ill iill no taunt ultimo rtrtnmtr em ts mo 15 llilli aristocratan firstWt let ll Itittbcne cable lbotiunt to link iittisin the cubic will ho laeeou and all tosi tingle ttvyltcae cabin crosr the Atlantic Tee opera lien is fetal ratcheting be iwten the Ilriiiiia Port Oiled and the Canadian Overseas Telecommunications Corpora tion The tirt calls on tha new table are tapededJu bu carried early next year ttll Photo Canadians Borrowing Spending per cent in Other ere port to have lot or nnoihor tit iii lit Greater itaie Figures Show to slow lnllailnd Such mcaedrea Included ldphcr bank interest rates and announced visas to cut back mural rperadlog SALES Ul The report on July retail trudo ehoned soles up in all eatcgorleo and la all pronlncea increases were ititftditl all trade groups randthorn high at 17 pvr ccr or too tnr vehicles dealers low ut to per cent lor arlcly stator Statistic Canada said Atl provinces scented io errasnd roles with Live largest lnercates ta llnntrbalsll per tentasst Nuttoundland per cent ltns tinurct on retail trade in clude nil saos el tool motor vehicles elodtisp and shoes lnrailurc rad tlrpltnltlrs invi city Jtardnaro and all clhct rlcs ol donortmnnl stores gen eral rtprobandisc and variety rtrres dl tlorcs ltlling tta lions and garages The report or consumer credit acid pmunrl cash has by clueltrol baths to to test at eat bidion up 25 per tent lrorn year tnrdcr womb otters Youllls Body Recovered From Day Nearlatry Sound mllitl SOUND Ont itll lrotincinl solos Wednesday to ed tivt IN iddon ssh list he reels to tho bottom itet dittn ssvcrr It dome bimtny with the be Id ploincial alivrt ti iversary or the your mens strtim oi the Itin ntpcg flaunt of Trade the lay eccs new are In lXi commsrilitn artist Bl counrirs mount Ditth IX Siltki Jitltiiii irlia tilt rt store than at pt drewnol mtitiJ tear carrying plunged oil it tlrcnns ml by snarsoon trorh ten state at it it were nntu eialssairl CASINO rt ll NOi TOKYO iriit iiiJlil iii deed offi tinned cunn ttct its tii the eititinl hozlhtiilnairt none ngtncy to into llltli hltiliti it note tut met Iod liongolls the accusation which nppcartd in last weeks liongallan newspaper Ulgn Dto blot Urleg was reprinted here in the weekly New Times The article said new prplo had died In Chime Mongolia be tween than and 159 and that their people had received serious lnysrics PERFORMS llUtXSlLLVT LDl50l lii lltli Dot tora at University linsnllat per lormed heart transplant cheheesday art liyeanoll le losltey llirh man illo recipient wasttohcrtmt tho lather ol tour children liY has been waiting since January let donor All FOR ltlltlide Dhltitlt tltcvrltr Canada is to htip provide at trucks for droughtelricken West tirleta countries to aid to tiitlritstlloa ol loud the United Nations Food and Itnrtculturo Orrin Isatloavtlli trey the vehclos tthiloCilllnda trill pay lot on the spare portaler year and cover operating costs at tho that air months at use Alter six months the illTit will bc turn to the countries cont cernedhinurtlnnla Scncztzti Upper Volta ltlnll Niger he putsth brill Child ltlL Foil DUhllihll MIN Ulekilllliuthil irtlt Kit scarold college ml was acn lentcd to two years to moon Wednesday for ailernpini man slaughter In testing but penis born bub gttl in tho luiki of an irlir tity Ivotl Anderson ln was tottrtr bitter District Court are cooth la Noternbta ill Otllili SOUND Of Rail OWEN SOLND Ont CF lhc mp the row ca till lzl and It nsllltt nearly in put as tor reel service tbey theoda world be procure Prrpetzty coded as Is ea into rader retail15 use ainnri service in the cm was stepped an ttt Campbell of the putt Sound harobca of Commerce truupomlota committee will norm Ls brine had trcot committee and orgtmstlw la the area toc Cazotln Notimal Runways er Cl lull to reinstate poo weer Levine tuthe area they like laprew title menus to It Jones hotel at thethnadian trams PM tomclutms talluy trantpm matinee it their menmm are not summed tba chsrnrxn ol eoounerce bar Indicated It is willing to Rapport dial to rccinrr up to lb aniline truth the railway minutes ilhlifLLVl GIVEN llr Campbell said it engt tutti million was rivers as warranty for maladies hone trelgtrt and tantrum aervtce the obligction with eating be told lie and It the money had been Lltesttd to left at elgta power interest It world have unautth to more than SW million now Such aunt would go long way to pro vide alternative mice It the Jilin to be pertained to connes to utmoch pas sese scrttee and detail on their obligations he said lit Catnle said the lack of adequate transportation has ten ascnse at isolation around people Oneal Sound blaer Bola Rnthcrlorcl told the govern mcnla but the Arts Centre let Ottawa and Endario Place in Toronto xtd soy Corno on dllm but hon do we are three hit Oxnphell said large Traditional Cup