contourvb ivtiry wunihutxultmoax IlmmmmmJLNE 11131 WASHINGTON IA hm orrrwn curtqu pm lumen 31 ii rennet MUSKOKASIMCOE DENTAL soonhr LOW COST DENTURE SERVICE muttwkuumumnrmm titty low cud dentuu unite now door thrwgh WSW This Alluwermrl lorerdcriml In rtuuhrdelrlm nrnllnbla trout the gt Simeon LDWCOII DenturoCIInle Dunlap Strut Eul BIrrIo 37164777 SUDBURY Ont UP Th W1 Id ll not lhen htl In Sodh nun rm bus to ml In the MM WWI women all day WIND In his use to be all IN villa rulxlA the Am NI helmxrov Aden Irorrt the Mlm mt red prnvlndul government Indy tenor Into patchy In Ontario teamed IIII WM ll lulus ruuu ilrrru liussirul sounding uuur irrurzrinrl until ullur rm CITY Him AF unwantme mom mobile emulhlm hut Iururd hxt alter lot beetle du1 tlteltrdklam Bil Cooper Willa Itlrrr 57 55 it Eg Wig EEEEE E3 4Ej min at in mm Im iling normm ztnm hf ZII Financial Record on at deter 10me If TM Mil mw more radix 1mm rumy nuee ordutd Tuesday toe hm r3571 my rial room no Ila Ami urwi gm LI my lion oi the mtnia EArLullonulf Commuulrutimu Aulhurlly ODCM liter It In rrillrrud by Interment ning Dwzlu Archer provln Denture ngram riII urdrlorn not raldoirtdhnH the Ionl Iiuincl rm TORONTO CPI The On mm Mb Inrio Dertai Arurchllon In mammal nurlzty and manure Choice Canada Grade Eviseornted 2V to Lh Avg named Tuesday that It Ir denim program it no tumm lul It will he ubll to use all the durlurn therapists whlrlr the provlnrl expectr in lrcurre Ihir Contract Approved IIANTIOIIWAUGE Ont ICP Worker the Grca dirlrion oI Norondn Ilim ltd tlmday rallied new threeyear rou trntt to end thclr nrilro which began April It Stirlan rhlitu relurnrd to work early Tuzrdoynat the cry parluc mum Ihlt north watem Ontnrlu community The new aurorme who the employees rrrembbm oi the Ca nrdlan Union oi Brae lllrtul Workers on Ilnrnallate 5A rmuhuurly mine ltulher 30 cool nthr one your uni an 0th 15 mt nllct II mmllu Also Incluan maximum rrrocrrthoorly ensioIAIivlnr II ounrue In the third your uuntmer In letter to the punk and Dr ltlrharri Potter minister oI health Dr TI him usoclr Itlou president roll druid will be Ible to rue oo thrrnolttl gt thin trimmeralmost lulce the murmur Wmlud try the gating Thrruplstl llcenslnt our Threat Oi Plague OTTAWA lCll The Ilucal at grasslan plauur on the Prairie thlr unnmor mny hare ouud nyl Azrlruliure lllnls ll Eugene Whtlm Toe minister told reporter oullde the Common Tuesday on heavy mm In Western Mosquito Prayecl Cumin seem to have taken OTTAWA tCll Neighbor ml at thou little hoppers inn Nrpoau Irmuhip hon nhan dmrd lln rrpcrlmenlol mob quitoldlllnx proarnm because ol the Ontario royommcntn absolutely rldiculauu controls on their pronoun Dr Ilenry Ilurtiy environ meol quolrty research coor dinator tu tlre Itdoml unmo uunt told countll hiurdny tom lurrltrlctrl bureau rroLr in the provlodnl environ mmt department are lurposlny absoluter