Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1973, p. 13

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la nannies with iaaanurri tomes on games la St bandit all and Mm and their leaders The rdrool oi mm and ardioanm ruineeriiix will irat are disobey oi literati elee mmwlewel amoraleqahnrataodepraive mdaaanoaeotdpnenl demos taa bit EutUmE lul iooa ltih annual battling to Doug Mouehriuse and limb mutate members Jhm mg the Barrie mum at the Sim innit 11mm ntrbt um ital chairman Ssrri warn Mtlliitzt hntmthn HI mollualoka tnotastml Artie bersare tum now inert past division chairman Illlli Digit darlila awrrtary pelrslllell mm ill0 am mmum Nahum up my Mm mm ttrern lelli lieti llse elecu lttta Kruccer emulate mu elavied at the awaima Mar liurt iopprhairmen lite meriiber llirl Sandie txrliaarnincrlbotol dis ibis acbool will also mm mum eas elected at the assoeial used by Camden tome in var IAPA SimcoeMuskoka Sector TEACHERS Al iiilteaest achoai untamed the aciooia Walnut with paw low era to mark the lastlth oi ion at the adtoola lmdtlme Two Hillcrest YTeaohers toddlers lite Nellie Hail and bin Amt biiiil tbeiadiu received bailout oi rooea mil mi otalnel all paintball tlpalt lira lloeurli Examin er iboiol Honored At Reception Percale toacilarl torrm alu danto and trieodt at two retir Wu at lliiicmi Me in Barrie lhuraday niaht to their eituata tar education in Simooe County drain the last yeara stula by artist Pauline Kuh at tootbin in the county this year lira taurttt tinderrar ien at ttiiheet drool aim It shealntaumatrdioolaaear m1 best wishes trim the board hlra Nelle Hall and lln At my in up my ml nee little slut it pearl oi teach tru experience combined were presented with relo tram nebool Mn htttia innit it years at titlierut reboot trialling radel agiamniwu antiwar tame PCounty Areas Inuoiired In Bruce Troii Preservation lha provirltei lull illle lost the lilaer Escarpment as corltlruotu natural matron roeilt through the medallion oi and Iolid tnlstientious plantar muted this week aimid attenulieatiy have the an at the Bruce ilall Ale roe alien ilia pints animated tuoeday are designed to pretzel the es moment horn rpliia at rock mdtlvpllilll the miter down the bark at the province in lob armory no the timer Peninsula to Qiitrnliau itelaiill on the rliarara tilvrr the land outrirbt coui east in excess at billion monitor to Premier Dill Darla but the tuir tom report motor area will title to the load involved iillmh with pur chase or mutilate irom peorwra ty ounerl The province laterlds to more permanent route tor the trait because then are law trait quite lilte tho Bum iruit any where in the world ltowevei twolhtrds at it la on private propcrt and the trait row exist on by virtue at gentlemans artermenta be tweets imd ownera and the Bruce trall Aaroclatioo Sim theta Interment can be revoked at any time said rvrnlatd the bill in permit la pasted to tried tile belt rate lit the trail and to secure it by means at easement or by oiiirirht partners in romo cast The iaiso ritpaalrs the trait only be used tor walkiaa mutability mi tapes mum riding The land Narrated within the propoeai which pass Diwali or near Simone eourlt stretch from Collawa to south ern portion at Adlala township Creetrm ta located an the eastern triage oi the trail and the vlllare oi iiicncuim ii at the most eiulerly rdre Alllrtoa it last rust at the trail properly The piovim intends to lmoe all its ratrttn options anti other iiim aarreirteiita retardial land acquisition and the task torts bat auatarted the prostate re lard the acquisition ol escarpr merit land as eimply part at in provtacowlde prorrum to at ulro reerrattiral id allot timds accordingly trloiily should be liven arid the report to unique with at areas litltlrtc areas eruiii ommoarioi the prostate paste Grade aiiaient tealiai alt slope and pot parkland near urban mas The money tor the attrition ahiuiid be approved iii iivn Prior to certain to Darrlr she taught at this and timber pear Llaie Angus licliay acting director at education tor Slum County tended lire lutrhiim at iha tut night and extended Also on hand war Carr the board superintendent ot reboots tent on all the land it outta that would have been taxable it own ed lprivately the mart auri less REHMCHVE IDNIZ Pitt and duetrial beta receiv rd considerable alteration within the provlntal proposal it mommde that result tire loan ahoaid be established to prohibit the