Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1973, p. 8

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Lose To om Qty am an is their best woe oi the Irrrnos anon lullllllllilillllai thsthmll Elm pot arr The Iohed mind come into pmte with not mind ro ao ortuzr 1t rails to II last three Imes out onto phyrd road no tertnlhttirlhsrdththoplny your from sad to and Tom inm hit lhI crossbar msposdollntwdnwelths Cny imwardr moo close Al the Barrio squad were able II ploy rm tasorite runs raisin lul rt mideld TM mood hail plotted the ano nay bat AurorI In Him pronoun on the It deirm The urns no head Ior WIT drIw raitil the AurorI lnsidd Itit and on City loIIlI Ola Kroiovo us load iovldid uu rum City Sbccer Is Aurora Wot Ibout in arm malolar liner and Ibesd by two tools shed the Arm Ir out tron to Ibl our post end the inside man bend the bell over kreiovr my III DRAW hurls City III Iboed or III oiled at their deterI the work boils Is my came back to Ital my tron boas drsrio ottoooom Tuieobun zeroed Ibo useon with our ngI II the first so mimics ot play no Ill rIroI back and tied goo game 11$me BC tirdihod oti Iitls mlfvm The two turns wen eivmly moirhed Ior the remainder oi the arm trith earn teorn hor int 00d ensures tno and on rarldot tel poet alert do lenses Next Mind the City is are Iwa Irom barrio alort Coll truuood whit the ty ll hoot Invariant It the Dorrie Poir grounds RFC Teams Keep Records Intact Barrie Rugby Football Chili tram not their Towns and district leIrue Ietordl onblenr ler Bsiordry with pIIr oi ortos over Tormto learn The Dorris Firm edited lhI Iorooto Irish Seconds I1It It WI Square while the DiniI dropped Sonrborourh ts Second or Semarang After rtruullor threr the hm halt and toolbar to the Barrie IIrIt rrplodrd tor IT points In the mood hall to notch Ibtir second win In as many starts in division play Win George Gibson scrum hail Ilrnry Norman and out hail Tod IlIody Icortd trier Centre Dove Cunningham kirk odoronrertsrdopeiaiiygoat to round out the Harris ICOIiII spinre The Irish some back with pdirollrloslrlslnlhegamelo narrow the pop to thrto pointI Dut Dorrie hing pa lor the vir torr The Dorrie Setoruil Itrrtrhod theirer In divislm our to tour win without dctrat uith the ictny ova Scuba gh Cadre Darryl Lnndisk main ttdlorstrynptnaltyatida Ilro Icortd try The IIInII Snood controlled my tIroughotd tin game and sexual scorin unl Ills stopped Jurt ort oi the no ScIrboroughI only points cam its liy goal Iloth arrIo teams mums Its true olIy Saturday when the Firsts host Prtcrborourh kloiv oti tlmo pm and the Seconds wil be visited by Oshawa Ste aids It ILIo om 12YearOld Girl iLoves Baseball 7But Causes Stir YPSILANII Ilirh tAPt Kl Iwri ult Carol brr not wornans lib st an othlrte who haps pass to like hauball And Its halondnesslor baseball that has treated stir at thito Ioaguo troodounrtcrs Ln Wit Ilornsport PI This sprinit she decided to try out tor the little league in Ypsilanti and the pyrotocln his bcpaa Unda throat irorn tho na tional orgaxwllm oifrrrals oI the Armrlcan Little league ot Ypsilanti dismissal Carol trorn the team shed already Ihn city touncll then re taliated by voting unani mously lo liar III little league looms lrorn publicly ownod fields NATIONAL llETALIATES Cnml was rrlnstoted Tho charter conuaiure at little league headquarters In Williarnsport Ihrn revoked the charter at tho Ypsilanti little Marne We mind In good faith explained Robust Stirrst the public relation diruior in Itllliamrport Its Iran heav lly horn on tho Tod