Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1973, p. 5

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BOND HEAD lSlIilivNHhel derlrtcs Down the lrIti oi Yes and West kuhrmuty NEWS HIE MARIE MUN MWIIDAY JIM II In Rood Head Documents Tell Rhout Pioneer Settlement Lbo north Ille and Cornell oh the math The latter also ob Irrdsy is the title at historlt tamed lot neat to tiaaatua occumealx Irhieh tell about homo lattes Lt was hed early IrtiIeneat at Totsastseth by some member oi the lens shieh well anally right lblbtlpb irons have been receiliax unrest ate the 5th to to Concession Capital yraau tor Maris lar nsera have relicq at in oath to la tor this year II assumed by Stuart 0mm ministre IrrlvaltorI and tool In outta the nominal tlr Sicearl Iata an outline at lbe capital starts ptcxram He said In 197 the internment oi Ontario introduced program at capital trusts tor Ontario larmrn designed In Illlsi and encourage lartoers to mate as source Ceiling to On Farm Grants Md remain oi dead I33 diseasld Earl Inc to tho lh can rm program too mom not Iverhelm lra tonn can paid us raoatal grants We not this mmtmltugmuhdmg lemenlary pt in upthim Tbs tubular you m7 Ill rcpti Iormaooeufud UM d0 iii on local II Is and Iman1 muss Ania so me Iomnulment tum worm lary estimates We hate mind our li lion not no policy It the ly point or la other lords at the end ol Its years and II had or hate already spent top to Itarcla ll tmt maroon or airrvanl $3 per oi oi the protection be laid Ns leav es ut Itth only $111 oi xha origtnal cornmrimrol or it per cent and this mail be spread out the remain stir than the program We do not intend to return to the Itrtsalure irr supplr rrlcntary rtttmatrs this year Doria the current scal year It hate alluded iii ltiliilJ norm in tut Jim Dolley sctlei use rrcord laid to ill an on lot as adpsaintrt Cerswells praxtrmiely onetblrd ol the Sel and this is where Tearnsseths lath Seulemertt la bluitobs drt lint Ihtte child itirhstd Colt sets out by Item sliders and icy III born is to home ttrlla between the Nortbltost in reporting on John Culley and lradaon Bay Illdlll WW ienutsular scar veteran oi antes trrhrd ustuani and took bralsh ancestary the doeua it load on ihettrd tlh uh Ind meats told ol early lnplrmeuls oth accessions oi lest Galll Bed by tarmin pioneers The lnbury in an area now Aiown resptap book was Iuperreded by as Smith Settlement the scythe and cradle The in Tecunwa lust to the writ Iooden mouldboord plow also at this settlement James alaon was meattooed in mi John icrswell tn the The yourney tom ticud litId sImc ear lock land on to to lirndlard to late attest to It on it sides at the 5th Gen llollartl lanolin lor rldinx was reulort the timing ttttled on corduroy road thaner rid improvements Is their lactlttiex ta teepny llh chances in modern larm techno logy At that little commti mtsti was msde that over pet its at it years the Eoternmenl oi Oniano would pay total oi as rrulltou in loom the eIpeetitlure III itbi out mtliiua in it it trummi in iIt Indian In 136970 lt drorpcd in MI mlll is and in 177071 to it mttl loo 0o tyrit at the pro rsrn an amended broadening the list pl eltgthe limbs and pro idrtz tor an increase to the II Il be Honourcottqu touns OLD ll0tlll llltVY sun Ilcmbera ol the Iluronla liIs torlal Development coundl Ito boon as they toured the rc eontly reopened historical tits Vespm Reeve Critich Oiiimalgamation Plan IllilillillST lotaltt ilutrios propoodl ior mplcte amalrama lion oi Vespra and innlsill was lrrmed lmprrrtlcal and unlalr by little Cori boron We are willing to Itallt ovor rmsrnalllo plan or city or panston but our rcsldtnls would not mm to In vIm wrntu rldhl olivtbomap hI said aiscttluy that this wouldnt be lcastblo it would be unlolr to have pcootc to rural arcos pro titiuttt their own service pay Iatd the some ptopctty tes ratc Its pcoplc to areas tibtto Iildlb services pro provided by tho moolclpahty lic are particularly ioilitii Its in Vcspra in our wotcr sup ply pointed out the township in rcittcnco lo the con llid ls Oiieteti Swine Producers Tho iotlural yovcmmcnl is prrpucd to help Ontnrto swine produccu to maintain and too prove artificial