Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1973, p. 3

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it looking over prlrewino Iprpearsy It the Iiirrlo Ilor ltettrturot SodetyI Iris Ibd Peony show It SunnldIia humidity Centre Thursday Ire Fitoll Linc RiIIIIrrt DIstdson president ol the Alli orI Horticultural Society Ind tripe It the show Jerk Arts and Crafts Fair At North Tho Strum County Arts end to tilt or Itit dc qua AstocIItIoo boldlnr Its anqu ndhn ou ii trth Quits Itur Ind Arts Ind provI or showcase for Sirocco Crafts IIIr It North cotteglste bounty erIttrntcn end Irtlsts IMR to untlt put on Any resident oi simcoe Conn Monday TuosdIy Ind Wednes may shove or sell hundrde lay inll Indbvruzsidbmlugtc and no theme at this use ll ml Wm alin times bers It the Issaclotion The an my Mm erIttI will Include lestherwork hm hm Wth rnelIlwarIr ereIttve Ihresds mm pottery tadlIn cratts spinning werIag Incl wood carving PIIrr The purpose oi the air LT lo tings sculptures Ind suited yrctcrto old cralts end In utedlI work will be Included In ourrce now crabs onvbIrlI the Irt section Georgian Theatre Company IRIS AND scour snow Tnytoe muons vicepmlocnt oi lilo American III Society IlsoIhsdgoIttbenhnrrJnd Ilrs lore Pierrt coalrnor ol run ItAiutlE autumn the show The entry by IIII Iildrclh Itomn at North Srect iron first prise II nmtnee Photo an no IRIDAI JUNE II In nisllil Bilre Rodeo Saturday Participants In the Innisltl Optimist club bicycle Room to be held Snturdu ot the Incis Iri Rood Department yard on Concession might have been cortlztsed by story which up poured In Thursthys edition oi The Rellstrotion lor the rodeo will hire placa bctwccn to out Ind IT noon Ind psrticipsnls curt bcIirr tho rodeo imrncdrntt eiy ultrr registering for ANew Season In New Tito Ilcorsinn TboIIIo Comp nor will open its tourth season on June 29 inibe new theatre pt ITWIIIM Collars rt Wlnurd oi 01 LVSLbictitm In the tint year pm pm July it loyAuz or Iinud tha cornp mountinnrnntumrmlii mission Austral stand In church hall pcrlomrln pm lamital with yeaorwn premium list It subscribers utlllosridnd 1000 and Has icputstion grow with it The Lion In Winter by James Gaidwin July 20 lo id erapt July 21 Ind July 15 Privsie um Noel 0w nd Aum IT to aruptAuI nest IR Ittd 21 Serreanl Mnrgraras Dunc by John Ardan August is to September CONCERTS Pour consul will be held in tha tumor or July July 75 August and Aucust it ltrior more will lncltrtlo Perth Cotme Contplrncy liltirray Although III In unnumcri county Ind weslcrn croup and Grcaso Bait Rootln Band metal event ls scheduled for July IT lJ Ind II untitled Sluy Dultln ls lichen AtrItIlclu Inldtha urou with using tho Georgian oils thcntra Illlld sharing the some name Is not connth with the college The company grow out oi the GryphonThootra Company totin ded by Ilrton Itlntoel horn Air Itlntoutt pool nt regional theatre operating an ygnhrotrndbfuit Itrite troupr roquct or In our business and rolesslmnl men or run CO Ell MIR Ill It there II ruttlctenc Interest mm mo Pcrlorrnlnr Arts came to Nasser will IIJO bo oterodt Tholoundntlm charter wum Wendy IIIcIr publicity chair told Ibo compwry will poriorrn during lowest rum mar sensors this soon Play to be pcriormod an Plea In llct Err icon res Feyrlcnu Juno July to to except July and July Swimming lessons At lions Pool Iterlstrntlons Iro now bclnu on tor cw icssonl Itt Lions Pool bcsdo tho dYlIlltllllt which mood Titus ay Him mung senior nc or betiolb or Red Cross Ind the this Ind minnow soberinncrclenu will to hold In tlrrce sessions from JulyT to July All trorn July It to titcm to and trout Aud url II In AW 81 IAN IIIIlTF and Joan Eormlam membcrl oi the mgr imiduilumila celved In January ml with on pillar Wm RIM lme lttrr Illiils as ilrrt chntrmun termcdirto and royal Ille Eittlittr Inlormatlon may be obtained by calling the lions Pool nllltb It TZHIOI Jxnfixs L17 m1mmm7xr Geotplut Titcuiro Company rchonrso Plea In llcr Eur 31 Sunny Weather To Give Way Ollirhlx will niop inking rez lsllulibtts at noon Ind crpect tbo WJN to continue to about pm II it rains tho nest will be htltl It the Stroud Irons SPECIAL LICENSE speclbl aucttootcrr license will be tuned to Itsttlortecr Ier browning to carry on In It tion June It at the Northern Sli me and Disposal yard Readies Surroundings by Georrcs Fevdtuu Thrus dul ct traction Colitis The play will bo previewed Juno CORRECTION sagas out to be seen ile us there LOCAL AND GENERAL ii EE Bullet Erect then with Air silos retired to the Holiday Ibn Inc