Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1973, p. 19

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nannyu Ilal Plant Want AdsReap Batch Oi Profits Quickly Call 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ ItuL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR USE THE FACILITIES OF THE RARIUE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE ROARD PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 40 Brokers and 200 Salesman Anxious To Serve You mm mitor Ind one the Ieeouroee o1 them It your N1 PLAYER Real Estate Ltd Broker EIAIVAI Ilrmi H310 DOWN Nuknlipermm all 1mm do ugrlterWtc Nomi Irlnlmr lion want it ARI IieII Meter Dorm or 33 000 DOWN VOLWIULI lot iilLI iIII new burl prime Tim roam eItmlcbeo three piere brill Sitting on NI do to Georgi Buy Only 10 mile lIurn litmtate RIVER IRONI Roll ll ol river tronlare lor only $1000 own no bedr dieting door oonL Hollywood style Him loom mater MIX Ira Four piece oat III MN ii 00m mm rd llan IAIO on modern thm mm Bum 71 VIM 100m Ind lilirliunxiIIv 1mm beIuliAl endowed Iol Allin so We more the lininciopl HELPING Iou FIND omen WAY or urn our mum mitt DON BEARDRALL 321517 STEVE CRANE mm REALTOR ill uunwr Home TORONTO 56H roltnIsulo FINANCINO OPEN uniu PM AntAl Ier GEO DAVIES line boom mm enormous 6000 One door But July possmion Call AnilI Swill lotTuttier M1508 muting room No VIL Mm mu oiqu wmmwur Iloli lillt count In mu lroIII golt mum loot Modem lrIzIn Torqu not many mm Audi II Iun paid Itodrod IntlI rIiobow IIId living Ira Nle room to panelled has lireplm Ind lo trstoAIiiy walled you out no It lllm III Ilroi bedrooms tbtth totem eomoleitiy eonimtd with Indium ILso lockled LI Stoppard Miami 100 It plank lop dude ltIIIy extru null pow to lee it MIry 11oan mime emlnu 7mm No 00o WIN AND INDIVIDUALIIY Till Lovely blink betkbom bunnilnr muted nmanzst InIlIrre Um no ill Iere lot Au moms am ll run OER wk slockrd mm 1an Ind rd tmIt magi limit to Imlldiwgi on tolling the mm mm min or on tor 1000 Cell Irene Forbes otilla mm mom No DNA Rumour limelollv trot homo 11qu in up on leoeed lot 07 it 100 IL Ono Ami hill on gum No nod tiled bedrooms iiiinl room Ind litrim GIN tor Amber tIOlIIIS Brim or blurs erotioid tilold No lot JIrl FIELD LEO OIRRIE mil NEE UNIT PHONE 7281405 Iw+tevvouiryu APPRAISAIIT MORTGAGES EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOIL FRANK KOTINIZTI DIVER LTD Io mum ARUIARIWOII cm IAN MIN llmlll llmolt mm 7mm MM MU Hui miroi truth Imn lIwII me EltlI 7mm mitol mom mun JunIi Nimilm Mllb llmm Inlet IIII uniprov WV 99E05ii REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263 ll Photo Nuillplu Listing Service twpml liortgam Pronertyllrnlreoienl lob lIunoeII new Itil MKANII mom May anri llmvlle Hutu JAM VOW Coellioun mllllw Olitm Hui lXtLUIIVI AOINTI NDMES IV IUFFITTWNIVIUHION coroner onion 7283293 NORMAN 102 DUNIDI HOURS WEEKDAYS SAT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY