way put Itvls the aseuld The tor to be test lost had it whit 0v were in they their were oi St lis brctoss sum on Head lielriro was oi OI election it is Iorac not his ot Cana halt Iiiil and ditty by your by tmros balance Al verily yearly tlllirrst Tvronto cart SI Press Circular is axclue use its so dlrpxtetv in It or or Heutur claims sdver cre and re Nun rrsItI nns on COUNTY Ierondttrna mantle Tlmmaosuo mndibssdrpCstedtroro alloymloidirdiimbyboid In renthmth Tall Fairs Al Beeton Real Community EIiOrt REETON Staiil Promoted tor years as use at be betta loll sire Isa Slime County IRA asmual erdabltlm oi the Breton Tecumecth Agrtclekural Society odtnrd at the Iatrgmod hero today and continues Reduce day It will agslss be cesarean It vital as In the poet said tikrry our rest Taouu titans Industry erger Announced MIDLAND Issue Bur ealdetl oi Walton Noll litlriioss lnsioiletions oi litdlerldhsva umd meters oi the ten emapanire under the name Wettec lktiesv ples Lid blr ltlrgm Is it and dtci exoostlrs The corn will have two opsmtlrlg divts The Naked customise Wsliee haduarlse ltd Wniiec For slid Wat ic Enristooring and Demld to kid will be reader the dir ection oi Its Burgess With penta located in Wallncvburg and Cosialdbe Gaitl the dirt stnrt nil continue to masseuse lure plwrabing brass iorgtngs errors machine predicts tools and dies The blldlblld division will he strides tie supervision oi blr llariog and la made up at Itin dsed lnduyoioe Limited biid Iand which meruliecturoe stein loss stool sinks and variety oi his devpslruun Rslnteas steel grothlde Asias Products Di vision Downsvtew which lubri riea cuepm snnde stainless steel products and Regions DV Rulseeu the Netbalmie which mstavisctssrel stainless steel sinks and dralnboosds Tho Canceled osnod corn punywibpisyamaiorsuletn dtldirl plumbing Ilstrm ma village or the Canadian rrlatkci and will radium Is mm snorkeling policies In Theo peso Cam bttakoi it is Idpaled that even more rapid crvvth ml other viral times In the post will re sult bum toruhtnina Irena two halopesadetl Canadian some Corvus nests til late Barrieiboilrstwasattba dorilitatawashtpaiaowae bodietkvwngcstingmiylo wdctxna Ieiiaw militate lawman the card to tens one sulhslgvsig lady RAM ball Am In Jim and second as Rsvvtew Wild vood reort ball is Sparrow bole Reeve it man osth township who Is saving his ssh year as saesatarv liver bet and IhIII that IIIO have an mucus tab yet attar year AMatALm pipesape it over thou ta Denim has uttered sxhhttlon whichwoulddouOOltnamurh man irger eedsu SOURCE OF PRIDE Visitors in the community named bl boost at pioneer hee David Adam Jones tats time we usually eaa ed the lids new vaults emollient exhib Ita the keen Minus In horse and livestock above the stellar anlsed harness racing standing corvurlrro Isl disilleya and other tsabsree which va made an exhibition wit guide to all Onion IICQUIITI preel oi the active all Isle organise tton which has been busy in truths in motiosersunpemcras The worded oi Sirrtcoe Cosuiiy Rem James Wales oi Toeoroo tio has been invited to oitictal ly open the trli lair Others expected to take part in the sensory lruiude Ellwood ItindiIL MP the Peel Nitrite Stmcoo Stmlalr Steam hiP tor York Simcoe Artists Evans IIPP tor Cent Simon said Daaer liPP or Dtilldrtll Slrnroe Reel It blcltelvey and members at ileum corn dl also we missile ere oi the Bottles lair itsester resident oi the agricultural loo ety Dr Ilclletvey has been active on the tale exeoutiva tor yours OOOD SULRY TRACK The beamimmth iaIr grossnde lust beck oi the cons nitsnity men has pound autky race track abidibsebeen an measuring that to PM hell estates tor their lines locum duh Rod cocoa code you At the spiral to the alt Wuhan plaque Ism Last Showisv Toni ht 1IS RM sad RIA Reality morNuroo Nortons Ariar itttiReduravutloltnltakatyEttantttiton IIIIIHdtOIIUOtHStHODHmhmw our rteisorilrrrtliwshilnglinsvaimhidioh gsttthltNlllNl IllTomorrow Action Double Dill Mill AND HERO SPARROW LAKE Ing bu Ind oiitc bu CIIII been rocaivhu mirth attestion oilsiaaabaaibeotdor burning David Allaneon loses nimrcimdtoastbeioundn Speclale Members attracted IttlI entries tormde learn mavunlludrivtngbm The turns Authority oiOoiertobo ALLISION start may start requirements the meeting bani Aeoorieilw will be held aiiiolocalpubiiclibrarybail Henry on Malay overdni Sept It Prince it was Weed Mitre aviary liberal evacuation an small it teen operates NEWS res nears melanin retailer