Trudeau Sheds Tears In Presenting Ol Posthumous Awards For CourageE thu mntad Ii sort mm rfvrerain sit mos It kambmrl Swimwhvi WNWk wsmunmomw maul It sword posthumously to not met pertntned brave hr Vatno Partanoo oi lettiun mm ya WM the udosim and re tor recrch Is the mm rpm WING Hammbmldldwl mm or sonarsworn lu rate gnmhr an nesiycuttd hard presented tie died It post It on his to late mtbtt by Civic mm mm Amalia Crate Valor was bozl had mired 1Inmryoutiii with that pem died and HawudedpsthuwsdytoSrrrosstoi UIIAWA lift lm she Mini huwihhhmwll nsatoatowol at with gumWham The Easttterr Stmniary rebut team nixed Iourtit us the protsndal tantra who New Theatre Completed For Shaw Festival Opening NIAGARAIONTIIbLAKE Ont tau new groundllrm on moral theatre but It arottcr Paxton lAhllrhesd tort oi more than rniilinn opens bore neat work to how the Hytdmlti Show Festival the Queen and the Duke oi bitInuit will attend atrial periorrmm June ht For the Show Festival cone patty augmented thia year by veteran lidtistr mos Stanley llolttrtsy this stein marks the lust time they hate had prtaper home base Previously home was the tount old Com iloute fitted with 400 mu whlrh the festival Itill lenses for some works Thomas hurrrm general manager oi the lesiival IayI tleltot sale lor the new theatra Ire doing well In it Is diltieult to make torrvrrlsona with past years because oi the new seat In capacity The Straw Fultiiltl in the past sold out to per ml at its seats it is the only prolculonal company in the world dcdlcalat to tha works mom Burslrti Elmosrho one in two It to Ira oi oi To open the Mammal season in tirr new theatre iloi BUSINESS GIINIE IIIIIIIISTS linIlI held rocmtiy at OIsr Dots Grate llturo leei hirhleradtsrterrd serous II uiy ttati horn lat seal toot tussuit ttyiohrreri Ross tact and DIN ltulardins rd Tcaebrr Tun Daclcrd hlrir Standing Die Datls and ShawI rarriyaxndmd Fannys tlrat Play At the end oi the lestlvnl Sept You Never an iell will go on screwed tour at Canada and the United States startlhi with the Nations Arts Centre 0t awn tlr Burrows ttid to air toler new the Festival Is that DDO short oi its $1 rniiiinnpius Itttldrilixliil tori The lobbies look out won the peenrwnrd the doll calm and Did Fort George It the mouth oi the Niagara Ritur ll wuies north oi hisrara Falls The theatre ttsrii tr waited In rouchmt cedar Icit nnluml with It gentle pcrturre The The new theatre ulnamod Di mull MINDY wide mu mm II only leet truth the loo rmtlclt oi the villnde my lights and the acoustics nre It start tvo bind from raltl to be nearly mica tor the old Court limit and Is an 5m rtrurted or red brim with tolrrln the season the Show brood Iioptna redatwhlnplrd Festival will protest tltttinm root Goldinat Itto Ilrnss bitterly IItiitlti Curling lult ltd Iiarrie Ontario Notice of Annual General Meeting Can Tell written in reacts Col am is thr lestivsia artistic do PREDATI SHAW tinny oi the buildings In this old town predate 5tth ldntseii bruit alter the War at liltili In the arty 19th century SUY ANY