1323 EL Wotte 41th tenement huguuteemtimm ION IAHOID Bastard Hopes To Move Rails Outside Cities emitter um Ar tire Ainidea Rte Build aid Ire brown to M1 in sour Adipt with Irrip to remote rollm wbnaouiru baeed 3993 said In late ierlNii in the massive iedmt Idd the ionbiatim ml re thrl nunldpalitiee have not my toe rotated nit way land but tor the mm In arm to quality lee irderat none In lir ItdJewar ammrbceot committee made up oi representatives at the raitwrys Ind three level at motorm Voletr was wired or to then transport trinlette Don tende III to 1111 pr based It situation Winnipeg Then an railway nutshell yarda MA in the name It lhot thy The ootrdnittee made were sire recommendations 11 tIrorn WORLD BRIEFS Protesters Mar Memorral title TORONIO OP are rrrony pt rimminr tor the lntI orlierrr Prerident Salvador AIlt Iende 1m inlech at To ronio eitrirrlt Saturday It eiotr wieidlnn protesters Inverted the limit In prowl The protertv invotied tire eonaeratioh MA in the ltil melee DAD person were Woo and three stained tree dove mm rtev pierInn trident oi the We binned tutAI Iende extremirtr tor the dro ruption FIR DAMAOEI IIALL TORONTO tap About 400 este at three weddmz recep had to tire mired when tire broke out In the trite or oi large 11 ct halt to the northern eeotorr oi title oily Damage was ertirmled oi 1104000 ANlYIIiIIlri TOP YEAR PAIIE Iiiurterl Tire 1m Peaulolrir vintage may become the Iineri oi lirtr century Preneh wine expertr predioi atrer tasting the tint Iampici They rsid the weather last month was erooeptlnnaly need and the new one heothy 11nd property balanced Thin years meet to uttrrtoted to yield record one million rationr iiIItE DISCOUNT RATE 1110112 iAIl The Italian government lTirIOtKlitti Sallie do on lmeaee in the dircoont to Hire eort ol borrowing themed other battle by the coir iral hardto or per cent Irom tour The poveth told the rows il aimed at tipttrrtn in vetipieqoe Milli Paintstiaintuo wiimsupplie rtosrerrs errotrrrzn sroyt arrJ my nrrrmuw my Race on Iandire stone Armored MIMI rortrzron errord IIfimitzm Welt weld inert entity or soothed Dr the bee LLNUIIION SPECIAL timadisrr pie Amie pic with in Houseware Bys eroom and tv beverree two ewrw Prom design CLEAR GLAhS PITCIIER 3144 ROUND AIETAL SERVING TRAV Auorted derlprr DECORATIVE TUSIDLER ART Mr won Imprinted whisky Iabett Teilon treated cover with tonm pad Pita ttIridani 144 millI FRUIT JUICERr Avocado orange or yellow Two my reentry TBA POT Prom Royal Onmdion Pottery Brown with Isetniodirint WMDEN ormrrro ntiArtn With handle end hand up Decorated with Htehm doom woeonrr corn iIANuErre Vinyl meted Assorted whore ALUMINUM YRIRMTIIAINER Ivro quart elre with hum ihetiandy=lientir PIC IIIIX BALTIARRN JRLLIHr arpon irorn lemon riiees Fleridu itla tropical and lripen iiy the PIC MIX CANDIDA Wide oeeertmerst Iocturlor moped Iiythe your IIOTTERS POTATO CHIPS one our oi We IIDQ Soil and Vinepor and others winters crrocottrr IIAIIa