VesorI Township 100 Am eiorcliellt lInII had with eight CM bull oIrrliawirIr ArchIIn well good born equipped tor beef nIltio bedroom 10 your old bInIgIlow AIHng 0500 Call Bill NtCrury Milli for In nmolrilrmnt OPPORTUNITY TO SELL Into tanner with lush who wontr arm will at least 100 mu good title house littI tulle barn partially tone to nine bee ultII Ind WNOIMM within miloe bl Barrie Cull Dill Me teary Jul bllllIIDN DAVIE mil BILL lioClliEARY 12le IillII IRANCIIEIID mull NORMAN RIIEIAWFLLmm ROGER SIIEISNEUI tilled WWHINIIItla room Matt Ind It lloodlrid our rm an otter Mr Willsoii pilo delubed borne oil ryli we REAL ESTATE PROPERTY roe SALE 9sz c8 gap2 KIAI STATE llOKIR 75 MARIE AVENUE OARRIE 705 7W5 uoomnom coonIII sun sour Urdu bedroom mi Illlntzd on Inch trend lot all rteiIou sum or W11 11ml AREA Nitnayonooxwlreodlotmumtmnpmbeldt mlthrd No min to be Imdr tum Iitll moo doen eelenl mime Catt Eddy IIllyn mm to Lupeet CITY DUPLEX hula near the mint eon ot Dante Noam unit donn ulrI mom lull Midi Tout ml mt per manila Good tutti bookie Iitb ur III Ming Ice $1000 Cal Jim Idle 75m amount 510m mnnng malry melII nor on rrIIiII btdmy lot north e1 Barrie GII pm told you Imme 11110 AtlrIrtiII bodoom HM unllen large corner lot min Mm Cell Dd Wat mom llml Mun noun IM met mu raw tom MI eonI lI Georkmo mad merit JIM Wilton norm min mun cul mm mm REAL ESTATE LTD 7263422 MOORE ADS ilullor 7282642 Res 7285l87 Ild DUNIDP ST OPPOSITE ARENA EASTEIVD OVERIDOKINO mm DAY 1300 wture loot bunpdow with Ally wooed bumerl lqu with Illm Ire large Iiled betroorln lemly room broodloom living Iod dining Ioorru titeben with eIllnl em it built phi dime bllD Ind ttnotme mlr home to 15 can young And MI beIIAilully Terms be IrrIoged Doll Gem Noose Ind Ire this lady Jul GtoIiI Admin TitJill Eldon 11 Tuck mm EMMY MILLER LIMITED lteIttnr tit Dunlop WV Harrie 7201801 muonm slim EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR AIOIIURST PINES AND HEATHER iiOlll 0F ANGUS 021100 RETIREMENT or rtIliIr home in VeiprI Toouship l2 mltmi moditlou Ior Ippointmenl eIIl Nike LysIblld NIGHT IN RIE TOWN Oil GRAYIINIIURSI 57 we men or 161 on plied road Ideal tor mobile or route iota lm wrter Ind mm within 1000 trot ASLIJIK nub M160 Sney on tile lor BIrtiIeI lIIlormIlIon telephone Don Knight mm IN THE CITY No Ilorty IMDISOIII WEI Asking $18500 limit Irllnenl consuls oi llqu room tildlen one bedroom Ind three bItll llidce Ind Itovo Included CIIl 58W Baum l0 MINI W70 CHOICE BUILDINOIOT 72 30 in New IAIMII Vililge Water It 1100 per month $3000 lull mil Telephone Pm Ford mm GOING mNCERN Businm TLXLO IlItion Ind leatIurInt on tony Ilwy For Alrihel porttndIrI all bills tenablch ultiACULATE three bedroom BIIIyIiow only elm mliee Ioteii ol BIrriI Gore to tile lake on large tutoran lot with ring led Itreom No rIr glropr pried Iiilie buildn Ite Imd to $10500 TomII IIoltrble For Ippotnurent