Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1973, p. 20

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lavmmumm PUBLIC NOTICE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 1111 111 11 or on Saudylnbnbo SAnltary 1111111115111 1mm Onto mainline nonoVArro mmnr rim 11 51111111 worms one 1111 111110 p11 croszo sunonrs A11 511111111111 rituonrs use cm 1111 be eiioclivr Septniber 11 191111 nominate with the ioilrmng schedule ol rates mnmr 111500 ally 005 up 41 onto truckrsoo GVW over 1201 Wm V35 dou le uletruck 7500 GVr It over 8300 mm mm dnggt axle packer truck 1400 16011 III pack INCL 3500 1131 Amne 511011 11 hrrthcriolornutioo moybo obtained liomtheloblic worth ms mm ummme WMINO WHITE mmmnnmn NELLFOXICIITIJ tuner 11 Outhurtm Ind Idol Public Worh SuponntondcntV truniaksmrngvnns TRAVELIVAYS TOUIIS on Wednesday Sept mm 33 53mm 11 013111511101 Midlond 30410111 11 all 1111 tannin tornttorlr 11 11111951 Martin 11 during nm mm dorm non my ll Iwrnnlrnnttly 1111 rrnr if REILLYM mom smrrmomm Inrummmnkhwnmd kalmhtxhm how nakhwm tunmdnhmmhnmuu manisum 35 Egg til it if Mr It 13 oi 55 Barrie rain AUCTION SALES AUCIION SALE Srtordr SepL 15111 lot IIIAIIIG AJCMIPBIU 11 Con 010 Tom It Gui Ont 11 1130 In 5111 iorm rnndrlnery bay handrail AnointingV nrnc 111 Ilouo vim F1111 5191 ALLEN IIORNIZII tuttle SCL No 1IlllSII AUCTION SALE Saturday Sept 8111 11 11 mm rharp lot IOIIN THOMPSON 11 MRMd Medan Townrirlpl lomlod mile 1111 n1 anrrloy And roll Ioollr gag 53E Fit mucous 11111211 ABA 11an Agtiom Wedntsdry Sept at 1151pm oll lur WILUAII FRICIIIIII A1 1111 or Don Flo Town Rain 1111 11111 111111111 mllrnilorotrthoollotatdr road FURNITURE itd rbrxlrr ileld lite new Wm Kroetrlrr rhesitrilnitl 1101101111 cum plot brrlroom 1111 11111 Onlwodlc 1111111111 and box drown drum tlou 1M1 rtulptrrrrd run 11 Ind 11 Rnm 1111311 AliFlt limo you 11 1111111 rpetd lltonmn ambitlent Width 11 recliner $112 01 lull line high 1111 mm ylollorrn rotlitrlt Optn th rnntlrlnery trottorl to irrnd cnblnttr Portable 1111 01 lIrrriord 1nd rrmlrrtd rattlr bolrd My Ind lnrge quantity Irouubold 111nm Including 1n thtrcl Ihltlt 111111111 lint Torm1 11111 runn 1old ARCIIEII OOLWILL Auttlonrnr IyrllAIII71Il5S7 AUCTION SALE Vconcsdry Sept lit at Mn 111111 Ior TIE BEACIIWIUIZII IIOILI At 501 St and Hermon $101 Banal painJny Colic Illtll and table 11mm Irrrzcr itrlrirmior 1111111111 1pmtl1 pillowr An II or 190m lied and many oi onllqrm 1nd nnmrrour tocir ctr MACHINERY 1111111 Cone Iroctor 01110 torn11 plow ltamy llnrm lurrow viow 11 md 11111 1114111111 drill 15 run on who enroll Ion Coir 11111111101 on mbbtrt Ir John Dem 111 or 111711 Sale 11 all turnltlrlnp stem or Side 111111 in role 111 apnlium beating EM mites Aim Farm 111 111 moo mtwo Inrmr Grnl 111mm mill so