Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1973, p. 12

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It Mutt Imam WALKS ll In EXAMINER HOME OF Worm ruler Iitl lind this darn II rhnnninx II II prare out the mud may Irli one brat Ionun onion has the adder aroltheltorrreloratcd otlhe ex and the mar Irtlie Ireor the trurl Side lrxhtr by thI more tire retort cl xpa III and the cultural lone lead lab reotrel hall uuo room has In end will molar Iltirh tram plenty at Irritant Iwr Knovrles run sore Continue Fight For Higher Pensions Lower OTTAWA It Stilt torrte anl the Gotham rule book with the reremooe he one re Ienod tor the Bible Suki Knolls Wald ii to My InlayIII res tor umber run In IIruamrat the cunt my New Dem Iritie IIrty loin whose or non tor higher prnrlom It only emdnt byhie penolon lor become etzhie ItoodI tor hLI our lie our will do tor retirement color It l0 Ind this will ehnrnate Iny Iiuntloor hi rootlirt ot interest he raid Moadry Ilth one or hit Iuoleto you IteI been tied torrbe tone the tonal lion Ind shading unlerr Kaolin on or or an he trIr helped guide Prrtimert IIth his dry some time nitriteroom intone xture Nltll emitted hir My main tile lr rigid here he mo better man du trrod attire that displays Intuit other Lhtnzl ltr steer typonophirnl won mkv do reriifieote hie Imam doctorate trom Broaden Colin Ind ptrtum oi Nation he has married some cl them on PIP ltnmt llIlL In FOUND NEW not lett the IUoitrdl ehtrreh because to the iridiltore ot the 1m tell there we more to dotinnpreerhltwuootbc me at my disilltnlonrrrnt this to the Itrnacest position nere It heat to he mo in rderenee to the ND halting the balance at power bttncea the orerrimcot Ind otnctoi up poeitroo In previtm mtnonty by attrition we sham the WIhumm Age Intura more Mr Nana maintain retelle11 be meditate on lilo dziza the no thim every other or to where titI true Ian nurrled downer llrI nur riot Ion l1 enployut hy trenc ttry baud here ml FNEALIIES lie seldom iaho count annyrmrmadtnutotho mteiMrl duties Ire conned to Metalt Ind 1W Ily lnvolviax reality trierku But he still mom theme at the United Grind um Valium In new to motion About him hela denion ded to IIrlirmrnt ltr limit can turn his interest In nodal initiation hurt to the Warrior ilth loll lItlItr Ill Mentored Ind errn bolero thathrnlitImotherdiodottw loco at power Iilll other par ties such or MII credit Noe can get thlra done on our own Ile tilts wtth enthusianm We tor rurnluee amusement yrruty tired tiirheo has In te room In rdlee rioult and uh the repnrntr Ilium room tormr In rttirlrrit Intro nrI Iir meal ptrparnttm anti Wt Ihrn he wII only Ile war rnised It lime Ihelt IodIl usirtnnro III desper Itcly needed And it poor vomit start lnllllcrned his lrtrmtr ln oorlll protioe In eqinlty poor IrtiI llEl those moon pretty mentor Itnrt influenced in Should Be More Funds llvailable To Individual ilrlisls MPP Says pointed to there hoardr Fer who III on them are lolly III II the discipline ol the Irtn ltr lurid raid the bottom man today par bcrurie tlir tron 0t the arts and Id In hitter between the moment loading bodice and the Irttrtr ohm the moat increases In oldnrr reaslom the new tern tly laconic malty ion with ill Iuriily Illomm Ind the tortlmrnin hilt ca eltulnn expenses Inliiz Dore bedrooms and the two Wrotmr may the lull length the hour It the rear tile mittr bedroom hat lumen wIltlri cupboard Itd It ri bathroom