glimmer Sulkvorselacing PtanaedilthrnFnir mmwn timinmncrm at it air EIEEE aaigg HF 33 til En is it 55 53 rt it 35 GI boon dart littortie VLW tor Heinlein tn the arm Iialaoa Bell at in Arnold Ien main tor tierclues am that drrxon entered the but Am bent lieavy ltaraea ii tile 5p it EE Er lie Racer Will Feature lourDay Fair llttlrillia 0W 3an Ilthltrnticn oppcaite Brant atreel yeneniabothobarhcon mill nwahsnal and treble more than ritual in rrhanl aru with Part eel talent beinrahm in Inlay Coiirrnle located on part oi the racer vbieo are to texture catettlmalrarh Orilllna 1m tall talr ahloi Canadian trclltny Association ii 3i so stile lg consumption Mm Aldualm battle ll whom to locus or unitth or sun onollnl atrnrture uloty which no nhiil rv make way lnr tadoali eart lion examination hr diarnantlod to no routnrt =2 gt Eng ran 35 3s in rad eentlnnea in EESE It the brittle our Ihlrb no mortally tortured prcera an opeea thnradar Sewnher lineup to Six day September The hall robe track eoo atmted three Leora tag at the new tumor on union Orlilla tunable but oil lltrhuy it had been loved errh yen and nor in ex ertlrnt pbape balore that the isle Ian held outlier oi mile track at nna time The latter In eliminat td when the prcuot eornmuntl centre was eonlir in lit and use and the hill lora carried on without hamua rao tux until the new location ua obtained to earlier pearl there war halt mile track in Grillia which point will prenil tor the remit racer and early interest indi rrtu pod not list lid Nantan ta pm rat at the Orilha tutrultnral Society vbirh date back more than lid yrara Umiork competition cold vay attractions horse lion and dia layt ot tnrm rodace are lea new tidinr on to to lttl llll Idd to amm odatlca tor exhibit Commerelai dlmiaya and iarnt machinery will he ohm ILDIINtl MW SITLOUD Salli midi oi the Sallill We Plov ml modelled old be thme ammo inatable cardamom OrHIckahedilhldxhllit mt day arenin at the ill tanninth LillhlStLtI IUSINESSMENS NMle 0f MERE Annul Father and lianrhlar Nahum Silt ML Sept likb NNIININTM INN Mm QUEST IPIAKEltt ruse It AMOUNT bi PIONEER CAMPS rortom roam not it run and under also part Card lloldm Nita Tim and Bat mi Nnnicr Mrnatl noun rtllla may ertendtnto moat ot mm alvllrt mahl prpvialon in Amman oi lama lama whether lncalld to eltiu or not lite proportia have IiJlbd much dlmatalon at Orlllla with varlnua rim erprttaods PLAN liIIIiD crrr Midland and molar libero erect to he nllo erroted one it the bullion area around the preamt borindar let it tbla were done the ullllon would be Itlellt rd It Ita raidi rlen ll unt Entrance to Alltrlnnllata the po ulalm at noon mm more wuaya eeanh ta allied to achieve town rtatua on Jan rm and la holdlnr an election tor lta first town council on Monday Oct Thamgnttgt imtilimllhititilill hNiilvil iii no it have been betteraetepted oghmgllmm mmmmW than munidpatiAu tt Ill clue there ware contrary vim whether our will be one tor lg mmum acrvtm thay are not no re mm mm relying Ibwld bl toned will not with perhapa Eimvaia hcln made the yitleyra rt lieoton and the uimlnlatrttlve uh the not it downtown ryrniu wow lamina mentor Now that municipal repre aeniatlvtl have had rnoIt ol the rumour to eonalder their re atruriurlol propoaail olrncoe county council planning corn mill ll iopelul oi reeclrinx come eonerea vlm on the tulip the out tthey anth mu Imam Mr Fm mtovietlh tha vlham oi Port chcoll and Viol rta Harbour and mu oi and my to mil thtldl in the entity could ol the wtorrna hora appIra to he come llle 54 onotvmonthmtrtuoltoo idea witlhd moatl Ippeariny to reserve hymen loinmarine lurid 33 WON AUTONDSIY Nil bi name Artists tuna lllytnd line Quebec Western outwit to the tatbot at only goo on on Moo ilr louvr 01 the Incl up to the mm do ro ol the Operetta tthlnb docuntrv the power in it vl loomed or to bowl 1m the or me on to iat develop adrriirie him aio tor Mo he trim llunrnlt war our intention ohm with you our ccncrrnl our au rertiona and our pro poaala or reatrurtnrtor oltbo counl olslmcoc 000 mp on II II com lotion at llidhurrti the revia tbolnrm it it liter to tale is the Inbitcl ol more than ordin ary therecl outernose Itiildl mile contrary ylewr hove been orprerred molt lace aecin rrrronably tell totalled withibo rratructurloy altilou it nu clear lrortv ouevtiona aa rd in various parta oi the count them la atlll atton rupport lot rrntntalnlnr preset municipa tiea attboy arty Another view oilen henrd la that rural municipalltlra ehooid be kept together inroler aa prartlralndama ratepayera bare dueotloned whether arrer mun icipaliilea even with main motion oi two rout loyrnsitlpr will nwan tar Itvtnpa or betv ier aervleer uxcrt Ortllia ed why him later vhcn are ahlltcd told that it the city to include the hulltm 11 area around the clip that we Include Atberieyacroaa tie Narrows lomt liorno and ea tension at lliltrwoy it the city ioeted the netrlxnry tiny clly An undercurrent