Nonty 10o bore tmm Imneyr 14 FEMALE PRNTDWorhiilrit 41 44 15 PRINTED POLYESTER CREPE Assorted oolorr By the yard WWW liteoi tor blottera end dresses Assorted cotton Iiy the yard to PRINTED FLANNRLETTYF Washable asserted torn By the yard IMIITIC SEWING ROX wltir automatic lltt out troy Auteth colon ounorirurr ornrrr RCISSDIISa Iloittrw rtort hinder AIIlon The litp ennrn hlst el the one was beginning to 14344 ohnot iu worn ettorrpe Io decoder BXPIASION R11 II NEW DELIII IAP mail Iirenorra tattery In the out In dianxlty oi Imebal ernilotlod on turned Hominy out 11 person and tutoring two mitt 14164 Inertial Ina been the teens ot teed rloiinr since thurniny Police were Inyortirotina the tirewerh blast to see wiether there was pity eonrreztien with the load riott ORGANIZED IIODRRIII ROIIE AP The Italian Port oilrco Ildl WHOM lI yearold wornno Marianne who erglrriud Maple tenet et Prmtuutu it also no titted Tittt Ecianoln oi moo away as 01151195 made inory aeton etieriirr 5d nturotiocod ortheDo tiarstiirotion woooco 141414 0111 141111 or tontniher CIGARETTE TUBE 200 per pack 121244 144 11 Restaurant it Bakery 11 31 44 144 144 IRONLiO BOARD DOVER AND SET LADIZE VINYL iwa 2144 LADIZB CIIILIIRENA 144 2144 41441 2144 Assorted retort pwnti 21 44 31 44 0o tit1a more irom 4451 noon on 0111141 rov AEIOIIT 144 COLIDLIORS AIRTAL 144 3144 114 1441 144 L44 nlonniny pivot hotter rorsrvl 144 PrAnrro DOATIiD yrAvotn oAnos theooited mitten 110111011115 rtoifsursrrrrorrtrs Mons year 110in 114mm UNDEWZAF M1 thtdtebllrl pl rrmrortmummn VEAALYBUY 13mme CHRISTMASWRAP it Mentalistnutritional ledrretlatnos 14114 UANTITIES iu1rii Soonrum Ato ropeoeuoo or 3144 Riiila $11 MENI martinis trom Tim pair outle Inhibit Med 44 notation Item noon Anorrrrrort 1101111 IIOdEIledttne more prey IRII widie htoi and Olav Familyjootear uproot 1111111 turrets 214 nmerrbxri DEMCIOUSDONUTS 1011111 mouuthourrnm Medea hithtieryoutoreoil Imnr roverai rerittiee Pink moreorliptt Woolworth Cameras Films UNIVEMALILIDETIMYL MitolniexoordinohtdEL44V in wont make at protectors PUIICOIDII INSTAIIATICL rerun 43511 2144 2144 Add 144 rrrumn cAnrnrooe reno antidote uvmw Annrre oerone matted com in metal rue Whit 2144 Iingruroiiertmidrelndmhtn 14111241 rucrr crtrrurr MILFORDWolds bl Will or limited ion 51 impurons Ivy tpre or go ranm ntneet no up 14214 lbs um 44 mrgertn PANTY noseo 44 CANADIANA PLNLIL CRAYONA won live 44 tholbretkrpcdpalol 144 row overt CLIPBOAIIDL GIANT IIAIR ROLLERS piutte lxrr passer Aneorted ooltxn tits sizes to It MDIILS QUEEN All PANTY or brine Doipe navy or rpioe Atxylie lined Dostur on 111114 Aesettrd eolon hiroaAIndD RLIIPERETTDD Iinrtdtmde vlluitlcoiored 2144 WOVEN WITON DISIICWIIIA Iite pot puck Asaorled Wm 2144 11 lo ICIIECIIEIIED wrrorr 1124 4144 Aerorted onion or 29 UIRCRERED DibilCIOTll PACKAGEtiered per paei 2144 COTTON FACECWTII PACKAOIC Ansorted patterns and rryooowirronronrrtrortrru Dori doom norm ooddine 1111 14 14111241 arrenr