em to unr Another Depression tomes Unihinlsable By Oro Visitor Emailla mttbmlaadirsaeed thasunadanem ossalouamondetkoeahir EE $13 Ease this E5 Egg Egz in anal tsle prernnsents cant keep debt E2 he better mail saieguards ooepeltritegsndpiiaagvm gstasterxb Wewotedwubral tsewkibepoeua heremarkcci In Madonte Golf ulna at as each and It was and tuck battle all the war shields whining with par thrte on the Last bots Amsimg bildland tin eae ltbodthlsdwiiblwecmwitli AW mm Al sitssseeou vixr rst his to an so will Ill to guilty tor the Scbcnier Cur ads cup which was studied by MM The tournament was won last year by Tom Shirkia lir Brent and the club pro pianstovestmtamoithetorh starlet in ma vs sons to increase ml Invbhtbnal Casairrsl Marlo started Tucsdsmi Canedasupwul bomslod thst IarbsnxdianwdwltbibeVlb WINDSOR mm Amorenmte were made to have do connections an itIVserbdAlemeu WI nratve ci Port molt stee ars but been Ollaolll gnli since he was to years except or tour veers quit the gem the Isle Kata Akkoru has PM ANGUS stall Nottavrue Valley Conservation Author Ity has decided to ccncenr on mainteining Its present soon acne oi dithering swamp natural environment area rather than scoutta more WWW it was annotatedth Allan blouse mamwsau no inst was non mmmma at new the Mass The laster was it ITAYNEIWIK mmdbaynernadm Simeon County on In Eli and there viii be other ndnorehangutronaronstruci aedvotosvh CITATION lit Pieter unstained the change to regulations concerning Bell Telephone receipts which all palettes receive as suitable there means In seals in bomtials as they ai cts the oosaaty vino were tr Iemd to The new town t1 Plush beach will have the blghut ss rsssnsent Inorm The table abrltd lump trons IRS to listen annotating to assets llowever this was larger due to annexation train nearby snu ntclpslatles which will have re doced totals Some oi the We sags Beach tlgura was due to new rouirmtluu Noiiawuaga township which last aonu arean Wasegs Beach showed an assessment drop trans SUI to IUIJSO while llea went down Irons most to IIIJBI The AM In svnntdaie is shown trons ittASi to toe LESS IN EMA Essa township assessment also was aboard down from Slim by I10 In ltidlsnd dropped Wm mum to REM amount lnl to INAOS hhils lut Iiglrea have not yet been cakutstoi is us estimat ed that stars and Reuse world bums moped about this per court tax le On the buts oi the tuesvthese ownshlpa were In tulle County Aweigh we no to percents loose air louse ligand Quintana on Wii at od decided or Tbs largest renal municipslliy In Storm Crusty lnnlsill was shown It storms tor tors and so to IDS whit Tiny Isa relatircty Ital earns All Isl IMHO Tea toenin was an iron mild to 5141 Oto ads IO trons IIITAII to lift bled garments bone blot on ilouuty Iniormed On Road Closing Notlra bu been received by the atom county roads commit tee about proposal road cine Ings In the city at Orliila and brittle tovsnsbpl The notion which Included cow oi an order oi the Ontario bitsildpal board In ordered placed on le At orUlia there has been some concern ielt over the pro posed einsteg vi settlers oi Ooh sold drug the Si And rews cemetery border ILlCI it provides ems to the north sltllbrs ni Ute munitipaihy with out having to use Highest it The latter has heavy ai iraiiic on weekends In parti rules Socstua oi lid oi suiilcleoi through roads or traiilc pro eroding north or south and east and west in Drills there have been lraltle nu rhhhbava caused able coilcn esnb usprtntsaa tog Better be 39 ins plot ntvaedlsspsgarg Inns haveievsrleng toha Andyourers vats tor In and then at ed back Melly when gutters be neutral will gra bum NW weltknown iiiia sports broad Ti Al Moe int also unity is exceptionally mi an by hhamuetliltt wildliia will both deb by eotad WIdeMW Ammbsroitbv conservation std llr uldiean has been one at three appointed to aomnuttre env powered to study longrange ladies re TAIILE POTATOES LIOIII ALLISTON Stall Digital oi tebtv vetoes in this area lsrelstlve tight according to utmost Eduard Island On ileum and Bauer bead oi th ieciIonoI Grand Valley Conservstlnn mu mmmwwmyw era and selection oi deieg board are other members tor the roaring provincisl tormer ova reeve ttr llelt dvirs term or rnr nxsattuen warts Ans PHONE TISIIII TO PICK OHICERS courses managers senior ad ministration snd other needs lessens chairman oi the oi the DuiterinStulcoe listed en the agenda Dalston THE BARRIE COLLEGIATE BAND ASSOCIATIONS COLLEGIATE