FURNITURE APPLIANCES Till lit GETS Hits 10 Till SHAREHOLDERS iIlIe notion that the Annual tieneral hinting ol the Ihnrrboldrn will be held In the timid Irrllna ilub on Wedmday ihs tlitr day at June It Izod run titan to receive and restaura the report hamlet atatr nreat it IIM dlrrrion and auditor tor the ensuiay year lausy will our in You Never rand haaiomlnplurie ll llcw Aloilolsle in tho BARRIE AREA NaonalDropery it hlohnlr print over rtnrwsoun with matcblaa upholstered valance OUR POLICIES ARE 0T0 advertise and promote the truth about Custom Drapes 0T0 Soil Only First Guallly Goods To Sell Direct From Our Flrtory Shoatomev service Farrugs huulilul nourle Itlmlrn by Antique Satin in sold and matching PLEINIUUR our way Ina trltnrnrd to prriectlnn INCLUDED IN OUR PRICE Shop at Home Service Mwnuring In Your Home or Exact Site Full Custom Making DIIIVIIY Ind Installation Notional Draperthd 9Milvan Drive WestonBatman lsiinpton Ave and Warlon Road noth at FinchCall Collect did 7dIliiii0 FOR SHOPATIIOME SERVICE all GRAHAM WRIGHT BARRIE 7263401 outollown call sollarll Days from the Dale we Receive your order your Drapes tvill be Made Deliveredvand installed Cunt narrow INN WIN NOTICE II the hawrt scanmun WUQUJlmiMtttauwboa wan transmit emu seam is met lien M1 MM WW Ito Mam hbtwy II will gamma loam and Illtlll Utah luwsbtcnlultitlnd tum ttA at or lau II III squint II omen Mutant hall ru heml In mm It to sum Inn or may Hum mun sum turn or mm swim at toilets mm purlill nu sun arsoa oner neutrons in noun or mm at perms and vt no will ILLI Iona at mum mw or In Ion Hku to mums In aura it any mil in areorIam Inn any neatrm on meals II boot be sealed by we ll Itatm In brvdl Idle Ill IM etlh thruynlrttvultm III is II atolatae as toneN at met an menace etirstrure II the IIII um nertarmhm dslmlmd Mimi almt In Illl no aamm to moon or artist tauI own at sewn rm at Aston wear am an alt yrsrum Itvaltnamas mtntns ma me rest In determined Ml nntiu Ill be lean In thl tuwai tum slaw ta ta Iliumeta to In rm In rIIrt ol utter a4 IPPlllMt the sear mum narrowerIrintnenmrytirraumrrtrr Ir to war tune the ll warmarm Ian run and In last trade in mam rt MA tlIlMI ml costume HIM SIDE min atblrhh Na Drill Include II taut am am tiltullttnl to rush am to ethanol teut Input to autos llrlstlrv trlry ltanttetlcomnrtm nnotnttnhttori artaeoteT ctttIntItt IIttntIAt IAIIHII Inunl ot surhr aetal mt III the at Ina rt Ira rna Itlllnrtl In cutua up Will lit nutter run it littllllmllrllditlldhl tltt EEGIION Iii UNIMIICIID IMNEII lllttll Mde Lbdtrlarpn rum dulrd lltewdlleduIrihtIIdduul II at rum Sunny Bus to Ontario tritium Istaittmv Amtldl Ilquupll BtaIItt lode it now central lidlll ctr anenIIlIt hllylttouro um mu urmm mu nitmorn mow nmv Dodslnd titrlht ttmrmur open artwt Intrl IlaterIlAJBLlenlla arorr KIMclaIenArtll itrrroryirtJimuI llddttll eclsnum Ill rrnmhrIum Noon dotaattJtratIna are no warts5 Lilo IthnvlhitLWmlll iltclhutttl WWII Ill Dill II unseatt MIDI wur Ii Mu ll ml ll Mk tIooquoI aarmrtnnnoruanuaw ms mi unseattut noun otsrmtsromm