tliir III li planned portlrl meat the laundry room on ground leicl beside macrete it lotl torrrrr to pronto thinrr lle sold the value at some lIrrrierI truth In the near Iith driclormt potential lute plummeted oirrnlyht no meatloriot commotion tor lost was made him Sudhuryerra rcsldunto said In tutti that Northern Outario lo luizi ruclal eco nomic and political phrtto with rowing letting nl ntirrr prion trim the Int 01 the prov lute The roup viiirh lneludcr two mcmhcrr ot Parlttmenl and Inn legislature members said handicaps the North rut lrro will be nominated or loop no the prorlririal government contour to acrcpt the Toronto rmlrerinion ptrn The solution tit ruport our to to nterntuatu ll northern ro glor plan Initiating on Indus trial and populotlon shill to Northern Ontario with torrcv Iporidinn growth In the services llhlllt advoirro the quality ol T0llthl10 WI UniesI more India are made IvItLrIo lo iridirlduql IrtlsJ Ind mull contemporary cultural roups tn the provtnct Ontario will re main or rirtlnlicnlly oolonirl produce to In Irtlstteally cola nlIt nation lhlr we the View ht James Fouldt NWPort Arthur during on estimates committee mcezln ltorday looting It the budget It the ministry at rol lczcr nod universities ltr Folde laid loads in the yorcrnmtole culture promm Ihould be directed my trom rstoblisltcd In groups which could be totaled upornteiy the yorernmenl appearr to be more In tune with mlture than the hunrdl tl oppoan to watch oyer cultural derclop mm Vcry Iew artist are up 1WAY RADIOS Intel 21 nal IltlI Mobile AntennI loIlIlird romplrte 17 Oitcr rrplrer Inne ll GLENCOMM ELECTRONICS SIIII Ind srrvlrr Glemtrni Ontario 4249936 NAME ADDNW ilii llltST BID TO llILlNG HOME By ROGER WHITMAN rm CEILLVG Ioscrzim II it rate to lnotnll Itousth ral rtttlrr tile unto the outlet illllr nude lo this purpose ri iii hair bedroom The my not on no it wallboord Will it cvr might try your Iurt with my tire itoel wool not he Irry Iorctul you might alto ruh oil the molar oi the paper It you liaoe some extra paper you cold out oil to strip whliII would imir the Ire it the pat tern ol ttio paper but too trirty you could try pointing out lite line min to small ort Iolr brush and oil tutors way it it Hit lullnu lhc diIILtioiit tor adhesiie there rhuuld be no qtiNlDlI IIIrut the titer rut The trainer at the thI erltm miiit tic enm pttcly tree at ony trarcs lit mm or elves print and that ii Chamber 01 Commerce Steps Up IrllttitritiitfI iiililihttitr lltlaclr 0n Foreign Investment 1m ranu aim Momthin we roll we to rcirrtel odiwii wlnrthtdhimixiillma my vi it till it iliidomuw gout lihr ma iimzn intritmrnllwould hrmv am morrr rer oririumii titlltl mrnl The Efflligtlltlthltllltlgtlll trill AI hilllty III uImem muted llundoy iriin timer til hrrrt alto retraied lhpu rrrullr cl Mm mm prcparolionr are now widrlylltr eampdpn against tlie rm some whrrh rrrwrtrrl mu mwmr mum Inld lit liarclware iiiirri1 ion Imritment toll tclliic the drop hortnrumrn in not Witltl mm lam him plain totho Itaairr what itI tor Common tinarIIr ttmitllilite ll army the letrt Ill turricn On WEWMWNHWW making not My protiirt he rhutild Iu llllhtiruutl Wire trot ill tiiixinrim mCaiiadr In roroinIIiIriiii wont attest the ohorllirrrr political Ionridera heatirohlrm auphalt IliintI To he on tho licru oic hour priority Ir llottt roll in his nlrile Inlr ride experiment on mer IIe tornterm notional lri lmm that we wore dir ANTENNA nusrs Iruur AMMONIA IN hHIlt TANK We hate alwoyI llltl am moita in our link and Irotliton rtrItrir ln lrerp lite rime out thrount the hinder ot order Me Ite hrs been prlnlrr preIeher and politician Ird while Mr lint two cnrrerr pro llded him with Ilunhle eii orIiIuIHeo mm the lqlltlmt moslturon tial barhmml llowerergtlrer lry return mail luu new boon mar or ivouir her lypuu atinrranbeu and Home drum tor Canadianr Go There areltwi more entrances Itin harmrnt runrlnirted Ire atlllahle at this mlpapcr us we iirttty mm the caraxe an or Drrlyr new rod pttire or it Inch Ontario Ind thc other trim the towed to lor the lird net 110 eath resident odd pro toot Sale guiltl nth leading into the additional rd and Ire ouoplrcd TII on all purrliurer lJ Thu plan is dormant tor ltr mag trie IIIaim and it hat par low Ontarios New Energy Ministry mpmomnmy it II 0t Still till eaucrnnee ol monument Tu W3 41va phonon who hoto not involved Ime the while In developing plain my Wm any up TOIIONIO ttflll OMilllrA tic raid to duplirale tlic trod or um 1mm mire region momma my wumlyrmwum II new energy ministry will have interpemse aroiluble in other Something MM pp and luoslorry iinrlomt pleat iind rim W4 Wt WitWI Miniiii nocratlre the Ontario garm two Kim Mm Dairy ttrhcouzli irecm title the new minister will merit Mlllull mutton he told Mm WM ham limit revealed llondry be responsible tor Oniiltln antenna on urban growth mm ltr hHKeoirylt murder llyrlro among til main looks at the Unlverrity ot Guelph MN 051 Mile built it dry and DJttlJ parliamentary oerre will he to coordinate pollry real the oremnienhhy llr rmnt marine mo ioltm luwlosrd thr Iiridrlcirii Iary utio rceearclird the em odilsc other mlnirtrlrs In the planiti and development kallr lleam rhcrii appropriate button mt moti ri ernmcntr new tnctyy policy energy tlcld Milan Idmtttlri In previous mtlartrc payphlrto Ille Barrie thorium raid In additional 00000 will Dunn dioeutsliin on but niltaker Ind hrdnnuin to into 23 tor the Itrriember rnrryy Iranin Ontario itydro trout tor the European example at hoard IhlIJt will mine in commission to Crown corpo controlled urban expansion he trrio ittdro role locrrrscr ratloit unmition member acre grid but III Itrpr to regional The former Ontario treaturcr critical oi llydror periormam pillllllnl will only mate the oil relented the amounts duriny bu disorer on the drtlnition uotloii worse the wiridup rculon ct debate or or corporation III sold his tonsorll ls riot hill mating the riovr miriiilry Donald llarllorialil Inor Iith the hittinr urban ex nnd Inunetollri the new policy Toronto York Soiilhl thouth pamloil tart with protth til it to exported in be namrd that Crown Ionwrollon roilid nutty 0t 10 energy mintiicr try ttrrmlcr he hotter mitrollot by storm thdlmmitll iii Dorie thorny mi mi it would be law Minister John white ot Ontario llr lleKewgh pilotlll the unto IIth cmn mpp told the roulereiice that pow lentilnllon through the home ration it lot are going to hair will 01 hilt 1153 raid the new mlrtlrtry will be the same pcople Alth the same lithium limit our cerium octmn altitude rurirtlru ll detriment mi in own two Maud Memos lir tireDunrtd dliazrred PWdi hlr llrlteouglt said the oper with Dppusulon leader Itotocn its writlitrlorir will be pm olive words retarding the new Iiron No Iatrt erlahlulrln WIN the government ministry will he roottiitiollor llidru at Crrmi