insemination sor vlcos Agriculture ltltntstor Eur ctto tttelnu anrnuuctwi nl Otta AH Artilleial incsmlnatinn has been tromcndouily valuable belhlll to Canadas eoltlc indul iry Dllti tltvro ts potmtinl to ex terui INN builtitii to Canadas swine industry he said Sevcral Canadian organisa llons dcrlitut ln otiilivinl ln nomination have worlusl in Al tor swine but arr ctpcrioncinl linsnoial Iocsos 01 the scrrlre Rwyuusls inc outstancc have boon mrdo irom Ontario We are proparcd to olltr barn to houso hours to buy tlo cord ol Porlurmancttestrd and approved hoarx and loan them or on atlalicial insemination pro dram and to hovc our itcld mclt in the livestock Division pro tide iicld smlccs ltir Whrian xtaid Tho tottada depntlmcnt oi Ilt rlculturo has bought intro near New liundoo about iii miles soutitttost oi Kitchener as Ipc 11 new llol testing ala iton then is hog barn at thts iarm ohich could he stood as centre to house boars Ilr lithclatt said it revealed the ollte tlunttg opening ccrcmontcr ior new llradotrnrttra building ipt ttcst om Ontario llrcrtlcra lnc on arttilclnl tnseminzliott unit hear Woodstock lot The compartv has been provttltlll Al lot swine tut is tncurrinp iillilt that load hittlt Iinlerlalomenl Ilot ilIlice opens Itil helm at tilt and MI Last NITIPITIU allow Mil Special Sunday ttlIllore ill III MD Tut hi it Mr ondlliahrd lar our Cartilan Iry Establishments It Porto iamishetlc Tile group held their that meeting at Salute hlarle Amory the tint aidcrabo sprint writer to he iound in tho area which embl rti somc iarco burtncsx placrs to build lhcir own lowers there are nod morty poo pin with hay lstoved Into the township and built ttomcs hero bccutttothoy wanted to pot wa ilont lhs city and they pro ier to remain inttlw township in said READY Foil TALKS ilccvo Dotau billd he hadnt heard lurthcr lrom barrio about tho lltopare bcttl which was promoted to the city council can lttc in the sock We are will Ittlt to bc reasonable and discuss some sensible plan ht said attain trilirllinll tho autocsllon oi on entire toitrotcr oi the town ship The heart oi the Vestmt council agreed that the trend toward larvvr municipalities wu re vcivintr much attention but quick ly added that ornatzumallons or annoxolions should be kept on pruvttcal basis Evtnlually Vcrpra might con sider yolnlrtlt with our oi its nar hl nclchbors he said monitors its tint Flat and Sunnlnalr Is possibilities without elaboration Vespto rmd nmtowtyshlp term word inr olccilon county school truslru now idhstevor is done total run trot should not or ueoitcncti said more Duran stating that many pooplc hurl strcssod this aspect in discussions with him People who are right ol the some oi ihintts are in much hctltr position to iudce what should be done than thorn who are remote They know the con dtiiotts llrri hand COUNTY POSITION Vuapras position in tho cotan ty also should he constdcrod since It was now tho courtly cen tre with the new enrnplcx now bcioo crcclrd outputs tho court ly museum We have on tour ity in the county and that should be contttlcrcd too be said The Vcspra tcotc referred to the totme eiioclr to interest the titles ol Burtohnd 0riin In rolotu the county administration which he tell would be better approach toward area cooper ration Tho county motod out hero to not out oi the oily and we dont think they want lobo tallest ttto Barrio attain the sold addtnll the remorlt We would preier to have barrio be comes port at the county odour lstrotlon VESIIIA liililil Attention was tlirocicd to the Vespla briol which mioctcd the slums Udptlirrr Sun Mon Dr It It shorvlll tl Ct council Airs Atlrul itov II tlordoucall In illtllit propoaal iur complete amalgamation ol Vespra aloIttt with the towrulttp oi ltutlslil by Dcccmbcr ms No ith this went much too lar he said The Vospra amt compared tho amalgamation proposal with what happcrtcd whcrt the towns ship Ioiltuittho timeue Coutly board oi education llcioro tlus was lillTC riartlou trons Jan Mb the schools In cspra wtco hdnlinlslcrtd by local boards ttt considerably lower cost it was pointed tut We want to improve the pin ition oi our taxpayers said ltccvo llortstt arguin the rights wn st