THE ONTARDT Modal Park It ivqu Brneh oitle IIliy opened Ontarios maid botanical yIrden Saturday it wiu Dill be known In the On Ontario Zoological Park Adds Botanical Gardens At Wasaga Tito Ontario Zoological Park It illessgs Booth ioiolcd to mm Igo by the Upper Canada oglcnl SockLt broom 0n tIrioi second botanical Ideas Saturday the that tttth corn hlnrd Institution in Canada so ding in the ports director olcssor it In Eysloga it will now be called the On tario Zoological and Dotnnicnl Park and ll seen as unique op ty to combine the Ilelds pt botany and urology Prot Von Eytim raid the mo on the part oi the tip anada mloglcrl nod Do Soclety is norm er tcnsion oi rooioglcnl Itudire Animals ninth to plain both Is trod source Ind Ior protec tion he laid We cannot stay the wry we are nowntthour overlootlng great Issde its rIid such In extension is not always pootlhle In Canada or her parts oi the world be cnuseol tradition Ind ddcd some posits and gardens like thorn in Dritain would oymue the romblnstlonot thetwn ids or cream tIrIn Zooloticnl Ind Marital PIrt PLsntinr maintain nth lrr the bot oi garden Ire Filo LE Dr Tim Prldtam presided oi the Up aloe has been highly lninrahie Ittttding to we proicsun and he pointed out that great puny plant donations Ire being made to the instihittoo as result oi the extension APPROPRIATE TIME The dllcinl proclamation oi the bolartlod xnrdmr came It In appropriate time because the park also celebrated its loth adversary on SIturday Among the more obvleur changes to the park are huge riorni displays at the entrance to the park Prolessor You Eraiogn raid the park located wtthlrr the Great inlet Forest region one rich in plant lilo The proscrvailon ol the plants already in the part and the pin ting oi new sorcch will be the two tirintives ol the part along with lis roologicnl interests it is somewhat easier to re muco plants than Animals Inn Eysiaga bold be out they can he raised Irom seed and transported marry thorns Iudsnoi miles It retitler liti it wont be In toiled bom Mt vIl gnrdro herrlrnod going to late lot of work rri no on ma mg door to the world or 14ml per Canada Zodoglcrl Society Leslie roebal society treas urer linulred Simon society director Norman Eider no lie laid the variety would drIw on thud genetic pools when the opportunity becomes Iiailahle The society has already receiv rd part ii shipment at 1000 mountrln Ish trees gilt root an Ontario grower The protrs Ior raid the gill is raised or Ibmt $3000 TROPICAL HALL The trole hall rtemtly on need or the part has Ilso receiv td soverIl imlouo gills lyorn irr Idrm oi the county who would rather have their particu In plants in the public ey Proteasor Von EyringI raid it is uniortunatl the province does not sews the soclcty in the some light the donors hnvn lie arid in spite oi pelttlnnr containing tbouanoda oi ponies urging provincial support Ior the society the province still chooses not to help the park Il caudally Thorn sperm to be run OHFWEW Irty director Ids vibrrtoa molydereetor rolCae Vin listings executive director tilxauiioor Phoiol sldcrnhle amount oi Insensi Ego the peoples wishes be He said he hoped that the rs partsinn oi the parks field oi interest rnlght generate some dominion nt Qurcns Park or Otth rrgariiing the possibility or treats At any role the society In more than ready to go ahead with the venture without any promise oi provincial naristamv 0n hand tor the oilicial tree plonltnli ceremony to rcirbraln both the anniversary and the extension at the pork worn con sidcrablc mimhcr oi reprcsmta iivra ol the society Dr Pridhain soclriy president had hand in plant Ing two ol the irrca allied to the pull did trestle iali arbail treasurer Norman El dcr new member ol the so ciety Ind wriihnoun Cartsdsan rouservatiordst and lianlrcd SI mon and Jack iiiartoii dine tors It the society Bicycle Rodeo Held Saturday David Pryie 1er nurkd lira prise Saturday at rer Johann Street may Idooirblqcla rodeo anld WW tLtIi tto poiotrotIpnuho tatIlot 151 lie was one at in children who took part the rodeo which tested the riders Ireled ot saioty Ind bicycle elite Deli