Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1973, p. 7

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L9091P91ievFMdS Policing Task ForcelsTold Intel to be ore $93 datum Inmabnol tho the m1 Baldmlhe Ill Muhammad trimthat memo km perm prurzt rhu omnnneananumn MI City To Benefit Wit limit Examiner my From Bell Taxes IIIUBSDAY SEPT 1m ll EDWARD 7mm In It limbo momentum on throughout non mnnnmmoonumuune Momentum lent tongue the Mom Lm Illto Webbootrrtry lieu holed Inelmuo tee Ewlllntt Photo IK Insderooyrdby maultbeMonCom BunI Ind other Simon me I5 mmtnilln hill to fit rrrrrrmrrrmoror mtmetrrrrrrmr rrrr If 3ng mourning Li 2mg on Pnnl arr Indoor In thoro dcucyod Sexual draining out side ol Ila hi to In rtboild the culturally iiro rIr Hominy antt About to ttlaxerr the Itmr room Ind In olflzo in tho out Iran that In desroyed by 6101th basement Im urtr Nonction Ion Onmmuty Arron Oommlnnherotbe Ito plat to boot Ilun IIl rillnpo Wm III In the Mlull Wolntnday III med but the rnIIrI lie hare In plinth tourde mmlnhruolroi in rebulhioz uld Iln Reid muse Ibo Tltl huildlny III bo Liv ma II cart oi mountain Arena CommunityHdllEyed the mun served not only lhornlon hot lite nearby nth Izu oi lry all and Egbert on the rink played boot olltn lainmr munrrie In brood In Ihiitim during the dolor in trill have to Mlorn Mn $50m but tho Iron valued the arm on open retry Wod rlybt to lint steps Ire thnrlle Reid oran nlllte om commission raid thereto IbIL lull said IbebdhllnswIsI no porrihllltyrnl hntlnz Ill lnnltrtd thrown nine dlilerent Emmy to replace the build InlImwprmdlnhntbuu ennollrhed to remove Ill relu am good tram the Iron Includes iurnxe two into Ind innlIItt tnInIhip comv Ionian hot rotor lIntt ud do the nlleee wdhatn hero in thin you but told the group It It mom out it Ind net the wraion some mlpment owned by the now men out your Thornton tilmr Ilptlly kettle Athouth the Interior of the Glycetod billing In onli lrtyjborntd Inn ulterior In lion Illbttcht ihenen enn rr Scrum lad It Adnr Itrrtooltr In Innlsl Townrhlp won to moat the oxlslinx hulldlnp Into Imlnieturo lty Monty Ilr Adored Itlrd Innirlil II at its rezulu meeting ty lot It Iupport In his Iapualioo to the Liquor Lie anoint Board oi Oatulo tor onto room Ilconto lte mectI Iillll lilo H130 FrilllyI otncil leIICd to tiller the Bell Ewart Building Proposal Seeus CounCil ppl lbe llngo ltln uniqun ltlcn btceurl ltlt dlvithl Illptt 213th Irena lot only nva nultrrltn oprclnicounoll Milli tonlrht Ilr Albrothl aid to proposes to moderniro the enistlor build in without ertutlnzliII lll plans rnll tor oocktl tourn qunn udrlwol bath and Ibo err In the Moment din rotrm on the min lloor end It room hostel Thorn Ire cur rently tt mm on tho ltp floor ol the buildlny llc loll curtail It hint in warm the hulldiny Into Turned Down By Twit Council rronott by James Patriot oi ncll mm to build too tourretoct building lnr cut triutxtrlness on lot or tool by too trot was niustd by In nlstii ToItmhip mull hde because the land it In tho opo tllll policy mo Dr Nancy Armbmtl medical cittccr ot hreth tor the simm Bounty Dlltrltt llcaftit Unit llIl pond tome on development in the upczlol pniry Iron Innlslll 11 Wool Guilllmbttry totvnrhlptIou nut to titer lrI tielttttvlltt hy inrpcrlort ltom llt mlnlstty of tho MIMIth tJ moroymtnmlnnllm in Irlls in timt mos this tar lhnt mm It not expected to litter lor month or two by which limo rotwrll rosy hm ousmi III proposed toning low uhldt ulll plum Ill propor ty In tho Ipodnl poity arena to told men Then property tuner will have to ml tor rennin ol hlr tonal In order to build mythnx but In nxomy will uhlth ll not loluctl to on existing bulking not will not Intros mtlpnncy tonii also Informal Ilr Pet rlct that liln land is urn rt eldentlel out It It Irying totllct or ploson or