NAIL amml Awe serscssr Tardy Iih Ibnsrn er itll1 srshoms mutiny tn to aim Li in SANTA TB in AW See drill EXAMINER rstrrnowrs Gratin emiese Aerators mus As other Doormats men 1091b Your No 140 Machinist Strike Cancels 11 Flights nonsense do nih Eleonorausean It Tweets International see we today mil In at the rnealistiol oi ti nights An Air Canada Intimate said Thm nil prdnhiy be more llleht csnorilsd inter in the day the Woman ind at not lllL titer ATS ling them an momma is seen psihirJWOwed candied ights were lot iieeirealtlernelos to Dre murmured see lhmnio MIMI lit NasserToronto too Torontosime no Montreal ioronlo lomiodlohlresi no Ironion York 2i New Yotloihrento lie Torontohen York III Now Yorvao soie Tim oirlm realms said the MohtrraiRrrmuds psssen senhsd Alidy been mottled through Toronto The Intern msi Assode oHMAinkiA Miranda Internalsan mlieorss 1m todsybo strDesAmtruyetIeeiiv tninsqmsnsaid nommureroeolnglo Midith Handout Are shunting oer tastier be mo they be hortnally the 1AM gave two been notice strike Illa Eiring Continues iDespite Ceasefire SALOON iAil Continulhz lire irom rockets Iriittery rnertnrs and guns sot Vietnams row smell olt In shaky IAAIBANIYVIDIAITIMIMM Emma pitted in Implement any oi the it oi the mmunieua Aime Wisan llrsny Kisslnm Ind LA Due ho Pi And till Air strikes ed in Cambodia Ind the ivtoperiy Join Million Com mission that Meringer Iereign Altalrs some to me dmt Nixon and The North Yielvmn peNltstse munber designated to put true see into elteet seemed In no my to 16me liI task It twohntr miles the Men and Viet Cong ehiel rep reminders to tbs emutaslen Adioumod until out work There no arms transit tor the eernrnnidors opposing Armed term to meet At noon Sablrdsy at places ot dreet oontIzt to avert hostilities This no the tires iiird in the malaria st in Peril by tho United Bulls Neath Vettiant Barth Vietnam and the Ylot 0on1 uw ncompletel VANCOUVER CPL iieailh cure tor the seed to molly Incomplete and no prvvlms appears to be preemies Ior the coming gerietrc puistion ex pleumLse the median Med lrnl As on lCIIIAi resdutlen Thursday treat the annual needles oi the GMAT germinr body the 250 meessber nenerai zomdi reo nerndod review ethaii gran mr ypregmms or Eider Mirror uith leng tcrm II quarter oi the beds in lar hospitals the resolution the committee on community care said and this indicates Blitlt mmliill In rrhn itetlen and eorrussnnlty services The number oi docius ptrsinod intern oi the axed is very small at two pneyiittes its Cnesde two them Dr Mortality ol Csl reel the committee chairman Al In III Interview that the ssesnoweowoysai ctith Care medical profession has been tossed into din eore bo tosno oi pith ape Grandpa 1an tense into the smnil Iamiiy home at ladny andrtha Ialniiy eonvinres Ilseli lItlratliuwould be better oil In elderly male on to par oust el Canndas population and their numbers no rrowint be said They still can mote meter denitions to the community hutbrlng old is rortddsred The community heisth cont mlttee also recommended that immunitywide cheat Array suryrs Ior luboreuioris be abnn erred except In toluene nithi where the disease is torn rnod wills It Ieosi one use lound tor Iv spot srays in serum ties with lever Tti cases the tislr oi exposiel the normal individual to my billdip Is tee Irish the eons rrdtlee said retentive toes sonnet New lMeherI Margo Waitr Ule tiairnists and Model tripe rented study tells urvey computer printout In tilt1 e1 llndinp optvdnps in tr fields Two hundred up piirenis sisowed up Ier inter views in hsmiet In Rtuco earthly 0rd with six IohA then indication the lots snort age in teachers Ir serious GP TITAN Barrie Ontario CAnads Friday June ms NDP Backs Govt enterprises on gore breakwater as ex petted Thursday night turning bun another nuirmiidenae neo tien in the Commons that touid have sue the sultry Into iszrrII loll Temtythreo New Doiuoersts loined VI liberals and