Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1973, p. 6

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Venturisls Plait Sumner Events umber at as Youth at Bank Iitl ei textile roe IlIrdlrbx the ruratbor summer writer Ilil matin oa to win It the lm bowil ill with the blind Isak and suit the iii no hospital on red the ibrary cart coca mostly EI 593 eEf dill AND MM Willi it Graham hold certicate oi maawdoca sired by Prime Itiaistrr Pierre Final Mall Ibida they recurred on the main nl Llrir 81h Iedduur unrrrrrary The rou 50th Anniversories Common in GrahamBrooks Families tins lie was on point in D13 liiudh analrmartes are im indiiiona in hit and Ella mm Graham oi chop bell Arum lirs GthansI psrmta the ill Air and ltrr William Brook oi Tuiiu sum danard he Ilighiund liilll at their filth woods InniIIrssry in Nov II It the Orange iiali in Al lxldals lire paternal rrurrdpar as lived to nricbrats de ooh weddirr Anniversary Air GthIma parents the late III and lira William Graham Br oi Erin releiIIied so years oi marriage Yesterday Iir Ind lira Gra ham celdrraled theiroun gol ds wedding analer at II was balsa celebration held at their residence iron to iarniiy drum was It the 100 llnii Perri rrzu ON JUNE 17 aminominarmmtsd vs Snndu June i7 ms at the Dur ton Amara Unltrri Lburrdr maruo by the late Dev ii Death They met In Iuandata in roll when they were nests It loom party laid at Trina rind reaidtnie llr Gerhard had moved to tha tannins ate rem also would with IplaquslromihrmartoGur cram by Arthur Evans tlCSilm Centre he tbr open house celebration held on oi our lit oi the bride in groom 50 year sundry Ideraoon lirr han rhea lair manta but an in tall ohm he joined the Grand Trunk Railway airs Graham was him iaudaia and has never lived more than tro miles irom the horns aha grew up in on Ttiirn street loliovinz their marriage the main lived on Drodlord sired will laid 1th moved to Cum pe inland sum when they re sided until lull when they pur chased thrir present home in the mention room at the alplel homa hauu colloc urn oi stricter oi steam cu Kine which were orede to Mr Graham on his reiirrmtrii irom the Canadian National Rial way altar to your while declare ltAlLtlAY air lir Grrburr rpoka about the collection oi stitches is re id rIlled Incitich oi his tile or the railway the number oi atonru wrian he had worked on and how bad bell hi true he maria his application us Term and II Inc to ill be had brur told he was nrcdrd iu barulr Saddrlatiy ans and he was heading tor Khan than was chorus oi dale lir Graham has keen sense oi humor which hllpl htrn ace the britbicr ride at any ritua Checklist Helps Parents Children DrIr An tandem Orr Grade English class was in terested in your shedth tor balanced on That thedsiist roamed direciod toward the buluusmaa or woman Ours concerned with the haianocd reiatlonrhip between purcnlr and their children We hope you Ilii tutti havent litqu some real Idoodlioo tor you children todry youve wasted day ilare ya tourist yourse lately leavtna this hub oi dir eipiina to your motel iiavo my Ipoioyired recently tor when you disciplined your elut dreu while reading to moods rather than in lairnrlal when was the last tum you spent totally unprodwottla Ironing with your iamliyi llIva latter in movie gone on his rides lawn liiu or pirate togclhcrl it its iii looser than two wcelrr prepare lor iuiure conund uicrtlau problems tiara you been too busy all tin in hunt oi your TV or worttor on parirtime you in lime yoursrii with your oldi drcui Do you worli until all houn then briua atitsi lio member your present doni moment as mud or your presence tiara you receatly given our children day oi lrredom in do II they please itcmom be that they need chance to clear their head Illd pursue raouat interests privacy Is as rportant to them it is in on Do you preiudso your chit dren an the assumption that all ohltdren aro dailaqueulrt Traal them Is honorable trustworthy individth and see what die terrace it will make aslidren tend to become what you erred em to he uIii you live your children love than urivury nu eraiundinn cheli lionrn its iIodorai income Tar1m ti nwrrberr ol the lamiiy Watch Dal in than crux Dear Friendly who are roini hitcth truth you consented CANADIANA so much at those dayslili DrIr litttbelli Thank inr your eitccidtsl ii is excellent and appreciate lira nootribu la lioii Dear Ana tandem road your cellular rcguiariy and en loy it but obviously divorce is an area in which you do not have or much expertise as in others Thereinre please allow it me to point out slight error iolully there is no such thing as an