In It II In dime gt Mb Than Ilrlorrnlnr Arie nullsweird IRESIINTSITIROPIIY cohoreromh EIIINOIWIIIeII 933nm II ro ellne mun IIIIIIIIne IIIIbu Iinner Id be llureoln Dllllm Udlu boll rbIrnploII Seorgian Guild Announoes all new llIdlIod Goll Ind Coon Club ll bulls oeede Ibree an boIrI Io Ill III IIIII II pllyoll IIIII Nu rm Olub ol IIIIII kn no rel lrobhlI donelod by llrlIIobIl Peel rm OriIlII rrIIyor III In In In II II Illh my 55 Both In IrIeIrIberI II new lllld IInd Im Preu Iholol dlnnual Dinner DoleOct 30 The Member rmllnl II Ibe Gear In GIMIII held Iitlbe Inly by home ol llrl loeh WIIIIIIIII drerldeni Deirdre lclnurhlln IIleomod new menIberI 5hr he prrurrd her hillh lo memberI III III Iork on during lbo IUINML ed Beemh oi IIII IIIIII milled reporied IhII lbe III llemhere NlrhiI were or InreeIIIIII lire Beereroll unmounted lhII 0d mil be dee ol the In IueI dinner meellol Ii bl GeorIIInIoundellon ol the do Willi In choir IuhIrrIolIon report IbIl be Georrllo TheIlrI oIIM II II rmlyolllporrenl MEDIEVAL STYLE IIeeIeI end II looped by lerIIIn will who will end ThII IophIIIIroIod Why dreII by In IIIoInII cl Rn lInd II remlnlIcenI III IIII Ilylrl The dreII lenlum lull IIIII InII Volumlnom lDonI Reiiro 501d Towels III ww neuron IhIIe loldyml Ihoul waldo oven with from old hIIh loweII yeilwly by cutilnr bellied hirom We outline ol your own IIde Ind Ioulnr Iuo placer lo ler Io melo mill New emiher quellion Io 39d old bIlII Iowell in road IIIIIOHNONII mom or Ihem reo III dellrro leIIII euIlIII youdlalyouroolfovonlonnovnrr lInI IIIIIrlI IhInIed every one Ior IheIr wyporl III will eoIlumrI Ior he pleyl lene momma lbenlodber eImIIIIlIee III III plginr IbeIrre when ihrouxhond ma IIl Sllkllll Ibuhed lb remmIIlee InIl helped IoIIe Ibe openln Cole Iueeeu Three hun red Ind Ihirlylwr people Iiiended IALENI MONEY 0ne hundred Ind eleven dob IIII In men nIonIy hu been Ineelrod by Elmer JIrIIIoIn Iluib Thompron eonrenor ol Ibe hniloue line In be held Sepl IA Ind reporied IhIl llIynr Dorlon PIrIrr IIIII ellloielly open iho Ihw II pm on IIIdIy bell Id In Iddillnn Io he 24 deIIerI dirk Pleth Iill hm dlI Ibelr IIIloue pleble erurle llrI nonpr lhukod GIII Smury Ibo IIIII mood ihe IdverlIIlor WWI dulued by Guild member PII bower JIoo Thurman IIIed III IIIan II inIII In our II rouIreI cookie or mullIIII In her home or lIIelIIo an SI or Seal ul1beee IIeIII III bun IIIhIIImehroom lemlne Holey Ieperlod Ihe theme deeerellnr II III Ihwl will be Elrly Oolerlo urI llnvey III need lor old potlm deplzelnr IIILy 0nl Ire no lenIrIII Ioundellon IIIII hold IolIer One iIdIei eoIII uhIndellbemdlorone yeIr EIrlI Inonlh Iierlln III OIlober lhere will ho In Ior eloo Only 100 IloleII will be laid homo room The GeorrIIn IrnndIllIn II Ile thlnI cum NIIII Nov II II II In be held II nenIIIIn Collem lherl ulIl he IIIIIolII Ind Inldnlrhi bullet II no per eouple Tony VIII Ilrldre WINhIWI one run Ibow 02K Dweleh lohdd lrnlli colc Ibefluundellon olilrel all Iellrr IronI Wendy IIIIII mom Iloulnr luIbIn roen pIIIII the oullll OP Plain my Ibe worn Nll oi lhe Olltl IIIIIrr Ibo elll edll Ind low long roilon bond olrr Iho Inlherrd odrn IIIII Ile InIII ex IIIIdlnI III ihe bird The II III III Iewlnx lh required bo eIuII lhI IIIlIre Ii Ibo IIdeI ui Ibo npron Ilreedy llnlIIIrd II II III bemer or more end nI lhe row heeomrl lbe ballonr of ill Iyron WW IllY EXAMINER WANT ADI lowel wbllhv Iill reed prIeIIln1 hrr lhInII II Ibo Iulld Ior IIIer help wllh llII dlIirIbuIloII III Iheelre