debt Bo rial Mt members to detest lid to BS Progressive Cnlla serveilvo motion eooderrminr the goruumast tor miihentlurg the money it was torerone neluslen however The NDP indicated carter it wetrid not bring down the revetment on another perlys motion This was the third nonm Itdeoeo voteether then trail tiooai opposition motions As the throes speech nod hudret da bAteaihsl the gaversnnuei hes survived slnoa Plullnvnent opened in Juniors Roch IASAIIA IndJoiletlsl voted with the at Csenrsvatives resent Enlyslx members wens Absent tor the vote Monument MRICEOFIER AOILI MollaiiY Item ierl Itdbetmen In New Gsdneas sresiem hirotAods hale soldered to turn Carr mi stainto boeel let 11M tdd eosnndttea merobm at the Mount lta ren show the big lestival evrhi in the territory they were prepared to eat be men flush It the shots in Aurtnl The lribrsrnrn Added however that they did not want to tilt Anyone and would make do Ltuisnd with burly item the Iotnl hospb lAls mortise osnrlsmmt officer Al the mile politely hut Ilrenty the tribes mens wrestled Workman Killed In Landslide mmv We Three wurlnssen were killed and one inhned when Mouldetp enosvalion Minded Thursday ENEMY Em pure on station Alto beside the White Riser b1 miles northeast oi 0t lsws resisted About see pm EDT The three men titted were hurled Alive white the tensile man was buried in to ids nest Iterated by other wortrrs was taken to homitsl with unde termined loiurles Nantes Win unavemtie hampered second slide short so night ister About use one but the glossy trdaitiro oi wsteruoeltrd clay and sand made Murry oi the others hassrdoua The Isst body was term from the AA ethtlon we pm mAWA OP The Qoem It seems store extra dry ahempsgne with dessert Ilshll the only relatively eon sisteot item in variety oi menus she has leioded tor din nersend lunehes during her Jeane Nelly royal tour And the wines stone to he Canadian oilervlse the royal palate will be iloldrd with vsrlely ol gastronomic treats ranging irom lambs to exotic tours redo Marie Alloinnetlm lei and strip oi sutt The menus tend to some pensaie let the terriny ans dim irehit oi bu up the Queen to boot edits his Arid Recovery oi the bodies was The ilrol body was reeevered pail Weeks dearly nhiel oi Intel ligence and Security IIyA cansdeafness Binden this mdrnihl WASHINGTth tAPi The dispute end removal oi the Domestic partys snort exr perienntd pretesslensi was the goal oi the Nixon oarreeaigeers who planned the tislergsie raid Senate intostigetors were told ThursdAy In torllrnoo that tinted one leirues oiilel alter another to the Weiergato wiretnpptng sod WASHINGTON AP The White Iiousa rays IbeUnlled Binteesoviat summit need week will not produce sweeping new nlmsIintiioilm asroenwnt but hopes the two toiletries can achieve beeehthrouslr towerd permanent nuelrer tinbi At news enrdercooe Thins day Diesldeuilal assistant lienry Kissinger said there will not be on agreement on the nebslanea oI struerIe ha armslimitation SALT negotia tions during the weoirleng euro mlt liut Kissinger said he dots ex act estmiva discussion which might open the to mom harmonious more som bie insirucilms to IRS and swim nonolleiors who run sitit tug In Geneva to reach per manent arms iindlellen Ae cords At about the same time that Kissinger hlseos chiel testim Thursday Thoso responsible Ior paring meals Ior Queen Fisav sits and Prince Philip have been busy ler some time wherever they are to eatho leis trains pianos and restate rentstheir have prepared thrra sstble menus or reds rneAl ese have been sent to the Queen who has plotted one ior tech eeoeiien muse oi this system elli this say tier tirelessly ll not ll ways Able to hate rxeetly wise aha wishes but suggestions isprn tour errenlrers lend to keep meals within Auilehie range urity And Intelligence Servires rnernorlsl peruse loun illoo with other sports Isis bisercteeidtb Aim Oi Watergate thus the Democrats lia did