ridiculous control on mosquito lorvlclde murmur Salmon Fishermen MMMfgTgE ND CPI rl Int upmlsrr an pdrded by the luderal govern to Inimiow communal uluun Autumn to New Whirl nrhapyy with too ml runpatsntton ynyrnentr rim to ruturrr to Ottawa today Ntl lAwlr uld Tmrdoy he had Irlerviewod about 115 ulrnur llrhumm along the St John Illrunlrhl Ind Rutll metre river ryrlrms Inrio can uttord to mod STEEL YOUR Thu strunth oinleel thu corrosion resistance at line galvanizing und ualnI caution combine to plollclyourhourn ngnlnst nvnry Irlnd olwnnihnr condition Protection against bumps aerupmnd durustao cum more roslutnrreelo eonlrectlon and uxpnnslonthnnolhar nldlnu materials Sinai aiding made your Dolnrco Procoal Steel uhlth no murdripallry In On FROIEN FOOD FEATURES 5$IOO Nil Sin 75c Or she 39 Lh Ill tlnrndu Itul Meal Pies hrcr 5ter Sara Lentolres Ilollday Farm CooklnDug rum Irurlrhle Fixins RED TOP 15 FL OZ 1le DOG poop 90 SUIT FEATUREI Bug Killlr il1FOrTln RAID Hour Er Gordon FEATUREI Min Maw 6Fl Or Tim for FOOD FAVORITE ASST FLAVORS gal 79c CREAM FEATUREI IO T0 FKO KELLOGGS Variety Park WHITE SWAN ROLL PKO PAPER rowrrs 49 BEST BUVI Cunnld Matt IV Lb Tln CANNED 99 HAMS FEATUREI II 01 IAR CARNATION 79 cores MATE Pruldunl Brand Anamd IVA OI Pitu FLAVOR crysms We IIP TOP SOFT DRINK CASE OF 14 000A corn It 239 CROWNVICTORIA TIIII STEAK Dhuded For The Grlll Irrrdrl Plump TIICREN QUARTER th Out Furnliy Purl lunch or LEG QUARTER lAUSAGuE Burn III Amour Small Lint BUTT CIIOPE Park Trnder Iulry noun Style BACON sumu Ererumt ltlrrdlur FEATUREI IMPERIAL BRAND MARGARINE runrunrr INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD runrunrr INSTANT corrrr MAXWELL HOUSE BEST BUYI CANADIAN PROCESS KRAFT CHEESE SINGLES PANTRY srqu PIECES srrus MUSHROOMS DREPRICED Melt OT SllE SUNilGHILIIIIIID FEATUREI DISINFECTANT usorsuur PREPRICED Sirlll 66 FL 01 NO FL OZ TIN 78c i8 95c 49c thoughts COOKED HAM hum DI ROUNDSTEAIIor nuur ROASIS $145 In lursuunus Burnt OI TllllA Small 53th 75 $198 Ikl rnrrurcuu Mel unrusrzs LUX BEAUTY SOAP MM 39 FEATUREI JOHNSONS Iii FL OZ BTL BABY OIL lOHNSONS BAND AID rusucsrurs or runs 49 16 FL OZ JAR IO 01 JAR $l88 oz PKG 88 IO FL OZ TIN Saleo Blond Sweetened Orange or Grapefruit turns From ConeunIrnlol Fl OI Tin SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCEI um Crop No nd you run PEACHES 349 anry Undo New Crop Crlru GOAT 11 DOWNYFABRICSOFTENER $129 GRANNY SMITH APPLES lb renrunu Swul Mixed Swqu mun I5FL01IAIIS Clllvmll Crltr Muir each 39 surruur BRAND PICKIES Ale CHRISTMAS lh39c rurswrutorsuune Bread Butler FEATUREI Ilium Ind Shlnu It you Dunn Mop Hm Nr Tnd MOP ULO I6Fl01srn STELSIDE FLEETHAMSRED WHITE rzerwr ESSA ROAD These Prices AI Fleelhums Only AlIANDAlE Fm Erllmllur All Work Gurrlntud Open Thunday Friday Night till pun Forlurllerlnlornrllon contort unuclrsumwrcMu Nurthlnnd Siding FIlMM liyd 1mm um Iclaphunr