rtderiooroertintutezu The eonvrthloo ins divided three at in the live one years category hir inbound tori lint prize with Joanna Smith she with no pohtis zazsg re bonnie Sudan and Danny hint ton in the ti years Ind over cale rosy there In thme lie lur tint mod place Tied no posts were Cathy out David DIiiey Ind Jackie Coul son in second place each with points were Saodn Thom son Alia BIedII Ind Tom Roach The city development through the come III tour years old SeveiIl permits also look the kill llIyor Dorian Parker was on hard to Ierd some or the prin es Sponsors tor the rodeo were Johnson Strut school Irea mer chants and htniaesimen Mishap Claims did no points each wen DAIID tell and Dean nun headed lit ottha on started this loitering lEratiI Danirl Gordon James Mka aid 26 ct Eiohlctte was billed at his am Sunday while walk Ing down Morley Strrrt In lia aoca Reach Ontario Provincial Police at Waters beach raid lie was drurl by vehicle which had tallied out to overtale slower trailic The investigating oilicer was table It South at the mags Dcach dc Inchmcnt ot the Ontario Pinyin rial Police Coroner Dr John Conan nl Coilingivood Was enll ed to the some LOCAL GENERAL not DAMAGE car driven by Wayne Wong Tinrota melted $100 damage early Srdurthv minim when It loll Highway 21 birth oi Fro Kimmie Ind hi hydro bole Itr lillolohge Ind monster era car more mmemm turd Ill oi Toronto vaultmd lmnelungthc way Graham ct liiclrooe Air iourday biryclo trip which liter lhddl Brothers Start Oil On Bicycle Trip To Ottawa The lamiiy boa made the trip 0n Thudy lire boys writ Tho bath parts the boys in belore by ear and the route is travel the toil Bit ratios to Ute tend to carry on their to speed Iamiiinr so why not go by rycie even it is too rules rip to Ottawa Graham I5 oi iiieircie Avenue and his brolltcr Dean 13 trad this reasoning to plan their vacation this year Well be staying with tiles once we get to Ottaw David explained Weve woo there treaueuily by car go we dtvidtd lo try it by via this time and Dean cst ate the trip will List our days We have Montin morning law where they expat to spend racing bikes will weigh Iboir no tow weeks belore toiiowiag to so pound and mouth pian honor Tibt MONTHS PLANNING We oerslrd plenty oi time to an tor the tray they said About two months K0 we start ed reedth boots to Ice waat the best equipment would be in take writing to esmpsilea to see II we could get In Inii getting irlormsiion rent the govern meet travel centre on iitlthwsy Their research prodian the the same route on their way tic shutters slaying bin and crimes entries ll buy all our Iood on the ws they said As they has gone imbibe with their only Is in Drillia and hi urst the boil and out the bicycle lidiy load ed Ind mild its not really tirinr So this morning David Ind munrairwDIIn kahuna rm to head up Ior Drillia catch iliztrny 11 to Caitriingtori and follow illgbg Citalozulng the lion In the park has already begun Puaiie respoose to the extort up what botanists ebll genetic rm Ind bniisoe tn the min pools oi tiara threitorted with my my 3mm hop Th were treated at Roy extinction JUNE at Virtoiin Hospital and than od shout at Emily Pro Iaiornistton that tent wuidbe irnlal Park near lliidiay the too heavy to take on bicycle mu 04 that night On Tuesday well so they Ire down to bare uee Then moth Smane Vdl spend the day ranciiu at ital cavities and that some tuna daistriul it It would be rate It elorkandon Wednesday we plan grated words not let us in hit but she sent bcr husband DUNLOP STREET scour nevus driver in racer at ten prepares tor his Inst heal during Sundayr an moi Ely Brothers In titli soapbox derby Scott look the Iunlor chsinpionshlp linh him to the starting line are drivers but Harrllllan centre and parked car netted by Steve Kvnsriic HuntsviLe received 50 H1me Friday oltcmoon when it was struck by my pmtd in iront oi driven by Marguerite Staples oo Brock St The hop es Milk store Duuloo Street East PHONE STOLEN black desk phone was re ported stolen Friday from trailer at constru site en Jellrcy Street anue oi the pbooo Is approximately 31$ an incident at vandalism It the