mitts now 1111111011 also moy 1111113 Terms rank Property sold mm connru Mb 1111 ml IN My LILMI mnonr AUCTION 51111 Saturday morning Sept at 11 1111 roam tor 10515 11171011 110115 Terms mo run 11 17111151 ARCHER 1301111111 1141113111 AUCTION SALE My 11117 NAM mitt worn mo 1111131 111117 1111 511 111119 1111111 111111111111 34 my rurnnurr 11115111 Ilrldgrt tote oi nil rotor beau 11111111 mum Ioduritnz nine toy board oral 14bit tnlrrtd 111111 rm and ttcrsrorlrr tilt lu 57111111 1111 11111 111 1nd mulpmcnt mr Mon Irorn hp to to 1111 plus 111 lbhlnz boats 111 IIIMWJ III 10111111110111 Tern11 urn to FRASER SUTIIIJIII to rnllt mt oi $111111 11 to 0110111111 1111111211 1111111111 WV llrono 1644 A112 AUCTION SALE Wednesday Sept 12 At pm 111119 111 OIIVIOLI ilAKIJII It 1101 12 Concernlon 1111111111111 1111111111 111 or Ill 111111 at 1111110111 Int Shorltorn ortrle plot ilrm Saturday Ottoborvll Irnm rash lmn Md VICIINON AYIIILI Auttmm RR UIIWI 111115 111111 110115111 Saturday Sept 111 or 1111 own 111 JOSEPH VERNON II Mind lorry toilettlon ol Jock ant Iulvtt mu ttcV oormnenrlnn or 1110 7111 mm En In real Forrnhrlxl mom 111111 labour hmlrood mom 11111 on bear out lmlllnthicdmllllnml good mallow wheel 1111 Inltr with rub mo old do Iitery rate Grantvuon will 01 bushel box llnrxry lirrril model roll propelled II WM nod pick on 1o 10011111011 lnltmltlannl tired to Lurllntor Rubtnr Ilrtd wagon 111111 tilde Mn box Wm olatnr rllnom 11101111 with mom 11min box Ior Ion truck Cocktirott 1111 deliveryme n11 liollonil mood 11 111111 and nlrhrr 11 1111111 oltthcr nd r1111 mnvplrtr 20 Marina wngon ond 111 quantity man llrndy boy rrIrnpor 11 ton 11211 complttr nIllr halal In good rmll Ilon Round tinny Itlrtr Imni tor Wm otrruclrlnrry Ind Inullrr 11111111 too ourntmtu to list SOVrlI ANI IIGS York 1lrire 111111 rrhml in tumor Yortrhlrc Iron 171 olyn Irorn IVrswnd 1101111 dawn to Noll 11 IIAV leIAW AND URAle 2061 mm bolcn 01 1111111 110 more halo oi troy 2i tom 11 chain banr digMIVINITUIIIE Illnth now or 111 roodltlon Ardoor hall IM wlllr largo mirror Arttlontl 11111 dining room 1111 rompletr with tolrle chain 1nd bulirt 0111 round dinlnz room tablo with not 1mm Arllque not mine with leather bplwlritryr Roong rholr and Hilary 111711 to nuldl Wllrrtt thin1 widow Oat Iolalr 1911 11 romlttc Ilulc orirrlt An tique lorx that ol drmur nrtiqoc rotten And rltll tlulr io match Old 11111 nrliy wood Utchtn 1m tlulr Ardltrue 1111M UP board Amour Victor nritrc lmd tholr lonulxh erdtrn Irene and many Mbrr rnullgr 11111115 too mm to 1111 ltmr 51111 No mm 111 Iamu are 1111 Nolnn In rtrnwrd until ottilrd tor 11111 no 110m distnncr 1111111 yrvvr 11111111111111 with 111111 141111 nounFurniture will from or manonrmrnl 111 at be held moorurblr Ior rr rlomu on 1111 yrrmtr