Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1973, p. 7

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qoaualmrly mammals iii news unamnr mar unamu MONDAY imI HeuvyWaterLuok Meeting Topic WhWiGiAahariv dominosmut at bury later ll Dania pica bars been seemed invariant today Ir bury vainI Oahu mahumdrdeuinmelhr mi Dedrtc it analui iatrmlmnai mier Port ilaubury N5 eon at tho Canadian hueiur Bnn plant Md modulus iario lbdrl on ho ho Canadian mm WWW nadrarmeratad pom bury wer pays by pan The main is redid to the idea at urxiear plant emetic IIR may by asiur ustursi ara alumIa mud to trundle uricboi uraniumIiili heavy lure Idiot mirrIInr to keep the chain rextlou obs Ind transitrm but in or dinsry water to make steam to llViPP Urges Opposition 101 Cyclist Campground CMNDEDIDM 13 mm Wu bar bus undinumberdabctto tin we had bind in the courts IIrI ruled trarlieslly Ianr HagarWM Iriera at Earthquakes 22 to matter at berry Iain Ddrnlcs sad we on tour oi III to nuclear plant in Iran IberI they must stainless diet lull at heavy rater to 33E ii pa Dr oi the oi pin bards minis oi paisl rrl momma recently said had Dead is we oi mm tear INN mirtndur tar natmctists camp in tho Yl tanned mdtxque trait pro ariai parts Iiter complain irom rampm Dal lir Danica said that in rldeia oi rowdylsm enrlliour in Provuxlal Paris It Bend hat have chiierent Imrmiaalbsumprob in bI odd Womens Prison loamy on cut The weird oi the hintstoa Elissa lry Society said Saivrdlr she has learned mm plans to ties the iedmi prison ior Inner her early am pm Illlunicn Freedman said she was told by rpolesman ior the Ontario aoiictirtrmaala Jeputmerl that modular In undtr rrIy tor the irderIi overument to buy prison rpm the province iar Iomcn prisoners Private Clubs 5T CATliAiiiNES Ont lCli ltoberi Johnston member oi the legislature or St Crib Irines told rnzetia oi repre uotsilrrs irom in or vain rlub in tho Nlaxara pedusuia Slay dIy that liquor tans dra crlrgnato artistsz In ir an lanai in Noth hay Vin szlslramlny the Proms Iiva ConservItlua member raid rolesins in provincial oniono meni oi law prohibian pri vate clubs irom advertisan iuaciion It Ibirh Iieoholic bevarsras will be sold ileadOn Cidslt roars5 AiOES lion or Pollen have ldcniiiicd the lour person killed Ndav nirhl in button crosh between Khoolbusandaurliearthi town ltd nulcs northwest oi Winuipey The tour Ire iiiirrd Donald Abriei so his wits Eiaamr J9 itasa Alas Gabriel it and Elisabeth Ross 11 believed irom Slotsrim community all Watertwu Ale about ll miiar nixlb oi the crash site Three oihu persons in the ear were taken to hospital HungKong Flu KINGSTON Ont ICPI The How liony ilu that allotted illusion ill the winters hour ltdd to Wii ave romo people silly serious use It temporary rsthma Dr Juror Day head at the allergy unit at Kmdillll Generrl ltospilri raid Satur Dr Day presented his lindlt lax the annual meeting oi the Canadian Society It Allergy and Clinical irrnnrmaiopy Dr Day iound that tilt Ishma patients he studied had new had Idhma until they contacted the lid do he uiates attrd as irimr or the autism that generally lasted no imror than six months no Ratiiiad wanna Ont CPI About hilt employee at the Kellogg Op oi CIde lid railiied twoyear cordract Sunday pro viding tor companyload den is plan and six weelra vacation after 25 years The settlement nvcrlod ririiro plannedior today said In aliiciai oi tho Amuican Fod eralion oi Gralumiiicrr Tho cmiraci calls or wale increase oi 71 cents an hour over the two years Women working in portraying and quai liy control will earn it an hour and men employed as mum that In boar by the end at the contract Teacher Protest KINGSTON Ont OP in protest oi iiiiaiinl limit that are been placed on school boards in Ontario obntd 31000 secondary ullOGl learners may withdraw voluntary service in September The notmoil oi the Ontario Secondary School Teachers deeratlou race ved over whelming rapport ior such so auxin arms foreign Owaers Tim lira Manitoba Conservative Leader Sldm aim Iid Sdey lb armament should more Want candl liou on analiaaitoba or lot urnorucd mourns tnlustrtea run would we that devel rmrnt decision nude in tho latelin oi llaaitobI ha said in Iunolaaeiux his partys pnsllim all natural resumes prior to the June ll provincial election Touch 0i Color TORONIO WtSome To roaio resident Inlth Sunday to And In added touch oi roiur on their street Ode blood oi realdebis on nudiora Sulhvso Street Mold the meet Ilpu stop it Wm park lar mien sidewalk Ind