relation Tbs ml and ratios were II were mmy or his Insurers Ind Ibat be all topdbm nonmetal one but the opening II ol the trim litle urtqu mm the opening oi Eli Roy stores There so so otters oi sett In Mil bill lor one do Ir be did scteuI years no to Toronto Rome and New York Tbcre were no live turkeys Is Mums Ithyt Tba louse bIr cbsoscd II at rnIn not use at DID reason tban broom It you Rina in clinic In entitles be has to rollsld or bi pditIcnl career Those miles which nude tied Boy wbot It to today would his Iwa iron the seriousneu Inri sincerity 01 my oltkc be all somo people start he love Im sincere iiIAGE CHANGES llc said Lite image started to change about tour your Iro uhen tha work not loo much or him and in order to comm sale No ltlred lite men to into his place Since theoo in men dari ed work be laid the day to day tltdllbnwlllli hos dimin lshed considerably still know about etuy thins and make the Illldl de cisions In said bid lto terro Seli 29 dd anti July Illltl will run from July to to except July iExnrnImc Phtdoi dolrniurrtt by the city to cover Ibotl lour em sold Lastv My mar Barrio public mgr hon1 wf In allocemeiotrutlhepeeplr Irc red its bid Ion massequ NmIILwtursmhw they are com the crrulutlnn II cunlectny common Isd nod ranching Intern Ithy the counter then pick Esme tor the chus 27th store We dot Inner III years uo It toll ILI Ilsrrio Imblbereadylcruseitblnl yeIr mi here Ie Ire be IIIL Tbsl srrnc suney predicted liollttrric store would do ili authors in sales wluma durins the tint ul Air harms think It will do bettrr lbs tbsl Ind Idis In aiwnys notion criinnto these Convention means em Io lastrma Ilo IIII tba me psay bu no ouslms Ibour scl ilsti hirsute on the BI lldd street connoterrtsl strip We dont lmb IRcr otbrr peoples trIIftc we try to creole we own Its oi but at btty on the property In ioaprI Int dwbrt learn until IIter the purclnse that the Storm list was in The try to tic Iwrslnrns Ibldt roads him II million but your Iccorlltnl to Air Listh It Id rertlssng liben we Illtriioc the com pclrtors will bow to Idltlilse mt will rrtca more rmncr ivr everybody Ilo attributes the oth rest at ta chain In adsertirinr but surreals that the lessons be turned when north oul in the business mesh something too itlcrsonaltzhed sensor1 to Ibo exreme to eer was Ilsa stan till It In those days nitric trying to sell Itlflmtdltn Lsslnmr took to cbttrui inhtbc morning not which didnt itslo one illrrr to those Itorncs Id go Irer not ask lbcm ubIt they were paying loe Ice etery week Theyd th mo tirs WM Ind Id sell them Irrdgo tor neck In IIlcr years to applied the urns principla to clolbor dricrn by Ionian tor horses wttli clothes on brcIyIrd llno Tho next year he Inuit out Iclotision with The easiest place to sell these things In to people who dont have them You bare to go out Ind nd them TbI Sirrmn Ootrnt Board or restitution bu candied RI re rervsuui on site on airloc bon dream ghoul Illn no Mimi Edy all The Ire one building corn trillion decided the location Is not suitably mgrapblcsliy and new Icith would likely bars in Isiomrrtodalo students lmrn Roth Dorlit Abdulolllit Little Inuo as we II pert ot Ins skill Tittiespr Tbs bond has dccldcd thorn lore to Inwstignto In option on live Icres at land south oi Lion Avenue bastion Bayniow end mounts stood Gary Alex usls lent superintendent pines pilot bl been Instructed to hot Into the possibilities and re port book to tho bulldiuz com mitten The Iron one buildin We unites Ilso establtsbcd priorities rem In rm Pent II II hubris public scNooi letting Riding and drainage at tho Itsrnicn public school In Innis Isl soonsblp Ind tendon at the Swollen school It Stroud were acts projects to be completed Cost oi the looting Itll total strum to Iron two torsion will no In lite lchruoon he would ro County School Board Cancels Reservation On School Site be said Aluch oi bis lilo now relates morn polites rather tbsn bunting lor telcriiion IcriaIL lose work We never term ed to rain limit cant sit IRET listen to Go to In opera ligct bone to bo ranking The store is said to be Ibo Mel the III Arturo Bid Boy stores In thrtarin Itlr Listrnan pudich titers writ be Is within the next litres yum school Isli Twin Lakes Incond The Bad Boy Has New Image For Store Opening In Barrie BAD EOY MEL LASTMAN Tin Barrio store Is located mike north at Ilipblrny IN on Iliytiolo Street North end has ilpor Iea oi 25030 suture ltd The store manager II Tim Inltter win has to scar oI sen vies with tho Bad boy oblllt MANAGER AND SALES NEIP renude