rurporntlon hWi IFllii ol polity would iie It greater iridepend Wt be WW WNWH bl It would he prrat mlstolc trier td PLANNING NEEDED trite IIIS urban ninth ltI se our real to ClltliDtl out but it run he met with in telllrcnt phoning The minister raid the solem rrirnl cannot predict ull future growth needs but It lI rcarom able to rot orlde land it tutu rmeatlon demands lle re ferred to the province rttit decision aimed at present the creole Nitrarn ewarpmcot itc noted the gmrrrimert llcm ltvwoutl be too crown to ocoiure lite entireicwom llrm 53d IILIIIiuldeostlii on to WWWI tmall text area It their any ich tmnyut with the mlnttttrs Io bot landerin rcrulattoiir arid hint at outlining tlie tlr tll drrrtcath quit Fr thlr my home Id try pond color mittti not tip ttullllt iiiyl or II tray and point our the roll llrr this out iiiIrv he uni III rtniemeii read in the MINI uacnmnrivm out Intonr ullc vwrimlrt would be orcd reminittro ihamlier spokesman Itdtl iIIy crmitruitiro rurtrt Ylllstlilit ll toltt allu said it II diIIi trim with Input to eliminating Gordon Illll preoldtltt oi the wit to noticed it coirrrimrnt Ildmt hntrrmmzi III Ontario Federation ul Mtlwir litlltxiliililyiirttrinhill your rum onrmr plan tor Uigpplivnocaidu in thzimlrro III II hmar did at mm land use in the Toronto retith CIKLUIMI me rate no rm to Mt with Eirlivlrily in tho who durlry hlirtllter Alastair titt Irrm piililital rmiiliivraimnr himilhriiiilm muramiagiihyiiltmhiifn up tropic and hiI on air lit LN wcctc hricl momi Land II prodmtlt0fellrw WWW EM ltttl otriett In print in or rrwrtiltrl thoi torrin talcitrtlnblc resource record only in ram ol the the out It tiiiirrrreo In Canada he irrroortalltn lo mote lie raid rNow rinro we hate moved lirtr reptir laril and wonder It It lttll hurl lllt prllim li wr urc ammonia reatiiniilily llltllll utthtI this shouldnt Iauio any ti rolty though low haeterln minlrt he trotted out there Illll he or overwhelm ingly more that the look artlnri voIIt he hotheiril tUlllitthlC ilitttlth lllllr it We lnitotleil rrrainlc tilt to our bathroom and mint ot the die rrllicrtiu II no the with all unit unliniocr Irnvlnr yellouirh llnc Ito you him ony rurzrttlano on how to remote thlr iinrlylrtly adhrriie ll Any tolvmt illhdt iirtwuir to rolirit tlit eerririit mitt prorliv rIIINI lllt iinyiti It illlttlllil IriII lltll with our They are him tutti ri or hi or it it alla rd rrl It mild hur Once it has been rilud IIIoth oriiioti ithrt rroporu notnttluiv it the Canadian err ppd mppmj mth asphalt If if GltilUT EltY hltlllltlll We hate hiltsquare Iclllllllll tiles on our heihroom oor which haic dirt or Illrro led in th rrrmorr the dirt It Iny turrets to you know rit Iiiy Iuliiliurl tor thlr problem thout III rim wuuvoil in ldtlllltll to what youre tried ly it roliitluri Ill house li no liirli unlm White and many colors Oilorlalexbased Norfolhoiimotobuyihrqueiiiyoxtorlorpalnt Sole ondrSorurdoyntportlclpotlnppriit herdwair dopartmrntstoirsInditomctmpravo menthnlror ManinSonoorrndShorwro Williams dcnlcir Itltl unotlrrr tisciliod then It Iriokr oI though you llAtU Illt ihelre uI leutln thinnt no they true or cimriilrrim iiiin iiuun wolltowrtl or other rarpctlriz Harniiio INDOOROUTDOOR ARP Two Colon only SHERWINWILLIAlIIS CO OF CANADA thlllfl siiiwii Iiiiiiiis PAINTS l3 Clupportoo Street Barrie Ontario 728239l fright BARRIEI aw errwe

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