call HIrvey Weber MIA 10 ACRES AND SHALL DUNGAIDW OIILy ill mile from BIrrle on pIIrd loud in it o1 lrontm AIkirIr 010300 AiIo building lol 75 Inter Iumlltd I100 per month 05000 klrvbone Perry Ford mm JAN KLOOIYIRMAN 1mm MIKI LVSAIILD 1mm MARION IURM WI NIIVEV wllel unlit WAMY IENNAM mltl loll JONE Incv FORD ION IPRDULI tumor limit Illlill mull mil mm millo alum PETER GUIIEL MAIIANN Illslew 90 NIGHT KEN in 10th OM EINI lull IJHIII AL IO NIkendr mla son milled realtor INVESTBIENT RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL OOIIMERCIAL Io owun ST mom mom 5mm NOW LFASING IXDUSIIUAL SPACE Ir0rllll tiny MD Ind St Vincent St IIIitohle lloIII 15471 more it end to including 10 tintload otllee to Hill Built by Alliance Building Contention Pmllo dell ieu IVIitnbio tor two or role Telephone PAUL MURPHY In mullsqu nettle DARRIE Will built lot turn or role Main more tiny loo Ind ll lellohone IAtll Murphy MD Jill SNANTY DAY VILLAGE bedroom year old Cape Cod homo on one we lot SepIrIte liming room living room with lloldstono tireoluu Llrne lltrben with bmllm Iron Ind slidan rim to polio block to rimming $1000 Dali NIney McKenzie mall 107 mm WA ilquI WALTEI IolII 11H NW urxtitlil lull lIIIll IlIiiII newt PAUL Mum llHMIMUIIAV IIOVELI mTiJ VINV FAY llll IM OW MI Min Demon Illiltl lulu me we Moll Ind WI NOVCOVI Mil IooIn tome MIAINIIM vim Umlu illre Ill APPRAIAAU beodoom mm Mod gorilla GueIl min It rrIr IIl PM Priced to tel It only All now XIII Gab Ouriblnnlloollingmnmdlitmmbedmncoodelndyt Mill REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CHOLKAN C0 ITO REALTOR DNDIIIIRRIo Collier St Dollie metal 0m LW lrndue on Did II No It all Petrr IIHW 751 Or 734leI SUIIlilJt IIOIIIZ bedroom tome My Turn lubed done to tale lot 101 NI pike um Good hit Joe DrInIenoo no SANDYWVII TUE Modular borne on lolriy loca tion Groom rent $1 per month Died In rouote Ibom to FIRE AUTO CA Jun Omit Mllnl 0va Joe Onionuo mm lintIII MKEFmNT mltAGE bedroom piece DMD lorrcd Ilr ott lurIIIre include retrin erltor Itole Inter heoler and dock new root Ind outside painting nice beam mm Dtti Pimls moot WANTED BIIIir bungtow tor retiring roupie lonresrion II nerd And bedroom Itorey lor Junior umtllo September Wilt Evelyn RIrLlrlll ml PERMANENT LAKEFRONT Orin hm Louie Ind lot bed mm truth or thin room mm Dmllte At verIIIiI brvIdIoom mile IrIrIIIo IL LANEIIRmT LDTIAGE 00 B1 OuiIr Point 50 ink tronl beautilutiy lurrnrbtd rol tIle little bldruomr Iunruom rtploce etutrir bent Iuminumslorml Ind Irreenr Dorothy Iriiuilmiim 62020 WINTERIZED VllAGII lilo so Mot block loundIlioIl oil 1mm two bedroom lot to lIle It illloui No inside Nlnll1K TorII lIluirruIIiIIr SOUTH Ol BARRIE its me gently rolling iInd IAIih scenic vtrll pond ltI Icret malul barduood bulb ravine trick bedroom Rome barIlr tooling Ibed Allin 20000 Jenn Borrow metal Midi Mom In IIbtoeI nunlnl ceimm It Own Anne some Mm riluiInIninI in Mill