exinlay As micr eneo oiicr tho sentaucu on is oi the buokict Your on in the relationship iest iolr aisles mas any oi the abuse relationships have been osluty lint lirhed by marriage they will not be termiuatod by divorce soonoa motherinluw ni ways motherinaiaw mu though the marriage is dis solved and nlhcr marriages irks place the original Iiaius rimainr thirdYour Friendly IIlrthdli Thanks lordnilucjtiinz momiii nu divorce on ere cilia at in or un ioadad the lesions when you no oartop cel ebrstlriz Vourc Iiili poi em as tar in tha iumma tssr nun la in Al ways tries to and sum bu the lakeshore icrrrr drcsrliarhiooed with slurred aspire like bodice aorlibra Ind loo sleeves tin oa kwrilry II strand twuiisoir mo mind with too isco Ind mor no matter shot happens Since rcliremtri in 1566 llr and llrs Graham ian dond some travelling They usuly male as annual aunt in to visit trlr Inn and daughttriniaw air and llrr Wiluam Gilliam ENJOY llOliE lir Graham believes in irrep iot retire in the runner ha plant large veretshia ur on and ower beds which herp him only in wintertime ha taker hi daily walk to Dunlo aroum At the libill Vittoria llnspltal Auxiliaryrsruruai lune diuurr mrtdur llrr Grrham wIs pro solid with all on tho occu lon oi the upeaniny noddinl one sliverIa ah hIs been menu bos oit Iuriilray lot 11 your and has revved on the nutritive She has Ilm been member at the Denver liebcknh indra III on years Air athIrrr bold tile membership in tho Doria thins Lodge Al and All outn bel Gd lira Graham belong in the had Grna Society Ind iiill ml hir Graham joined too The mrpla have three cbiL dmi irene lira Jerry Won reil oi itichrnord iiiil Dill oi Winnipea Manitoba Ind Joan lira Simmons oi Dmobrldre lir and lira Graham have nine Irandrhtldrcn eldht TM Ionr including iwtur pad oils rranddaushtu FAMILY DiNNEli Minding the iamily dinner were All and Airs Jmy Wot rull and iumlly Jerry Peter and Anni at Richmond Hill and son James at Ottawa Joan Sim mons and ma urea Guy and SIMPSONS Sears gn $5 21532 run MERE EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE ll rm prom sun Pincus Caiitaa Womens but It norm initialed racial loch hole Ire to eorer the rural ill the rtty Distrlrt wed dirp parties travelers Ind visitors III item at inter est to reader at this me Your help ta IDWUII this new will be really appreo eluted Plruo planar The liar tlI Damian pussr and III tor tbs Womens Drprrirnrut Gill DAY North simroe News media were entertained at Iociul hour tailoring press all teams ment at Dmside iir and lira Jack Tretorr oi tirwle alone were hosts assisted by lirl PIi lizots oi iirImptou was armed to the new club ouo It the cen located ninehula courts lnlh iiaa olOrn Trim rhip Tba nturuur trophy was parental by bill Duran lo Earl ltukhn who received eonmluir aliens Semi la the event which had some it rulrtes mostly irnm Dar ris and Oriiila war licuuash ways at Darrin Abutiet In as liars and Dr hruco Robertson and Brush Garnmnn oi Draco bridle ill raid Mrs William Graham oi Wiuuiper lir Gra harna hrothorr II Graham oi Erin and llurve Graham oi Tormto and their wired and lira Georra tilohm oi ciarlrrnn lire iiaul Graham at Port Credit lir and dirt Rob ert blurharn oi Newloronlo lit and bin Bert Demrrllny liisrlsraurI liev and lira lien urtb Ptxdorr its all Mrs llodxanu lira itsrel Broom at downtown and lira linui Rob inson oi liaryrvltis Michigan Amour the loo guests who call ed to mnrtuiataiha cris brunt um Dr is llynard lPCSimcoe North and Arthur Evans iPCSlmtoe Centre PARTTIME SALES PEOPLE ioraar new BARRIE srolRE Apply in person to Temporary Personnel Dillon Trinity Anglich Church 24 Collier St The mans riuoer ad to be new roller Erea Diana at Dorris ilrmurr Ira doella shruprocrsy Womens lid Ilor or the oriliia Pami Ind Time loilowod by Kaila ill oeii oi Oriiiia DAMIEN PARTY licrrber oi the Barrie YI lieneuu entertained their nus band It barbecue at tho alan mer coitrre at Mr and lirr itm Worhnra Ii Shanty Day Thursday steaks baked tr lord and lllldr were caged by all Is well In variety It dessert Ind much llama came retarded out tb Ive This was the iiual mutiny oi lire also sad the mloitt resurns September earl tor lieatrOuWnseir Im olr talaod and when were re lrrladed oi item to pm tor the Christmas Boutiqur Anmxlhe Mil Air and dirt Jerry Voilplir sad in it was as rl Ia WM Mr Gan ll liurrry iinIrr llr and lies Dun intrusion Mr and hill Draft leark ill and Alli Bob lisrrhaii Mr and tin Brian Pamr Mr and bin At Scott Air and Airs Brady Uribul Air and Mrs Steve dhlvu air and Mn Jim Thom Mr and lira Don liasi lit and bin limes Brenton Jr rod Mrs John Wood