that all modtrni knowledge available to us Indicates Its unsalo tor girls to play bareball Tom is ample laboratory evldonro added Itr Crrlgh ton IIoIo OXIIIIIIII Iropreal dent ot Ilttln Loauue and hlmscli rosrnrch physi olognt It shows dlllnrnror marsh In DOM structure muscle hitter and reaction time to preclude rirlr playin with boys in such sports at baseball Ioutball and Ice hockey pcretmlly dont think Itd be dangomus at III countered Dr James Nixon Philadelphia orthopedic sur yeon and Tarmcr trans physi dart Ior Philadelphia Eaglcs Notiutsl Football loaruo loam Ity training social In habitiotu role playing what have you little girl is at Hernandous disadvantage pinyluir with Ilillo boy qu In tho early teens rlitllu out Is literally years ahead It you could raise little girl like little buy one would beat hell it ot the boy will Ilor Ii REVIEW IONOIIED The ronlct avor Carols participation to little ltbruo baseball began building when Willlam Anhut prupdrnt ol the Ypsilanti Little League requeslrd tho national organs itnltono xrrutltu rummiitro to review the charter tom nilttco Ittloo Thu Imutiue oommlltru was to review Ypsilanlil plea at Its Juno Iii mutiny but iailrd to do so The Ypilluotl group niran whiis has been Mdcrodto stop using the lithium was to tinn In Its unto lirazuo patches Md refrain from oompotirtrrwlth other liqu Icarus trams Ypsi lanti must also pay hlpher In Iurmire rates than are avail able thrth tho palatial Ir ronlratlou City Attoinuy Kenneth Bronson rays trial gintip luvs threatened to rein tho Isaak account the uni toms and the equipment oi the excommunicated ioorus ISSUE WARNING Kilt ii Ith attompt that he warned they better have court order it not theyll into possible rTimlnnl promotion The quorum at the admit tance at odds lnta tittio league baseball was roruid crcd last April at the national organisations annual mottlnr In Tampa Fla ve hundred distritt od rriintstratars representing some ram iraguet decided that that the present ban on prrls should be upheld and that study should he luv rliatnl to dttitlt the lcnslhll ity ct lnrminy parallel mite boll program tor rlrls oraqu tho little Icarus arraniraiion has boat Killiittl tutors rumor it Is turbid den lrorn passing any hystI that url Intonsntriu with stain or ltrLlLial statutes or with the US constitution olcrk lo Anhuto law Unit has researched the ourontI ior three weeks dont think theres Ingl col reason tor thrir notions Anhut arsorts think theyre not rule and they wont be pressude into changing it GRASPING HTIIAWR think only think girls dont belong in baseball and now theyre trying to Iinrl any and all straws to support this theory Siam her seasrrn opened Crrut Klnt the centre at tho tontrmersy has mind herstli ruddrnly very math public personality It womanI magslinu In Arr Arbor has luatttrtd her strutvlr and Tim noted her debut and presented hrr smiling lose to millions oi Ito readers SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $2500 DON CONACHER 7261874 CLARth HOTEL with loonsa homer from Grey Inl teaden trigbit sad maple oi It Irnt alien Iorthrll team with in his lotto to can with only tour bits but Sunday print at Omen Park CIIrksoo Itottl th Prior Reina Sports in Ilarrle and Distrirt Iloior Fosthalloctim The Prior hetno mod held Il leId on rerun hit rotor Into the top It the sixth innitIx the Ilotrlrnen won the sure what creu Ilollaidcn belted lworun homu In the iIth ClIrhon road IlolIIIt was all unites alter the raroe II not hard to lake win lilo that ho raid but