Itll Mil II im lie till tIIIxtI MI limil mull lIoIltl LARRY FORTIN AN LUSH loan on ml notIII tomoo Tllm Hui MW bl IN MI GENIRAL INSURANCE FARR IllGllWAV TRONIAGI loam Ill drIpeI oIoIe IIJ to 0er 100 Ian in Orv IIo tnmatol rail tier IIrl Gem Mil borne AI imrly Iet flillmtatl INVITE APARTNBT DUIwLTG lily reIIed goal modulo A11 bedcorn mes Setting 3000 per NILE loI luJ Baum pleIIe rI1 JeIeIGI lick Ii mil PRLTIY RIVER VAUJJY BeIuINuI Ilb Im parcel tree tIeel Ind lreeo palate true new prime IMTMLM Ind ilshil Ireo lilrrry or 1L1 oee priced rim tor mil Alain IAIurde 33311 or tllr llu IIrge enrloxd run 1300 Complete General insurance Service SUALTY LIABILITY Cell Joe Dirracoio 7260567 or 7284140 an Iron nounII re Downy Own Ind MIN rump veinN 0mm run wound rm more new Inn MI Itprr mil MawI tum entitle DWI IM 7le Mi Ill lent tor trout pond Asking 315 ion Elll Bahtwk mm Jul Alum ACRES Iith nieIrrd high In lrolilrxe lute excel IHlS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM DIAL 72834 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TO HIS MIL 1111le JUNE ll REAL ESTATE 511111111111 itIIl llmle Lid Altruism uLuI omu BARR LI HATFIELD 51 mm 15 mm st ORILLIA no mu more 10mm uni cum ultimo omc main muoxm LLIl moor om EVERY EVDLVG Inni suxutls II 10 ml ml VIN Mn will MM Mum norm Inn New Mi II Nuerd om mlm upon nun um one mm mmm mm cm Luner PROPERTY FOR SALE Dorm Mimi MM hi In mu oil on um Nauru Mam new Int mm III nu ltu Tail Iriim me 1mm man Ian mm mm In mun ED LOWE inll Nuilnr 211A DUNLOI 5T llsr BAltltll BARBIE mail mom tum You BEDROOM SIDNEY Large tntng room with pJI10 IlIdI door unitiru wt to leiIle mind oachrni Tim borne tIII my terms llook GIrdmI Cdr Roll SIJlIl mum imd DIIleuy Ailing Klimt Dont put luil lhu Id rIil Ibou ll Jnre titIIIIIII memo or 1mm lIytork awn NU HOODED BUILDING I015 In and AAl Hum Lelioll lanai um REDIKZED FDR QUICK SALE Country lulluuly you round rattan on In Ming 310031 temrn Lryeoel Item Jul l1 lllS REALTOR 101 DUNLOI ST I7 BARRIE 726261 LANADAWIDE TRADEIN ILlN ILIJSE CONSULT US FOR AIL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Jobivrvlce color George witroo moler midlltirkod mm David lleAleot 7267135 SCENIC lIEOONTE TAMI sumo so Inlhblr Irros IIENIIY no Irplit exlrI lIrgIlol Asking mom Inuit worm READY TO SERVE YOU EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 pond good born Ind drivrrllrd Four bedroom home only drflorolrd overlook beoutIlIII NLDWATEII DUPLEX No Ibedroom IlelInaIJI in classic old borne banking on the rim All conveniences rx ultrnt income $71500 WARE SITE tioui inveslmrIIt with like BEAUTIFUL BUILDING WT it Gliionl Roll IIIIrn Di lIteI minim to coIrne ml Like Simone lot Iine is 150 Priee m5 Billie Silvio en 665120 IN ACRE FAIL IIrriIIII AILr Ind 9500 Scenic him it arm bush balm bedroom bottle pieee ballroom living room broailoomed Rayner I2le RIIUI 719331 DDDROOII WIIAGL do one in Im ii 000 toll