lit and tin Druids hrurrrreil lit and llrr Dob moron lira Kenneth tuner lir ibo llr and lira Drruiaudouehr lir and hill Red Stdluuerr AT BABE BURDEN Bordon Squardimerr will hold the amoral strawberry Festival on have 22 irom not in also pm in the basil Buildiur It Csaadiaa Form iiIsu harder it Calhoun will be criirr llr Ind tin Drill Charles Iiili ioilvlnr their Ieddtnz at mum Donna Mull thirds Barrie lieu cheese studted at the eenmrl usiaied by Rev bi Jul The bride ii the or Ksen interest in the Georgian Guild Ill eruleat when meet in was held at the borne oi ltelI David lienberrbip has roIu irom to warm at the int moeihll In April to 55 no ilib New member Rimmed were lirr Macmillan Carly llrr ii Doberty Dick hill Grant litckr lira it ll and lira ft Nixon holler oi Imiallou ior woe done by the Guild were receive ad inns Dr McDonald ans Brian Rirlloul and read by president Dierdra licinurhiin JIM tborrlpran thanked every one who had helped Iddrtrs 000 Imipdou brodiuru bllxhle binder oi lbs social will re rtcdtbrre would be three rn rI night July on Milli 11 and Auilni il GALA OPENING PI aIrietm dtth Ipoclll ev oommlllce reported on the pro res oi tha Grin open top to be held alter the periormance oi Plea to tier Ear on July Third are $5 person and are available rnrll all the Guild merran or by phoning Pal border II no Eli The party will be held Il Genr piau Mitre Danae mqu will also in ST MARYS mee Deidre Flimd daddies oi air and bin George jJ Friend oi Ottmy Avenue Barrie The bridemnmr par eat no llr Ind llrr can lea MillI oi Letitia Street Barr rig in coupe mils be provided by the Darrin Cai lcrlata Danee Daud Coirbo ito ircstvncrla will be served Ind cash bar Ivaiiabe lira Sarieaai mulled ways lhIl Guild members could raisa rrsotcy hurluy talent niyht Ind eillur curmet loud brldya il ulsbi Iirawbctty tea pra swim or tennis lessons etc motion was passed that men banners to raise utirhnurn nl till each in their own proltit More the annual inertial ll be tobsr lumber is Eleanor iscl loll ANTIQUE SHOW Ruth Thompson conrcucr oi the that annual Antique Show and Sale saw her report The show is toba held at the Bar rie Armour Sept its29 with Admission use initiation to Anlloue dealers in the area vae been am out with the mqu that unequ the available rpm wu mediate booked Tnl Simone Minty museum war invited to rot in display booth It door prlro wa wry inernu donated by Peter ii In oi the Treasure Guest oi Darrin Convener oi ier event are JIM liaridle publicity Eletit or Jootsoopiiokctr lorralaa llurry Dwaralions Helen broad Blurb BIT ltboda Brass liar lure inornpaon AND OTHER lMPORTANT MAKERS OPANTS SKIRTS JACKETS VESTS SWEATERS BLAZERS RLOUSES PALLAZOS RAGS BODY SHIRTS HALTER TOPS TANK TOPS Dull the evening tentative plans were rude to hold mu our lab in ralddcvimtser and trrspuwsre party to char to be rrlso irrad ior orifice work iIt tutbo iOOP line utilirrn Street rriil lain place the nu durinr vIIlau Week Till year Venture Rank all be labeled by Iii ebb ya 1North Austria irom 06 aursr at our liaiiirx curd lqu ren lartress la llIiitIx III iury ball the Duke oi Kent TheotrePclriy wuirngnugnli Opening Oi Theciire 5Sedson ilorpilabty to Deniers Pry iiarris ueicorar Wendy itim explained the im portance oi the distribruionbl publicity material is ioilou tbr brochurr mauluy carnpalpa She Inuotmd that there would rpgirl Wednesday ght run or Perth 00W with liurrll lidhusbilu Country and Western Any GrrIsobali uooeio Band 21 Shea Duiiin stars Dread Ethan on July is ill she also mentioned that the production oi Tho Wizard oi slnrtiur July It would bl oi ape ciri interest to children oi the ma Rather lnlonuallvulmay be otIaiutd by Nina mots Joan Wilkinson reported the subscription sales have been 2min in steadily Audrey Porter Innotnxed that the advertising in tho prvsrurn boot in setiigy well Jane llari in diam Diacrmrnt ha lite on member availability ior lypiar min tqu Instrumentalsp urIllorsr ale itela Davies Iitu in diary puhilrity salad member to in out posters broom and on within In ratio rIdiuoi arrie mind all be on urir in member to hardl iast min uh dutlilr oi tho Antique Show and oats ior fashionable elegance nrrnwoons 13 UNLOP STREET WEST BARRIE 7iti5195 and discipline the liner oi oom rnunlcallon it always be open and you will be spared tho aur lely Ind heartache and we see Fro CRAIGHURS mumps Monday to Friday Mom to liightrry It irIlrllurIt ll mile north cart nl than MEAL FWD Scotlar bcst cu braid on local toolsuh ob trr Iii clamland Iwida rthscaibi truth and mo er Until PhunI lildlil

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