who iiitlttit donation Pubtithed by Canadian Newspapm may Limited Id asyttald Strut larrla Ontario Robb PublisherOmani Martipsr vain ran Inwrtrot DaM SATURDAY JUN bi rm HG Another Route 15 Better Than One The Mayor Chose Alter Ilayor Dorian Parker road itor tolatrttesatoany aidtmao and to To Take Hamlin taming Editor mm w=ym Atth en wt or has ila nutter oi oi tnterest Isa brow til Stare sane rather IN and In mate Mania hays been mete retarth this partieolxr malice was like to clarity low htwtaot poioial li any alderman main or rules on matter in Iblah be tau coottiat oi traarut at do me rottttu It Is The May malaceoidbaaoowktsdto Correctly 11 mm IOAN YOUR aosuttss Home Of Your 9mm 1st blotted healttthanhlatlambtlal sownWW determine mini mum rim sum 3dmm moaned your Win married mull Ratlil thorouth Insultola tailed to bill alt An act oedinr outlet at prime or members at minitips consult and local boards then he tor ahet is not only bresbiny last It Ontario it also latliny to protect tba iotereIts oI till of on bouts la peeps ha tepmrnla bloat iayn eta lump men are hot to position to burial J9 nuke decilim on taut mat MelI moss Cam ten the my ot llama rIlIhss if mom Ma Ibiidifrhidl spam crap to our la olaterpset the law It also leti bolder out load In the oil wordth to the Municipal some matter shes requested to or try to In that Act dim nu do to hr the min or any it correct prtotdtarol It to amateur not Parker papers the covers slammed shot on her inaugural address promise oi open book government tier manner oi tovorttystlr whether an alderman bad conict at crest is quorilooabia What the did was put Aid Robert Bentley into sltlon oi having to do lend mull wt tbetnp chuted with an oIIenco it tho lair procedure or determining whether there had been conflict were followed notice and aliadavit would have been tied with county court Jud which would have stated the on tor an alleged contravention oi ho coniiict oi Interest act council aa whole the Judicial proced urola better Are we to mums trons what has trans plred that Farm has some gotten Ildcr man who preler to have their ucsilons answered while they hide be ind the nu on alirist the mayor were discord about open Instrument aha should have told the aldrrtnon to go to judge unread oi Itv ing thorn chance to remain publicly at lull anonymous One wonders who will be the next ald ennart to be invcsityaled in this manner and have to all through the resdlnp oi re that costs aspmions low wall will the Interests oi the elec eicuan adainat teilatlota ination has had atrer Item Laud on the It Lilli than on Iianataor bib mitt rohoomt at tho coal at tidal The Iverara sailor prieI cl pmpcrtlir arms Cansda rose aloe par root In the rst three months oi this re mrdinl to the Canadian ltea Estata AI is eicbi oer Home balideta law sited Lacind realm movement rod on tho hlrbtat II ntotlras you understandby tliopam uaotiatlaoa Motto mmiehf pal tottells admonish and olbrrt wards rams the mayor chose not to do this We wonder how much trust there will be Intoo aldermen now Parker IN asked questions She should have told them to initiate conict at tnierosi proceeding with judge or have done It hotseit sotoral approached her and it as Mayor squabbleI be to arcd unlopunided It is tough enouih being an alderman without havtnd to torato be served it council dovoler lime to what can be regarded as iamlly ear the troport will carting doubt that even It leaves to wondering Where theres smote croI itro down MEMORY LINE 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner June to tilt Speak in at Conservative rally tn Barrio Dr Polar bicOibbon Ilt assorted there was amalgamation by CNll no lbilit andpitullt bdoauae Canada iorbidr IL Ilidburtl United urch Youn People totalnod debating champ at Simeon Prer icry to year boating Central nttcd in iinal Resolved that the economic dopttsston will do more good than harm to our mor of at tile was subject llldhurlt Ipoatron R05 and Earl Richardson uphold aiiimt atito against Dr Alvin Perkins and Jack Walsh It Armatronp ol ColllrrUni rmsn Judges were Kenneth Cameron oi St Andrews Rov ions ted was cha It Datty oi ttrri baptist trinity Nodlllnttea yol that Royal Canadian Corps oi Signals will be moved lrom Camp Borden to Klrtyston Ctttt honored Its roile ind amploytea It not Orange ilail Des to or An Good Ili onductor mail onts IlitIm iwtisor Vttiiatnson trdVtliticlliilan burn lit and Harry Lem uoomplo ant insurance would be bel Rallwa Act mission track