rows liOiiiiDliP Pearson Stamp Collection Received By Post Oliice OTTAWA tCTt Inna IiAot oi Intuit Ida It Fem hrr hoshnndr Ame Iy the Cured lnd Tiller Purlmr rollrrtlu II unique Iraq to the people It Candi urn PostmanGen ml An Mild Is he guided Ilrr Penna Iround temporary display In the Yu mum Iron the port ol Itce into ltr Pusan Ilsh thzt his phibtelk will mid hr prrsdtd In the NI timl Prrtnl Inmtrt The mlltdlon includes mint most hrst day rotors nod mmonilvl thorns from other twirl In renting the rollmlm Mr Duelist all the duplzy Mimi lnrtltudr In MW uh IhJI the team prmd In principle Ioold It the prortnemverphx pom In the at Indore pinning Davis Attendance Ilmr Ith phntwwhs the Tm prim rrJnLtter IDtIld part ot trmllir uhtbttr Iir Ilsa told Itrr Ierrlnn tIu IIr Purnorr would he the tint perm hnnrnd in the new sorter oi mp9 in tamer prime Irtslnlnm enamored some tune Inn The drum Irnrnm itnrrtp irottid be out In time It Christin Govts loOperate GUEIJII Ont CPI Ted rrai rho prorinrlni towni rrttntr rout cooperate In torm lnt hdlr Ivlmilunl and trhnn pellete Norma Pearson told conlrre no urban youth Wednesday Itrt Purim molester II III tirtltmity nt Western Dry tarts Milton raid the tourn ntatt ponnerr rho protein ur bnnlullon must tIhe Into cm IIdmtitn the opinion at out not let tntnniution mot prodtrill Irrlrtnhtnl hue uNNIIN ALEXANDEI Immigrant lawn OTTAWA tCTI lulrlnllnu to elw hope hxtlot ti rnltrntlort spouts straighten out the ntntun ol inn migraine Iirlru in Camdn IlIo allr Ion Illputr room In the Cumnor Wrdmdnyr tint Contemtivu Irnntlmtlnn rill Lincoln Alexnndrr Ihiin promising not to oppose it Illetl the lemlntion In Idrrtin IlnnIot Iniiun by the Intern MI Succession lhlty TORONTO ICPI Hu porno trod Irmudmtou in the Storm Ilun my Art me Introduced In the Ontario lrrlrlnlure Wednesday But the leislntlon deslrntd to are death duties In spouten my TORONTO tCPI EMT Mal the PP 0m Sound In ruled on at not Wednudsy Ihen he rhuxod Premier Within Dnrtr Irish ihorlnr more contempt It the krillntrnr nun Inr odinr prorolt In the history oi OrnIrIo III In Iltunw to In Its Darin than his Illendroee record in the letllllttn Ihkh In said us new hours not it minlulgthnlnitlwhouriol hauu Iihtnu Soother Allan Tether ruled IIr three out rt order he rnuu the question III not oi tilIEIl public tmportonrr Energy Policies UllAWA CPI story oi ontlonal tnrrgyoollcles to he roltuedlntlukorlodnys probably Int non solely try the energy donutmmt Irlmn Itln Irtnr Truoertr nd Wednetdny Iicd hire to check but he thinks thIt Is the care he told Opporltlon lender Iiohrrt Slereld In the Cormlions Ilr Staneld Irkrd Ihether the department hlrod nitride conmlllntl or hot done the study strictly on Its non Ilrr lntdenu told the rtudy will contnln nitIlytlt Inn role not date on my policies Ind Itill elicit the II Dash Kim PI IIer NHLDeh New Gilli Sexton Rhortdl Ramiro II ncp In Titanium tritierIIConnlt 511 TIrnrrty GlIrI VIlrrle Vrmy who While ml itnltd Guthrie tErurtm Photo It peoplean orllinnlly developed Demo IIertorI Wrinleoden oi Strvud tpornnm really It Eat 0N khooir The Sumyhm school IlvI In millRoll Ind Guthrie school 74 in the