pdre alnurmaw 115500 lHWNItInIII unbound Im mlrr burn Clore to Illlng Durban Adam IIln mm WALTER DEAN RIIAI ESTATE BROKER Box 70 Winter 6347 mm Ille Mood no 9201 ACRE Illl III lmm Dorrie IIIILN balm bidroornx Lorre born III mots rolling lord winter time deer lIr end eie Ailing 1120000 Ed Green mount 0R0 TOWNSHIP close mil III Urge building lot over tooiIIII all Aime pormil Available Askilt 500 Am one or $1500 Jeannette Con Rd INVISINEXI PROPERTY SO Irrrr exeettent 1Irm land acre bulb Illlblmlil 1IInie home and burn close to Bar rie liltnle sale Asking $33000 Anne Sperm 72min iuiI lam rimlnmini Alum Evelyn MeLIrIn mlul lumur mile mind will mm lilnol rIIIIimmlrI tittm lLil RAN lien tielm II COUITS 1t tun co to OWEN 5T lilth NORTGIGE MONEY AVAILABLE llInio ills Renilnr moi mm min coon moon wttI Itiirn Nonllnl rlmll limit mint IllIll ll WHITE libs Realtor 7284011 Apprrisnir Listing invited JOIIN IL WRITE 718977 Ill TI ORIESBACH Ibnlo ILS llcnlvr ll DUNLOI Rm icillvtllollsou it Ilolin RITCHIE ilvul Estate llluinr 10 Mary 51 Darrin 7209776 Innis IF EORBY ltoullor ApyIIiIlrs NI Dunlap St TAMI WII Irrango and buy in nod ind morlmu TAX REFORM AND YOU Property other Run your rosidenno ir IulllMl to Capitol Olin Tar II oi JIIIuIly 1m volume We IpprIlII Ind uluo Iii Diallfiiiu Nobel llIrrlIrtl Rim IIIII Grail ZillIrI Al OUR NEW OFFICE 58 COLLIER ST 7284342 Ilorilot and Insurance TIEW TMWI TIHITT wliod mm MIA ml end it mite our IIIIrv II none ironing Ind Inuit ItrrIIIL LRch AND MICIIIII ll Collier Si new All listings Appreciated FURNISHED WIIAGR in bedroom living room Ind kit elIcn Nice 00 00 It lot with Dell pressure system ottd Itp Iit tank UN NZY TWO BEDROOM DUN GALOW IRA lirrvioer Ind arr Moomwooxxtalt loll mun nun Berri 53 LIMITED REAL ESTATE Ill BAYFIEID SR BARRIE 7280674 TORPEY LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER Ii NISFIL 512 RADIUS T360715 Dick Draper Jerry toulthI Larry Torpey 7130571 Don llIliIlt lelllJ lnu llart 7154633 Vernon tyros 436192 Kim 7260715 TlIII bedroom bungalow tom our lot wulb ride Barrio lly SAW down WOO FULL PRICE Tun Ilorry Chalet rtyte Raine bedrooms unsbroomr carpet large 101 south ol Barrio lry tour down payment TITO BEDROOM RUNGAIDIV acre lot will of liarrie deal or young nouril $3000 down WALL Itui lnlate lirokrr ITO22M 01 TZBDDSO Jul $500 DOWN QUALITY MODULAR IIOIIIJS FREE CATALOGUE CANADIANl MODULAR NONIS LTD 1176 Blair Rd Burlington Ont or rall Dill Tidormn mZITI Eimvaie lull IMMAENLMI Ind NIIIvliv on Io uorrom Inlt tmt mm oven loom Nla in moan IWn room me Im tll IRIWIIKAM emu to mend rltio II An lung IIqu mom muted ml IIIde rlw limit Ill Im n01 Dom Willi Olin II on mm mm Ind only limo 7a mm ioiormitcn or union Hoolirl mile or ml IIeIIIInItno er Mellon TI 40 00ml Ill WM ml IoId um 1mm in or germ tnuo ylld my VIII tIYlI Volume mom itilJtlyli 1lYNVlllltLAIAIIA IIII

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