Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1973, p. 24

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1naIanvelouvuwaenwtrilutrellttertlnzarn Tllt Milli EXAMINER manor om II In AUTOMOTIVE OU GET7 DURING OUR OVER 35 COMPANv DRIVEN DEMONSTRATORS TO BE SOLD ALLCARS BACKED av GRANDVIEWBLUE CARPET 1973 LTD SAVE $106850 Beautilut copper Mattie 1M hardtop ginger interior heavy My group cylinder toe mine lllotttalk power atrerim pom brakes ddorrrr white wall lure wheel reveal Liam Wu Odom SALE PRICE i973 GALAXIECOUNTRV SEDAN SAVE $131780 nalon rear win we T973 GRAN TORINO SPORT SAVE $72090 Brim red door herriop block Interior racing mirror qlindrr ill engine automatic power Ileertno power braked radio ltvle loll tires wheel revere Home PEP 511 IT dour Millikanpr Interior Minder ten errrw Mantle WARWIer atoreorcaraeatwellrerJlarerdowdelmerIterlbeltedelillwailtirelwlauleeri WWW ImWll NH rover man power on or on View redid Arrnu tape cm trauimloir deluxe more lull reeled ram area tinted rim heavy dd $3795 SALE PRICE I973 GRAN TORINO SAVE $90910 Bile low IinLIIl on this allana blue door hardtop with rrlaldulra hurrior eyllndtr 51 wine lllemntic lrarsmlaalon pom lleerinn power Irma ratio Ilvle wall lira wheel mm in minor Wt warm body tilde moulding Uteuce FEL and IW $3a95 SALE PRICE 1973 GRAN TORlNO SAVE $90910 Dark green door limit with matching interior qllndcr all rene udomatie tranzmiuiim power Retrial power hrllor do white wall tlru wheel unveil new mirror We group new yearn war rm to $3695 llednir copper door hatdon blowIr Interior arrcrlng power brakea radio white wall llrer loom PER eo War urinate WIMP SALE PRICE THE ALL NEW l973Ia MERCURv MONTEGO MX BROUGHAM See these exciting new models today from the all new Vinyl roof concept to the elegant decor interior plus many new options iTS NOT LIKE ANYBODY ELSES ON DLSPLAY NOIV AT inowATrnuR 8i ESSA ROAD NAME you CAN CAR CURV 7285558 RUST L4 who rLVMollrit rdtlvltlioll ltu Mel mountain and no men rower retrieval oration and Iilllitlu or in need ruianiin tree or hell oi riamrd raced on Ina itenr OVth let latepoona traitor lull ruin rtriao went Iatrar moo Ea reliant eenotian laiaotaarla alllira cnaroer til we Will anoIM new rival akra lot et mmr lean an Inn new Iart aim Wevid emi atdrr line it pend our term ire otrl et wenr our reunion rrarmr in can Dalton rrarlr ndTm wron I4iInua Jltarlm rm TOVDTA Cetolil laraiirnt mu oliiari linen rritiar lliaoootle meter or NW lF It EOIVI mnvllibil Lore illlpl new car wmanty tit ryeie non toot no Iiriinlcui II lit power wtienl ror to rot IIIIIW rwnlry lllellllJ Ire ll all an i9zaeALAXIEsoo SAVE $973le Icylirlder on repair Idiomatic will wllecl revere Snapper grow Marry Mt $3895 TERMSIARRANGED RIGHT HERE 379 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 798736I aAurornorlvr CARS FOR SALE DALTON RENTIANEWCAR 0R TRUCK Dally or Weoillt CHEAP 177 Rtedlord Si lldwl nrn earls imports and SubCompacts BIRRELL DATSUN 175 Bradford Si 72B311II II SAVE $1200 1972 COUGAR XR7 DR HARDTOP laghl ocean hiuo in color with rinrtr hiue vinyl ton till cu Inch Va tun barrel carhurelor pow er aireriny power broiler pow er mirror rotor irryed decorrtor rillrrora radio lechamctrr dc lure wood panelled dealt lllrlr tannin colorkeyed rlotir Inlettl on lounce leala rent and harir rear deck aerial exterior rInromr trim heritage apred automatic or optional manual lranarrliralen on ronaole Thla car the ion 91 the line model and cool hit Only H000 ex rculira driven lnilcr War are Mentored lor the winter Only $1600 lnlerested partlea only Phone ridWI alter pm 