Steve Saunders Examiner Pbotol PARKED CAR parted tor buried by Gary liiitman 9t Eugenia St was struck Friday nlrht by soothe car which let the scene The incident occurred beside the Dmtoe ltetel GENERAL TIRE City police are in alloy new General and Rubber building on Fairvicw Rd Some time over the weekend Iour iJl dows It the trout ol the build ing were broken by times 00 DAMAGE Damage was estimated at $600 Ioiioiv it an accident at the int torsev ion or Esta and Ardagh Road at out pm Sunday The drivers ted were Alastair Stuart MacDonald oi Dmmpton and Kcnrletli Rinltbolt oi North Brampton FIRE CALLS nrrir lirelightrrs were rail 37Annua1 Big Brothers Soapbox Derby tilediiiiiliiiiii LA Smashing Success Say Organizers lithe Big Brothers Association oi Dorrie had nindles Street West closed to through trailio Sunday altcrnoon and 10 oi happy smiles on laces it about 35 little brethren The second annual soapbox derby hailed as tmsbln ruc cess by all Involved produced two overail winners in the ions ol Scott Hayes in and At her Bell Ill The boys placid iirst in the junior and senior iii orn res ptwtlvciy with excellent limre Sroti ran the downhill rare with boost lrnni his big bruth er Flory anliir ill override the best time ni II Allan driving elixir Ior rnr clocked live distance in so Stwi tlat vilh help iron hisbig brother ltini llopttiit In the Junior division around titty Committees Meet Tonight Qty councils trounce commit mteie ttilh deouatlon to sly hall to diSeuir the ire oi walkwa he oetcek Leno and liar ct with area residents the committee will Wilbll Murphy 01 the as Utilities Commission to the installation ei on wiring development commit rt on shahnan Kcmpenlolt liar and little late Development roumttlre to dis crete proposals or the vntcriroai Tho romndlloo will also dis cuss rccrurintcndoliuii irorn Aid Bth Bentley totircrniiig Greater Barrio Planning Am The public noriu rotuniillro will discuss the results at an cnzioccnmr sluiy on Sandy lini iow land air prrraml by Triton Winwrtny II All oormnlitto mttlttlgl tint It out Mill third places wont to David llhnni in 195 seconds and Don liiiori htwond dihird spots in the scniur division went to Michael Park last years winner and Kevin hiciicri All boys pinch in the top three an trophiet ior their el iorls during the days rating as not at lltlte lors lor the sol ur in the rate Ind Paul and Don Giles who shar be IvtIrd Ior the beat tlrsiynrd cnr Tho bestdcslgncd car category was toutih division to make nicortiing to Optimin Dill ilur im to tutor declared It draw rian each lntl ivIr givrri iro ptitllchocl lie is iron the series at rarer tor his brothers lillNOlt INJURIES As molt days oi raeiof go this one was not without diur lci however minor It nninbrr oi the time Conn iy Auxiliary iolirr who was htillilll control lraille Iuilerod litllitl rcrnco when rtdrtwlp rd by In outoieontrol erbor ruccr He stayed to soothe end oi the races other raters suttcred scraped linens and one big hmthec rvcu managrd to roll one oi the rar ers til the road Into the ditch llo escaped with slightly In juer pride birt pmimed to remain unidentied Paul llcstamp coorganirer ol the derby said he was very satised with the nimlity oi the chestoriield at Drury Lane residence and the other was in car en Rodney street Both were ertingunhcd quietly $11M WAGE Damage was shouted at 51 lm loilowirtg no accident on iiigh too just north oi Crown Hill dirt Saturday The mishap occurrct when vehicle tillbtll by Lois Liiisonce ul Don Mills rolled over MINOR INJURIES Run Bill at RR autiorcii minor innirtci Allan Deliwho pincedln the too racing and pointed out that three test your Iu the Junior division manual to re at that periormanoe in the or divla too this your lir HIokainri extended thanks in the mcmbcra ol the Darcie Optimist Club tor their allppdrt or well as the members oi the nuxiliary polite and the Barrie hroiitb oi the St John thlnbllLliitti Drixatlc who supplied In antbulantesoundtroot YANIJALLSH landnli broki cltbt windows It the built oi Damn Sports on Collier Street sometime over the weekend hiclo driven by Abraham lersol city at Toronto