we roalh shouldnt vaI iII with only Iaur hits Prior Itolno coeds Norm Rare Owens Owens Flo plIynd to drnvr Sunday nluht in Barrie Ind District lIsIor FIrthalI league play In Elmvsle Alter scorinl their ilrst via tory against Peter Reina Sport last nook lhI Oveol rnldrolr IookIwIesdonothitIathI top at tits and Inning Install the drionding champion otsmio ant Iqurd Tho OyooI sand wII helped Tour Etrnvolo errors to scorn eir rum Firnvrle got on the scoreboard In tho bottom at the third Io IIONIRFAL OP More than hall dot2o oi the top plryrrI on the ladies Proton Ilonil loll Arrorirtlon tour re mained In conicntion today as tho IIIhalo mom Canadian ClldnQWnShlp nomad iritu II II not dry lootiyrte Bouillon oi Sherwin ran One the bouncy toyear oId Frenchdsnodlsn tsiprlte held onestroke lead your into todays third and nal round over the par this yard Iiunldptl Coll Club course llisI BourIIso coloring line so more nor on the tour rung to her onestroke lead on the strength live undrrpar so died In Irtdnps opening round She came in with rs Smdoy tor it two round total Itaio Ind is sorry murso torctd tomsihtioa rd ploy Saturday had notch dllltrenl dry loday Sunday osld Iiiso Iiourassn had to stumble oil the tees especially on the partihms but tortuoately loved lot oi strokes on the lltttil lorolync rooldoottheyear an the tour last season It lrocitd almost hall oi the ora Inns that attended But she sold the loud It harder to reticen troie belore the large pottery struggling throughout RANKIN SECOND Ilins IlouraoIII closest rivtl bartho 310000 Iirot priro alter We do It rlrht till lint Ilaic nusrvs SPORT CENTRE miles North It BIrrlo II Writ ride at my 7mm othryrlrr OIIoIII Ind Outboards OoIIrs IIrll Bend of Top Iron tilt otInorr born in nArrrnorlrI OIlnII hintr trekly omooll Merchants Tie EImyIIo ilerdttntl Ind play with Gary Iumer walklnr home run Bourassa Leading Canadian Ladies out admitted who had boon Itrber shortstop Lev mi and Peter run Clarkson Hotel Outhit 104 But Wins 32 rrsll torrid it bird to believe his team had in bin and null lost knew we wrrI billiox but didnt think II outbid than that math he told We lust Ioerat bringing our runner In On two occasions once In the bottom at the mdnad In the Tenth Peter Iteloo er stymied with two mom on base while Clarkson Iburuioo in Kelly mode two notmd Iuel tower on line drives In the bottom ol the Peter Minds Sieve Kelman was on ucood Ind Brian Itioh ardson was on tint with one out when Kelly made trIb on John Gibbons to hold the run sets In podtioo Fina 33 The Marmot Iddrd another in the bottom oi tho lourth Ind completed lhrlr amino in tho butorn ol the Illth with home run by Don Turner Although the Merchant col Iedrd nine hitI oil Owens pit eher Iloary Arts they were on Ible to roots thrlr nrtitirrl 11 OwonI turn mInIrod Its thm mm on tour hits and tour mrIlI errors to one Inhlop mens lino dry Iralo Tiler day bootinp Ctorkson IIotti while tho Merchants are ldin unil Ih host hose Borden Burn It nesdoy alarm or holes or steady Judy Rankin oI hlldlsrid Tex tour miil rlooe IVE llrs kin turned to her second msewtlrs twotuidrroar 7L II but um that my game has rlorted to take shape here lira Itinho Mid wasnt happy with It IIrI In the yur but now Im not Iyiopoadiy Inst not nod either No experienced polar were two strokes oil the pesto at its They were TIIII Elliott at Illtlond Belch Fit and Co Ni Mann oi Tween ltd ldlrs ltlInIl who has tardod round oi It and to said oh didnt like the way rite hit the boil Sundry5he played In threesome