tiny clJ 111 IIZIIIIY XIUGIILIII ANI 215011611 IIIIIIZII Midlornrwar LARGE AUCIION SALE lSnlimlny morning Sept It 130 nrrr 111m 1111 11be lllIANl At 110er m1 1111111 wt Aalimzwootl or mill ml oi 5mm 011 I111 No II Inlr llnrriyn Arc toml1 Ull HIII 11m mm 1111 rind 1mm we bod Ilrnroorn 1111 1111 MAIN NOTICE is 1111111111 oilon 11m 111 Mannie dryer In new amnion Gill 11m 111 mm undone InVrnol goal Ingllr clrotrlr whiny machine Odd ubier Ollie dork and dull Rrrolnp loo 011111171111 Itdytr binden Qltg 111 10 nuprloo non annuity ol IIr Ill bouzsmnllbeodx 1111th Odd 111m balm 01mm tltdtm table Ind 1111an Illh extensions Elmrlc 111111 Et tsrlc toaster Fondue 111 Wal ntx 111111111 room mltr tomplrt IIUI tabla hufltt china 1be not Ind rlnin Dlnlnx room nu 111 11 with undorloy Irt oi nI tabla Spice btdroorn 111111 mm 111 mlnoor too soon ct Sgt Emil 11191 oran rrr In ctnln Itd 11 large 111111111119 JillIll lnrtal good modltlon Roidrtl ttblntt 2111111 1111111011 11 cablan rtylr nith nlldlnldaorr F111 nix utrnrlil Lure IIVM room run 111 11 ill ontIrr on In 1211 not condition Gob Irrtnblot rinn room 11mm KnILtt lmoclu Some dinho Stnno orddtnn not no rum urdrn loold 90111 111111 nvrncr erlo 1r urrn chair untl rotltm Qruntlty ol Plabtcrrrl living room 1111111 Antloua bathtub Antique Ironxlor lnttrlrr ml wrncroin Io Ilrl Trnm c1111 No mom in the homo In mid Notth to rrnrorrd until rottlcd Ior Onotr or m1n11t moot will not In Irrid moon dbl tor acoldrnu 11A 111 pron my day 11 roll Front Wrbb tort JERRY OOUGIILIN AND GEORGI Ilillllli 11111111113 14 JPUIILIC NOTICES NOTICE 01 APPLICATION 1011 AIIIIOVAI TI EXIROIRIAII LAND IN THE MATTER 01 In an In txorwrlatr land briny P111 Mint to tire South title ol 111111 51ml In Iilocir on lorl tl Lot lronilng Ktnwon Irit liar 11min to 111111 turd ljion Number ior the sold C111 ond drolnmitd at Port Ittirrrnto P11111111 1010 Vlur the more vl too IIHKIIIII moldnnl 1min that DWIIWIIOII has been mode tor owmvnt 1o expr 11an 1111 111111 dostribrd to trim All AND SINGULAII Ilon loin much or tram ol land 1nd orrrnlm rituate lying 11d b11111 In 1111 City 111 Ilnrrlr In 1111 Cwnty 111 some In 1111 Irwin oi 01111111 rind bring rommd oi Port 11 Lot on tho bomb rdo oi D1111 111an in Illodt 111111 Part 01 Ipt 110111111 Kentonan ttoy Ic tntdlnn to tlrrlrlrnd llln Numbcr lot tho 11111 city 111 Inixnotnl Im on Rtl rrrncr 11111111111030 Any owner oi londo 11 mer ot which notlto Klrln who tir marry olhn Irnriicr nrJcIniro DRIVE 211nm 0151mm nourl AccounrArrrr RAIIUIZL II IIOSII Ind ASSOCIATES Atcovntrm WA 1114111 1111111 ROY SCHUE 1111an 11111111111 11A binolr Avrntrr llrrrlo 1211111 1111 II II WARD Ir PARTNERS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS VI 1111101 81 litrrlo SIIIII IIII 1W1 F7 PUBLIC works