ml Mull EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE IL in IT to Directory TIMI RGANS BY THE retro rel nu AUTOMOTIVE BARRIE iMPDRT AUTOMOTi cm to AUTOMOTIVE csrlsaia AltMarry P0nlluCBultllt Ltd OI AUTOMOTIVE MILLION DOLLAR SALE ACTION SPOT tor qael male etienisiae GIVE US It CALL T3111 ARRIE LARK 1e ALIONULNT SERVICE mi tede cu torment we Irro MD IA um 0W no to un 9th CEILING av LAREVIEW DAIRY LLTutgEv NATIONAL RATIer co LTD we at run In In ml lll Mlll lull VER tilotlxhl about giving thil 51301 some thought Cali 7292114 OOD 15 GREAT LLINO MwVIRO LAURS RACII Arum rmmr It Real Palate Broker lARN SPE le CWMTI II DUNIIOOM 1631 EULUEER you we to Mar 72G21H Hall marine e1 are aoleltil netIa rda Lh ed bllglot IWOLLACE vUnilanrellc 22 WI 1972 CHEVY VEGA DELUXE COACH vinyl Interior cylinder 0110 min Standard lruemlaaioo mole chill rad let mu One out with only luo miter Our horn are maetaatly reeorlnr 7l this Ureace HIS uh 1971 FORD COUNTRY SOUIRE LTD lranrrldsalen ilirheiin lira Ir Sea green Mr Ilatiorr waron with green viaii ialeriar eylledcr on cue hraleapewerhaz ITEM up rrntrpealrrr new ahilerrailttrulheel rorcn Axein lactaonayreeedu an IllI WARmtouinlpemanalmnml rarirwocdmlepaeelilngeaqutriteeoro 21333 da Mummalltlm 1119lmni 1972 FORD MUSTANG MACH mm Multan while with Mark vinyl interior YPSY LANE INN if it III on rum mm an Lin ll Acre no neromura ioniiatggcm mmell Md QM BQENEQCIIIAEIUSYA II enter roalr race liual mitten tvlla rear rrnltn T99 Nlarliltevrlousxdolebeyliitigitlru larIlmEnrylyyEIoElrrd 31mm aloe with our lllwery rm imam quality modal armour rue error 72 VALIANT USED CARS porter teem redo lrblle rral $3 rarest green door coupe with green in while wall tires wheel coverl late the market To hrlar you were We iha Interior caliader alandlrd harm auto one order Hetero nine luterrlalie er aleerlo porrrr wndine WMOIILBIILI la quiet Ferd lUlOTA CORONA tron no to Silver WHEN nah black MW anion can so rl Mariel were were re corera one owner UNnce lliZ cyitulrr are engine automalir power In 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nuternallo trenrmtasion re 11 one owner licorice 100 019 riv ari raw raw Unit In Wirriivalinru on all our top Receivittlenodearr gaitWSW iii Pontiac Buick Ltd JGoor1 People To Deal with 34 i726rl885 or white wall tired EM plimrnllny Inlcrlar rIil tall and power brakes radio tlrra wheel relerr Priced to ecptlanel condition not cert tell ll mlilrwReUillihEaR mil wheel roam inxarl Ioala l970 SIMCA IIIA 91 This to an at in riwellll not certied i969 CHRYSLER 300 Inc potter erotica er llltl radio wh eoee FLU ell tinder automatic do wheel retell automobile Licence 11811 tel ca wheel eovora Licence FIA WI ion Bradford Si CHRYSLER CRICKET PERSONALS Your Day Care Problem Solved At innit Our two central iocationr oller relinhiiily tartar rare and at tention wn 710 enl to pmilo aytoPriday eweeie lo 21 yeurl at UAIIRIE DAY CARE CENTRE 1119 lieyiield Si liliDlil iii yeara to yeara nurlery achooi pleuram illitiiln KlDiiIShODi l5 Donald Si Tilldiiti ltdlllll retiree and trauma riiriilhee iota tintedle return or LIlr woman or narrow Jtiil rrira riwiulat rrirarona no lie altar lair wratdayl III tirer and lurdar Elma ller Ierwtndrm radio in to lllll titer p68 PONTIAC or 1968 DODGE POLARA Ucenro iKZwi rod with red interior cylinder door anion tiulemllic two white wait time wheel covert White door action with mi Inyl Inter IorI cylinder rpm lrarurninlon front wheel drive rndlo 1201 Series Lleen out this eeonrrlllcal choice amooh rldlnr BARBIE PLYMOUTH FARGO TRUCKS Ill MAW riiall rnvat or I972 FORD PINTO COACH Deep green door roltpo with green vinyl interior roliadx woo enllne rtlada lranrurltalrin radio rrlr window deion wheel eorera hue rl trail