Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1973, p. 7

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my In at tho ruusthdted BIBIG Joseph Reunithd with His Brothers MMrlraporram Bataanrm only Badmiawmapoahhuth M45111 Somotirnalllerloaphhadhocnmadmtocnt In lamina Ira ridlnd upon the land othmmhkmlaeelfand tharowaoloodlnthnhmnaothlatalher lacohrbutl heardtherowrsoomhr ffILYETH mnehelorohhnbmtnr mthtydldnotrooogniaahlmbutnolnnthmAadnpon lcaninxihatthowmmmtthomvilhhhialhuoerph demandodthattheyrdlrnnandhdnzhwlamtntohimm thoydidandoniythendidlmephmorlhialdontily Nulvuh nummmuun jtLI5 WEEKLY MEDITATION SevenDay Work Week Would nrrecr IrReIigiOus Community Patterns aarhn II we Rector St Gcargea thorn in Irltiua an artldo erprciat tor general prbttratim II air Inautohrhrlttharmr Ir araauoloarinddlarra atrrryr rat mind vrrhally atoms ht trot and meta all hind oi outragrour meralrlr aloof in romaine his point ugh Ibo locreua at axonraalr Tho ml arrlout mill mir wn not the alrnn ring at lam Ir Iha eroding threat to torrety and Or be ma In the hula mint unit lha trnrlly lha lurrlrnol at thla drlra an it the totally you no dou our tho lrraa mglarrrerrlr utilian photo aoclely Ihlrh lam mutter truineu ltrny ot ua may hold Irrin ea to tailor lull manly to do roilglom rim rooming lhr lot It Ir Samantha marlrah need tor ona day ml with aridcnl thrl it In theta largo out the pranaurrg or tomato Mamie unilavnhn id the ill and wwwmlirdromlrllla limrlrrnlhurltyaod am with Faith Iran alum upheld tho in aoclaym nyboramoalhfomledlo mom mun tenant and wallhrrnzo Ital illl by to dolor Emmi raven day rrorh at Seth We headed lor tho matu 0M ti ring to olieat dranga to tie In at perroaol Ianrily and an oranouarnooour nrlndalhara Idol palirrn at our Ilwr It tionat Ida Ar alill upholt that rLrya la the upwind oi the to hu Ila died on rellaieur pal belied It hu been prover limo durtrill and cmdri rector larr to he mare but it rho and tin again by mnrrilgloua whkhml minke eg lalliutglhn pillar ohtho Illn rtndirsdrrl aman raoaotr pro Yr dun etitaitrrty tor houra ma dang proom pom It demand reorderina at our Curiour throat to tho total well kirurr Ame our work hrhla our mmwy thin or man in tacitly lta hoiday plan our aducntlraai hm Aw Invertvi the 1m lprirna advorrlra arr thdIa who prolettl our hurlrrar prllrru lIy unit in to the writtng oi rhr tratorontrotmyrotlin purv ruin lhIa topic with tha ruine an nu run lnmmx MISSIONARY CHURCH Chantal IL Barrie Lu Blur kw tarthnlolrlrnity rm arr 100 Errrirg Smite tharaday It In Dahlia Gmth Ilou Star Vlayaa Daron SI Suntan 11H htra Duran harrhararr FIIrlliiy ercoroa Anita Ton Erma Em and tor lhl total rItn ol the manually It It than an arm alluring pertain alaroenlr nrlhla merely to Miami tar Into hollering that doan arr anon Irnpot not than people that whit Ir Radioer androrrrmrrr good tor ay The tours oo medals th hIg harrrlrr oilerrd to on Sndayr rtoudr our hood to the tart that the total tort ol pour and amino hill 00 tarrustd by Buddy retailing The xtrnarnn ol Indurtrlal groanctiou tor dar may Imrara tho rorrouo oi Iodruiry hut docs ant doctran dramtmrtorromu prrduoi In orrry Instante It In tho man In the atmt IIIa family or the community who lose rithrn an Wanting gra Harlan Ihla Irrnd toward day hluiacra neck in hallrd how by mud mil or ad mu Milt orrtnloo wa shall ST ANOREWS PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH Carola rt 0ch ud Worrhy AIa Slirirrrr tier Saman Stewart Orrarht Carr Vu Urnacrt DUNDONALD AMELIA on timing mainly IIRSI FRIDAYS liuua