PUBLIC NOTICE Effective Tuesday September 41111973 the PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT will be operul ing from new lacilllles oi I65 FERNDALE IIIE CORPORATION 01 Till CITY 01 IIAIIIIIIZ NOTICE In Ill mollcr oI tho tlnoin oi Nook Itouktcrcd IIrn till In the City 01 Barrio In tho Coonly oi Stunco TAKE NOTICE 111111 Ilro Countll ol the Corporotlonbl the City oi borrin will nitchtlro publication 01 this NoIIce 11 lerut 11an work tor our IUNCSSIVI week In 1111 1111111 Ianrnlnor 11 In rncollno to be hold 11 tho City 11111 Dorrie Ontario 11 111 hour 117110 1111 tho nitcrnoon on liondoy 5111111111111 ttlh 11m ronrlticr Ind 11 dorm oxpedtrnt one bth to clot uni own 1111 Block morolnr to ltrnlolortd Plan 1111 in the City ot Barrio In 1111 0111111 Please mic that the new tclcphonc number will be 72112122 Oiiice hoursore Monday to Friday 8130 am 51 AND IUIIIIIFJI TAKENOIICE that my 111an nlro rialrrts that his land will be prbltnllcttlll nlitdttl by the bylaw 1111 111111 owllrs it In hunt rlrnll 11o board by the Cotmcll 01 The Corporation ol The Orly oi 111111111111111 non or by hi Comet bullrltor or AKtnl 1111 Notch wn ilrrt ilrhod on the 1111 toy or Aunot AD 1171 1111111 11 IM Corporation at no Corporation tin Citon Urrrlo by 111 Sollclion Intro 512A 1111 City at Rnrrie tor opprorol oltAll ROWE 111V 11111311 IJOwrn Strut 1111111 Ontorlv AME Any ptrlon lntcrulrd my 1111 olan 111 block wollwny ted to ho dolld In 1111 oitlto oi the city Clerk City Orlllrr Strut llnrrlo OnilrIo 111111111 normal oiIIrI Anionnirbtt Innmssronnlnnrcronr MUSIC LESSONS MARJORIE IIARER Trnrhrr at Noon nnrl Theory 111pr prrpored lor Royol Conrtrvtrlnrr Illumination ALL GRADES ALL AGES III Clowrrion 51 1111111 MUSIC INSTRUCTION 111111 worm in Irvl comm tori mmlntriorn Erlrlotin WIIIIA IIKI MOM lMIu urn1m 1111 routnon 11111111 1111111 ml Ilcnlrttrctl Iludo Ttnchrr MIWLIIIF It Ind IMO IIIO vial lunch 111111 11M or 11111111 lIAIlRISlLOWEIIS Iolhrnlovsn arr alluMlllthmlm twwrt1rdludM1 turnaroun 1mm loadtum Dnlyl Inlolurdmrmonomnorl 411mm MI IN 1151101111115 NOQNIKIn my bl arr AII MM E1111 mon om not 12mm in hot or our him mm at 111m Ito Mnuho mt IIII lur mw 11th momma Mm 111 nut 111111111 1111 My our turn m1 11eron n11 n1 It on A1111 Who 11 11111 10 Owl rmt In no Lou Min 111nm hurry AM VAN Nil It In III rlrr ImuuknovMoo 1111111 AM 111 IMlI ma our un Ev rmoorod ltlnltv DWI 11m Av Ito 1111 I111 mm 111111 In 111111 1111111 or 111111 41w mad am 1m 1111 BCIianohersvorganizeGrotto For Protection Against Vandals KAIIIDOIS 110 CF 1111111111 prlco 01 MI rlsln rnpltily ont drnlllwlly undo 111 in With Alttmtttn 11m born 11111111 that motion will Inlo lltolr 11111 51 they 111111 loomed 11 mop with tin Itantldy om Snortnrnnn tnmpulr linnlrrr 111111111111 