67 COUGAR TUDOR IIDTP VERY SHARl FULL PRICE 510 let 011 Va automatic power nicerlna and hroirea rndlu One local owner Dnly undo mllca It truly hennlilui dillDrmllIIb lJc PER712 No dorm pay ment 117 httltlt ralcl liliii weekly lor to monthl iiny City llolorl l5 liraillord I973 CORTINA door equipped with me to enulne mod manual lranr rniraion recitniny veatr electric rear window doireetrr power lrollt dire braticr titre ta real economy at now Itlw price $2495 MOFFATT MERCURY SALTS 1973 LTD 111 Essa lid 7711415511 lit1d IGUAI XKI lonvltlim ll ted ililebla Will amidl do or Illl AOUPIJAIAI lm Illt Autlin NIIIQ Ml lol rtar tri larailrM re irlott PmM illlite LIVII Si Hum AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE Itill CADILLAC SAN DEVRLE LUXURY IIOIORING AT ITS BEST hilly ooulthi climate air can dilloned Mel real immacu late lope throughout Dark iriue llniail rrraloltllia Interior lexlble Licence lKtion 71 torma 11 hank ratey avail able Day City 11o1orad lord 7731231 Illl MAID lull rendition tirade iuil llll HALLIHOII IN All ltil tiirili 171 in nod condition or Iitod runner tIIrlr lltlllttil lute ma WARWin vaiiiato VI automatic Ellliianl new Elliott milled eetaietin tilt DLMMGIILI diet lid ttidlet Emillttt awiiioili livid with htretr rtzsl Interior rwm ear tell no tell 1171 OH rate Four leeed atone ud 11107 mitt AIIIN 150 but elllt ToIIWN MM between tti Jolt in mi hatrhtulr emiwnr an GIIIIR RIWMHI Ill will he meme Mawiautr ulti tied Trimm mart llll GLDIM IILI ll etlln lil now while Ml mt lilwwlt rrlianl aeration lrieonou mam ivtt Irir roll lei tall lirr twinei rirnauo Iirnainiuien wed rumra rendition mrenreia rauonm 411 ml tutr rrlr cuav rrmiioia VI pane niuiinrr and arena AI rotidltion tieeo nitaa Lieanel aan rat rain phone talent or motor lair iiir rorrn are power lirorlno IM no avatar Air wirettienlro rotary rnreii Id end In belvldul condition Llcltttl rev lit llIeiliIM Wit ill Nil 71 MUSTANG HARDTOP NEW CONDITION FULL PRICE SERGE Va aulamalir town nlcrrlng radio Candy apple rod ltlaeir vinyl interior Lie lllittio ho down payment tall hank rater lziftd weekly or do rmnth tiny City lloiora ll Drodllord 1115 ll IUIOK Lllltll powlt tinting revel Hell Apply ll lllylilid earn liter rm Juil WI WI window Vltl vr reroute in WUWUOR urea TIIOWM lidl lllll DWI JVIV Ill PONTIAC Itllltll low miillmi telephone motel evantnot JuiLllM Ill CNIV IMPALA dot hltdtdo in automatic rower miter tenet rilerlno now ever raralianl run tttt camillon Mull lull IS with totem mlw Jilll lrar Iulttt Later door Audi leer lIuiIno arid lulu uilM rendition emitted wrm new releron morlr Juit lru IDID raieen Aa II 1M 1M om rrulrt warrior re Illl rotlrrle Miriam VL rule lir Original owner and winner black vinyl root See thla one SALE PRICE taw5 1973 LTD aROuoiIAM SAVE$122200 on give linlah all deer aloorrlallc lramntuion unite wall titer wheel revere tinted due ltnaper t4295 item raters Wu SALE PRICE Mil0 been no inward rum donor too or steering power braille radio rear rilldew wards and rlwl loom lhll were Grandviow Ford AUTOMOTIVE and that va ll Mm lentil Aim Pr vlie am labial Int teeoridlilonms IIIl riIlI INN Ivil alter and tlon limo ram tend ov CAMPING EQUIPMENT THINK SPRING head eriri radio radlll titer inner ear rniiuoe ran or MW prim Ilior vttl ltaarlna errraa emiraan Iterle YTRS WANTED All trial lollmlotl toll oil and lrvera lra re re merino 70541411 REPOSSESSED M00 tiller GVW 7009 roller All vehicles well equipped Enquire al ll ESSA ROAD or 7mm 11 CHIV men all utl lllotmiaaion Your du Iutplrillott loo all alter pair rendition rare triri ISM on