Franciscdn Broadcaating crtional Love Me usage ml ANGELES lAPi Tna mara Ia loot Lora your trinity Iota iorrr trtnnda Torr yu aperture lovayouruli lira You Arrow rome tirrraa thinlt that nobody laurarrrt Child will love you you think at that Oman Como on break download lore HA lad iii clmprltd rmrnsr natl ally on ndlo lrlrvi rturr corner Irorrr tiny olllro In the armerrt 0qu that look lit nostalgia hullr drum come true There amid old rrdtoa and plum graphr and podora Ilrrl Ed ward Wrohlerkl run non rnrn muada tor Tara Rattler Wrohiaaltl oi Illa northern Communication Centre use Illa minuscule hudaot wllh lha rklll or Madhoa Avenue army to art hlr arqu ol lore rlrtd on man than 35m radio and Tilt ftalarlainrr rlrlinrrr Tho rpolr rurrtrorrrltotdaecondn LISTENER RESPOND The marrow mostly our vmrtlopr with rhrldrrn era to popular in name tiller that Ilrtenrrr call the Italian and treat than athar Wrohlrtlrt estimate urn not even the largest ad varIlsa could rilch all the Hair he get lrca Colortul hint rompcta with harm than and 0th public rrrvlco tram antral olamocinn Ior Iron air mr Ihnlii let their altar lion hr raid Sui uItt mater it comer down in whalhrr lla road or not It Itr good Ihryli use It Father Wrahlaati Prulhl giant war loaned to tho artrirerrrr rraraly tour yuan Ira davlra Ml radio camplm 1le had ten Ilolrr radio tor yrnn but mart at It was rain nalad to ghettotrim or oil pealltirnr hr raid ll took Ihua months lo tid ura out campaign Th lirrt notation war what in tha naedl We looted Into the MIT problem rnr hrratdown ot authority that matting was hllrndy bang door about an Than WI got to thinking why It thorn drug proth or mini hlgotryt It came down to lack at genrrlna Iota Ioc urh olhac Thatr why we otrrtrd tha lova napalm Itr really an allarrrpl to ma acme aspect at love and min Ia ml and practical FEATURE CHILDREN Noarly all the radio are taken tram mrmatonr ho In with children at day care ctrtrot Ila doc hlr nun racerdine and editing but Inc pattrglar lora portalr ad other martiangoth help Estrrr Bible Societys Aim To Buy Scriptures For Blind The Santa and District than ullra lor Canadian Bible Society har not 000 Itr goal tor Hill in buy mlpturu tor the hiiad The lllhla tori Braille ll mm ol omen can In pHump rel hrnllla mv rraIler and record In Iodaya Ivnrrioa Good NM tor Modem titan will also be pumhrnod with the truth rnircd urtohar IITI Irra been rat rr Billie Socier Month In Tiara do and dintrict Canuulznr hrra rlrcady been launched In aoma rBrrria churchea with tho rhaw In or Illrn oa Braille uorh Irround the world including Kor iworrra rrws Ir Burr DENI SITOIIIIJl mLENP PIIILADELII HM arc looking tor tlorr Dinah Ilnr rrrord rloiea Man mu rourrt Tha atlaoh thraehtrdcd IAItold and aireth were miralny lironr ilIa Franklin Inrtttuto when the museum opened Thrurday Franklin wore tlw Inward whoa attending lha Court tot From In the lawn NEVER TOO LATE llANTIhSBUIlG WVa Chrltlmrr card not to VIrrinlr Voarlraar Item lrlerrd AID earthy lingeraloha All uently arrived here by twirl dallrory Alisa Vourheer raid lha card hora lwocraw Itlmp rmtonury In the year It we trnalladttha TISIIERIIEN FIXED tha television apoll hr call In that brew Father Wrohlarld truly rnanwlth martiath hr hair ollur rhcdn his Roman collar and blank lull lor avert clatlror ho arrtr at lrlr roiitorr desk in MI alike Atop the desk in an old radio onrtlrna protrralotlal IMA glrlnn ha rorrrmcd to Cnthol Iriyrrr while in the United Stain Army Alter his dirr choral ha rotarzd arml Mry rt orld hormhlr lore rompnlrrrnr