opening at new pill or nannies Undcr this recommmtliiim presrrt Denise holders would atri ttr no disruptlm oi thrir opera attains wthla strum County ton totivo restricted quarry ratio has been indicated on the maps ro teaxad by the province and shows area would Crrermrr Cralgletth Pretty llivrr Val ley and ust west oi Durltroori lloat thesis restricted areas itciude prominent wantoch teatnm on the escarpment uul at one natural areas sterile areas and retrertimai tiles in tho avert that murry op oration or ilrcrucd pit eanttitia wlh lilo goal at preservation oi the esearpmmt and tho trail the task toree ttptti has re evtey eliart to help the operator ilnd new location with the oi act heiiiit in help the operator Vaaiaioatlirn Holds Its 14th Annual Meeting MEDICAL DISPLW tourth display at no by ll Will mm About 110 mrmlaera oi the Sim Darrin Italian chairman it it mull during leer he sat tee and tar another at me Hookah Dittsioit oi the Jones who is being mandrel lloalotthrwork roeslirlirea throughout the llioiioee larder lnlnllr to mail ariaqu limitless Protelllioa 3am lwpotDeiihias Cnll Six ameutul combined lholisorialiullhaslprntlw attialiil Peroonllsi will deml Mendelian ittreotti it liitis Ltd Lblnltti on when lional rial diliiional Milli ear start or torrent and mm iooa tttb arloual mtcliaa than to their roarribuiiaa during the were held during the ch with luluatary stair members menu mm tar nlrlvl at the lotion hall or tear dlmsion ioplrs tall at 13 in autumn throughout the MN whym 51 llama street it is riitirut la tabulata Wiley mi Keep your out predate In awumdlmty lie raid the lls bshitty Samlotrriax rsiiittildiiile courses are rhsre the st in mm mm lilYA la Gaminpioid liie mean the work ssiu lhera it the Canadian Form dental rm be lttild iur American glut alto school will diam item litai will 53 331th harebrsnth ottim to Censdaio in withpmeatiallvo dealtloll rm myemxlw immortal will their atstl to Canada at and marw lbe use oi an inma Challis it until the aunt room portabb denililrr cm MWS utter Hid the United itinerant Guest speaker tor the enter Royal Lite Satin Society mm me to recent entity cosiemleo in was Dr noisy Simon no Toronto tar oi Xitrhemr Presbyterian demonstration ard mutation at archery and Mo will be pin he laid the most racecxliui Churttl the largest Presbyter on by mother oi the wheat oi nature the Ltta har eier tan thanii in Canada lluronia Symphony To Receive ittltitttiittuti tirlsCounctl Grant 0t $1750 marina the aittroooa 1hr artdear biolo all brr trom its head other who uremict udaruriliiiitdar mgitffmgff it unobe ta literati WillNW mm lha llurooia Gamay Oi la the pcriurmin arts la achool promm attracted Will 1i NW mm allih will Willi ll tboatra will metro H150 trurri theatre nouns remind $9750 on students to ill semis Ito bots elrurd liew rateiittta tor will Mill the Ontario Arts Coimelliortm lro dance iawlnis eomo to oi the schools were tram Dorrie Mi dim Himmler re the midi Itime today mom at which ammo is At least nelti hundred Wi my are Dull auto Ma la aidluuitoileremlariore ibe orebnira is one oi as located to the National unlit urtcrra ied wilhlbe tioaeait an tCauadsl uu disinuari esdtsptaythoDase Boadeaeotll the provlnte which rejected aa wool in tile solely million he neat Io ms aim first nanny oouaieli will wt on mum trout the Wit Visual arts tretiird ttttnnl raid the proud ia airline waeohalrmsa Belly Atari Der dermmiraiio by lilo Milli 05 Mom available inuiutilnglhmamrlnllonmhrre them aware oi the amt and limits tCaoatisl ltd etereierjt dam out Malaya by the rub mats in music topped the int literary associations the methods oi surly trtore Diritxom liar Dells illria slur ml lle elem dull al $561600 in the emili Iwunis are two they actually start India to Hook Glliil ltinds Ptirr l1 I110 in MN The illl TiltIlrt ll manta lo tndiaa nstlte arts or industry litay Earl Smith tiller iris durohetoioleo ohildreaadlatr lattsana Paint also Mimi milk and two regional ail lie raid lite association heial arms telrrtbok Robert loner mil on immune arrl mulch promenadelaw mite inSiuii Ste Marie and irrtnnxpromnsirrmoow hiooriiutm iit ileum mil 003 it ll 1WD Wltlmlm the Greylime ArtsOaimil pie in the Toronto training ot loo Sim Walter Dori loan did deemlraiion til The rant are dimied at will be put obatxtin Air groom in the iiclds oi lolltic an at or theatre dam ritual arts tttm um hart titres tor the apedai literature and merit prolrcli