not its revenue Jets Stuart Altit tslrr said Iieel Approval tor the rrptensro plan euro irom soles Mitchell then ILLDIMYICIIHAL The target hllsmder said was inwrrnso DDrlen then the Democratic national ahslrmsa And murhlrered tor his polttt eel expertise The ides be said was to rain Inlermatlon lhut would discredit OBrien and lime Limileiion Hot Expected From NixonBrezhnev Summit silelrs Adviser was holding his news eonierrnee the Soviet Ieedtr Mould Brezhnev was heidlnx on unprecedented meet Ing with American eurrospond enis In Macaw EstCentennial Celebrations TORONTO CPI Ceiebrn times to merit the sooth birthday this weekend at Moose Rectory the provinces oldest English settlement on James Bay were unlined Thursday to the lolisia turd Rene Brunette minister oi community end social services said the trisenlennlsl will re vivo the response el eertier days to one 01 Ontarios oldest sd most lrnportmt hieterieai oo tiosts are Advised Ior In silence not to get into exette thinss tile shill eon eerue Alld lilyth row Is den gerouAiliro tiller steak we store slid stems looks are told to belr in mind thst the Queen is not heavy rater Silo Rielssnd rhooses mixed prili Ior loslsnee Is smart lhng one sesrooed oltirlni said The Queen his An entity to eat what she ms and leave aside that which she does not It Asst wont do tor the Queen to rt sport Iiomseh wise be said eopecloliv when Clip Retro Examine Not More Then 11 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery Ade Woolly 20 Press lng oil trident tint mining SECURITY SERVICES MEMORIAL RT CIB BORDER Brigadier General 1110 during CAnadisn Toms See Miles ereredhrg dame Sat urday All in ronluntilon with the surreal Bosssrlty Wreb weesth at Amountstn atesI nArnent Area to be he tndn and At Borden and nseotinu and pistol tamer Photo I16 lay whet tho inierrnstien wes Coniosslot publiniy to non splraey obstruction et titties and perlsrry and protected irom promotion arising irom his Senate testimony hys prenl oi immunity ltsyrudrr said he hnd relayed dtihils oi the es pionage ytan le iho Ville oi the residents shirt oi stall 11 It inidemsn President Nixon probably didnt know about It but It was sible that liairicrnan did tatznsdtp sold In testimony Thursday Couid we discuss nrensmm tlon nl thy North belers Ihs dollar drops againl Champagne With Dessert Appears Quee ns Favorite meal Is to be tollosved try strenuous pohiie Appearances nosneirn at events is similar to Iinanclng the entire royal tour and oldeiea sidestep silt reel questions oi costs she led eroI government brings the royal rowple over and pays baslo charges Provinces and mulch as My ier events within their purview like neepLs with the ereoorlloo at some costs this pnlit year in Region Ind Csigsry The the intro is lederal one costs are borne by the iadersl tresso ttlh all returns and Anglers irom 2AJ lesson is visiting these capitals As Nit oi the RCMP cenieentsi eelobbrAtIoes Sines tAs ouexeons 10 ee toumour UTTAWA iOPl 11in NI rrnrnant Iiii Iisp still esport Icontsm on gasoline and hail oil at midnight tonka In An sl tori to noted the entry Irons possrha merry ride but sister Annotated is the Commons Thurnisy the mnirols Iiii slop orporti Any use or best Ationsi merry Board rnuL Berrgy ilinixler Does the dentin described it mutihlsu temperA bin is they so last oneron ten years unless world All shorissrs use dra mstlesiiy and Oneida is as sent rd Adequste Ierrlxn sup res Cruia oil exports were no Alrittrd by board older in February his Msedensld raid the droi Iipn to impose controls us trestle alter the reesgy brsrd tried unwritu to NDIIM exporters oi the need Ior voltm lary restraints 1e Ilse Annoteixed guoltne import restdetlons IAll be it moved uben regulations to pet the export eeriler into riled are released possibly tndsy By Ici ng we he argued the potrrnnwnt 15 giving reneries live months lrsd time to hiltlsll toilets studs Ior next wrnler