pnrnlto to the ol lhlal plan wrecking Yardlllove Reluse lIIllSlll council ho relulod rsrion lo Dru Watson to more his auto ttrelnn hurlnltn lItrn III present the It Ill lll wa lhrcoacre yortol on Highway on next to Wth zillion Inpllcoion we rrlnrcd Intan the zonln on tho lanj on Illrhtvny on door not permit oulndn IloratoI Ilr liaison loll touncll thIt be In an odor lo purrum his btttlnors but the prosportit Wll wants to Loon that he can mote the wines tom the prrucn silo width it leased In the newly on Illthwoy on IRWIN III laid tho Slmcoe oonty Dntrlct ltratlt Unithnt lvg toran optimal to in lo tlon lIINISlII COUNCIL tutors CGNEERVATION AUTHORITY lunirlil lotrunhlp council plans to meet with losl Gwilllmbury Tournhlp counrll to disco the minimum at the Soolh Elm roo Lalo Conservation Author liy In the near luttre CONCEWON The public norki dopnrimonl In lnrtlsltl Toontht in rurrtntly rontluttlup irniltt counllton Conrculon In the hope Ihnl ytlurntl Lirnlllo will lreliy mtnlelty ol truneportnlion and ennmunlratlohsn marl Ion rttiou prolctt sstou Inuhlti Tounnhip intend to rrtntot complaint ulth tho dillrlct engineer at the min istry ol transportation nod torn munlcnllons contornin the ro ductlon ol the oynroted road tvtlth in the to mlrurtiott rluur tor Countrlon between 21 sldtroad and Late Slnrcoe In the rttreutlmr tho road superin tendent will protect with the rtccnrtruolon oroloct onl tho bull ol the lpprutld plans PIILISIVICK CENTRE lnnlsitl luwnnhlp rounrii has retooled with torrel th olznntlonr nl Mr and lire Read lrorn the Itsw munlty Ctnlrn Board and Id olrod tho boardto elect two new mornbcre to take thclr pinto BUILDING IElllllls lnnlolil Towulhlp rtrtltto that in loot item tho IdIott Incl ylumbh permits round tldltllg Auzunl there not been lhlldIlIl uttth oi building por mttt Issued to lot this tour Last year Ih total value oi building permit to the llrtl olzht mouth oi the tear wot lltlibImI uppo Entsrutcrotptttt pl 575000 MI taunt townie tor mono or nonstol mum Thor uunn Inrurtoo on the toninlrnol ti httldlor number oi ranTin Innrs no1 tome ailing mlpnrnt not lost In the lite nilbo IrI no pInI yet on uhrlirt the me will nonI lie Iain helm porting loclll tie to to con wording to the Simon County District llcnlllt UnLI Ind ho does oohlnrosne the need lur Iny Iddlilucnl par lhe lime llr Alhredd Ion to tho 1150 lot uln lnz room llconce be In retur od III will hewoe turn Id dynn becoqu he lost took over In bmlncln In lntunr and this board did not tel ho pm nenlu Ind Saturday nlrht or mil tinting lime the build rst opened Arenn elon member bare talked with dreams of both would collard end meetinyuiil em utthInI the next my ml to dime rtllnlynrtlot ldcze Illa Ind thoukl III rrplntod Money mm to be hotly pro Hunt at till Iluzo like Wobbttrornlnrytreuuo tr oi the munlselon Id alter tun lnruraml II lttd the uorrunlulnnIIlll bani beltmuol nltno WI WW tom nod tillme too that two oi mun tould not Thorn ton ARENA AND mu llr hold all there Itlliile pool money twinI to renovate the Million and In Inflated the tillage minor button cwrblnntton Irtnn onl comm Ily hall with mzedug room think It cand about motor ht raid Well tinny morn about that ntttr we talk to the Itqu mail at himsell In It svnmtl ltlr tutti sold the lint lhl It It pretty hard to prove ourttll without doth what have planar it he told Sttfonot two minor ol Satonmll war Emergency lhone Idea ls Endorsed lIIlIlnlll Toto ll hoe ondurrtd rnvollltlon by Itlo townsth council to neural tho the mlnslryol trouspnrttllon and corrmunlcntiom ltuinll om orIaLy vehicle on patrol lrom ldny noon to Stndny midnrhl during tho summer end on hol ldayt One oi the locations tor tol rpbnn sugTesloa by titty coun cll tho ole oi the new uotyh oca ultlclt hot in In dine II to rtdo to build It undrr the Com munily