at 30 pm Sun day The accident occurred on one mile north at ch way In in Vecpra Toir Damage was estimated at too 300 DAMAGE Damage was estimated at $1 500 tulioiving collision between troetor trailer driven by Stan Icy itison oi Sundridgo and car driven by George lionesch sinker oi Scarborough at tori today The accident not root en Highway 11 near Jon in Dvo Township An uniden cages in the ltoretctu eblcle tattered minor to go up to Silver Lake lrovtn rial Park near htabcriy bMIuso they take only tamilics or proton ltdll convinced her they would be sit right Sunnybrae School Cyclists Top Innislil Bike Rodeo Sunnyorae school in lnnistrl the rodeo said It was very aniadimuushuuelesranoehei Township platrd to out ol possible it winners in Saturdays annual lhriisitl Optimist Clubs bicycle rodeo The rodeo was designed to bring out voungittr with bicyo ice and tr titcni on their DINA tieal hno Ice at their bitter their knowledge et rely ruins and actual th handling hurch lier and Tracy lired both oi Suiuiybrae school worn to honor in th sculorpnd lune ior girls di respectively Dave lidtin won the trimmed late boys tilllSldli and Kevin Meltehb phctd first is the inn ior boys slon linth boys are also liyhroo students Goodielloiv Public School Hid loiir students linisliing among lite top three In their rccpoe tive They were Snort Thompron second Krib Thompso second girls Jcil Faulkner or boys Jeil Johnson third senior boys Young iiarrilco schoo us too termrilialc girls Brenda Fellow Sunnybrar lhir intermediate girls lien Gould lnnislil Corr trnl iiool second inlennedi Loin Young inter mediate ya TunlluchoySuu nybrac third Iunior boys Scott Clark lnniiiil Crntral srcond ll rcnior sir Sunnybeae second intermediate girls Police Constable Mite Ittl dilicor wet on he rodeo checking bicycles ier solely tirieeis and helpint out in the testing linger ohneon chairman ot the Optimht committco which ran itisiliiz DONT WASTE TLilEi LIST Ind BUY THRU STEIN STEIN REAL ESTATE Ltd Ito Dunlap liInle surconlul in spite oi the rain which arrived shortly alter rcg istlJllpn ot the Innlslil Roads Department yard got under way He estimated approximately Sol township Willibtnra took advent taco oi thr rodm to have thrir bicycles clevan and test their skills with their tricnds The tests included balance lost hand signal at an intcr union circular balance test am lost Tin emr Ior tho eivois In Optimist Dave licurah DAMAGE Damage was estimated at 850d lolloning an accidcnt on Essa lioad at Cumberland Street It pm Saturday The driven inioiictl ncro Lorne Hahn ol Toronto and liobort Detleyno ol hit ltiincsing Skies Will Clear Late day Mainly Sunny Warmer Tuesday slierooon or evening shower lliph today to to at too tonight in the mid 5m high Tuesday pastures Neda Thcreteapos Iii res late Tuesday altsmoon or evening The overnight ion today will be between so and 55 with high Tuesday between 75 and 80 SynepdsJain extended from eastern Lake Ontario northward through the Ottawa valley and into the Cochrane region this morning In addition there was considerable tog Ind drirrle around into Warrior with some patchy tog near Lake Erie But impronog weather was expectedY with the run breaking through by riternoon in all but the eastern and In northcm sections oi the prov ince Odes will be nlostly sunny Thesday but weather system lhreaioru rain toi lIter In the av Toronto Cloudy runny peri ods by niternoon Mostly runny Tutidly with the chant oi In to is liamiitaa southern Gttiilien Bay western Lake Ontario xiagara Cloudy sunny periods by altcrooon ilostiy sunny Iiiestliy but with the chance oi on altcmoon or evening shorter High today so to as low tonight 50 lo 53 high Tucaiay TS to at High law lllgh Todsr Tonight Three Windsor To to Al lncdon Kitchener t5 hlouut Forest 65 Owen Sound to lilitskuka is Catharincs 67s hingston or Pvtawavro oo rorth Bay to nmnuns rd itsrie 6s thapleiu at White River at GrrIlIlton Moosonre sassaassmagmaag 65 65 The weather is presented dolly Is public service by hardwood DOWNTOWN DARRIEl COR COLLIEth CLAPPERTON 5T5 7263971 TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS