are ill phrase is into at many iiaasusemwmw rum strains ENFERTAIN RESIDENTS Fiery Wednesday atternooa elnntrer tron lrorn Royal eria Hospital Auxiliary ue der the canrrnrnhlp cl lira tloore visits residents at the Shani Kemperileh Indie Fresh Strawberries Sweet And Simple iitere today gone tomorrow things but unioriunnitly all too Due et luscious lresh strawber iiec In the warm nets ahead adlan atrawberrtea will reach their Iult perleetion and appear on the rnsriel no late adianlaye at their brlri appear are and add them to your man morning noon and nlxbt Their rich red color irresistible perfume and delectable ilaior will brie pleasure to all leftist airmannice sweetly and timely adorned WAYS TO SERVE Sprinkle prepared berries Iith areiuo take and mar onetth an arcane juice and unethird up luxnr tor aaeh pint oi berrieah not to hours bdorc senlay sprinkle brim or maple sugar over prepared berries or eerie topped with tour cream and sprinate with the sum Olen Street arterialnnent ts presided and reneshrneats am served done the ahernoaa pennant Above rompers itinr iidrard molr are chm Iith resident Sinclair who Joined In the IDllII aslee IEATUREI ROASTED dens hem tell are the Greer ltaarttlel ltrs ttuah Ridch lEiInbelht itrs Jim Moore Gerry ir Sinclair list Ramsay theat lira Ron Paul tCarolland lira st Robinson iieraat annuladrehisedltta hum prophetic wade ll marinainteropeymball KquobbynaneALAar an Inn um to you dmundotthlaamyh buyaruatodayasayndand timid lieu did Amrka 34 this Iutnnlnotnnatimalaa tsnnhuprodiicodildslmoi downfhndloteitnmat We adcnd Bimiandclyde lt hrnh ra erda Wm tltxhrdtebtuieatbermhh Burnt thlchederd Id We lawcd Is Tasman Capdea book In 06 Blond lilitianl el pewa nae hsdnated by the standalon at tho idea Kansas lath TV llmIIQ crime and Wally it this penchant tor violence tubal or imminent The 61 im speak In thawing In M1 nail Vera Involved In more than that murders tn be the dilution Rabat does mean is the mptry harm main nervous hreatdoenl sol ditr In Vietnam when aslrd to ronamrnl on the assassination asted that in the bell is rain on hark hornet hobby Krnnedy use tatatist the last it United States Im denLi six have been shot at and tour hm been tilitd Arcadia to 11 John Selene psychiatrist and Director at the Center tor the Study at Violence at Eran teni they tune an Inn seen when in his to all In LESLIE1 Daft tary soar children toy ran Draft allot then to use rhinos in TV dual remit them to are menu that deal with md Train your other to settle dil lerenees yeaeeiulty it run RI aims at em mlty in rat crimes the install ntumumuwmmiumemI terelatetoathentahhrato amblestnotlueetllbd WW Mnemmhm Mnnehlhulnhpm lglwmbdmm Askiorthetabtold museum mercuqu an imminent em WORKER lVHnH taste the IIiIIs on washed berries an that they can be 914 Ted and tree lrom moisture Pin the items and serve Damp berries will spell easily with boil it sugar the dipp They should still have their NI Sour mam or plain yep hnls as this todioaite that they urt out eaeeiient dies as well are not ermine and have been These are nice appetizer or handled north are strawber AWN 9th Intel In rics wont keep or more than nailed by clues and tw am dd the rub Ingmar try IIuy thetIi as Fill lndmduit merlnyaes vlth you need them prepared streuberries and um cream or canard inure STORE IN FRIG Ireih To store empty the berries reAityirant the box nick them pier and place them un hutted ans tnearhtd In shah ioa pin or dish in the rrtriter or Just bilnrreertlir wash the berries entty ant system ilr raid water no not sent tSern since they ult lose xrosi deal oi their one value and Drama in er IDIZPd Drain throuxhty hull prepare to taste and en It there are may we nI dress ing up atranherries to trans torm them treat simple SDL cuent trail to ieolsh pie par Init aoultle or Dililtllll But probably the best ways are the aimsle ways The month the home economists agriculture Canada preside ten Ideas tor ireali tunaberries should be britttl and shiny tires at my uni Add alraaherrlci in Irutt salad Alternate layers at irnsh her rlet wth ice cream tor an ele ml pariah To enjoy itrauberrles Interlon is the iltk and easy recipe lluyr oilNaihloned Strawberry min the are thinner than tam and elicieus at sauce Irr role or Ice cream STRAWBERRY PRESERVE to cops whole agronomic about iii onsets cure auger Alternate layers oi strawber ties and sugar end let stand until some juice terms titheut hourst Siwiy brinx to boil and hail rapidly until tender labour mimtrtl our into hot aler tilted jars and seal htakes bout cups RED WHITE COFFEE lb ling inarvaai me we SUNSPUM 29c ICE CREAM CUMW FRO CORGNTMTE FL 01 ML SUNSPUN Unsweetened 49 ORANGEIUICE DESI DUYI IIACARONI III Ol PKG 2l35 DINNERS HEINZ FOODS FEATURE Drimenta Unsweetened in FL 01 TN PINEAPPLEJUICE SOFT DRINK ZIP 10 CANS CASE OF 3t cocicon 22 FROZEN FRENCH FRIES CRINISLE GUI LD WA VAttElFAliNt $1 OLCANS FEATURE ASSORTED STRALNED ii EL 01 JARS Sill VALUE CHECKD BRANDED LEAN TENDER FULL CUT 148 LIAN MIKEY DON IN Ele IINCED BURGER DMND GROUND that tacit aawrttnimru seamen Iamlly lor an BEEF PATIIES 73 in $188 BOLOGNA DINNER IIAMS liars Family idOI mx liltiI denim no site LUNCH MEATS EATUREI CRISCO OIL SKINLESS WIENERS 89c BET DUYI MATEO JELL FRUIT FLAVOR $l39lt pkgsdlc ATLREI DEEP DRORNED 98 I1 05 TIN LIBBYS BEANS 39c MELOLDIL 69c naxwru HOUSE FLOUROven Pride will LADY SEOTI 39c FEATURE CUT RITE 1W FT ROII FL OZ DTI waxro PAPER 35c REGJIZIZS LEAD 93c RED TOP TIDE DETERGENT 168 FREE ROOLAID Witll WESTON 20 TO POLY DAG Wagon Wheels 89 CROW VICTORIA it HEALTH BEAUTY FEATURESI RATII SIZE FREE DIM OFFERI Bar Bar l9 DIAL SOAP ANTI rcasrnuwr SOFT bill DEODORANT oiwr sun CREST TOOTHPASTE biennium 1k SCOPE MOUTHWASH Pitaemcee Iki READ SHOULDERS MEN PACK FOAM ea Sire THERMO CUPS 39 tube 59 it To Cello Pack REST lile SINGLE FLY wonnensorr BATH TISSUE It IONS 99 rcuia fitESil Canadian Straubcr ries plump juicy and temp ting are eteryhodya Iewr with sugar and um with tour cream or hit Individual meringue utth those imi SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE EEAIUREI Filter mills OI to Poly Park eat berries tor eaiy elep lte since their stay is eI ant desserts them alien to BARRIE DENTIIRE CLINIC DlRECTTOTHEPUBLlc CUSTOM neurones TANG ORANGE Assorted unity is Oa lara RELISHES I2 01 Jan In Feature Canadian Process On PM mm mm 2Ibs Ior 33a IOREPAIRS AND RELINES Oil dayi unconditional meatyback dentures provided IOneyear warranty as IOFULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES Orin sham tor ruaanltatlona ltemberr oi the Denturlst Society at Ontario Aa accredited members our ehnrues tar sentrea contain with the ethical tee schedule established by Tilti IllINTER list SOCIETY FROZEN FOOD FFATURESI IOi PIry tor $I York Diet tctea ntrltey MEAT PIES errant Concentrated LEMONADE Iartn Ilouse APPLE PIE Rupert COD FILLETS FHMS RE incanton intentdatnrdayttamatedpna These Herehumls i105 DUNLOP ST PHONE ITOSIITMIII tll55ml InTtiurade ErFrido Nihtatlll ouantu an all new to adlusinaeats on all new dentures ll 01 Ill BANANAS Ea 45c 13 ONTARIO NO LAMS ROTEOUSE DIAMOND ONTARIO NO GRADE HMROIJSE It DUDNIEI 19 or HININNNMW 355 TOMATOES LI 390 cures SLICES UCDMBERS OFFICE DOORS ruuanwnrvuu mood as