Given Aeneral Aorld short are loreixn miles normally Albllhoie lot this purpose could not he married 11o raid reneries normally shill Irons gunllnode heating nil prodsletlon in August but with heavy demand And hldh export it partiallift Iutted hlea markets there longerthl year ilo released tlgrlree shoeing gasoline eporls in the rst tour DONALD MACDONALD eonints temponr same period lost seermoot hsrrels romper wlh 11000 lienting oil exports rose in th million barrels Item lost our one rsdihon In the were time IND lie deelintd to any Absl level 01 exports the entry bosrd I111 allow but said the lots will be out shsrpiy Eaeh WLALILLOD would be eonsldered in the light ruling studies At the oldest however the Limit will he considered zero and the onus will be on my gssws Ih Any more out at the reentry ho ELF Without controls be sit Ills announcernem was Illy welcomed by the three Dennison opposite parties months at 1m roared so times above the level recordtd tor the Iiiillilll Development Corpora tion ewntr nl Yrttngs IGA in Slrsutl hopes to estxtntl l0 in riude liquor store medical nt llms drug store vnsltty store and breuty sniort It Is meeting with lnnisttl rotiss vil At its nest regular meeting talnesdty to discuss the pro pent lime Derember Irusisill com rrl approves in principle an up pllrntinn by Steiner llIAvrr to huilil medical rrnire dmn store and liquor stare on his was glton gala welcome when IIDUSIDN inertialSkylab sterner to not their Apollo rowdy ior more solar litres Sianiield To Visit WAWA tCil Nialera Folk St Ca riots llellend Ningnrnnuiholkr and em Ontario centres ths week Euvornun rvinilorn overcoming sourvrs sold here NINE151 titeutrrllwo ar militant Protestants hid killed stand rmn ltlehaei Wilson was titties and shot Wilson Canadian Trniinnblie sent en ti Meen Satellite Gee kilns oi the universe when two masked gunmen rang the door hell and nslmi llerron where her husband was Told he was out they ran up now worAinp agreement with Lil said where petulons coat oi lllln sud vacations Atill are to dispute The old mnlrert expired Jena But they erilidted the govern merit lor waiting too low innisiil Development Corp Hoping To Expand Stores properly at Hmll Oil Mirth it Mr Oliver with drew his Application bsvnvso oi the eitlrrilms rind torrlrottrsy boiru mired Council then rescinded its mo tion endorsing the Chamber oi Commerres msrmtnrndrrl ters Len at Dnreltv illitl handed the question oi where to locate the liquor store heels in the liquor Control iieerd oi Oninrto The date coirnril hes nit hid denite reply Irrvn the iCIJO CAPSULE NEWS Argentine President Welcomed liADluD linealPresident timer Connors oi Amtnllna he arrived here todsy tor Iive dry state visit width wlii end with him assuring Armor president John 1an homes to items Alru Alter nearly to years ol exile Astronauts To Spend Busy Day Astronauts spent their dry ell today with one 01 the heaviest schedules or their iirlsy ptlwlsn Ior the trip home And archive Ontario sltlen Lender tubers Stsntirii vli visit Ancestor Twnship during twotiny whirlwind tour oi sputterest NATO Ministers Rodent Review COPENHAGEN llirutrriFuroIgn ministers Iroru North Al lsutro Treaty Orgeuirntion lerlYJI member countrir stirred ts dsy to moral the United Bnlrs tail ior review Amendm rnriter lrrnzhrriudhnto NAID Ulster Youths Kill Man In Bed med youths iotisy napsrrntly irts ltmltd lo hustler Tommy llerron one at Northern Irelands top th hmdrenlnisw instead it in bid at limons iiriiust hketme rs BOO Workers Strike In Rrantiord liltANlIOILD Ont CPIMore than too production uorsers It rite today to beet requests tor tempsny unto spoiltst sinio Orbit CAPE CANAYEiiAL Pin ARIThe Explorer tsdie Isison orny satellite went into orbit amend the moon today on sruhsen to retold deepspace radio signals thst outd Attend nuns know on sealed the sensory mumhm turd In rnergy mills vrllhln IIl dunner they might nit not FM