iettcledgttislltnc John st oa anslott who is chairman ol the dtmtorol Ibo historical sues branch and Dr Vernon hlotld lira lpiim it the sentry lip Cbmpansaiion Cattle Policy Compensation ltc culllo ocdrr rd sloushtottd as disease cou trol sneasuro under the proots torts oi the animal mistriqu diseases art has both tncrcas Acrivulluro tilnlstor durum lhrlao amuunccd or otto ln ntatttny tho announccmcnl blr tthclast strosscd the Impor lance ho places on strict disso control measures tinny countries envy Canada lot the health attains oi III Itvolt stock population hlr Whelan said This has come about through slrinccrtt measures that heart to ctlect tor some time tttessurcs dcsigncd both to as rtst the armor by ptotcctlnp the health oi the livestock populo Ilort and to ensure continuous supply oi healthy low lur tho ol the township people should Canadian consultltr bo pitch the saute consideration as residents oi laruor eortros We wont to pct sitar and work tosctltce but not bo swol lotvrd up he commcnted The good lite proltctlort road work and other township servic ca orrc mcnllonetl by the Ver pra rtevo tic also rolerrtd lo the cottsldcrablo local civic pride which has been respons iblo tor great deal oi volun lccr ovrlr lrom which tho town thp has brrrtcitilcd itith now we are walnut to hear more trons iiarric ho roo cludod DISTRICT BRIEFS ONCE ROWMORE DUNTROON lSlolll It It pioneer period this Notlawasaxa township commtty was known as Scotth Corners and later It was named Bowman alter him in Scotland Prosbytorisn min later was Instrumental in having the name chunpcd again to tho present Dunlroott alter viii ago in Scotland llENDRil FOREST ANTEN IlllIS iStalIl Tho lleudrle lorctt was caiabttth ed to under the Counties Itc ioresttllaa Art with county and province as partners The late ilccituse at such Iltcmllltd Canada was able to export bro stock and ittestoelt products to 11 countries last year When animals are sluoyhtor rs undcr these disease control programs the outm rvceivcs compensation Irorn tho ledccal lsotcrnrnent bccause the nation It in tho public Interest he stal Itrcont increases In the map to vaiuo or catqu have warranv led an increaso in tin maximum role at cornponsatlort thclan raid The change which is ciledivo immediately incrcasea maxi mum rompcnsaiion ruics irorn Saoo In or each purebred and iron mo to also lor strode eatllo ONCE FOUR CORNERS ELlIVALE tSiaiilTh tom munin oi Elmvato which is now martini liI Titlt year as an trworporalcd village was once cailcd Elm Flats and earlier was known as the Four Writers ILAN ILOllllll SNOW STAYNEII Istalll Annual sprin llowrr show oi the Stay ner lintlittlitliiibi Society will be held in tho Cillillitllt cduco lion wins oi Centennial United Church hero on Monday even Drury was 1th Ontario top Juno ll premier cairn on party Road 21 tells about the establishment oi the reiorerlotlott area TRI EXAMINBI WANT ADS PllUNE Twill RIG RAY POINT HARBOUR INN SUMMER DANCE ltoor Prlsrs tlelrexhtxtrnls tlttlnlrbl bullet Spot Dareex LOTS Ol IUN IIERYONB WELCOME Entertainment piece band SOUND UNLIMITED Tlcltrts Itbu per couple PM AM Saturday June 30th Tleirla on be obtained at his lily lolot llIrbour lots or rail toe rraersallona timid lrIItou titlhrules Sunny South with lop urtcht at its mats heads Reid oi little to the sumo rtidcd Toronto Cup StaIes at tlootlbtuo Tho Toronto hip is handicap tor Ihrrovearolds at one mile Mill on sirlrcrth on the tort cour Sunny Smith prepped or the Toronto up by retttoc track record on the dirt its roll note and ill yards Irt IND IS lost 5thde bi toodhtnc rltpp In onolttth oi second oil the tumor mart Ito always knew he had speed trawl row hcs learr ed to carry tt oter distent oi ground saiti trainer trrtal Merrill lles only eiatlid once in his ltle on th grass hut hc tilted it lie won but was dis qualtlted The race was ill Florida inst Duomhct and it was his that start oi Last soar Store there he has Itsrttvl eight tours and tttlll his lsst three races llts only states win this year was the Manor and ho detohlutl Vtetor Ihn Prior and Dont Alli Ilo That Others exported to start In the Stakes Favorite Is Sunny South slahlrtuale Mil stablrmal Day For