one owner with only mo miicl Economy it the one true today Enjoy trite ainirsi new economy ling tor yearn oi lrorrbe tree motoring Licence F121 rd 2299 I967 FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP Licence DSYltbl darl teen with cum lrdrr loo elrgnne zdoor hardtop automatic power stern white wall aril today 1965 FORD MUSTANG 11mm Etistlrl lire entitle rcdypetch ng vinoLa eyliedcr door hardtop atandani console shill ladle trinket reall lieslririr MIMI curtailment ex l968CHRYSLER NEWPORT Licence FCltnl bronze wltlr black low lilo lironte door hawtop aodilo vinyl In terior cylinder automatic pinver aleeri wet wlndowl now to wait tires whce revere locket lean air conditioned Lic i968 PLYMOUTH FURY irren door ardan rarern Interior Ier ateerina ra mo ever ml try $999 1968 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN turquoise door coded with matrhtnz Interior automatic radio white wait til $119 OPEN EVERY FRI NIGHT TO IO pm immuawaw 7260288 VALIANT PERSONALS NEET HATE Compatible to youneli lit to tilt threudi our Province Wide lniroducetlon Service we will be In illrrle to explain it to you parlanaliy lilo oblite llent itrile tor details OED EGIIVE SERVICE PO Box til BURLINGTON Ontario cunt ttvlno rnideie aae rd in mil rnml with via to cerrrreeild or me attraeI itoie trill we In tlv when Titled TP momma arid pout iiiairiroa vary lonely Wt PIVI oxall Iarrle LITA Al ill amt iIi wllrd III Jill Itltl TM Illlilttl $999 $599 $1999 $999 9199 $1899 ed MI Into ed war alson 120 line and need em To date then The prob em tr Loewe are ll oi ulth all over the Place and do where to atero In one bit bole to the around mwadn then can Prices are being SLASHED we must sellthese cars Any reasonable offervwill be considered Some Will sell below cost Lilled below are Irma our SPECIMS Just amruarlr one at tile sidewalk rrrplrtalead erll tihey Ire utraaTy lalramrnt they will be happy to IIIOW you our line rlock 01 new and used cars 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA Blue door apart hawker with lian Interior eyiirdcr Lil ellfne lulunllic power etoorlex power braked radio white wall tirea whcei colen I971 TOYOTA COROLLA l200 Green door mien with hclle Interior nllnrirr mo en Mandaid power hratro 21000 rniiae tnreitet Irate radio white wall llrvl whe colors Licence Nit i970 MAVERICK Lidd green door coupe with black interior cylinder alaluianl tranwnisrien radio white wnii lirea wheel NY Llcerrco more 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA sad wan Dldd inlerlor ilrldur Two elective uwiinir pm at brrTircEI leaoo radio inlet roots to well iirre wheel covers lieem lootn 1972 TOYOTA SELECA ST Red door hardtop with hLtclt Interior 7000 enrlnr limited transmission power disc brain AilFlt radio rear window dzteggrr Lnaclltl aeau white wall tlree wheel cov erl strciry hlarl railiel vy tires Llccnm Fis rot i968 VOLKSWAGEN Blue door em with hlartr interior ryiinier standard tranemaalon radio boom mu white wall liral iihert covera Ialilm 1191111 l97l MAZDA Down blue door sedan with hintk Interior cylinder etarulard iranlmirtiurr ratio white wall tires wheel colell Lleerwe M0191 1972 TOYOTA CORONA Green door ardan with vinyl root and hinrk imerlor ryiirwler rem engine ltandard transmiasiori rnlwor title broiler hirtrt soata radio whle well lirel wheel coverl Licence ERD ONTHESPOT FINANCING AVAILABLE Open Every Friday Unil l0 pm diet Jul LOST FOUND 10 HELP WANTED llttnle Ileww tell rnwuerv her no awn Montana tow we lane avatar TlIIonom mtrir riwi MI Juli lO HELP WANTED WAITRESSES Writteth hall and partvtinre 5th day and evening litrellrrd startled rotary pier ahillitremiutn Telephone JEAN LAWRENCE FIVE POINTS RESTAURANT month lc 10 HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS IIEN Oil WOMEN lee Barrie and lirrreundiny areal array To STOCK BROTHERS RUE LINES LTD PWK St lierrit 72859 ARE YOU INTERESTED 1N SALES CAREFJU We have openincr in MENS WEAR AND FURNITURE lGontl niture with reomollena to department nlunlrrra CAN be emesalte Olle well gloom but not rulitllll Sellry cenuneeaurate with TI rletlce libelII OUALIEIED COOK required Year round poaitlon need work ing corditlona end aelIr lind ern well equip til en iy te lira HANAGEII BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL liarrio TIMER Jttli Experienced GRADER OPERATOR required Apply DISIIERIFARRAND LTD PO Box 63 CARRIE TELEPHONE 7280274 iuil Ailly GLEN hIcARTllUll CANADIAN TIRE ierroiinel Dept BARRIE WOOLIIORTII anal iieylietd St liarrle rillfl HANDYMAN WOMAN WANTED Parllme position available or handymanwoman janitor in tire welt end ol Dorrie Could lull retired perren llratd re ly with name trad telephone number In BOX Ell liARlilE EXAMINER litll MAHAOII hair lullvllme lot Manor enra um Aron in men to Ellrow Mendelian crime little to elaII riw hani re vii law are non re tool Itnrl In wool minil allot trot l5 eeollr ll runner riar Drii or eemra ira tartan in to no aoriarr will ltill requirea Senior GALBOY FRIDAY ence Milli and 72617 Iyl more we Tr to mm wt or In I1 IERANWIRRWEE am iilnl IADV WRAM FM blarn SALES PERSON Experience in die prelerred erepieyu eneitta ineluding ptoltl ehan JuIl PARADISE HEALTH SPA tirinht oiaeaant om blllbn eitiee latemtlnr porltloa with varied duller day week sal ery NllelyltlllgllllVlillthmlI rep one rlolelwetrl iguana TF week treiriin coerce In Toronto expenses paid IIOII IRID llhollllt 1a lat welt tl ltliiooil AVYMl to Itel mettl IM to mil Imlgwg 011E CATERING tor PARTIES Fri 1111 REUNIONS ccptiom ctr cialtirr NEmeN CATERERS MN HAN P1P NlERlSIEII waving your Mine In in column lvri rail llul hietora collusive Allelith let an Iowa re $2415 MARSH ARCHER MOTORS Lid AMlIICAN melons our lrtlrii lit Irlotll at llllll mum mu vlu lo eltllu in outer 72192114 ET raerertieult PICTURES lroltt limo Pnetwae mm ill RICK SMILE SALES BUSINESS illustrate coolier PREVIAUS SALES BUT created Inca or Conrnrcitenalr enurioree hrneiita lira TODAY Division 4540 Dixie Rd SALES ileoulremealr BONDADLE ANDIIIOUS ENTHUSIAan It you nullity we werenlee ay your llret month in Ouldllradlril colttlltllsloh rel we 6312921111J its another 01 our ape ar mull tell RN lilo Amtrlcan IUVEII lomtlell plltt date rew an arriri TF MEI It 3M Irmatrlat commercial Ruidltillll anM Litton otters new thailcnyinz mortiirrllirr have strong desire to aim NIalIrraD number el product can he advertised in this 01 pl U1 NOW YOU JUST HAL Full ERY GOOD SPOT tumtewrium denim Clll will onuanbeo IIKN 09m and III Tile ATCII CLINIC All Made el KR Incl all Tunnel allele II ll Ill drum orally llANOS hailRondo WWI GI ml Mlle Nor Matthew 5R0 741 Towers Phanrrac Mieiirrena men Owen to mi in it ML Myth 11 II Try Examiner Want Ads Phone Hilllll on NI CAREERS EQUIPMENT 1e candidaiee who ed lItlDllt Mllln In Sindee Ind EXPERIENCE HELPFUC NOT NECESSARY You will receive read llltllli eatery and eommiarlon with in lential rrrdirirs enrol year New retire at olllce reten training program and exceptional remnant on inner MR JOHN OSBORNE Itch Manager 1N CONFIDENCE MUNROL THE CALCULATOR C0 vl Litton lnduetrina Mississauga Ont l4166259l Rlil AGENTS REQUIRED By large internatienel erraniraiion tor central Ontario area OWNER OF RELIABLE CAR the toll earning lervlclag our oellbiltlted Io oouola Divortunltier to educate into management quickly it Halli benedu include excellent pension lndaailrir plain all new tor an appointment 11R BARRY COLLINS WEDNESDAY AND iitUitstiAYIu MON 10 PM lull Ilk er in tie