Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1973, p. 5

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tVP1lllllllmell Festival l2 llllfllg BeetonV Fall Fair 311 ll Fitrm Mend Ken Ml Vue IVII hemeled Is 311 IllI zonal um um um uV lbe relMn bl the lumber be ll treuum Ind 5mm In Web we gulch Ind new awn nmwunhhemd DISTRICT mm Mleedl ithk NEW mull WW ll ulsiiiicllililrs ll Ind Nun hlcllu ttLMLAmm mmwlieumr Vm Iiiutii muth MONDAY IMLUIEI illsM We an run he hm agnmgugVan VVV belhedleumlenlhcimlurlbelz mumsz leel me WV VVV um um melted VVVVV VV VV Mm VV ulhahllh llde Wh mw wuctrlcl mild lb blame Weme lmlhule II in lluxiberl aiilw Oalnlu Iheil Ind L1 older to do till the hm Izod miller meld the mm mm hr NV Mamlueeullvllulledlo band would lilrlyeuryllbch MENma mm MM VV tl It Ihe ueel Ilu lulu one yeIlI me lo mm mm mm mm llltlll ullilltlll mvhh VV dwmmn MWElnMNe anneal hecem hrlil holh 01 are beth were nine 3e more lWlm luau mmmu mm Mm mm VV ff ange gilt umkmmflegllmd give the Mlle ellth lheu lul star Miler prim Iieirm dnlxir melll ply Ill wqu uxg GIiIlIld llel lL MM JIrk lbrelbehba Il Newswee Mm Wu lleCIm led eldemdmlhe Heir nl lhll lndoeeuhlllte Il lhe lltm Illa lime Gll HIlhthllliIllhidlMlhere Mole lll VanIlngeVthchbI have WV mm mm WV Mg ll We 31 belle prowll wit lhll end ll Mum lnl qumllellx Bell lllll tub by VWXL WM Meat more gt 01d Adeem it invmmi ll webred lb Emu WWW puma ol the lelr ire lion == mm mem Wm Mm mllilmllin nrim llar teulvu sum lhe ltdml talcum WILL scream lithium lnllalion Tlend vi tmrlmlil wlll lllll Like lulu um Water like ill ll 1M world Ohlllle wheat been lulllll WW lSlII The mm mi 30 mm Mer mu SM 0m MINI Gm medium Bum wlll mull WIN buliihelakehred lilbelle leer tiller lll lulllllw wt Inn mi Lem he Idmd dollar llIllleI dui mime expert lone lnelele lbit ibe leeV um in es mi Milieu on ml elemmeiil tumulee nut elgldlenzohubeenddbeledby W13 irle when emitter lulllIl HONORARY orriculle allmli still VomV Vdo lheluVlitl the lulu Irellbellilll wlthrovcd in Wm WM View gment tubal elymlulVinuVy loathe mgl Vfglugflm lkm ll Illlm Hem my thumb ileum ll lulmlliluitll lithtlhlirlllhlllt will mum ll ifdlhllllihftl mu 7o eel mu ll be wlll SlVVbt laxlemma llrlgll wlllglmlgm thlVlggtlgmllllzllll lll VolllllllllVlVthnglelbdngl ow VReele tum will inll Illa Mm More ill be lllll in ten ille mantle Ilse he been Nile Ele Illlmm tlen lmin 35 Illd limoInd yleee for Mlle Idyertlnmrnt ixmmtlrix ltiml bu mllnlllllVad ll VlhIV tum mum mmthng luedrvlbeelmuloldll wgibemtglumlg mtan It VVV VVVV lheAllVlHnVlVVVVnglthVlmium by mm mm mm mm mt ht the em Moll II we Ibllll lllll ill ml It level bl Illlll Evm ielueoe lemlnleryu enllh be well lll the Marlin Ill be lel only ll viuuumuu lhemlnlmuzii wlll lWlllt ll Ml not tuttqu ll mcmstmmw MI hauled ll lire lhe lend eer lli whlrh iliell lbblellemllewbo le Illll lutena upon uhleh In Ilcrm mm mam Dwner lullI lbr Dul Vpowd Izmme any elleereVeeViVlectldu Ie helde Il Wke bl obkelllllt lIliIlly lI elllw Illd lwo or mm ms Mr leeteem VVV vrlle ball llum me in lilo mpoul em ml the lovem Otbu helium1 mm mm ellly it me Ind the world PIrl el lhe Ohllb bliret eete VII the re let el Mlhe nbelre mend lb the three ehlldieiil can live lili when we the Mlle the uin ll mull lntl emu Ivriiue lmlr on year Freely memum mt mm my the tilt elVlide onluleVV mm For imlcee mildetl lrblu Ill be In cekbdll wllllIm ilreel Dem Ilitel IlVllAlUllll The OnlIilb whee been lell Idvulue Olilerle mlllleedl WV by we tltlll ml lllllll lull tttl lbw tutti mltlllltlhillulll llahll Roam seen It ee re lui MIreteellr lew rulhuuereulle tmplurlm mu yer 10th elem period mhmmehbwme Wwwgmbmm pilmimiiiitlehireVVeVuVrVuVVVl maillglqouzheellllrfdaugl mcwl frnblrimllwnmlnmly i3 10 lmilm lllhmhtllhlthfh Nome lm lime tor ll lllltldihillultnte lvaVanmlll 13V WV VVVVl Lamwlgkm We mmhhmm wlli IreIluuleedemeeV lg ti valllm In Vleteelellhle theem eluell mill Mllele lawn eVl limit itrthrlderlceedvllV VangVlad VlVVV YMMV mm Vi BVVVVVV ti lllu clariel mg ioommlouemeirmiueu Veuwlle mvllu lo mal llytlwrellrlmln Vuwummm mwmmn mvuluplrMW VVVHMV we won mm wwmm mm k7 be 100 they denote mm WV rllomul In the melt dll mm manmIM although ml ind preterm IN Alum awmmw mug D55 ktumd awqu lrlle mm theVggml hId IeverIl reieVryI Iniileul to proceed wlll bun heeled here hchIy ltd lie uule Am melee hues llllem ltd Jmw Mll The Idmlliemelil Hill no le llanl VV nngzdh lllllllllllll VIM Inwgdl mnld We detailed emldniileii lhu board lull Ihil lied IMV Illlhoulnbllgallmbyuhlnllor tulle iheuld be iubleet to Wm mm mmhemlmmnud Mm MM mm meet hookltt Iiririiilmeiil lii relIlleu lll lu mu immu beleeenlhe mule Wlollllelledln ilblelle lltui Ind hullumlled lhellhe wlll documentmm lbwll Whit llllhlllhlzlllhllll Here tletyl IVIlullllvu mum More Research can He Pr lll wollmnllllt ti TVOWn tVianthtuaVVgercVeVVVweuld be held llleleill for Yeats The lwe ellee palm Such ll not the ease lll other Idlln Nanemy all Llred time under coeeldereble iliy Millla klle II Irttluury imlllmlu lulyleil end the bout eel thil MMMIDWM Mum le Inmoeln lm lllheuld be wutethemukl Hm Hm mm mm Wham 1Vlettllellccr in baud leeelbh art In illi tinllome in lhe lurid ol lrllule Vd ll lVlVll mm at llllllhilllbnlo iu roducen mmwm mm lb 11thth lVlltlllb mingliuelperbtllht hush ileu wee dulled by lateral wlllutrtuue ll mayth Elwin WWlllllldbl one the condition ol the Mull mum ma muted toltsulmeiolmum and llmll Vthtmmtnt lldlloul ll tlit lulu Mm himn ne mumint one hula mlie lullieil ell Vlllllllnd lll heard Ulllnllo the dome um mm the Perle whluntlon cum ll that eampolltlun wlll eee lhit llllmber ihlpptumdtmlu lie mallet ll Iiipply cl III View bike lhue one lhe Llu immimtiulem Melbmilliellellhblllllllll with hluter bmlelii levele we WNN willeut eome red he aided llt llerrell wlllhe llrlt TONIGmV 155V ONLYI lie tm bl lied My lemolplliitverlbtlbeblectlm mm maleyol lllduutd in mowlih iliigie tum retted ch le lb Mmwmpmlngg 5m lGVVIVVVIVVd Cm MVVVquVmVlVOVthVV mhmlm melee arm mm rIwe mmluuiuptelelmmlud toleee Ind mereluldtle ma my HM ll ii stiuonl when mule me In 0mm em they lb l1 WW mdl Nlclturm Ind lhlmu Wuhan Pg Mg mm or val4511a llrll cl warm Illd develop Mm mm Vm mi ti Ilsa true at Oenerllan were were he three the in bdl le hm load nutty lnlee Um 22 mod on with Why lute vlllere lllliu MlllllJGllTEll ueoll VVVVVVVVVVVygVVVV VV mom mungwa wlll Mm EV 1mm V3 VeVanoeeVVVVunVVVEuVVEIer wie MM allva ng hlfem lmmm mgm aw mm 041 wt mm bu 4V IlIillieIImeIe LIIII hy Mm wineries uld lieemuly all1 VIVth Irma iiile itie imminent urlgmllw lllleebo ileioulol WW WNW 33 ulllwr leulorrgnl WM TERRYHYNES it in lrldluelbd lhll own lbw li lllllllbwllll lllhllmhm um IN oillnlllll Wm WM llll olhllumumyitlh ll lollll media gt AND tum 0m pod be lowly ll 01 ll wee TIME BAND lyi rll Gbmllllrlbll comm lee NlGllTLY ENTElllIlNllM utiumwollhellllv WMJMNMNWIM mellllm megawatt le cm Wt my been am over lbllwr Ill 900 PM TO itbe AM run varietyde WW dll Ml tum Wu loll VV it till le out immune ye will EwanVultures VVVVV gm hamlsm burly imam only ll let the Welly MomthruSel Weslem Orilutle but rlbll W3 mclh Ew YORK WWW WNW mVlfttgmnltttluttiltt lo uilhhglelulleluyhlolelbrloitlm FROM WWW ml TRY OUR BUFFET DAM yum ummu UNDER um Ieiited Ind lhelelale ulhle prllele bleedln M0511 lllll VEXAhllhEll WANT ADS memhhy ONE mVVVVV Dmmm been noted llbmff SSE lflll mm llmyut ll VVVV WV whet ng VVVVV mm that Iii rme re MM 51 inVtVVV VVVVVVVV mm VV VV remunth 0V VheVyVV mm ll Mm MUNTAVN Vme VVVVVVV Vlfrvccbdl lnordellb the $Wumum bl liil maor sr sr THOMAS our Md wVV Nital SALES REPRESENTATIVE phvlilluu Needlllh utlll OMERCHANDISERREQUIRED Ihthehliilil mllletedle erd ul tw mm Melt ni MIT one dbl entullveelorVlomnloenilIreamrlllloOIllllIIlidweellb lllll need to loot llr to notice the the lillreamlen ol ellher om bound ll Wm lllum Md hall 9W to enllri iereiil yeerelleeled Hm mall and Mulls me They mould be llle Kl it not ORDER nubile Mireille QM OllDlJllM llS 3139th meleeer lo tell Ilene Whamlawman well utoutlu ottlmlormlethVuve Mde WenV OVALTIES Salaryan bonueeilealel all lie mm lm NWWV ll ill lt VV VVlt lit Cll limelliil ul lolleollln WllwmlllllSlWWlW ty We MM NW Illd Ml PM hllI lllt lull ll one Well rm lruiley lblhraele eild Ill llmdo mm lelwllellllmm Mum In lull ilbthll to liliiil lloUNlAlil the slums VV VV UV we ll llllllllllld ll THOMAS om tumult Immune Wit rmy 1th LAST DAYS PM It EM NotVtViiVunVjegeVVlnn VI CH ll mt tithiwmumt QUEENS HOTEL on IIWLPVV Terrace RooleV TOP Emmlnmm enlritIllemrxlllVlr Irll ThlI Weelt MAINSTREAM Dhieeklulullnlt Keene1mm hl tl the CuioilrrleViire 13m Ilzlllble II no chargeV HumYr NIL430 pm Alla hm liiiibh be dluiill Cell ler reirrvellm In roam mle NDuulon Elm VCebluluwb No MSW mjm he unnumunnunuuJ lag

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