wlth liiss Bounan IIiry Itorner oI Geneva There seemed to he thou sands of people and lound roa renlrstlon dillicult Miss Mann said never played belore that many peopio in my liloI told IlIry not to be nervous but think we both were Delay Howls the LPGA II ot Paton monsber Irom toke Tera us all quno at its uh ioliow Texan Sondra Iloyv oi oi Fort Worth wss met It my EXAMINER your ins bases loaded but Peter Reina son went ahead Steve Woods Ill Ealr at site Id and trot Wharton John ToIII it ibrreruo homer in the sixth llllidl cleared the distant teem Iry rod or tell Barrs cored its tint two romoosdwbtooycremorop Ion walks to Cord Sutherland and Turk and Deetoa error Breton countered wills three Sports Sunday night at Queens run to the tourtb knocked in Pork tEIIminer Photo by Bill IiilII lIiPll In the bottom at the seventh Kelly madI the third on while Tom Melton was on third Ind Worrod Ill on Ilrst Kel IIIIIII who but hit two tor three to that point drilled line drive whlrh Kelly robbed at his sn kids III lucky no those Kelly IIld CIIrhon opened the Irorlny in the top oi the tooth when Kelly storied and scored on Io error by the Idrr Rollin tlrrt bIse mso traitor JIrk lab on tlrrt Prtrr erno same book In the bottom at tho lanlnr when Wor rad singled and mode It to see and when the Clnrksort lett ItrI der had trwblr hIndlIor the ball Krinuo rlorlrd to score Ito rod and towed hlroieli on do glo by pitcher Wm hitttfnsn The train ended with tho liy VIC HAYWARD Should pnrhrr but In lhI rlcnnup position oi tho bittan ordort hiony blsrblll people would answer this oresllon with In one phItlr on throtitlol list the pitcher Ihould hiya Is much time to mt Is possible Dolor battinr For this rrnsoo nine times out at to pltohrr will be pissed Rh In tho ordrr Well manager IiIII Spend at the Ivy Loris derided tom protocol yesterday storaooo It Totteoham tune Irina the Bears Don Mchlostrr the loot ItIrl Ior pitohor Ins been hitting well tItIIy Ind Strurll decid od to leave tin In the lentil root In tho order The lanky ti litharder rune thrnrrh with in colors Do tho mound he allowed only two runs on TWatIurII bill mad at bat ho had three hits in Tour olllclal times It the piste Ind Its knotted ta IOIII runs or will so the bests sumo out on the top dds of lopsided 1M Am The All Itrurk early with one run In the tint lonlot then added tour In the third three to the sixth and liro In the seventh The Item manned holy ortn run In tho earth and another to tho letIL In onto to which Ivy buts um just too much Ior tho Tuttenham pitchers and the tents pitcher Mrhlailer wsi Iblo to pretty well bogIII the had 21 lend In tho top at the sixth Clark ItIrted oil walkinx to llrst Id vsnced on Isrrillro by Ken Bonnermon and with two out came homo on Wotleodens home IIIII over the Iett tlrld tenor In tthboAInm ol thl Ilrthl Peter Itelno mansrodtluot one runner on one but pitch Ir VIII struck out two hatter while the third flied out to retard bole In the bottom ol the seventh Paul Omhlrlr grandad out to mood base Torn Ilcioontn bot tkil tor Conduit Itnytotl hit rood Inrie but toiled to odvsoco when Iiob tumor tiled on to Kelly With two out Our Worrod doublod to advance hier but he was hold at third With Kristian up to tilt Ilol tott held rooierence with hlr pttchrr not It apostred or it theyd walk Keknro to get to John Church VII didnt walk hint Ind he hit hit line drive to Kelly to end the some Wollrhden and Vols to win ninr rilchinl combination rtnigk out our Peter lieino batters walked one and gave up