Dirt Terrier summer Published by Ca l6 Robb Publisha Walla ldltor lmerltuo lnrvirirl Township subdrrtsions at Stro rnd Pa In the tree ot strong Colts be council Ilmln ry initially lII acres The key to spproval was thst the de velopers construct and get government sewaga trulmmt pirnls handle cttiuent trvm twice as may homes as would be province will agree with the ovals remains to be seen par VIII ItIIlI record to the at out 01 thatmlyrould be able to built Whether the tiarlar development lorConstable the prvrlttce WWI ckylto he does not wish Patesnl growth area lie maintalns thst area adherent to cd some planning liarrte is going to no lie said coundi Is following course in this regard Innlerrl held ott approvimt tho Pains wick subdivided tor atmost lid years torde this week retry have accomplished Ill best dcal at rovedln rtnctpe the year wheel rp mom bow lm protest trom Whether they will be Councillors Grant Andrade and Blake dcdded to gut pre val to plus mungom 1000 pernlanont to the tooradon are at the Palas rck plans wotrld add approximately 450 homes on MINI Nmpcpcre Company limited Baytlald Slml barrio Ontario rOmrrt Menepsr Nenslvew Managing ldlter arr MI ran race 5W InnisIii May Have Made Its Best Deal Of The Year This may bore rcmarru to be likely the According to at the council Parrrsulck and stall once come Innistri collision to otter more would in ettect be large enough tor other development in the plans are completed pied the developer EZth plants that rrrd Slroud large enough Council corad halt both areas turtri but that is rm SC ID tTrst council has done is put rtch to position oi receiving uroruands ot dollars worth ot tree treat ment plmL That dill be greet rats2 to the tarpser because such scrum will have to Installed anyvs hundreds ct therosy slater min meeting mm DJol use erything to gain rod nothiez ts LUSH The only initial lecture in the month tor Innlsfri rsdcnlr ter tcclcd areas orcud be server role to pry other cost would to in al tba ocuo of the Nair WLUIUT As Barrie mid barn nzzvurtl itu plans are never lurked Evnlu lime tor addition new rElLl primrry claries new txrm trlsrtlr important though tounrhlpyrvlll be able mu riserh Initial cppitai outlay the the DOWN MEMORY LANE 75 YEARSAOO IN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance June 1898 Youth of Barrie well represented at Thornton pontoon on Friday even my and Saturday morning tound some petiole on Flora Road rtlll tar trorn get ng back to town Thieves have been very active In noth ot Dalrte In Itodonte Township Vespra and 0rd opt Japanese misetonurty large church group In ndale Darrieiioyvi Brigade inspected by Col James Ward ot Simone Foresters erislon Street at noon he collided with jewel Aschlrvshop Sacrament ot Mr Tap addressed did Mary Campbell as didaier at St Marys Church Forty tool total abstinence 10 steamer lsiay ui thrte ts circcocmattcr at Likeness plazt Beet ring started at Idenrate vnth butcher Ills Grace stab at Toronto bestowed Conlirmaiion on 102 can pledro 0n boyy held two Importurt trump cards In June Sales Mocks and lransporta lmaketirsttri ot seasontrom Iiarrie to Mortons ilk Imymubgnmrmutm Kompentoit Bay Faro adults the child my ren 10 Cashman and Perry Dame mice advertisediightweight coats Bite White Ed tattle was cycling hometo alnln Ievcra successlulty In Street tmm Collegiate thian pumping WW We deal tor oh the Itrtltsh North Grunt hkcr warns rur ARABIC rou rrrrrr Purser MIDAS STORY c1 The Trump Card Came In Handy 303 BOWMAN rm the your Canada has1 chtht Ivtlr its United also occd the St Low ver tor access to the Irord FJrln used there bar bribcrr look pl ttnmrwick and Nova Sculls would acres an expert nvtoliooc to sell the Anwrlcanr on the deal Ila wind dined and told risque was crenlly eroded Caoada become there was cprcsrtoa brought about by tree trade toy Tlc deal was oppostd in the turbines end crest dl oi ace belor New MU Firth also needed to be letter to senators tor to