two riwiar eta or In plot rrioner manor Till or woven to inllu tile or our Mill TLITLTIIEPAIRS nitsruri Automatic Specialists til diary Si lull merit mirIIire Arline no iaiarMM ruit laauvaeul Iltl ail rna li lIIIhlI UNA CARS FOR SALE rrrr rowrlac two door mm retold llll roan rrrrtorn OWMPUT aide to anew Tswana 11L Jvll All meme itll all mi noooa converter low Vlildw mt tome Menu new died ooIn eaiIiItro Idol or no aui irtr dayl Jim ll CNIVV II II NIII VII reiiIa over and meter team We Wt HIM Jill Md All tiled ll Irltllld rt Jil NI Mll IN WW iNtiIRNATIONAI TRUCKS atria dump 300011 lba GVW eiIwr InIcrnriioan ml and charlil with anronge reactor roe inch wheel hale 21500 ih Ollm Irilariitlllonll woo rer ina ooh arirl Chelsie with 20 loot liberalan body 710 mil Iltlb mod II MI TriltltoM MOTORCYCLES Illl MAMLItI lit tr Iveirate hum Jtvlk lrrr YAMAHA to it ill ram rho Ito tor Jettruten More Avril It TIAVIL MA motor home It ll Transmission Ltd 7114 AWN TI MUO Illll Illl Ltd aa eon lueu SALES LTD AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES lit tritium litalirivl Merle err mtaayxiidwttoliii Cordell am earn and Iii ler IMM hi rev Ineriteiw tor aval trlel tee to lltetnene mom allrr nil Juli an ll lie or one owner lender CONVIH your earn an ea 00 GAMIII wru PliALl Chew Ferd Dodge endV11 Vans 10 IT YOURSELF NEW BOLD EXCITING lttld LIONEL HARDTOP TRAILERS My modeia Priced tram $76001 tipen daily ant to nan KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA LTD 72114111 lllgnway 21 lildilural Detroit 01 1111 international ainrie RENIA rroron none For vacltiorl tomlort sirepa Idtlltliuii toIIIPPAtIWeelnld week try month DOUG BEAN SALES LTD lilahwny rt south ot ilarrie from alter iroora areiolo mile routh ol linrrle MILE Sim LIGHTWIIIHT VllIlium lllvll III on Io uni welt Krir 71W DI II II Full in rate or re Emilmi TREASU Im CA are 7116411 hit mover Cami lva reuleeoa me III at rominon Ina rm llaatu otmlle tic rut ohm nuoet lull triathlon ela Milt Ionl Ind tool Ioloot atoll rernltv Totem mun lvll ravr me Mitt Iir rrlatt rim lltdmt yarn den vud are time ma compete TIIIWM Jvil rrtr error FOR DIST RESULTS TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE TAMI ARTS FOR sale on law tit re lie WW lta one rd mm re lire rim hell mu MO wile lower aloerite mm neeea rltilliw or no telltale wean Mod weir on the ill to Mlle or Nowhmll ARTICLES WANTED lt llllllll MAI ilellitll HIM Mel IMIrM OLD lunilwa urine van alder bode will taller tore mil old 1W mom realm eLo rarrIIeIIlIa mm we round nun we rum ml painllnoa any rendition mutt rll rav nonaw prim in all niiun any rendition oiurwlrr toil water on tarnal oid liltrtl Ill lurid tort FARMEilS MRKT NlCKS DEAD STOCK DEAD HOOK Dead or cripple cattle haracr Email animala removed lrre For laat rerviee PHONE PARRLE 7W collect 21 Italian day daya or ark lor ZENITH 911311 No CHARGE R11 Feamead Ontario Nick Moolarue Prep Llcrnre Nh Will Aawonl we 14 ervemeCnila IIRT Tamer Hal ALL CHARM VIM le Mulll For All Val Mull AINJIII RAMEIICI we Imam otter LIVESTOCK FOR IALII llnilrlrll new mum lir arr irana million aaezila Walla HTIIPDID Monti it RIVIlttOII l1 IIIl out rm no we we no It Dont WM OHI THOIDUIHIII Willi lAl Nttdlr Nlnmleluu trawlgill 111 turf nine to ram reamin oleraIlT AI UL WW 6i unit at RATHER FEED SEED ORAIN not rum and tinted Null Ind ledne mm mm ma oraiir FARM MACHINERY RIPARIAN roe 1mm mellow PERSONALS wauir KIAUI new no rtytltti la to Ill lather Urea Al at or that ml lilaa Innis no lCl 1717 aaaeflalhdoef rnramfr FRUITS It VIDITAILII

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