rltstbirs Gardttcl larms Jay and Spe ilm Iati which was opened as eiattte have both taco their last rarer day has won hall his six starts thus stains and has ito ithtd itcund tune and was third in the Quecnsloo States ai Fort lino Sputalite who was purchstrti in Florida this year as started eight times and won two rrrra day will carry ltd pounds and Speeialttr llt Jott tlays tembnt nay wot two in tun until ht ltuishNi In and to llassams tlcnvy his tail start NC was hull and brushed sectsti sure distance at ground Ilolt carry lib ptxtnds tlrats Dude owned by Nor cItllo Farm and halres Rath ytrh RI made three appearan ces this Ivar and has iinishetl iilbt mood and third said In lust run out of round in his last start lie was in liltlo trouble pccl hell run it cuts troincr llny Johnton Tomato Dip are Good You and hlr rADAM ROARKE NEVILLE BRAND LYNN BORDEN VIMIIIIIMN tttlhtlitl Assault Adv Tnd Pastor at spots lNllIVAIthIlIT MM NOW PLAYING llodhhqhu NESOIONOiiFAUI lEWlSiimW Willi PiiiiAiii Nullhmidlllllllmtlmllmulhlrtilldthllrlmmmtnlmto 2nd Attraction It Shanty Bay early and was running over his llcid at lhc end pawn II Collinpwood Anybodya BackSoaiwllldo millilitlililiilllllililm iiiilidillliltlimlilillliiiiiii Mum mar llutlia Roy and tiraty lrttdo emhat Day and Good Fort are Queens Plate dfmttuowooo lTSTltiIEiYTHETtiIillt tottottooooutttrsttrst ADULT tum trtaxlmorvt crest Jrom moo to $4000 per term in aiitttob where there existed partner ahtp or Incorporated lamitv lxlm bitstttrss Ill ahirh two or more iamtttcs arse Iatbittd the maximum antouat war ratml in mud At the arctic lime or Creemore Shows 1392 lail Rgailt CNEKIIONE ibiiiil All lourtstoddtly last year by reemore Uons club was re WW tor the summer cason today ltluch interest was shown last year by visitors who inspcdtd the lhrte cell structure abirh served as local ioclstp bocit to the pay 90s There were sat Nitstercxi visitors during tinemonth pertod The oidlrcntore tall whieht measures by 20 tel it can stderobly smaller than the old Allandttle slhllb lociarp which has been on exhibit II the Sim toe Duality museum in rseettt years The memo clslm oi the smallest tall buildinp to Ontario has been dtnsatrd by Word and Wyoming which re port smaller detention buildings lst attraction and early ndtra irons are there still be many Neverthelosa ii has been tur la the iludgcr and when that has bcco spent we will deter any lurther rsnl payments un til the iotloairt ltrral mi The posthla excerttott to this It the section oi the plvxram dcshnz with iIrm aalrr supplies and licld roisrxement which comes under our all artorncot with the clcrnmrnl oi Canada Thcrrlorc bio million lv in on capital Irtnl capentiturcs ottl be mind this year and we wiil be tumult rutroli oi patmcnu when thatiurr reached tlr Sieuarl raid in the etent that we had It nec wary to dtdcr payments oi Irants with respect to applica tions reeciud in this itsral car the amounts will be such itrst prionty It lhr beginning oi the new ltscal ear Oar exloostou stall in tha courtly anti dlsintt billets are being iolorrncd cl this policy de cision and Itii be so adrlsusp all applicants uvr LORSTERS Available NII at IlAItltlE salarooos sessiontart Air cIIuasseI om It in radar out new slums mono tron tbs ludicrd at mass more visitors ayatn this rumm rr IlAiill It Now Playing Till Friday is it on pond The Rodinihori The answer latso it is hotter nunm utaaaaa aaovaow All Etiequ IMVMUM Ittrarpcrkudt rwluuallautsa Jctdhmturmt Ittnruup mewme ItaatoaotoooIw Moro Iarraai umhlllmldlull It ra me wtlttttws Iuwm new Ghoy iusI ollor danger tho way most men lust altortvomeni up ADUIT with lllRlRli lHE FREEWAY ITS THEIR WAY OF LIFE tourmaline aetltarwttet Starts Tomorrowl What The Paper Saw at pm IOI0 prev Thurth Tripping at brill past ISNTJUSTAROAD bIsM tan mm Avie Mir 1t GD Entertainmaltl WIN FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSON IN FLYING Otto Fm introductory tested in Flylnp given away IIIII night during the Ihovilnp oi This III Hilarit at tho Colllnpwood and Shortly bay Drlvaln Thsalrsl cw by Mlmlnhldly plum Peter OToole in The Ruling Class II gumbo

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