nonnvn 111141143 Tniiorod style button irent Auerted Mt erd 44 etrlpe pronoun unmet nrrtotr nrunrr Aerated pink laid iiomir 1111111 it on ruk um onnrron OIYITON in nonn ormdn yoke front Simmer Assorted colon 44 PAdIIS err gtirdensmp ASSORIND DRIED DIVERS rrdu colored Scone PAPER TOWELS colors It it VULLV LLNED IlAhTIL DRAPEI 2144 ios it Playthings Wing 1944 els Supplies D00 DEFENDER PLEA DONTRoLJletwy plastic disc with 40 they lien control rrosrrss sryrto curs FOP hot or will Oitilkl rrto pooh While only RENTawe from toy wairher 2144 and rrrany more AEROPLANEOStule Mirth with limiter 44 NUhiRBRD UP RAIIE compact porno Irnm tier 144 lIIIIIA NYth TitltTlT Ionn rteeves Zipper my Wirtte red orirloe i1 crrrtrra TURTLENELK TBIIIIIT Nylon long sleeves littr Irnitu iiloohirte worttoble Amritd color etx GIRLI DRUEIIED ACRYLIC BWEATEItmutlenttit lorry sleever tiothine washable tot partied DURAIILE PLASTIC RARVDOLL immletawith Ltir si lirTB DN ti RPM RECORDS We have nil 44 the top hilt rorrrAnLr nocorro 1114114 urznoorrs quimMII uprth needitelitrmrt prrnobioi ItiCtlT TRACK TAPI PLAYER IIEAD CLEANERNanette heart inserted rotors MK OIRIA LADVRIRD RRIEFB Iiihlnl eron pantiee with dottoie preset ittoeoryellww Sizes 44 41x 13 it 11 orrrrnnrzwarrrrrrrrqu nose 1min Innoy notion 414111 3144 norrrrrrrrycrutorrrt 11 crrrrnrrrrwa Acnrrro 111m IiAliIIONICANey oi Irrwy pattern on bark Pie onlnonrttiooo lin Amwpm ITEMS AVAILABLE AT 5676 RAYFIELD 5T BARRIE ONT LEAF LITTER BAGS tilt1V7 Dinette Iive India to park Green Deep when tape heart hadron 44 on or Auor It 3144 DDIOOITMNAAheroine yorrrtrr tool it women or to tbe IIINA UNDERWEAR BRIEFS AND Wed PLANTER WlTll TRAYPlastic ttiiil duel Ittlort as taxoMrpoeMK on we wine 1rr HummerCWI lbltATRRPROOI VINYL 1min Itedor othennn meteoarrnrmnnru nonunion one PW AW monooo rortren nocrrnr mi 12144 mm nrotmncrornrtnruoue room not 4144 RUN GIANNA RODe Diem111133 144 nwnniu noon emote hortrodrear airrts it Printup monomer tinyl retriever p4 it mittt potions now in and mun idem hilarior Intel 14 vendor remover Ity them Womrnls Iron Wear Uols mum rm mu ANTI to DEF riiearmriir porl MM hesttrvm unitth worthy TOOL TAIILII ntiirri 144 TAmrr owner mrrwrorrornn 144 indoor etyia meta normed Sporting iiorls ioiuoeoeuoreoormiriei 3144 rs 144 iirr 144 tewnlkerir 4141 APPLIANCE nounnn No man nheetrluy intruth Adintoblo Ittirber my Drop term 111121 moron curvy ruuuian 144 Pirnrmat Values AliltllJ 11er our tour ormrnm 11140110114111 AM TONI 11011 PENDANTNIS rtepuiar Gentle or Super Your thoiee IIIIJIIIRLD HAINLE 1141011 uLAoEo Paekore ol PACEILL IIOVALE FACIAL TISSUIT barre tier CINEDP TOOTIIPASTE FInrtty size IIOOIAO Tll TOOTIIDIIUSIIRN Pretentiorroi Iiirrit brlrtoi 5144 tlyNiTAgetollelitt Litton sinus on no and col 144 Your choice so tubloir Woolworth Phsrrrrary eprroled hr Jule Auttirt Iinrn Limited 1Ilvlrirn er nnmlnlnttriltrur and ltrurr Ito 3144 PROTEIN rr BIIAMIoo Irrlnts tithilrirohsWoar 144 144 5144