ol apprehen aloo hu been avldrn more centralisation oi oven and how it mlybi tile local autonomy At ortllix All Wilmer bi Cramp bu propoaod iormrtion new oral yoyarnrnert ntileh would include the ct eeigbortnr towurblna the tr in area Aid Gremlin to eliminate lax dlscrl tllou there should be arpartlotax rater lnr nrena rocelvtne loch aeraicea or Ionliolioo and voter irorn the cormnuraliy aod areal where raaldenta have to wide their own rrrrlrea lie ntltl and commercial valor now vary and tbta could be extended to or red ttrlherinolc Aid Cltm he pointed out the preleot Hotel We turn rumour ovumur no FIST 0F FURY Alia Charleyhttronaon orn sun Time ltih Poll lion oruc open hit pro moor mam TOMORROWI Glenda ltuition IHE NELSON AFFAIR 1M and mo liox blitra 0pm mo Itdnltlntertalnrnenl on uhrihcr ahotlitl be Awtid raunchy rtpno the county committee ehdbiitd too Irma lilldland area that Orlllia de alm but proposed only that Orlllil and MEN we amalyunata with itnma timeo County Jon min At that tlmeit le pointed out the letter will be lolllnr at two dilterrnt municipalitlec Nor counaruyr in Orlllia the ycncrrl vlotv ta malyamaiion may not lor lnolalil Coliuirvrood and Mllta ton llbilo lbrre mey went too tor the carrot recom mendation ior Harrie Here considered lilo cal There an Alllalon who ltel ndlo more in come have wooden alone that remote ll idea ier alullodnah town conliderlny iolnlnr Eunnldale thcsa taro townships lrom Onlnrio to is only topical tor clatvely boundlrlcyl beyond mm oi llorrla ciao re county idea that mom the item oleli alonr with rillla you he be debate the barrio brtet leaat term in the town extended to include ceded thlt Teromaeib Adlnlr and Bro ton there are none villa rum mlnlclpnll until it can amolrarnrtiou is at any adult ere ill blayner Imalrornnlion as Creemora was Iulyeltod per to interested in rrpnoaioo oi iha buliliup aree around the town but many appcor to Iteptlrat oi lurther expnnrlon The Jump and area school board were replaced by the county board byblco var dellxned to improve rerrlrra at loour lreooenily riled mailer rrodcnla voted da apnainat rcrlooal rov alter tnliloi uhool tux rater Wilma bit titty Le tberonny All momma carrylnl on lnOrn township the leeliny mm to boil amolramotiona are in to he lithKd there omoiltlon to lololnt with oolah rlny bie dontc odd Goldwater villus or recommended lioocvtr many ed the advaotayea oi ouch more even thouyn ol the clliea oi Barrie and Dr Srnvrs TOMORROWI Manama the are at era ahovrn to or Noitwurn Stay lo texea Iitrr iota iaxel war December itll boards relied to little have queoiloo in con aventually expansion Em toonahlp ad with mom dl torn which runny1 it conaldrr topical co the two lowpnhipl were lorcthcr at one and Coolaan once ttrda alter vutm lnrrer area lion too remote dentr Durlny diarul pointed out thot council with it MAN Drillia Kit only wer myth is laid Cramp at axpcoaa its Loot Shpwlnp Tontght7 flhc Legend oi Boggy Creek WAN BM cltivein ANNA arisen in tbla diacuarlon or an earlier Em brlet endorrcd by council proporod Alliston aitoaur erltleilrn on the untold mate local reintrch bud poor the city at our momhtil council but too lllllll baa brcn pile lie and Cooke appear rho homo partly located centred oron tbla drew arrurriebt It adminirtrn lor many real alonrli am simcoc County members Id rel ol too broad bu The In oovloua arid orillll artilllll Recreational reason Artivltiel Nov gt Dunlopl no FIGURE SKATING CLUB ETAYNFN Stall hire Diane 5a bu beeneiectedprealdenl lira ttyrna Johnson reere lilytreasurer ol the Staynor more Skrtox Club tor the rerun thalidomide lake View rat5m FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL woyoar ro THURSDAY coin MEATS stun PtAlt auto SPARE oils with Onion Souce Inns complete meal Includea Dolrort and beverage Children under ll $160 lAitEliltN FRIED CHICKEN Dinnor liox Special piaeoa ehlckon Cele Slow French Fries uTen liltcuit Neg $195 Wednoadoya Only $150 ll Popular Demand Iierct treat the Itoyal Yka Gory olhum lolnu lot relaxed ave aloe Illh lmrlla nanaiaal Motel and alanine llll avr comma or rm to too not POINTS tall slucor HOTEL libloll NGE Nlulttbt minimum 900 PM TO 1100 AM STRAIGHT TRY OUR BUFFET DAILY FillLY LICENSED UNIililt thlli Nettowoaego too My Ucenied on Hwy ea Top Entertainment TlilI WIII FURY to overcome tionday through Friday Conteiruco room available It on eham lionvtd more pm Call ior rerercatlooa Pb WWI er tloddivm Contained No new ranunamauntuimulnnu min drive trom ilarrlo Vioit the norms HOTEL tTorrnca Roomi earh avert tor entertainment at lta braL itis Ieel icatnrlnyr BlACllRODI Alan have lunch or dtnnrr ILtII or In our dinlnr Mn Bunion 11ml The LAMPUGIITIN noon hilly erased ttntlnerroaena Laacl Boned Ill It GRAHAM HARRIS one run or Dannie Nirblly on Mon thru Scat wruoson nous ilrtoria IL ii htttvina THIS WEEK HELD ovrr role rite srcottb WEEK lilll IlliIOlNli lit Dunlnp street Nut Ilbllll