Ccnre It which invol vro tltn pnrtlclpntlon ot the tmtorhlos llostylllancr nrnvorrtcd that rezulnll Ice turlntn should be but are unluir In the merltrol cxpnndlnq III the Present sir To build ulution In our inxthabtnldl 10 no to be built northwn rather than eastwelt not We would necessitate inc removal oi tho tillage bucbattfditrnont lime wetting will be hed In the near luture tudthe ureno eommlttlm ll intredzot In on end mooneto Into the out nrtnlt torn limit and roI movcd on rcoomlcolly on pro Itble done for The Simon County Room Catholic sopmte School Brunt Itll hate mm 11 per tell more tor tun oil In the own tye scrum whoolooett year Magnum In mlnutrotor told the board told into it more or on aver age oi 115 min per gnlon tor lnel ull durln rm It budnctA ed mono lttvltttl til lot WIS Ihe old conlrnct hnn expired nod the board olrd VIaanIdny nltht to accept Shell Olln bit It It mu per gallon luhl tlnlon Annmlnrrle Ind llrnol lml and 223 rrntn per rnllm tor the rest lle WUXL Th COlillllllTlllG Eyloylte Icicle Thornton and Fuel oil thrice lncrectse Hits separate Board tonrect incth today acol etioo nLretse Barrie trustce linen Sounder told the board hi committee would sernn mine luel oil com pnnlu taking lor bidn Em Term Ind Gull on mod in bid Itxl ul Ute MILIIIIIII bide lmn Shell Oil Brithh Primi emt Finn and in Shall til dinrrd the lowest prim onenn tnrdml WM tr Porni no IIhId Mr undm II it would wt ion cheaper to boot the uncut with electricity llr under tIld the root to convert the school micron would he lordch but lthln unrilrmnsitltrinxlor new It YOUNGS EIIS TllllVEl llll MILES PERDIIY lihlle moot Irhool rhlldrrn in Storm County Ire Itlll lemon tin rhlldrrn tron Scuborouth In on their to IchoIl II 5L Iluolcnn lnlllll II lorhlrrr buolnm Iti ntinlotnlor tor the Since Count llnmnn Cnlhnllc School Ilmrll told the bond Wodnrtdny will that tho tImlIr will be motion tI Bertie II noon II It home to rudy but In the menu Onwmdpoltletetu re mlrelrmminlmuerr mvnnbooettntquronmltdtnemladeInd mmmpmbyhellCnmnmmmltlunibt mthuyurunmlltnlnndyomlyntlmzd ManhuntMM mower cities towns hwann downward nmttstuz thleyur on my mum pndtolumtnlmentn napalm use It tlotm an only hmnsu Intracka In In moulds Illl pot Inmw 1M Vania demo melt the new 3min MIMI MRI Untnrln mailman irmtlln that Orlllln mun MINI hells Imith llm nun iNW BM tutn by 51 pa $31 lord Sim 159ml ting million in 1571 wood Mm llllm is laid hi9 Immt Pent tlx minim JIM lam trln 5mm tum WWI 5e0 zuph comp Ontario loo alto tnml Coob mummied It plldoo com inn thenhuotpolourdltnnernl more could pilot end It lurelnd In ruin Ind hminrst two Under the old Iynlrm Bell lurid llntbbtn $119 dthetnxtoeecheommun WNW IBMIII ll Ml to noon mam Finn Twp ultnum limit thllimbury Tom mu tom Mitt lnnlstlt MI 1023 Mimi ulll Int phenol Bell in will onu community truth Ilium 0m Tw tum WK total by llyo mull Stmnldnln permutthnmmponytirott SIM lINTII IIy Top recelpt in On and In dividing Hill by total num hcrolphmenlkllhulnont IrIo In preliminary monument Will Twp ttzm trout III ltItltIInIIltl Muscular Dystrophy Benet in rnllrn to end lrom Inhoot every day would tell tnnt ltdch IItIurIne nlclnrinnd hnnrd thnlrnun nmuhttl Flamed By Children Sunday troup ol Enrrle childrtn Ire MSIIIIElIllldld donntrd mini holdlnx lull lllr It thI ol loud Including chlprt chum tumor It Cool Ind Colllnxwood corn Indonllr hotdozn moldre Enrolment Decrease Shotrn In County Separate System lnitlnl Ilium ludttule Ibnt up rollmlnt It the countys 2t up mte schools down this year There are 5730 students rul rlcrrtl In or tth lollI romnnrrd IMIIII uho Attended the school inst year In itll lhtre um 5117 eludtnls enrolled Supcrlnltndcnt Frank lino Dcncttt told he expects retirin Lions in be up bathe Ind ol the month which null brio the tnrollment to lost yenrn level Stroclo Sum1y to raise money and roll drinks they have rho tor mustuln dystrophy donated prim lor the forms John llrlnttslllln bl Cool El Barrio lirellghttre nil be organizer at the air raid It Ihcro uith lire truck lrotn will begin at It Inn and hi noon until 1130 pm elude mill or bunchnlII Min LIltl ho hopon Aid Elli loooI rcirelmcnl Itnnd Ind Struuchnu will he prowl to oitlclnily upon ill lnlr nmcr mm 09 gIIIrrII morthtntr Ind htnl Everyone in uelromo drop by so to on inltltt docreane It It etudcnt ll good Enrollment WM down not Sntrul Ilean ltlltlluntl St Bnmnrrln In Drllltn nnd linriyrn Cmodion In Perkin lltltl Mr MacDonald Ialli hinder zartrn tnrollmrult are up tour to ill IhlrIyeer II PI Hotter tulelnnt ruper lnttndrnl enld the board expect Ahead Alexander lhn Itundnttl ol Itrtylcc in Ill lilo ilah annual com muniontlon oi lirund Lodge AF and All hId ttcrntly It the ltonlIlor In lor Iooto Ins II hobotiron pl 133 tango St was clotted Distrltt tpuly Grond hlnltrr ut Coorpion rlulrlct itlphl thlptul Bro Robertson II In port motor of lllnnrvn Lodtto It Ind All No 301 Gill ltvrd lltneru tall uiii he tolrbralln lit conten nlel Do moor It ILII Cowper Sludlol nu1ntn Ontarln nlccirloliy runnumcrt ulll hinge on crutlnlI ditt riono to be undo by new pro llltlll temndltec Ernest Indor president of the Ontario Municipal El trio Aneutlollou sold It Elpln Ilom this min The moclnllon moment Int municipal olcvtrln murdulons uito distribute Electrical Mir to more than two million rou runtm llr Alexander who III put llc utilitlrs mmnllstlomr nrtd btulncssrnnu in llnrrie Wu oldnz in member ol Oll Ltl District which enters the courtlch oi Bruce tlrty DullorinSlIItcoo Ind Ilutholtn and port ol Ontario nod Parry Ito oppcnltd to cumtttlnsiunrre in Icruttttllo rtll Itnlrmrntr by Itbo Committee on ltostrurturlnu oi Public Utlllllot lnrmed by the Ontario Goocrnmontdatt month Tho cvmmitltn hot NElIl task he cold It recommen dations will dmrrmlrtn tor notor Il yeorl how and how well thn electricity consumers will be INFLUENCE Ilr Altxnndcr uteri commis Ilontr to hrnr tn mind that and llte inuence at civil torrents It all level has been rhino while control by the titular political chlclnyhns boon ucnt titre II this must be concerned about tho continued elicctlycnous oi the elected poi itician In any proposals tor rer truc public utilities Ilr Aloxnndcr ounlllonnl tho titer the public In hart Itrv ed by tlpplnx the trait In inv or oi the zmployod pretension ul taller than the rlccltd to Imitation Tho prcsrnt nllvo pl rnurlrlpnt rlrdrlrnl nnmmit Ilone purdtastnp dodrloai pow lT roll price trout Onturlo ItydroIhnr trot tho while In control ol the syticm llr liter Indtr DilllIllr It will be purl oi lhn Oil Elis lob tncnsttrc Utnl the rt really announced mostly policy does not dctcntrnzz into Boll llcnl lntrrlrrooto Thu po he told should to only brood dollnrs under whlrh Oniarlo lydrn run best mutton lot tho bcnttlt Ix municipal rustomrrt OIIEII union with tomo ntent Ind industry will horn on nlyandnd role In imitating you he undorttntdlu about Orland lLttlo molten oeld llr Altit hour punme lllllllll LDI ol uorlt unto tor the organizer ol the nuntlun Iltnorttnilve Vllcn hnntrdny and Sunday ll ll more 5pm Itrk Irtrora lOClll llllD GENEBll ruins tosr AND round star wt stolen lrom tho ml dcntu lcllru ore nlrn holdinr mummy ml mm rcd bicycle ttrlnl numth WM WWWIW Ctlnll uhlth woe lound Wed Yellow JuclrtI bicycle Wth noulny crrttuo honor rourtttrtnt llillilllIT time In untloorwny oi tlto Loo mmbcrol theIIIII Formula grounds Ilcte linen nurtct association In tho Fortnola Pnrtlortnrnn bark round Dove low loll noertlnlothoproundlor ttl Dotti toll M1 the lnztwilh help trout Chnrlto lrtctnt Examiner Phoinl gt trident Manhunt

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