third AM llerbto reason Ryan hadlo msntbert on courts that day tor for ntda than resent doto Iyo tern oi toilet and thank Shannon graduaod tn Stxth Year liedicinp exams at Unlvcrrb ty oi Tomato barrio Ithtolcr scored it points at Ontario Athletic Com oorge St mour and Raid moot Lloyd Dot Dyrnont Charlie Simmonl liarria Tennis Club Conirbvcray be an amorty wooitly nowr apera on sub oci iNilii ihiiniisdm alert me ops letterynamgr wood lien Pathlcit oi Oritlla and Stan Cable of Camp bordon barrio Examiner Jack Portland oi killing it Davlos oi puieltty olttomlnattortslronta rietant monument to ndsla Partridge Coo alle ill Orch Ililcholl iii reor anizirtg led duplib were Iarnters or brot on bill and Herbie Barrio Stan Doboort oi llidiartd Phil tlarohitdoh oi Ponolang Don Viitson oi bradlotd lllp Ernmr Ind SlIrtlIy Daylight saving Time lion signed by litms lroadora tlnniyopposed as moot oi Battier ltrai acterI oi Ontario raopan ed ante plant with Dovina ap polmded chem mansion Government net Nixon AIIP will address bi liberal rally tor Dr Siman lrt Barrio noxl woelt At Birris Kiwanis Club dinner speaker Was lIIrry Price ltPt Toronto who said or nancat put tori ll tt Town Council ro vote it bnalncss ottauotct luau12143733le unternwnmvm TEE WORLD TODAY Remember Ceylon Now its Sri Lomkq by JOHN liARtlttoN dhtat and horn which lie elude press censorship now ra Ionian VAIiaIra Analyst Thoworlda tarps lumber oi realm alumina nations have niroduceti us to many strange and Iroiic names tor the new aotntlries Ghana Tantaltla and present rollox party hIs cools toaster Ceylon or brl Lash Illa Canada All Irwin billv must and biculturai problem The presence at about It mil lion Tamils orirloaiiy lha II borer bronchi in by the llrlttah Wim 11 in MN to wodt the tea planiailorta are ac unlamiliar II sri Lattia illumth the his Ilanow ittp Island at Casino irarrt our rarity bookst Ceylon no error at least not ath tiny too when the Mir woman prime minister chaoud It to St Lanh The word lrom the Sinha leaa languaya oi the dominant racial group in the island Bud mamm lily Torrie Exclaim id Bsyilrld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone norm Second Ciata tiatl lleclttratioa tluv tber DIM Iteurn potlan guaranteed Dally dualitya and Statutory iiaitdarl IXIGPW Subscription rates daily by clrrier bio weeklyva yur tr smlle copies 12a by null barrio lull yearly Eirncos County new yearly iilllnce oi Canada ditto yearly All other countries can yearly tlutor throw all Irtoo ycIriy National Advertising Milt i5 Queen St Will Toronto Edi Ill WI Caihcart Stu treat Nomi at tho Canadian Full and Audit ilureau ot circulo that The Canadian Press is exclus Ively entitled to tho uso tar rp publication oi all news dispatch II In this piper credited to it or the Associated Press or tlautor and also list local news pubibe rd ihcroin 111d llarria Examiner claims Co yrlchl to all original advert liliiil Ind dtlorlalmaterlal ere Itsd by its employer and rt produced to this newspaper Copytillhl llellrtrallan Nam tor tollll resistor dI not buddhiti but illndu and apart Tamil otta Vol lha main iahruacoa oi tha radian boars Ilnertl They atd currently praising hard for mid plaraotrox or their tomato and use in Stl Laoltal authoritarian cbn allhtllotl ll calm iltIo iorco olao to 1m and retuth In Ilorle party National Controaa Italo dillltbillfv to control the press as wet as language Tl term in spite oi itI altatye name Sci lontrsa problems dont totm to be much dilleroul than those at nearly all othrr emera My mm In my trolled base at Tllltcomilu are not typically the country iI III debt train about Ilh billion at present to iniematlooai hattlta Ind ilttartclna mimics typically ualn hsal nation alisailon at many oi won irya moxt prodtrilve ltt dutiriu titto the ones llrlttah mntrotied laa piahlalloru has trusted to woelul drtoI in pro dtactivilt0 lns stillbtlLalthlII htrdrlttrtdad woman ltlts Stri mato bandarsnalita the widow oi In earlier prim nurttslrr mtndsred its oiilca tn loot tils widow has iwloo been prime minlaier detention micrale prolatsdneaa restore In two with rrdmo friendly to lritilii Naval and ivory tattI IcapliII oi Communist North Korea When iirai Itt rower bctwern 1961 and tool liira Iiand Irsodtle took over llrillah and US all rolloertrs aouchl out iita USSR and Iho tlnitrd Arrh llrtvablic ll her ma or all so liera ller lint aorta st Id mnirirailort saw the dryiltIup oi Iorotrn capital which was to rowed in mo shot the was re promises