Programtsmllltl SCIIIIPI olrn In to 11011 promotion urinal all Iorml oi rrtrrlnllrrn Hamilton or till mural 11C 1111 natrrrniiy inclmlo rnltln Nollan 111 1111 dnllyn 111 mluntccr rmmlro hair bcn min or on 111 buntlttr salute 1111111111 1111111111 11111111 owl lhott SCIIElhrrnLVVJItV 11111 no llIlItIIIIOI not rnott at tho until om 111111119111 CLAanEo ontninntc DIRECT PHONE 7252111 SIIIIIIIIA 111011th 111 11111111 1M1 M11 1an or 11111111 or arr ormdlno Iwblirliion 1111 111 vi Cllltlllld Ulloll minmnlu wnirn 1111111 no in TNOUS ll ROSS ILA rm am 11111 to wornIon mm Inoulrnlrtro MAI11m own norrcli to ram Maillot wrdl III II MIN CARD OF THANKS Mllrm mu your roll in TM WWI ni tho tour rIIAIITYIIS SIIRINE nonnro LUNCH ARE PIIOVIDEDII rGOAULE BOAT CRUISE mnggclrrsginwm CU Clubdole thrust 2111 GEORGIAN COLLEGE 1111mm EXTENSION SERVICES lCootlnulnx VEdtIctIloo run Roistrollon TrimthVnmnn 11 SEIVI 1112111orr 1111 1rn 1011 p111 Fill tlourm Brodnrro Aulllhle oor copy on tool1111 SATURDAYS AT HI booth erd commit Olll MMOrilll with rodlolelrnltom Sit Ab AllImr hull at R1Lll littstotk lorrstlgatlur rootm gt they not It 10091111199 nlth Iornl ltClIP 11111611111111 1111 also tho llslt 1111 111 new ltnlr rnnln obiottlto armnotional IhrIIV nntl rlnllsm and Abby outs the rk Lire 111111311 Ittlrnr 1111 um only 111 good mi oyotnndomoiionnqu be This 11 111311me ollon 1111 think 111 oniqu North Amorlcn SEVERAL ONVIQIIZI 1m rcsprnrlbie or 11111th oI Motto some night I111 dotrrrooi hn 11111 Oomlttlom tor cattle min are And 1111 sold Henry nonsltl mrrlnrymmnzor tho RC Cntlltmcn Assortmen llr 1111111on11 1111 his ntlon only 1111 reports mowed with that 1mm unknown tune amountnt It 770 Ilttt Mover llltrny the ILdlcn 110 rrndltrn Arno norrrrtl AI btct prices soar lirn lirltinnnn dirttrot 011 onmlotlun 11hr ho 11 I11 111 dry 1111 nor hm 111m hon delimttlyubccn rrorou In nntllng In 11m 110 limw at one rnnrhnr win but mm trend to 111mb owrnlon 110 sold SCIIIII 1111 RN 561L171 mnirl 111112ch with Iholts In WWW WW Im 13 DP 53 UM 111 An iriry Into whether Twp 111131 53 MUl Ibo Ioltln All 11111 Inn II 11171 Trrrnr rnrlt no rttrrve owing Wllm on my ticttrlral nooilontrr tmrlrVy111 mm my may JESSIE BRYSON In 111 llolerr 111 11111111 my my many onlirrott ml ulmltl mmmm or In 01 101 VV VV 111 MIMIIIAM norrru rm 111311111 to ruin lint cooorrun 111111211 1111 mm 111m NAM uA rmvle 111ml 11er ol 111 unreprlntlnu ullr Mmmmmca rillntr1itliltrlr awn1w mt ww 1111 511111 balmy mulls11w WILSON mm 1111 II 11111 111111111111 IM 71 931 only 11111110 nottly tho nmrrov IN In lorll onlurllwrol Mvtlrr IlJPIt ltrww lhsro ore MAuirtuls Mm WM 1mm 111 11111ng In authority in writing 1w WWV VNSUWCEV my Wm13115 mare mm 111111111111111111 remmwrammwm mmuml oyprox or burl 11m