azalrzazrv presontatioa have not yet been The awards cotrr It millililill um determined but will be aaaouac tiles in the province and Malia mummy td oler the lie address ayar 11 maps aurrr beiora supptrl tent during alternoon ed by tile rounrll Il Students Teachers Honored lit Centrais Dward ilssembiy Debbie 11th was dwara Winner oi the Central Spirit lleadGiriandSlelolagsataand Duildrr Award wit Gout stur Doug Doyotontlrdiorliieltead rest president at tile itiaieat Doy honors thirdly al Barrie roiulcti and driving toree be Central tolleziataa awards as hind almost every ltiilll held not this car at Central The award Outside was president oi the was armrntod to tho school by iiirla utillhlttime Malawian fad ihgxsanimilmlil e1lb was was at volt ae year it els ot aporia tor drit in the whool attlrtlies WW taa Knox winner at the Gran etaie ts riteorastdeal oi the dy mm my am student coinctl at mini and Wm mt ha points duriaa the year made Doug war centralr llead hot the madly tram brteir troni tut you we the noun atrial the ori ilbi building built in ion erlllslwuldlmbulenoul tirade student in an oc animus ls nun theth lilo itll lull illldttlltptlmli Materiel rrtalutain bltromatliliie posititn Itandlngaeholoraadathieirdurv Wm Hm orMiw ataltiiy aiuceptlhie to rorouibils plaaaiad oi purchaser to tbomarlttplace tnzhle the years at Central in man mom ailrhtiy mutter alien atoal triadaslreabla roarL Finally the land the pravlara tho aperatarr aid rite would adduloa he has won an alh rmhyiobohvllllllw llMll aeoulreiriiouidberubledtoali barehahllttatrdarldbeeomepro letie utoiarsbtp to Acadia lint In Mum mm Al result the province he municipal texea ol the realm vintiai properly reretly Km his aehlawrraenia in the aunt lab as well as in drama alhiei lea and general unite to the school Sandi Drmaieali Grade ti student and editor at the vest hooir wort the Cary Earle lie mortal trophy tor studies In Dtrriish The mydcoigumgorfalgsa rm illttot Till clxhiinstrlia llvittill in Dorrie this sum liaison Date iterator Judy ff tort who will be responsible mtrlhopi0iramlsotltliill hintill tut llurdoch and tor lllihtl up and leachina rhllitmt bttntoa the arts at liriunielletl thaarnimrlho ll mul the Steamer ot Sports nan tiarairriroiirizrrriaiii int to twmlelrelgira whoh er aria Ce re it nine to arail ltrl laild Courtland hate gt ll arrle rdilliiltth hilt Imam militia Offers Sport Instructlon melt CLH iAl ELMMIE NM in Dorrie will roll ii at at trait titan ntlivitiat nr auntie train arty inorrqulnte loioilt anyol mink one Opputiudtiesior uloath pro mrlylaio lull liceli iar it the courses is genuine desire ubhrhwnhlnimbncn gram ths summer which it Judy Man Mum 1mm Lulicamlrme lltill iii the aer aehtrialcd to start luiy and ii in wt llltlt ll mm destined to leach Ipuri atoll to $63 may The nativittes planned trtcliiie an to are one PW liranlua youth aaiiihihotlfililltaliiw wtlimr gayvolleiwhhirnrgl use Alan tearing Craral are iitss summfmmmwm whirlwind illtwlfhlewiluriicli lira springboard airing lyn Boaate ilowras and Mia tiriir WW um rhrontmt swimming badminton ll Dean ll Whit PW wright training physlcli tit ration rourats at Ontario ual the rraistralion too will land in oisities and eorera avoslrcope its way out into the rhiidrmt Mlmum WWW or lpm utilities pockets timan the summer nut It the rat at Thermal we ll lure WW ll will ll 22 item pm to and Sodiifetrrii and Dayticoiil sired Mi illlllllilll l0 ill Em NW lull Juno trout ll am to pm Thurlday at our in mm triad tlnridwtllapcraiom iaioathtnto sum and Barrie in amoral Imuurim cultured mm to am to ill pm basil iiro Control totterian on Dunlop Si Dare cuml My mm up DAMAGE ierlrrt tattle tie honored llocelvtn rosca irom atiidtal Dean ltiat Donnie ltnvaii torazrourri and lord starters vehicle drilun by ltartr coreoraa dnlllllllv anlllbllllllmllllmllllnl lieiaaleusllitehaaltiuraarlr tour leathers1 hating the wtmcilexetulile mention are liratfatld Couptaad and tire married the mats antenna Anna Si and lilo dam Participants will be asked to glam Gal MEMBER ills damnation aluminum adiool lbta year at the annual lllDll lTllr altar lietbra Katharine Pile Steve resents er itiatol are to vehicle llrlrril by Sid pay registration ire oi ti tor llll ill allot Dante and Kathy attitu auanta notably We aey Tahadieie so hitDonaid st one activity but can taint ea Accordion to that West the am at Toronto

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