at lettuth socialiil elected mhcr poodles introduced stated by local Mid iorrtrn owned howspapotaio auch an moot ma W11 haI been lormttl plan It nattortalue the Lattehouwt tllattt intIndra nullity her brother Ila manayi to director ltte mhtittot oi Justice who masterminded that meatqu and has close hand on keep top tha mlrorlty Tamlitt to tote is another member at tho tattle iImlly in the only tbdbt tin and Itanslttaa Ironing rrlIlIotta with Communist NIih aroused crest worriea arrtohI the timid and problem Asian natloru like the lhllltttlttea Ittd ThII told that Ceylon would become motor base it llursiar trio in 5WDan Ind thlrlcb It or ileeit Since then new worrch sup port the orch Royal Natyconv mlrnlleven he used by tho now emorctnl ilrci oi the Pooploa lcoiudna owerer with the recent EISIWHI tictntla with lrtinx and other Communist Asian or iialsihoso irarI have auir Ii somewhat Nevertheless Sri ianlta and Mrs llIttd an uncertain quantity as this he made lailhli remains in the Ubiloltottweililt IBIBLE THOUGHT ArItI Salli yet lltratlllny out threatenluxa and alathlIr IA Ilaall the disciples at the lord went onto tits blxi priest and dealrart oi blrn lrlierx in Dlm asctaa II III aynayolue that II he toond Iry bi thla stay athe lher they were men or women ha might hrittI them bound not to Jerusalem Am BIL There are still sell appointed rtlirionilis today hunt on cancel Note not and condemning what hap rttcd at leulccosl They won lilo lo brltty them barit bound to iallh oi tonnalttm and empiinasx have your breath and bonds Ibo litly Aprlt will rnpiltue to brcaiito mt huttrrt by tho Stl taint lint lady to hearts and iiii empty tcstcit lie must in dole to trust tha li TRLITI if TIIR PEOPLE Dear dirt sell or Ilva properly to barria that council acts Illan and so Asisraaethlcaarseoruorood reptI Oraravrosoirrtooead lttlllhcy sir Tlebe Icortlllrloihticreat arltaa any another lava the rut oil eomtcooc tlms politician mull mate the path campaipst ltlical dtfiliolt that Illicit lot as btulreasman or any ar m4 at his inmlly tr tit mom on an Idea to color that vat that employs him Tha law action contich oi one at the days bulldob Ionw eortatruttlm worth LETTERS TO THEEDITOR mmta hllbtr thla in 61 the loo aurora mm Wu wt RIIITCIID prov to elute toelatloo the etnrent avrr The drawbrl ptlodda per real it has bacon and douba ista evr bysoeloio tater diilerun iDlml hour coo bloehdby to install lam Ime Ilsa tam my pm In and other Isrwros loru It too hoithls natural parlr Call nu Slnttrllx ICUCAID ONOLI ll Itlwlody om landlordth cartons STORY law it claimed to protect the public irons dlxhnnrlt politicians who mind otherwise use their positions to enrich lhrmsalm II the expense oi the public but it also servos mother function It protects the politician rtm belts turned to mate decltim that would betteiit hlx iamlly or employer it by law in cannot tor this deealoo than the threat oi belny tired or who threats that truth be used to alirtt hla decision are useless in the present rate at Aid lleotley do not know whether be Is Mtg but ltittt Inyons elac can an an opinion and lhro oriniorta could well prove detrimenttl to both him and his employer Ilarcb it daurlbod at military iorre tram New Dtylrrtd to ca tore the mods iortrcsI at Rotten Louisburgh Was Long Costly By BOB ROMIAN story in this last iIIlinl tburI Capt whom was to pond to be one It the siren et iotta It the patttlriaa mtlal not only be tvtld but the metrical cotan Innocent but Itso Item to bo ills lsulvsd intimation thal innocent to the ever at the pub than were detects and dacldsd it he tlad he declared conflict Iii ol Interest Iha prelottt situa slush llbttsrtsuldhmmawibd mm mnlnm understand that taccmttinx Fortunately Iot thorn britaln Laval squadron to helpi tolaw It Is the mtlul no not have succeeded lhota was pnnslhllity wilmtlhl qintum oi lrmrh parallax in With any wrtutldoih tn the elt ministration at ea to ill his lion to btvlsllcato it her leII Maria did not mender Ililil ltth lI IM ll In city aollciiar has Ilvarta tut tour and Into notation report that out rIil than it some crotndlot charm Ind mo herbs lhtI report has been turned over attd aim Attor the surrender tha pill to council Even ii the mayor MM WWI Ni cscocdtd llcr authority then that had It not That Im has only darts what hope any uptursd by rcrponsbla citizen would do llllli that not the blindth violation to the ailerdlon oi rottttril To my mind tho whois basis or savortnneni it the the ooh colcd