtbldtnl myteil liI Itlll hrr temper tInlruml New gm man In mull lor Minuetimplied InAhlIr ntlutnn the TIXIL New Ian rle momma thin probltmlIlr DIII Ree No me ever over in earne harmsch by Iteylnd one diIuctinnI mu who to ior allle Wymm Ind letilrne vhtt not to tell mm my an Ind will You unmet turn mun who mild day nth um um iiiethatioriiyeuemust mmgomwommm is Im Wfm Eu are IIIIIII oi Yw rnlrht Em ado 15k ve to do it three iotn or even whim more times helm Ichlete Ml your end bu it you lllil IIOIIE rill This in hour le master bar in Lenderel am ll dittieuit Iitunlkm grow GLASSES AT ONE lOW PRICE SiNGiIlliliOll events 5225 $29 TiliSiillCEliiCiiiDIS CHOICE OF 65 Will TliAliiE STYLES SHAPES Aliil COLOURS iUAIPRESORIPIlON iii WHITE NOSE DA liliEEN IINSII ll YEAA REPIACEMTNT WARRANTY AGAINST Emmi YOUR ENOICE OF CASE Tillllrl AWiDE SELECTION 01 em EYEGlASS EITANiNil SOLUTION Bil iN liltilIUli RATIO OR UIIIX SIYIES tried not In mill titles available Ii Inil $1000 Iddillonel invert yrirrt en eyeeill lyyet oi lenses and Ullll il med IIde II it Ill When our hidl yezrn old mt iutI eiw ruched their teem nollred my lu net 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it when tlebbo Poliod IrIduIted lbll you with beeheior oi lriJ do co in nhiloulolly Ind Bixllsh roIII Delhetuie Uulvrreity in liniiiu Ihe become the Nut women Impled It the NiIrIrI PM niouI mt bi lrortleuture ButI Hrnnlnl Interim lendent oi the rIynrroid echoel aid in In interview Delrble ll not here In the Iuit oi nomenl lib hlr lienninr nid other iriI hIIe ltd lo the Ichbe whirll In hten mmltlerinl them tor we yearn but there rm no midenoe ills ioiiorr no In given bedroom end wnrllroorrr in the residence but VIII not allowed to deep there Ste iiml in the Wm ior time but later inunii herein home JOIN FMTERNITE Like Iii IiIItenlI iiiII iol leek wu rewind to beam brother in the Glen liortkultur lII mlernity Ken lieellie oi llutlrow out her student ioromIn lot meek Irid llLu loiiork not tree llell Ionnldcrlilon Sbe lot the ram lreIlnenl everyone eite will no were more cIroiul he so it we novely It tint Now the nor eltyl norn oil think IheI not rule BIIIEET SOUTH Orililu0nt Ill Phonn umli and MM Gets New Loo E2 55 EE ii gen es 335 339 25 OCTOBER WEDDING leeeb munnur lines III at PurlI mm mm Oet It put The men um will idiot It Sammie iodine Inniniii BeIrir and hire DIVER niIlRlsrmdmm ertheerniu neel hn David Gillespie Inn Id IIrI Wth Gil Mull mm mm EDT In Natalia In wedan Trio To Trinidad Follows StuartChapple Rite manuresuture behime en 53 girl E2 5E3 ii E3 ii or iii Eng 5355 igrgi 23 35 539 gig re 5E gases terreei gr in twin Netti NW bin blxy Zebu of more ES ON SAL SEP 26T TO OCT 6TH Ise gee 93 Fail 8tWnter Coats That Promlee Beautiful Season sizen 818 in This Group Charming eomilitted etyio with ernnrt tlep pockottrlm fully interlined and satin linnd in wool blend herringbone tweed and donngel chockn Modified trench in smashing wool blend mens wonr plnid with notch collar built and front yoke ilnpe tin belt Fully Orion plio llnod Groun Brown DOWNTOWN 50 DUNLOI ST 7260le eaterE Sporty Tweeds From Top Canadian Sport Coat Maker i999 Slzoe 818 in This Group Youll warm up to winter in this wael blend rwand Semifitted etin with In very easy hood elIelI pockets Fully lined with Orion pile invourlte etyle ltn wool blend twnod and lavishly trimmed with Orion pile Fully quilt lined met coat to weer with name felonenn inn HIGHWAY 2621 7284974 uuewummm vntxi Fri 3Pu