madam MI ll titted ll Odin sienna rt nrtnrm III tu Its use Ia tIlAi Itrntra do iv LIoirn Ir rate IIUM MIMI ItdPills it Ill IIIImI moire or ttmnm on chI Ie laws motammo II who tm Denial re moss tar PHI Llitlbu uI do run Im Nll will 91 ll con II 551th mtrtsuraa our to malice out no II ntattnmnt wt the worn ear III rirtorermnu FLUHM own laurnal horseman nrvcwou an emu altttdt Iarr Ia lion in is stain mum IMMNI rituuarrrooaouII taniemimnlltmtlllild nanometre throw ta unlit start du tit luv lu momma restnus rouui amount at out turn or do aura pbtiarenl hulahunt menu It Imaan II III Imrtthtmlnta Ia Chernlnl do Is blrtdlllm tirttnatlon It on anmrrn rataura no nanI attenta tar scam dott euIt tin loud do In ll AMMMI Srtlslntu dens to Mini yaau patter In want data dim Altlzhll llqu eIouI halosrunes kapmallta anl conuteummmanhrnlodrtu OIWNANDI MI MN Amend ctttlttta nl rln rtArtotIAllh ttti win NEWAIDIII lAllllDt Mill IM Im tam ltl tielr IsuntlI AlllCI tsa Imunthemn Motto bl Art at art or lttl Mahmud Ilsttl Ilnl muut ttvlevr it Claims int AtluIl iota II tiled lsbrvsry tltt tot PIyrnIntI my as raronntma only In Islam el hm dlitltMld to ba unarrnrnrs No dutarntnatton has but made lit ital Ittalhll int luhlieyltt II it trrarynttton atthiIttnrlIlnAttIrlI rule til mud an Idiots to separateanti nnnEtt No ration nrnIdriI otrttnts titlinttlllllllhvl IttaIIo tit 1mm Emits PAlltbttll Ill hum VI ltll tar rtatni rrtIa prior to July tom SIQIIUN Ml UUARANIHU lMtiCll UNIS IItmrr Em lototvtrton Subdivision Manitoba Cllttlll Clttttllt Culli lliilii who Nllnlll mum on trotra PFSPPPPzV Sula city In Itrdalvllll ollautn ts ova Vilma === norm cwitr CultI lull mini Cshdum Conduul oarnua Ctomrl crawls on writ narrtrnd itrdll mood ttlmverv nutroam VIAIlIld truism FrIIrIqu 9$EFF or titllurt sort tst sortrrrara lltu burn Whit lllt 33 ItiIbIIlll new mom auntr tll Cltttll tit Atlull Inn It liltd Nb ill Minot portion DI Ihll Ilnl ll It Alba rat Mtnorponirn at this line Irtn learn Eanadlm Trinipdtt Commllalon iiivrovrirvsv tintmoat stI mall tram nonam letthtittl Itl Meagan JcL cartIrv intAnn ntrmsn lrt mum NItlI pm terartnrnt North our tour Marinv tit omits trLttoua namI oIlnurdu nIthe thrush Elam RatatoInEuhd lDinhlrts rust umruam titittilio thdrl to or arm leLtloslrnoultd Ildll Emil ltlhltll It trouirl Iat Watoura arrow ttl lrtr Itetttt thaan lndtana ser whether Whomwro ttrlswerDtnutail tottl Itiuttl ntlttt rm Huh marathon ldtlllhu II II HMS llliliti NlthIntiil ttrlitiInll or men or MN Int Nil Ittllll wt wmr NINIIII Iiiii Mrltiiltli sinuous Minot Hunt to titan It titant Itni non tsntatttt Amnr ditrtntrtton na tit Illll ttrt II DRLONNANC MID Am rtttttms oI rttt htrtowttot to cotton ntotAIIIriotII Millions rourr LAttttll ttrt taaur ru tltlarnailnns armater Itltll ll ttr luiilIl m2 tnrtrt 2st irmhtlnshemnta In atrium ehtualolrll Patna hllar restn II it arms Assets 10571 litgul meet tantra mart notsst titstt slush rsrsst timid 21th Its rat comm tiauaosu rem Itsnlnntll our our man or lat del snmtna til trr ME== EE Murine at mm rttrr Ianmm