LORDON CPI The trndi lIonal cup ol too it civic way to the gate at wine as British calla and drirk more licatrL and then less breadandspotato In tho aversive Dritens dict than not bcdorr caterrmert survey cov erinz the period ltil to 1m ttii being the rst lull year alter wartime rationing was its naJy tilledaha slim Britons are eating less beehnnd inn and more poultry and am tread noticeable evtn belors the price at brcl become an intro national trtirtnepoint it has ellert been said that ra INnin brought far morn heello dirt to most Britons than they had ever known with the rattonboctc bringing rlnh and ptor alike the some wed hainneed ll searso weekly menu and ahelnfliog the social cx trotsscs pl suenwttlse rituals umxst stunu but statistics compiled by the aerimiiure ministry aver tho 11year period show that in 1972 duplto big increase in ntntnl cousumptlcaet pints ct nine head compared with 11 pitta In 1935 and lwco the amount at tptlllsllrliorls ren craliy were choosing healthier trolls than in the immediate postrationing year Less sugar 15 periods fewer potatoes and to per cent less Protected at the SM Ma ll Grey nlhnsm Cm in older dinne rnaor need recd tracheal rare in Tirorte he and but lu roene it is rmhytrlp te emu this 137 mile ll bcttaa wish all can rile In Oata Soul and my mnigot tLlcl out turn up ln listhost bus rule the next day he sets The ice compooer otter tour trio ta anuda eat no to insulin this lbcre to 21 stone on the tripe unith tale abort hours lnll chutzrlt prridcot oi the iterator et Carmine said the trnrsport tornrrtlsim is me interested irt railway tooth tm in pectic The provincial gncemmgre he added will rpm on mm oi mm on Toronto on trundle every rictol spent ere NEED SUBSIDY Officials wee that mason ger til mice would be prtittlhIn land would lute to be rutnldiml um we shouldnt have to atgneptolits when the nnu pt people are comment can hlr Carnpbcll ilc Iuld hohdiwcr the loo rolivar companies purposer on to draconruto preach pu service to retnlerco amt rncauLtn It shallot be dis mtlnucd liar maintairnd the reason lnr cutting pot smite was to usersare reign ital Cliy nillrlals ptdrd out thl 0am Stand azdllnrcn lcn nlosula have been dcslrnanl recreation areas in provin raat government gestural pimnnt study Thrytnypasscogtr service iritciy world help terrain er potiaily ire winter EU trips hut btr Crli sdpsi tcnzr asrvicc chattel pri sturin for the local people to not sleuth oi so thi Owen Snead tr Orttlild carpet totToronto people to wait 0i Tea Yields To Glass 0i Wine in England wheat llnttr In the lortn ot breaidaat cereals and tar ovate 42 milit anj patdtrychbt table when ton otto ll utr mat brad orcc not there was an enormous tn creare In solt drlnhtdd or log also rose on data hezd or nearly pini ocrtr more The lure intake ol lcs eight pounds head iite lowest since loin tat entire corn sungdion more than lrctvitd in the period under rtliew iiltiiril httheuivcs have also tatcnnvldiy to lrszun not cans and loads trot are not nelitrtlng lroch irtlt Shopping hJEitlls to 1m contoiaol ll will more truit than in miltisos Oddly enuuch tla amnion who to bound their In little varlsl year lrom Full Is it than in the pe it playnd partin paratvety meatless menus but shellfish iOltSllllQCliln has don bied the in scores tor the tint tlmu calculated the lat intake at hrtlous and on cl hall of it cooler irom urnl fatty acidsthat ts from animal tatsand only It per cent treat the fatty acids dtrivttl rnolpty lrrro vegetable oil and re sented by many dietitians at bread lor esch Eamon wtta linan with more nay more sense hdths hill changed on one at the retro tolling mills uriny system at the titles Iiil ln llarnliten motion for rope out the system using to helitillr than the animal prod ucts lilillGED draulles replaces ucrn wurit rclts andropiaoes with new ones culling about lrty ruin ules oil the protest ttl lltoto rcat up on ttownd Nerdrtu iii dildo VdliiETlii illde IllilillLE EllliE ittllllllsillltttl error on tutti untssnn subrnsaven eddllilSiiit JDHHSiiil yhEtlllii Filliih lliitidlEli so yeaheoqo tut tos SUPERSAVER Stldld itiiiiiii tnsrrnneatt ltonhll surrnsavrn lNlihSlti CrliE Ilttitttus on lit tin iiiiiiitnvn tliiSELIiiE ltllhllSIIlE lith Bhliltlli itEliilS tlorPttg ualt 5UPER5 YER drosstin roornasare uournwaen Ill one tilb ml SUPERSAVER in SilllILESS Bugatlatlte he sop snvsn TIC iii no SELlZElt Slldhillitl noses SittlrllallLtJI surrnsnvrn orientation ltlftllllltSlE SO ml surrnsnvrn resolution onoltttnttt SHAMPOO 12 ea Cont lmmrnarm macho an Sargon iris Eddinsnvtir hlgilldli little Survivorsan tilllttiltltd ill SUPERSAVER DEODGlllllT toLCnnLSugpLlal3W non in in gill or Catngna pro in or lath Oil piano 2i Sillillldll 1tarCnnt sunensnven on iron FEIllllllth rtvlivs dd iiggiiiritte SUPERSAVER FOR COMPLETE CONFIDENCE neli