days betnra he was eucccrsiul The rcctproelty agreement IIll it the lsarler roveroroeot had not been violated UTIIFM JUNE EVENTS ltIlllRobcrvrllett Quebec to In explore Saturday rmoueboc trelr Itlvleret Montreal and Detroit signed agreement to build route to the Pleliic trioMoro than 7000 settlers irum Wctlltll landed to Nova Scotla lllsaarttturcrnadlarr aarr rvrtd Iorca deterred Us at storey Creek SSTs Heading Ijor Disasier ly 108 WON dendrite 22 ire $3 $3 El E3 RR 33 or Eris is 5e FF and prode titled on the drawing Woodhull rote grle resistance is the Dolled Emu to err mole aircrait as threat to 1an roamed The mode ruor lira risk oi aro but extinct pen lrltm reture to buy the plsoc So tar only line here rm sold etch about vs oplioar to buy it shoddy cancelled by Western More commercial OPTIC Silos oi the Mcordo In the threat States or even ltr Iutura nights tale Amcrltrrv airports are prereatttp torbldden by term not our toursrental prol edvon Laws passed by mares In lea rryht ot the titreet at it SST in domestic US serv mirror DANGER tn tact the urpcrrotlle airliner tlurslarrs Amtrch or Anv gtolrmcb has become the tlrrt motor symbol not at maar tnrerssnt tecbrrolortral climb to the tort Century but oi Its gnawing concern that it should climb no more There ere all kinds ot reasons why vvo might not want cup soule etrrrrtt other than down rlrht tear that title technology the sly tr now outolhand Commercial airliner ltltit slits to rule the Ioravbo tel tit YOUR BUSINESS 153 it our WORLD on i5 95 It EE 52 zr MIN Omitted Martel travel martet The bolder the Fi pope glitbhmll carry pro found only It airline currrrvclr elm thoudl they wiU cell too to Excel arch And trorn the United the Hull lladbcedl the Douglas McDonnell and some 111 an already 71 are alreadp to tide bra rnarht In domestic nadlan and US regions Oomnmdaliy than the aunle was in trouble bctore SST all Ilvrlliledvguthe ran Ices ems Soviet TilIll Ihll ground Alter complex terroa been vea by hundreds travelers and or tbs who it them titre cross AUaotIe In two be born anyway rst toclllilco worrii be use tor lbs some Haws tllml to eava mllelonaeonieboonsroltla Emilia the horrendous trillions at dollars which cromerria must try out even prototype are much Itrssalaa TUltl eould spell tlael doom eonch Tumblers To Tumble Vdrtllrnovemenis stimulants dRAD m01M Manor our nco oer was cumulnonuvrrmvdlowntaernatrmm Wm Mud and gardens have beln pestored by thett Barriemotliclal weathermamltmu ottlowecs tire Georgen died Buttery had gone to collect large sum the rims no In 70D year She and her husband born money which he inherited Canon the ill intuit Wills 19 Its Damion England came here via TM Murphy held special service for cyclists mm glmll mold in 1873 and opened Barries tirst at st Pauls lnnistil Sunday alternoon Ti aglym dm 5101 bile lhlei milled by MW Barrio Cheese Board held rst meet mm be 1A to trail and Martin Moore block live In ot season and dis sod at 697 boxes rum 1v opposition to licence for Dalston Hotel Terrderlottotv11lam Robinson tor In return the us meat to The Advance commented editorially new grandstand at Cookslovun Fair admit wide range oi urlrlrn The place needs hotel about us much grounds TItomas Arnold ot Essa lett Wilt Willi WW dull as it needs lawyer and were the latter his horse and buggy in Coolestown hotel is to come to Dalston he would not be LETTERS TO THE EDITOR quietly drove oil with them lienp creamery averages 1500 pounds at but lllllan picked Arnold up with he rig ter per week Frne town boll erected and they caught the thtet nearly three at Cookstowrt The Advocate looks miles away Conslderahio damage In towns weekly newspaper made first ap Vivavlr tar Wolrley or rent borouth Dttallr concerning the reunion Wlll be melted In time tor registration Mtnesinz when tvro spread trom root ot penance vreAdocelvod Thomas Gu 11 Orohards horse to others This will be wondertul op Merrily tor veterans to renew oltl Mcndrhlpr And