it hits while IAIyne itcleonnn who took the loss struck out live Clark Ion batters Ind mind one STENGEL honor ron snoown CINCINNATI APT try Search still long ot wind but short oi patience was ready to rtrpo ritduwn rtrIIre Saturday prior to In oldiimcrs hosebIII game The KlyeIrold IIoIi ot Fume real hod Iprni almost no hour Map to reporters as be dressed when be real lred he was missing port at his basohall uniform Im not tolnr out then without shoot he told Cin cinnuti Iteds tankerroom ol tendant Iliautrs IIter stenrel Ind WWI role tme In with Ilrdy rhullle durlnp hlr lnlroduoton that hrourht roar train the Itods rrowd Slenrels omblned round at iofit Armriron and National league Alister look so via tory over merriberr ot the tour PHONE TAUHid Ending atlary roan SCULPTURE it Jeanette Nestel IIeds team June 20 strrv 5t Dorris Ont INNISFIL ST outsider Ind this probe Ior ltiII she no ihm or tour at bots thbnddy ll BARTIIB EXAMINER MONDAY JUN II on McMaster Stars In Leafs Romp Buri hottest To losing pitcher Ior thI hear was Pot OIierry PROM my DUDODTI Ioodtorrethsbotritartlorto runesroimduslnlorthd to the two rains last work Colllnmorl with two hits Ind low hit to plant hurls Ind Ipcttively It seemed It the boy were rloolar me when they want but es tadoy it hits In St ddclslot but seem to indicate the bits tort Ire back on ltk ta upcomlnr rutu the In otIy Tuesday alrht II Ortllls Wednesday oirht oclock to More md may hint It ooloctt in Ivy mind the slum pesky Eaton SPORTS TODAY Mith 1m uidsMobile It Iakvriou DIlry tlzso moms Mum It Butlino Widen iIIIor WEN felertlv Aurora It Richmond Hill LACROSSE IykI DPL exhbluon t1 prnt Novice Ildditnd It lerloa ls IIIldreI Mi SIMCDE DISTRICT COOP Sandy Cove IIIrlaa It Peter Reine EoorII i1 pool Reemuraal Ind It Queens Hotel i1 pm steels sororities Barrio II Morottitoeo tirrrII II at heatormll prIcIIro Brats Mineralsth Iihhon ltIioIcM Stutter mrwuwreourm IIlInRahwhlrisndIndIn oilHMNW TowiI loluod starts by John sod and StreetInd the leh with Dudes tIrri bent run at the If Kitties by lIyrork Ind pitcher lord Julian Mord IAI lied So More their tenth nu JIetIoopldird up his tint win at the you Ilter mole oi hsrdhtrt losses III slime serea bio and lipid out our Tor the win blunders IIid his term piny ed preligsftierdy boll lune had down on them Ielres but hopefully Ilh III at thrrdhlt theyll be able to In out ot Ihxt slum John and Goal Snoodad Torrie wood and Theooops Inch had two hill to pot the hit Barrie attack The lied so were wltbou the service It note mm and Editoiocbvk Ior Sundays Iroe Holodtuk toiled his um had Into third on thl IrnH Ior out Wrdnetdly not My The Rad Sex ttIitl to lUd IIod Tuesday Ior rune rainst the Dram then rttum borne Wednwday to lots Ibo eel IIrdweIIny Tottrnhon Dears Iiiehmond nut Wins Tournament OWEN SOUND Dot GP Richmond IIIII diluted Detroit Sunday alrht to via the wk and annual Owen Sound later ortlonol testbed tournament II was the that victory Ior Itirhrnood Itlll In that meet lou with the Detroit club dur in the moment Detroit hid woo rIrUIr units by score to and Richmond Hill won the world rhsmpiooship tau nIr Detroit deltsltd Toronto turn so In the renditions while Itlrhnioad llill bloated Wrabouodhil Thirteen turn participated la the tournament Itls tbotlrh their will AH Boon Ora District MroI Club BINGO EVERY TUESDAY TISI Plil GUTHRIE HALL Ii ILlIlwa it ItCaoeJ ADMISSION SIM $200 uctror WEEKLY Pin it Cara Prior Horne run Norm ionic BIrrlI 7266

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