roadway had been unwed with rid paint The turd touch was in bi loiitrlbdWei Paint Head Roliiecled EUDDURY mt GP Grcrre liciiuim oi Thunder Dav Gui rII reelected pleat deal at the Ontario llctl rurd NonSirius indran Assoduiinn Sunday driealing lormrs secre iarytreururor Yvonne Conley oi ilfldm Out by vote oi ido Yimmsldleui Vernon liar iNI also oi Thunder Day was returned ior Iantbor onescar term Tho Iuoeiatloa ruriirr this year laced poleminent stall at lunrls Demise oi Idrninls trIirrI miruu oi iuods port by aratilordohn came said than was no control on trays peruse and money irom ulster warmth program hsd been used lor iroprnrs meat to directors bomta legal Services KINGSTON Ont CPI ll Iuvioea rtrnrid be as Ieccru Itbia to the pubiir modicai maunmi say the chairman oi the Ordario branch at the Guru dim Bar Aswciaiion ii llclieaz oi Tuorlo told branch mreiin Saturday that iinsndal is alien Invent perm irom consultiar iawyn in advance at mart utim id like to son lawan as In cessibtc as donors be laid relnrinr to mull ducuisim It also ior prepaid least myirrr Wheelchair Parade MONTREAL About loo handicapped persona sturd wheelchair parIde throurb downtown ltioutreai Sunday to locals attention in Irrhilertural barriers which prevent them irom veiling llotidd Tbe rotor nailed the Aboli tion oi Aretdtedurai barriers Cnmnuiire carried placard calling or enlist rirnla spokesman Ghutsiu CI youelia said the committee will continue to press ior Introd meui to harm Quebec build iuy code maxim ration and wider door mandatory in put ib pistes Running Battle lonorrm tGPt The Globe and Mali ray there has been Iry between politicians and civil servants in OttawI over multiculturalism in lrootpaya dispatch the newspaper say Deruard Osiry usistant undersecretuy oi state tor Ciiilemhip has been WM irom tho minister at line tor the tart three months it rays he wrote menu to Dr stories Ilaidssr minister at atria ior mulliculurism Iy tar Dr iialdarr was unwise in his demands tor limit to Idlertise ethnir prelim Chinese Regatta PEKING Router Uniled Slate blarlbss blitiid runulnr battle Iiueo Febro OUTTA AP Can also rode in Ipeedboai re Illa to the htIan River Sun dIy II rsiiirlyiulured when his and overturned Peta Gerriia oi Dormanriiie Ont II listed in critical silica with multiple bark in luria It limrnorr him llospl tai lair Sanday Camper Truck liANlWAK Qua col Three members at iamin were Imus It person killed hiday night liven mover truck Ira in collision with iInker that in part about In miles north oi here Arnony those killed rcra Phil irpe LIatrimI lI nl Gareuto leek that his wile Rose l1 and daurhtrr llirbeiie Clar em ones is is miles east oi Oilrra Chiei Justice Dies HALIFAX hiei Jr tch Marauder llulth blcliiunnn II at Nova Scott Supreme Could died It his home Salsa drullht apparent at heart arr huiicc licKiunoa tlre oi lavernesr NS was In pointed tn the Supreme Court in and became thtci justice in 196d lie srmd as county court iudre tn Antipanisb irom till it Md Prisoner Protest ROME lReulrri Abbi lb risen in Rome Rebibbia ail climbed in the roots Sana day nisht aborting demands to The demonstration broke out irw hour alter order had been restornd in the prison iot lWlllX ruthi oi duirudlon by the orisonzrs In rapport de mands inr prison relorm and quick trials Body Recovered mom FAILS Obi CPIProvincial polite recov ered the bodv ed iterry Kirk wood ol Sturgeon Fails to met on Lalo Niplssiup Snu lir Kirhwood bad walled into coitus are midulrht Monday night Iiicr be said he had premonition that he would find man missing the days earlier l85 Dunlap Spanish Speedboat Mishap prwlems rumr alarm ONLY FOUR months Iiier receiving it tharierhe An Ind Dislrtrl in Club ratwd H000 toward the enn Iirudinn the lupus medi eIl wire Dialect oi the VAMDUVER idiIluny bourreois liberals In tutor the Cumniiiee in In indcrendv eat Canada tilCt In ducredit legitimate unions say the president at Canadas Largest nIltanIl untau Stanley little president oi Ualon oi Public Envioyee tCUPEi csiuoed Sunday the Parental Consent For Medical Care Urged Withdrovm IGNCISION Ont Xi lsoyislsiton withdrawing the need or parental mascot tor rmdicul and Initial treatment at minors ua ruilcd lor Salary day by the mtarin brmh oi the Canadian bar Asyzriation The branch proposed dotian ieaaiiy permiiied to treat any mason regardlesa at mvi thaopationt ha In use derslsudino tho mwuem and there road nudical Nae son ior ruch treatment The call lor shoots in iezls attends Iillled It arm