Irrrt one tarot ot missionary wart So many cotmnerairlr are negative and terminated ha raid lla my to KI proplr We torrid do It It you dont do this or that youll no to hell lla harder to he potl tIro hut you oltur pauplo holp Ila Ia milsth about the martian Youre not going IA radically chanaa human hairy with almond rant ho raid Iha rhallrnza II in rrrdihie lla use vrry broadhunt mentors NAMIDII to III humaru Tu anally hit home with all than people In dillitult Illr rollroll arrumch has no rucraatlul that haa had thrra Ioh olicra Id name ridiculous ul any and ill them id warl complete trredoar he laid The money Ihry dont mind but Irrtdom Ir ona thing they cant arml Thr dont harr It lhcmselrcs lhnlr the root lhlng hm Wa haro oomphto freedom noon tied our community lilo panorourily attend In tho dri rIlllcni at tarrlily lite and It IIIW ran Illrralag anhlp DIFFERENT DRLISITIER uhOlIIIt RAY CPI Thm tirhamran irom northern Now India Japan Airirl and diaplacyi ollha Erallia Itrhle In total drounr mryrrraata ur Ina ot Iha I1ilhlamSdlirllyy tilm IMDXI atlrha Ivy con trtlinr Grcnria morna at no hall Donation may be real to tho trorrurrr John Winchester Brwkdain Drirr Tho omtiva appreciates lha rt river to last yaarr ill Socth Walkalhorr when young and old from llrrrlr and area worked lnrrtlrar to nine ASIA tor hlhar Ior Onuhorlov vallta They impa to amt the 000 ohlottlva by the end at October lVIl any Terran rav lay To Become United President at tho recent Marlon at the Annual Health oi the Toronto Coniarrnra ot the Unilod church at Canada Rav Donald IL Jay at Central Unltrddrurch wan elation to tho allow at Prent drntllcalrnale IIII duller thlr ycar will involve working with the current president Rev Don Im at Markham through the executive at Omlarrm and on rrrrinurrbonrdn and commltlaar ruth rr tho Ontario Council III will talra otllca In Iurta ITII and part at Air rar porrrttultly will to visit each at tho rr maintain in the Con larama lrarn lurorrto ruthen raM atllI art to Quoted Ill Irya IIIth as pmidtnt It In oohiurrrliar with hlr tar ott rlhllity ra Parlor at Central led Churwh York urla Id linedl no nth Frida or ponrrrrnt morr than Ihr Irral limit at plrhrai Tha Ilnnr were lulled urinal Ward Walton Joacph Dawi and John Zicala ailcr com narration oillmr Rohurl Walla tartlliod Ila ulrad 150 ploltorol Thuraday The Irgat Limit Ia air tar day no main AIATRAI JAILED Tllrult III Gran Ilrtral who grabbed Alexei Koryalrr around the netr during lha So viet pramlera vlail to Torlnla In rm her hcon Iatlrd hrra and later drportrtlwr Ip can adr rmhnrltlu rry lmmlxrr lion olllnialr rald narrdoy that ntalral violated hlr US via Itnrr rlntur by work II hairdrarror In tho Illa area axrrtrrraa nruc any PHONE TAMIII tho am of our parannrt writ heiru north Moot Award at taming acnch Na hrrular Ilarm ALL WINNIE WELCOME FREE unruonrsr CHURCH Hayticld rad Dallra Sir Rrr Carl Bull RA RD Parlor JUNE II nu amhrrndrylchooi llrld Morning Ivmhlp INTI Annivonory Servlra lhw Knox Presbyterian Church Croighunt 100 pnr Errnlag Sanka SUNDAY JUNE INA AT IIIAO An Spartacr will no REV HITTING Panotaagoirornn SPECIAL MUSIC Ouartalta iron the IIIrIIoITlanda at Barrie WRDIAI INVITATION TO All WEDNESDAY AIM pan Slhlr Study and Prrycr tellawrhlp Nanery rultllln Araiiahtl CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Farm St ILarrnt Ind Gran 5L Tani Praiort Robert Sodrn M1 IAINELVP DISCOURAGEDT ERUSTRATEDT Why not rornr and rharo thin with II Add with lllhlf rant at um am and 700 we arrry Sna day tor rrerrhtp and prrlrr