lwIngwVmegV 111 in 1113131 11 will Fm to your Ottltlttllni 11 1111111 umbunald 1515 kl AUCTION SALI wlvltllnlll Wilhelm TM Iztllllfrvmlp ymcyl cm llmnllncl tLtIttrtlrImtlonrllrIIliloM 11 WE MUG MW mac 11unw tr and MM sop mm mm Wiltllll am II who wlllr 151 onntbo litti term It you 1111 AME EXAMINEU 353173rmmullal 112 211 11 ntwlonlaluirhllw 11th 111111 AMMH $31311 swings my In 1111 m1th tor llio 11111111111 WANT ADS fgnrbwhglzll mm smwmm 1mm rolllomtlnry 11 In tho Villonr oi 11mm mm 01151111 Arutrrnm It the tint publltorlon oi hr not WM 5L WV WORK WONDERS 33dtonnnrrimVVinrwtm bio thoyvo 111ml 11111th lrllorllonn 11111 no oromo M31 Kle 11111111111111 mill o1 toillnu 51111 NM WV mm Alwlllbll and 11 tumor oi IIuy ho 11111111 In taillsml mm my gmillagigmdtmlm 11111111 1211111 itlll1112 nmhdmllm All inII ronlcntl oI Irrnr 11 E3 mum SM 14 31 WI ll Whllllllll iitiltFittiirllrfttldtllo Criminal 01111 In provllr room homo Inclodlnn III 1111 uo AUCTION SAL ol tho 1191111 My 1111 minlmum ocltnw iornlirrrr pine mopIr wollnt Saturday Sopl 171 LUIICUUIEOS yum mmunmWIIIMKIIIIIAIUUII ll mpmw Ur mo WW and dicrry Iorro 1111111111111 111 1130 urn thorn 111 13111 Eu 11 mm mm 11 miller 1111111 Itil mm mum watchman Into11111111111 niniimnr to 11 01o on In 1153 lulillmclell rrtnbrrry lull lamp 1an land 11 11 omit 511m Lrllioznotnl Mm It pr 11 mm All 11111111 In 1111 11 1111 ittur llllurllrll It mum mu mmml WV fl IIyrn 1111111111 Solo 11 DIM 11111111 mum 1111 1V tanr 1111p rrwi rIr eleman uwllanm Irrddlnt whim rqoinborhowor1ond ylllllrgilmmghxm liflrrlllmtglwwg 1100 and Air lllormrtli Au rrlrnrlorr new 11111111 in china tryttul rllrrr pm mun 50m 111 11 oromlllloolrnlrboupomobtim lie bltlll Ito Ingest micron lrlrtnrlroioonllunrtlItrrra no 1111111 111 Artltn ant mm mom will In cattlo nntiln CIVPIIIISI Plul 111I Ito rtrntntrl lrom III IOWNIIIIII OI IIIIAIIII Alrrllmwxrlrm 1W ltlflkllm 11a Igornlrlnnnutft in11111 11111 1111 1mm 11 lir tllrull amt wllrttorr 111111 My within 11 uuyr 11mm nmnrmul 11 mmlmmuvgli 310mewa 1711111 charge that inmltcd trmrlnllluivin 11111111 homo 1mm 11111 No MOM lrrrmr mil no mervr II III L12 not Towntltl 01111411 will 31mmLrrimvlw tlx lde 01 came yr 11 tironor 11111111 11111 1111111111 11111111 AND proplrly 1m M111 1111 1111111011 11111111 And so in 111011 will 1111111 coontruy 111111 11111 1171 911111111an 11 tinuo to Autumn rinonon 11111111 1111 nm In 1111 truntrlrur ITIIIVIININAM norml ymdmltlmnwwu r1 lrn Ilrut hrrlo 1111111 In mm mm Firm Rerl1nnrrIJIioolou rootliantlwuntlnrinwworo up Wm mm IIJVIIIV OOUUIILIN JIIIIIIY NUGIIIAN rlllllflllr 11 11111 Aurtonurr 1111111111 11111111 111m in mum 119 arm SW lit11111 11111111 Intramural 111 lAUlOlitirrIi 1111 VV 11 11111111 1111f

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