oillclaia to main doctriana hated the nod oi iha city roihor titan tthoir own advant ato AnythtttI tin can only Io suit In anarchy or at the very least colittmpi Whllo there misty this on which tlayos Parker and tillalibt eonrratutota im on her couran II lorctn this have ohm the lttllsl have own that ntany tootsie would rrxord it or onto iorm oi rcvonn IIatrut Aid motley httiaw oi the ailodtlcd bad leciinr bciween them fitte next move It now up to Cliy Council and attrtest that the matter timid be reaoivcli to court oi low This will clar ity Ald ltcnlleya position in noccttt or otherwise Fallon to tesoivl ihl Issuetwnuld lrtda resolve this Iasua would lrtdl cata that die culprit modulus breatiny tha law and would cpsbthem iha iruIt oi the poo Dr Yours ruly ROBERT ENNIS lit Edpohtll Db barris hintill 01 IIARIlltl Dear Sir III your invitation letter to you and the petunia oi Daniel liver wondar at the optical tlyht is In ilarrlsl Raverra ironi housing where the back oi the yards tare tha airoet each as on 0va St and Ter rir ito Wisdom would die laio that us should are no more ti Ibis The most beauiiiul allht In the city out liorutldalo Park es pecially the Kidd Creek ravine hahlttd ilto Brayildld ilall look It will throulh It slain lall week lela hope the next iiltla ticnry Bnnicit alien to either INVITE IETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Examiner lnvIleI colts Irihullnrtx to its letters to the editor column on the rd ItorIII papa when pnrylblr leilrrl Ihnold ha mlrtrted it too to too words and they should Ira stated and include Ilu writers address and lets pram slumber ttrltrra may on pus tram they derlrr llrlttah tuval aldoavy cauldron and the to money 01th JUNE it EVEN rim8mm laval mind at not was aimed by tbs britlah or data our new av llruruuielr1 amended to obian and ilttto mint haul British tuto laru Mp oi toyab tin and at Itttled at Adoipllustown trout tho 1th on their car mmert tha poor aoidlm on Ihort rot into it Ih been omit loco other nollts it via an Imaaittr atlqu htdltot uu uteri was till the Truly II Aixtaa fhsppebiarllritdn traded but II It It lttdIaI The Amortch oi molly Itievahcea II ltd to the Ambrlcan lterolutioaty War mine II it years trier so Intro tillhunt Valley til wotl Furthermore Erttan had to toilacted In thato till to tha eocl ol borrowLu money to boy hour anywhere to CItlIda with oran morisasa rates art litl rim to to per It too mooter burden oi lntstlai rater texts Ind issuance ta battle trawliqu oi Commons con mcot and the American ltheo aldsred rosaauroa to British sublqu Iry proud oi IioIrtelatly am llawioundiartd ms rattwa Irons Pla Mu liilir with IE iIItI 15000 In Muliiimemnamwmwn no traded toe climax when thasrar alrtded its corttla lot till JAM at to than or olbir John hlacdbnald NibTim lssub oi tilondlia atom diIIuslId out this vol onI Nurrti at Davtort imEx looloo Chledmia Tun my up and dominate Ira so the run but it limited sovtoe mentalvcoaariratloa stardam at hardtop Iii All too many muoiel at will shine saw that amllyhoosianlmplybo cause It ultimately increases the qu oi adoration which thayaro required to meet mun otemntenlal mean urea ulnar catsttructloo be sum land molt andth tiltsmay nova bun marli ttalty Info is morale my dentist oooaitudlon They are obviously lmdequtlo to solve Meta em oi status prim aotrtsdtquatotuppty dinner The Forgotten XWIM llIlIyala Rattler Iut attrwal torrottso Irrttta war Itooulders on In th Earl Malaysian slate at batsvalr Ibo It CPI no limb oi otter It in not Til ntioor died to thoamtooideia MYIMI It oavertheteu dtadiv IIrloua about tooo ornunoolal Iliilt laa itllIiM to tha Itmsar ital Siut Prime Minister liaxIlt has said Lbs admits the problem it tar horn rotted lreeapttm louiaburI in not be ortantted by it llrovmtamc tiasatd that ttsullte month on to attack Quebec Into production liloRed River hood reached no relaxation to Imminent anothtr costly obtr isa Iro eliminated thera will allot tnvotvtII loan Irmy Mir with Iron out oi distal lomtobautothernbyclvtlaod Moo for pi MrBroadloom to refund double the difference in cash if you can cover the same area in the same quality carpet tortessduring MrBroadlooms famous$2for$tofierin90daysofpurcnase llllltmt tlA bl altar at on inhibit lb dill tbutplllltliuliWInyl0uloi um lowalllllolidllxallrtawl la waarwovsu IN malt IIIIII aIt III In BARRIE court NOMI CAII low you pol under water GIANT WAREIBOUSE SERVE YOU OIINRIIIY II IO Iltlilb VIII PM mllittry moans guarantees WITHIN 00 MILES