mini rune Team members use Dntk Row tlrwt left why Cohen Vic trIm detected Illneslnr Imnleer hllhps Suzie Inn muse Cooper DEVEWIS TlIlAIIII Irlo Youth Thnntrr Iru In by then Isrlitnnt tin cuttorni prommn in the youth Ind EXAIIINER WANT ADS rrntion brnorlt t1 the 0mm lllhllllttl lit iiil piiirit Ntiillittii 54min lIlIIIII ttitt Ind turnerr iront be distorted PHONE millt paw by lb mum Til the tall unto Ihlch min ON SALE IUIIE IIII TO 21rd WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Lamphroy Eel TORONTO ICII IIrrirr Tottldt INDYPort Arthuri burned the Iottrnrnrrtt Wodtesdny that the voracious LIrrtprey not It mntlor rome but In the Great 11m Ind Ir dolor cwsldulhle dnmrrr In the tithing Industry to tote Sti tnltri NIGHT IN THETOWN Compilan oi The Intoerlnl Theatre thrtiI Cietnm Ilnuoe Kotttyn Pnridlnn lietiur and ot mm the protrcsnlrt Idmtldm lrom tropcrty Ind niroosttlont dirtlnhe to the some oi do reared person III the Irrlll tnrgm orr VIII nti urn pr us to rrtcrrihm oi amul hm I3 ordtoIrlIy residents In 0w PHTLS Mm DrtreII dtrvlee en Ample Im hrhlll Nmt wtttotir CLEANERS tartar or Blmuu Zhn The bill remover Ill duty Muniti ulterior comm IHIII prrlnr IIe onllrxl or stopped up eon troI groundnut uninst the eel Ihk In the part Ilritod wiped out the like trout popu lntlou Ntiurnl Rewurrer Minister hen Benin said the prottocn he on Intensive promrtt to control the lel rod into or In toutrnre that It It 9min much Qualied ilpproval TORONTO at 0ntnrlo rm onnitled npptmli tn the ledcrni rorrrnnienti proposnd lllTilltIlWl to tlxhtrrt controls on tontrn ounmhlp otter rennin Iiltntng Specialist OTTAWA CPIDr Gilbert Iintture it rnlotnr rpcclniint Ihn urned Ir CinIdiIo deio role to hurry Intomollmni enn tcrrrm Ind IWLMIII ulel countries died hire Iuendny DIM Dr Ilorilure hloiuwl In dtIrt Irnrrt Brent County One Lorin wrrltrd Is techrtlcnl vltetj In Irrernl rotirArIu rln IndrtneslI Ilnlnyr Ind Rnhrln it IIBII former head oi rttlnerzl resources brIttch oI the lrdtrnl mines department Int rrnti Hit Inr sumou that It wouldnt be used method to relieve rrxloml dirpnrttler lo the noon try Irrrttirr William Davis told the lryislnttire Wednesdnr thnr Mantel Gillespie Irdern min Islrr oi Industry Irndr Ind commerce huh Insured hirtt that my rotorrtmrnt policy will npply In Iii oi amnda New llnilorms OTTAWA lCIl Immigr ttrn oItIrerr Ind hostesses will be neieontinr MWCMMI to CInnda wearInt minrd mulch mtlilr which Imtnlgrn ttlm oliicinls heart cotild met never be reletred to urtliomss Ihe whom were Ihnwn to reptile Wodmdny In Immi pntlrm htirtlstn Itnhtrt An drasr oitke The minister was unnhe lo attend Contract Signed MONTREAL ICPI Nrtttht ertt Electric monument IRll oltlcr employees signed three yenr cmlrntt chrterdly giving the cunvnnyr root ttontrent pron tiller workers were in more and costrnlriltlnr Intuit roots Three Ind uttMlaJrru and strike rodeo Friday at mod to Icnept manure mcrttr Intent nller on working conditions Ind wngcr hnll months oi rtxwrrk Ilrson Sentences STURGEON FALLS Drtt CPISentences tn durues ot snort wore Imposed Vedoetdny nit Iltrhotl Ilnrtette Ind Rohrrt Coll ll hoth ot SLIIII tron rIlls who