drug oirrdoaey Ind urrranlrd prranannes lilWiiK the young but lawyers strutting the reso lution suggested it be broad enough to include blood dona tion denial and canorrwry turn briei ribmhled at the meeting raid review at exist in legislation and corranoa law In Ontario leaves the area oi medical mascot by an adoles rent in slate at woiruioo For allude treatment for reuerui disease may be ob island by an adolescent over the are at to without consent at his parents or this requirernuri that the doctor iiorm tho pIr cuts but ii surgical treatment is necessary in an advanced ruse Maddalenain lakeview 128515 ti FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY T0 THURSDAY SAVORY MEAT iOAF with dressing HOMEMADE orCHICKEN PIE Complete $I95 complata maul includes Dessert and Bovaroga Children under 12 $l20 lAKEViEW FRIED CHICKEN Dinner Box Special piece chicken Cole Slaw oi the disruae parental consent is required Sauce Club The ion dub made the horse presentation at iho Li onI Anorrul Juno NU Hill LEFT llariiyn Wailouzidly tan president Sandra Dons CiC is Iurpoiilu weak or eiirrlira unraas lust because they Iran thermdres la lbr Cbldldn day Mr little was speaking to the tomtniibn oi the BC dilLIlbd nlCUiE The truth It the matter is that these CiC people couldnt care less about the workers in robot be arid Iny are moatlyborrreots hberIis who see the opportuniy to replace elirdila strong union with or rrniraiion which will not be able to do much tor workinz class people not it kuoon that in no Iay endorse the attempt oi the 01C to uppori tho ciiorls oi de rirurilve organization such as the Canadian Workers Union which is trying in dilute the strength oi the Steelworkers 2d and receive Cl relative treasurer lira Joe ebalrrnro medical centre corn miller and Jerry iiarrozrriougn lion proudest lCInadrau larl re Photo cIc Said Being Used To Discredit Unions Air Liilo said ho nber pronunrnl hot one endarsrd the Cl roniloues to enlarge lhr aai statomcut oi the trade unions Itnoh said We are wnlimui that trade unions in Canada mud utnanmy nmsry tor rtiioel the aspirations Bid Air Little Dli rudnrsalion rd the out lruoodui to be blantct ru dnrsalloa oi every demsgosua who rotates the its and elairn to be trade union isl lir lJttie said tanner Lbcrul cublort milliiirr Waller Gordon is indral oi the lodoodcr Ibo latte about protrrting Canal dian Indoors but who aro in the tantrum todays mum no the Canada and broad IberI roaan Ind iethnoiory your prodlxilcn Dexter conditions are invite IOB oilico recently fit on hue the them to oi thcir tiC was luohit tireiiscaotly the tint part at res oi heavywater nation In Ida ha been trying to sell its muml vacatth WP Our Ion heavy water In from the nuclear rexiar or Geaillly Que Io th id tario plant could set larder II lt anin Battle Businessmanrequiringlermioansiorsoundhuslnsss purposes and who all unable to obtain nancial as sistance irom other sourcos on lausonabla toms and in discuss their needs at the opened in BunioDB can iondto almost all types of businussmanuiacturinq tourism ploiBSSlOndi services wholesale and rain trades agriculture construction ato Ask for ourbookiot llllmnl ltiiilPliillllliiii ManosrWForman 93 Dunlop Sheer Banie 0m Tri1286072 enroil in oneoiorjrieguler personallzedilguresheping plans free membership fora friend 6MonihsFREEiWeFolll ovrnwnour FWUARIA wars oliliii Sillidyouranbea UNDERWEIGHT msnuu woman willde lrmuiu Mdliballi 12 midday midyonaunbea Ilanlddoy Sillitiyouesabu Whitney sum nabs midVI WI are so mill nalultsl Hill ror train on II is lbl positive that you will mam thus results by ioliowiaz our personalized prolilm oi insure shroinx and load canauitabonihrt II will Iiva you 6MonihsFREE Hurry and lose some quick pounds so that you can enloy summer In bathing suit FIGURMAGIC MEMBERS HAVE lb Mans Tori Mimi puandr Lust ruoul larise liWo Foill dnlrdlogymdo goldsh its OALL NOW TOR YOUR TREE IOUII AND TIGURE ANALYdlS llnn at meetln Saiurday oi lbs teacher products council representing In school districts hullail secretary Willa Dimmers at Toronto raid lh well has you to govern French Fries Ten Uilcuit Rag $155 Wednesdays Only $120 YOUNG 51 AURORA 7114115 BARR PLAZA BARBIE Titian YONGE 51 Wt AURORA Iilvliii unlcsbiy with Osaadlraaad Australian dolomoi Friday in tho Grime capillir tlrri results The Canadian won as hi nesu onioolora rralrbrd with mixture oi amusement and OPEN DAYS WEEK binndsydridry Inn to daturdsylmdolysu

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