by Sir air Paint Ind Iisllpsper tar store In new Georgi IIIII Sunni pin Centre biInIm must be est cleared to point end not piper Pbonl Iry school lor totll cost oi MD in thrombus lnz worth I500 will be Installed It Ab Midilid mild sdtoot Proctor II cost oi it IlU be done ItTcwmietb South school and north $1500 It the Tbttenhnm ptbllc chooL BARRIE DEN dentures provided ONI chm lne consultations ISI SOCIETY AlunrlIy io lrldIy II to IJT IOS DUNLOP ST done It the William ttrIcltl Toronto smarter vrlint AIR GIMDAJ 5t Tile lIlnI Ind Willow so Driller Rd Toronto TURE IINIC DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC CUSTOM DENTURES OREPAIRS AND RELINES 00 dIyI Inconditloul moneybub bunnies on Ill new Odeyru warmly II in Idlmtrrrentr on Ill nelr dentures OFULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES Olliernberl ol the Denturist Society ot OItIrlo Ar Iccredlted members one charm toe IenieeI ecolonrr Irllh the ethical Ira Inbrdtrie established by TU DENTUIL OFFICE HOURS SaturdIy In Lnr to pin PHONE l7OSl 72647 OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL Sports Sitllh Unlimited In portunlilos tor Youth program operating In Iturrio this own or bus armored to main use oi pool iacllitlos til iito IJnrrlo NATYWCA bill II tth sponsor ed by the or was medal to on nrtlcio ill Thursdays ed itJtrt ot Tito Barrie Examiner LAND PURCHASE City commit ltII vcd Ibo Ilia rmly dobenturlng oI lttsmo cover the purchnso or land ice lut uru rcrcrtolr alto on Bayvlcw brine The cost Incluch drittinn on Irtcslnn well on anen street Ittr tho InttIIIstIun or connecting ioodop mains and the Emeline and Installation pl 15 re hydrants Ibo cart at lend ptlmhm for ptbllc utilities aimlch ruINtI lion on Wellington Stth East Tho cost Includes the chase Ind iruInUttIlon oi equipment construction oi loodcrt Iilditlonr to the overhead distribution It iom Ind pukitnro end InstIIII Ilon oi motoring equipment ENGAGED FIR The Ilrm oi Grccr Galloway and Assoclnios limited has been encased in dcslcn Ind nipcrvlra tho proposed storm sewer ltna from the billion Itcmxlo school to Yottso strict In slid land Tenders tor the plume list to cool tltitI it be call ed m1Ingrluodlotcly Thcmrewss ls no account timed ANIMATION whorl on Addition to total oi timid will be was built hm KINSMEN SUMMER FEST 73 SATURDAYIUNE23rd UARRIE DUNLOP ST ARENA Free corn Dance Door Prise pm turn $3 Per Person Cloud And Showers Saturday After the beautllul weather llarria Ircn residentsArts ex onced oil wees It Items un urtunolo tho torccnst coils tor cloudy Ittos with It low shows are or itrundcrshoworr Sniurdiy Tho low tonight will be none 55 and the high Saturday will in 75 to ID synonIIsA veotltrr tract that brooch showers over Lola Superior Ibould continue to roll Iotthrmtwords today Wulbly ll tee Is Ibrorrto but excopt tor this narrow bond the rest it On tnrto should bo mostly sumy Show will be more senscl Saturday with rtrirur tempth turaa rotting the store tor some thundery weather In tho Inks Superior region and senilch Upholstery Class Plans Open House The upholstery clots oi the ttonsiny Action Group iIIAGI will trod on open hours Monday etching at Prlnco ol Wain School bolwccn and to pm the to negotiating with tho Simone County UoIrd oi Elin enilnn tor the use oi the Iotuol during tho Itnruncr tor two even tilts wont hire Pat Bock Ilotutny Ac lion Group chairman end she expats to lwtow In the lost Iuitue 11 lbs board will auction the use oi the school durint Ibo summer and sold mernbcrr oi the upholstery class will be Itr Iortnni disturbances clocwhrte Toronto Cide mostly rlcnr Ins by ntlcrnoon Cloudy ptri nds with low showers or litteri tlcrslonns Saturday lilthr to day 75 to DO laws It to on tonight highs Snlunlny in tho Ilndsor Snrnla as to St Thomas at so Imdon dd 55 Itltthrncr so lilotirti Porcsiur bi Windham do Is Orton Sound 15 Ed Illuskolra It on llntltillort bit in Toronto to $5 Pciotborouclt TI 55 The mother is presented dIlly II public service by Wavelwsrtd DOWNTOWN BARRIEI COR COLLIER CLAPPERTON 5T5 srnu REAL ssrsrr Ltd Wu lls TOMEETALLYOUATRAVELNEEDS NOIIAWASAGA INN HWY 89 ALLISTON Phone 7054355501 Comc and enjoy yourself at Thu Notin tvasrpu Inn take advantage of our mnny to oron onal incitittos such as driving range doubo tennis court puttln groom horse shore badminton horso but riding swim ming pool ssunn bath new sports AVAILABLE its no ADVANCE nuannvasrorts szzdasgzaar izililiiz noun nears ruin run out runu ITEIN

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