earlier pleaded guilty Ilonctln TECdlCd twn nod Ctuttt rtx roorths in corn rtettlotr with minor Rret rnriler this year It the Niplssinr ilnte nd railway Irelnd shed bOll when tlriIr lail Supervisor TORONTO ICII Ittnynnrd Iltllrr relented two weeks Iru It superintendent or the hunt lord IItl lint Iyrred to new in rtenr hit home luv emtmnt nttlclni nld Wednes 0y Iir Iitller ritet Wednesdry rtttlt olltllhl oi the norrettInnII nervlres ministry to distill hlI Itrtlus lle urns dismissed hcuuse nl IM Syivnrnu Apps the mints Iet described It Immunities In pnredurrn In Inntlrtz terns pornry passes to prtrmrrr It the Jail Pusher Sentenced SUDRURY Ont IBFI Ru doipirt Iournlrr wsi sentenced to Jail irdttzsdny tor le month donuts Ind thm mo nddermlrinte tor por ussltrn nl narcotic tor the purpose oi MIMI Imrnicr contutred my id tint allotted Nov It Iolinwtnz rnld on hit home by reylunnl police detective who rclzcd Ill mm at rrtnrlttinru Lottery Record llolihtD NJ IAII nertire station operator Irorn IAvtIlowri Io net New Jertry ioitsry rreord Wanner day by winning ti million Ind error on the some dny Dost lirrtley to the only perrtirt with two ohnnret In the Ltrn rrtllllonulre drnwinr hit on both Delends Proposal TORONTO lCll i7remler WilllIrii Doris deionised hit our erriImertll proposed plnnnirtg tori tort In the legislature sdny Irid said the opposi tion tynttld not have the Ir Canadian Artists Outlet Bnytiold Mail 12614oo TOMATO 8i POTATO DUST Ouriist price 1A1 ounrnouuonusr Our list price Mil IIOIIIEROVEOETIIBLEIDUST ROSE DUST Ourlist price L49 ItiitlIBIIIEIIGIIIIIIDIISI Ourlistprice Each Green CrossISqueere Duster with the new unique nozzle snap lop comes in 10oz size container Protects against damaging lungus insects and garden pests Our Itit price III II mnrtSPECIAL 1402 Aerosol insec ldo FunIICIdei Con rots insects mites black spot It mildewonshrubs iloworselc iii 01 Ourlist ticnl7 Kmart PECIAL Eur rlI Mixes readily It with waterlor spraying KilisiI Dandelions Chick weed Poison ivy Ground ivy etc Does not kill ntiriuti IIEVENION AND rmnifmtmI tronitrl Mtcwsxn rttirtm nt Ilutrlvm lorrrrtnco Limited IDA Dunlap it InulrrrtInI luoliittt AitlIAIIA ItoIttl It Illthlil DI ml think the trlcphnnn numhrr Ilrtrd hrlnrr Ind rnIl thI advertisers on thI ltIture Clip out tho Id youin highland InIIIIIcrd It IIIIIOIIIIorr TI Dinah brother The list eotrttt tr err in elllull on In To OI Hm Idrertlrm tor NIOIIT LIII WrrtI IVInnrr It Ru RIIn Crremore JOAN GARRICK HAIR STYLISTS It MI llNBA PDT In roritrrtir 1th him IA trip Iii III Itrrt II COLLlEII 51 17346 you trnni to In most It mm It huniit PARADISE HEALTH AND FITNESS SPA EIch rtreh tutoh or our Id In Man or Wed mm In tho mulls that Ian dlne inernherr In hmle hIrr Ilrrltty Ithlrtrd Collier 5i IIIIII DIM lrt mm mm Error Full tttirtiid tho LLID Mm tor mrmtlortt lIlAUDii KOUIII STEAKIIOUIE III critter ti rtrtitr ESTATE INSURANCE illustrations Icitr IIIIrIIIiIl IiutltI Sport Ctiti 1mm tit Mlthum wotrIttnIri two re Cir Ind trust reolilt lnnr term lelslnl All like and models nuno VICTORS MENS HAIR STYLIST III eryirirroed rtyttttt Unisex hryirr Otslont IlIdo IIIirpIreeI ilourrI zoom rIii