CONCERT SERIES I973I974 SARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM TEATURINO TEUX TOLLIITS Thursday October IIIli Canadas National Dance assemble returns to Dorrie as the most requested untaptnapolioiosraoncort psiroolTbetrdenecsandvongs reect unedua Unglststk literal ersi ethnic diversityss well as Its history in realm that has on lvnted audiences worldsvnde reuv rottets makes you proud to be ant EASTMAN WIND ENSEMBLE Wednesday November lllli One oi North Aenertcss iinest wind ensembles is cooling to battle This swab it see symphonic orchestra from the timed Eastnurs School or limit varsity at Rochester in New York State enioss so internment isolation oi excellence OMAR PETERSON ibisnday Tebsuary lIiIl Canadas own virtuoso oi the keyboard will resent an elected teas piano Wasid Iansous and giant his own is on global tor again ids season IARIIIE CENTRAL COLLEOIAIE HAND Thursday April II that back alter its OW debs season condnior hlorley Calvert has DIM year pieooedWarrtoa own championship band Inclttdmg plans tor aaevsaeoncest toaaoitbe soviet Union THE NO SERIES THE REST SUY IN MUSlCl YOUR TICKETS RESERVED FOR ALL FOUR PERFORMANCES The entire rlea listed above sloop Sim Remaining SesMTttkeie To be Sold on rst Corrie Basis evcsllng oi roubles time bir Peterson TO Ooile to Contact Scales Carr Collegtsta Dead Association iii llerrie breasts lPleaee We ticketed Please Iorward additional Iniormatlon including oor plan oi auditorium Totil enclosed asst arrangements or Installment purchase each sitcom phenomer Please run NAbiE soonest crrv velour NiYIE Orders received aher Sept it will be held at box oilice tor pick up 7164657 FOR INFORMATION NOTEl YOU SAVE SIOOO WITH THIS ENTIRE SERIES PURCHASE INDIVIDUAL TICKETS IF AVAILABLEISSOO EACH Iosrtllrs see VIPJJ pan construction IIILI OI RR Im Om tor beat IH abovmlsmlto he the angina up drlltllil course dairy slau at recent Achlvvr Writaior ment Day competition with chute and mansion lama eyes All It eourasotintareat the beet swssd best showman ship In deem sent to David oi RR Brad tosd while David Reynolds oi RRInnnIuswkaatnilmlcv item oi RR Iborrlhon was winner In the horse rises $25 SUPER DRAW Adiusi Assessments For County Purposes Victoria Harbour Hm In don from In to lull and Port Milton has sasrsv Io Nil OTth PENDING Corsair tram Ssh ODcos sell and bit has MONO various onions burn cum lore concerning the tim They arrested this is the limited as It caspasrs now and armed to change and medium Seton mi taxes The Iigurea givers decide the lair proportlua to each manetpshty the octuel tires depend on the in speed Assessment on the basis at istr sales value Ls sweetest to Nmoteted DI IITI Illl VIII go Lats aitett tor revs taxes according to present goals 1m III MO but Complete new tree In Oiiire Opera It non TAYLOR TRADER HORN III Olly Special Arullol WICKED WICKED TIIO Only Molt Entertainmeal THE ANOUI DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE ARENA PRISINT WIN A$15000rtlzs use FEATURING THE GRAND Mills me LINCOLN CONTINENTAL COUPE AND AS SECOND PRIZE I974 MERCURY COMET COR PLUS Std Ills Cs 5th Prlrae I974 ZENITH 26 COLOR TV IP74 ELECTROHOMR TS COLOR TV I974 MOTOROLA Tb COLOR TV ML noczzns 10 Macs AND panma museum cavern um AnnA mean tlotnr Care by llaltait Mercury st Barrie Ieiavlslaea by Georges Furniture at Angel Dales Radio and TV at bagus Aanaeies heals and TV si Aana ONLY 1000 TICKETS WILL III SOLD DRAW DATEt OCTOBER III ill $25 ONTARIO LOTTERY LIC NO IIIIII $25 ALL PROCEEDS TO ANGUS AND DISTRICT ARENA AND COMMUNITY CENTRE FUND On the evening at its draw all ticket stubs will be on display Immediatst below the draw commences they will be placed in drum end at tizoo pm the first ticket stub or live will be drawn The holder hi this ticket stub wins the brand Prise the llncolrt Oorulrsedial Coupe The holder oi the second tickti stub drawn wins the birrcurl Contot The holder at the third stub drawn arises the Zenith Color TV the Iourtb the EIeotrohonse Color TV and the little the Ilotorole Color TV Winning ticket holders will be awarded redeemable voucher describing the merchandise they havo won in tha event that Matters receive full nioiesala price or merchandise demoed preler cash in lists oi merchandise they will This Ticket Admits One Couple to the Draw and lecd to be held at the Billy Silbyp Centre CPS borders tor the tea oi scan per person TICKETS AVAILABLE AT JACKSONS GRILL ACROSS FROM WALKERS ow DUNLOP er