Sunday School aI Till Bible Study charrday trio rm Youth FrHolrhp Saturday 100 pm Cram and meet with an talocmrl hut Tlrrnlrgtrrl rr rrarr FIIII IAPYIIT CHUlClt Illa armturd lrhaal Irina ramm Ila Tart ar WI The Chin ltl Dawn unurrl armorart In FULL GOSPEL LOL Holt Burton Ava Allondola 00 ran Morning Frllawrhip Sunday School tor old and Young 210 pm Fm Eur Sorvico 700 pan Evrnlnp leaiy Evanpaiittle Srrvlra Evaryono Waieoma Pntor Grrham mnnrzmunnunmraruamr Qihurrlr Rirrrtnr Roman Catholic SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 10 par Sunday Liar our no It IJIL WEDNESDAY EVENING ma par Mara pmrded Pariah Dmlhu ran 11 pan tinntrninatan irrrhylcrlar Shlltth ITO Starla SI arr Pong Atlaialtr Paul hUIIa Orgutat Mn Normal Dark II 1m MORNING WORST htrrrary Kindergarten mu harrh It ran CHURCH SCHOOL Nrnrry through Adult Shana II ChrtatCrntrrd turning SPECIAL PHONO VIEWER SLIDES Itop $175 SPECIAL $200 Stock Up Add Sara Arallrhla at CROSSROAD mvrrvrrarr thnna mam THE ST GILES CHURCH Cook srr Tha anr tllatl Nata lrln Italy Communion 00 ran Itornlnx Irayrr Charrh School and Nnucry IVIIVONI Il WILIWI Motto Iti Crbno Thu Ill par Int 110 11mm 030 Ian implrt CKBB dial 750 FAIIII TEMPLE Mmlalilotima TutorAIMS FIRST CHRISTIAN FORMED CHURCH ruea Pour lay Nata ll mm 1381 WOW mantra 000 an Batch min lll an radial amino train Imtm Emma IIMI Oaaday lining Radio Dark In God Bola CNN nl III MN In mIC ml Mar Inll unit tall TII Ll All lartrll amino 11 La III Md Call mm NIT Nun DI the Minute lialImr lmrar Pram Martian hay and IISIr Study hlnr Prayer lirettag Errrym Irlrana trtardllrrl and warrant 11ml II Siam Mt CHRISTIAN SCIENCE the TRUTH SOCIETY I33 Collier Strut Clam Sonic Dally II All Tarllrnuy Atth Dad ml math PM ariatiu Edam Elli Serial uroomaamaaouaay All In Inky lEIIIIIIANUEL BAPTIST HURm to ac vangm rr ranrun noun Paaim nu Harry LOO am Prayer Martino Pris ran Family Blhir Srhoul CLASSTA FDR ALI AGE IIth arrr Spatial Spark RW Henry Ford Special Moria and choir 700 pan Spdttll Spook Riv Hurry Ford SpoclaIMvrIe Numry Farititida at aIIVSarvim arcrrcrr crrurcrr TRINITY CHURCH rultar rr Nari rut Woo narro vrtl lay It err II DAY MEI501 IHIHUNDAVI ara MidiIv rumIan rm ranrural Itoly armr Irrar rhur amen lawn Irtt IMIIVIMUII IIIIIIIII Tan Ilut Mil Dr Pat Vtahaw MIMI Iwhlillll Will4 ML on Iii Int ST GEORGES ran am at Iran IA rrn hrrion and Grrartlir Sunday Senirrr 000 am and that Ian Rotter no it II Kara REAT UNE IN WITH THEGOSPEL nouns SINGALONGI surarr srrvrcrs 950 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES EAM ll 00 AM FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE SUBJECTI THE oo THOMAS oM TEAM ENJOY THE FINEST IN GOSPEL AND IN SONG 17 WA Rev Ttrnta Parlor Anna 5t CHURCH liar TI TI Smylh vlrllltion and ADO Hwy Darrin THE UNITED CHURCHOF CANADA CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Roar and Toronto Straatr 00 ran CELEBRATING LIFES GREATEST POSSESSION Nurarry Irallllloa avallnhla The Churrh Srhoolr meat at 900 am and Ii nclorlt COME AND SHARE WORSHIP IN SPIRITrFILLEDICHURCHI Collier SI ltl Cnilicr St Rm City llrlll Parlorr Wm Frill ltrttl arrr Worrhlp Aacramrnt oi llrplirrn Charrh School Promotion RIVERS SWAMP AND SPIRITS Warm Nelrorua To All rurror arr hi GroroSLEIrl rt Cook lit lilalrtarr liar Arthur Storey You Ara Inrllrd Ta WNFIEIAIATION AND NAMIUNION 1100 it 1100am PROMOTION SUNDAY pan mday School Pirrio St Iartnt Prh hnrruy lrrltllicr Iraiiahil United Church TITS rm Ran Parth Illiniatar Mr tirrrrlay gt Orrulal

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