pori erI The noxl mrellnl whlrh II Ihe IIIIIUII meellnr or th Guild will he held In Ihe blue Fleme new ConlIumerI PHONE dIlll Foroonomlnulomll nluhld Slreliord Irior will hrinl III Queen OI Furrows lioyLileUnnahIral YE El Ir gr 51 I5 23 iv =3 sEE or Egg no ii Early School Days Make Impression bIdmonin CPI rnI yea ween linderrulen Gender rod on be IIUM yeur even hone Ibe worm mm leel oiilhe WA Or And Kerr ol lilo Vic IoriI blend with Mm Ild Dr Clarion lmy dl nlthIdlIc Omicrlllm boltioomen Iurroynd 156 Ihih dreo Ind Ioidlr didIi IIIII Iban In lIrId ouI IhII ll mm lobe limb Inert One per III or our In lemme when med how they no delay In Iebnoh IIIII line Jy dude themer Ind dropped III blwmmdbyGrIdelll Iudwneoupueem minimum ll real oi lhe ehilden MINWM mmllwmllmrhl they mare and emo WWII II menGredelmullyblml Ioreerereellllooovloeedl were em or per cent lbourll they INN meme Ind II reed believed Iboy were ohInb KIIderIIrIrn eblldrrn who emeldored lbermlm Irneel Ind IvorIre Iold II Ill bo new lbeyewid do name and dNIzIdeI odd In Grnde ho hum lhey we were rm reveal log Md gt WI elm on the monkey han IIIIII work mudlm lo lino NM NM 11 low In Mn My lullee Ind Wm III lhe able lly dildo the More um um WW lIiInl cilllrnolle III Wink WI ON nIInroIIn or wnsr roomiom Illd MI Writos One Who Knowd or $5 gr 2r Ed 533 Egg Ilihoo Ire helm In IerlouI em under In one we my bus beod rudder one onehlnr melbuouldeeeohnee child IlleodIhl lie bed been IeeIIIloIned In eorrlox Ind in uhe lor merII 79m Ind IneiIIded oeber women Now In be III III ll beva 1W mm nay IIJI hob III done IrllIlNe III or IlIeee IlIre DIIr llIee by your own Id rIIlIIlon II III rrurrlea el hmeh IIe Iolnl io lo lob more mmlenl Ior hlm iben or You In ibere hm been no Kuhn hIsl but lllbel III Ive Inme IeIrII lbei need mler Gel olIruelIln ll you IIIIII Millth to It You need wow mm uo HILL TAKE TOLL DeIr III ludrn hole my loe IIIII lolh III IerdIy Ind Ii Iilll mam ll bloomed live minute hm hm mm In IrrIo bol II were mi frirnb wouldnl IIIII up er our Ilnrr Ii Iwbj nol hm hon pemd liI IIIIdIleIIIII lo men In ihe phone end her elklr or find nobody on Ihe oiher end ll lelree only one rnlmleeoe codeor lhe phone lo me lo limes Hem Ann loll In IIIIueIIIore bellenlmr ill Duran IImlI your Ireler Ind pie No me Come Io id IoIbl road thII in II inle And youll We more rIlle loo GREAT LINGUIST me name umwhbod ling IIiII Mr mm MW We llenbhnnll wholv ed durinl Ibo lllh ren 331de Canada Iury lie nodd lronIleIo loo len mnoyer Ind dialer BAREAEIIIRAI coliIoIAII lUESqSEPI 25 730 930 PM The publlo II eoIdeIy Invlled to leII lhe IIIw Iehoel IIelIlIIIe theh thI reeenlly been eornpleled ENTER VIA MAIN INIRANCE mmmuuomrmrmn nuns cowmucriow mos IIILreI WMHIWMMMIMM MMLINMMMIWWWIIB hhdmhihcmiuommm MMWImIdnnme momma 30 Yon Mb Niall III haw Ind llyeenoimbrmr cadmium yeIrJmmmarIdnldxmorwv VINIidmummonutdry In Hits mwthmmepIIIunn gtwwmmumnmum Mdhmarlnlwldnlmell lhlwwbemelorlodaum mepluIlrInIIlonan HmenruyoIleeu MWMORWWWN MInoIIrnIIoIIxIIInoIIIIorIIIo yddmeuvnburumdlor WBMHLMLIMIL on me warm GIOIGIAN 011 APPLE AND DUMMY EXTENSION HIM DIVISION 11 LL MM ROAD MIMI ONTARIO ATTENTION Al Class Mechanics WdlllllGWIIOIINIILWIII of WonrldeolWorklnondlilonsl be In Work Will We Mosl Modem Wunl UpToIlolo Equipmonll IIIEN Come lo Zellers County Fair Auroycwwr III ORIIIIAyONI where we will IIIIINIII IOll 44Hour WorkWookl $200 Wooll Io SlurII lnoonilvo Selling Plonl AII Company Bonolllsl Contact Mr Budge at 3253333