arrange menu are both made to have on area ui aside tor any camp or people with trallrra who mlaht sltrnrt Imm dlrtarvre and went to Ruin the reunirm as art rt Iamlly holiday trip to IIIIIIAI rttnln Cpnada lost pretercn llZlCorltclrtttte wrerlotd ot lo 53 mmgsmmtaawuu Ital The to years of reciprocity with the US brourht nrorper IntW It Turnout oi Reth Ily otded also by the Clinton my Nil lnvcnlcd variable otvd American avtlwnrs pitch propeller on Importont advance Insulation The US cuacolicd Iho deal at tillCanadians were active Thomson News Write tailor this Will the end ot In years bicause at on land IClIltI hr the air on tics Gnthcr your Irce tumblers or Canadian old to tho aouthcrn states rturtnc the Civil War DDny steakknives while you Hug ymgmmmm Wm Mnny rttorts have been made IMOPrime Minister Holland Ilnrtt to rot rtnvtiar deal and ot Nrw Iceland baton VllIl to gene trorn your lOrVkO Illilu mmdrzmla gumlg In the slits um one would have auccccdrd In Canada nod to the dealer is rumored tour or thine oimore our nttsct by on particle but 11 erythlnp the child does so that ttoosl vokrrne ot Instincts my atolittoll the promotion cm to talilny ll becomlnl HPAUIUWIW Ihatlva Illrpgbdl an EMS AP and act out at love toy and 11 YO rim it the relative leaves him with ll rllvaal vael MAW mm mm proterr rot to DEALING DIAAGRFII ruling but more urrm which witth tiled AI Bundles the retsllcra proiitr er orrlngtntcrrrt Somaharo said hr ilrwlllrorromnncexoerlercc 4l becnplessrlrcdbl tlrooU to the out each time rectlnra any that unsorted Mater thnli yet never tirrdtnl It you listen l0 Mm Ilne to otter the promotions unlll centrmvtcd with the dos garvlreiionl they arethe loll ml momereotreUser rot or Item cunt May we rec ours that the MW dealer teclr It would orlrlvmcnd Chrdlrtghrpiefucatim ilol It you listep to the bl yummy WWW In Pm rnirr romotonr may You mum like it or not the nyvrucllvvr roller hospital Ior ioeunbty Bualnear and Consumer Attalrl crowded Wilton Aoalyxl one aeolian oil CWAC REUNION Dear Sir The llrrt reunlnn ot mombetl ot the Cnnadlan liomrnr Army orpr who were stationed rrl old Fort Frontenac In Klttttstnn dur Irv World War II will Md In lttrgrton durlnr Trlmlary year ml the wettest et ling told 11 It Ir Impossible to revsnutty contact the manr um who served at the rm to the cord Iltllldd Ir arkln all vtmnv tort corned too this mm and 3313mm STYLFTTTJW Not rtl dealers world Truck Exhaust Pollution Yours truly By ANTHONY COLLINS POW Germany tAll skulls and crossbow and the Black Ilrgr marked with mythrlotas codewrd tit startle visitors to rm The gllrn brows were trom scorer ol hlttx ac main rosd thrura German capital wt rm lot ttltacn The mate it hm lIic Ulyr Turtle Erratum ll Elmo tyros Dante1mm ItleVJM carom Samba tint Illttrstllr Yr mm Iteum More normnrad Dolly our end Datum lieurots our2A Subscription rm carrier ere weelf1 not err la copies 112 try me tierr to yearly tirclletd County szroo yearly tiltrust or Canada error ymiy 111 other countries All my Motor throw oII erro rem Notional Adrertlrrng fallmr t1 Queers St West Town AM IIIOI SID Cathurt IA Montreal lumber ot lira Canadian Press may bureau oi arcutar does The Comics Prcu tr erclrrar Itlir mill to th lue tor rer palliation at all news dllpatcly artnthtrr eredltedtoltor 111 Al ed Prerr or Itequ and elective local arwx publish 43m lxrolloee claims The In III MIAMI adver Rrloy Ila editorial vortcrlat ere sted by its employees and pndnrad In Ihlr newspaper IA rill IicdrtrattonNurnr use rertrtlr it noqu like you to some 11m altar medieval time or the Eu Wh pm is May evyre ochre cl IV inter Wm em it Ictrl Lu Wllj Pmr starei Nerf my to IIA the corners ere tho teed menu earrm bad loz More Azrzs porn hrmemlttrm or mclal as mature 91 rpm when r4 scat comet yrhrr 17 terms adv crumb Irv tyranny WW lmlm mum IA ohm to rust Mutt rm Mt vb our an LIVn layman ourtdo eng train natural gas tcrn hunt to Iralrllmt CANT Mth Itsr denim Illettpbl Icn em shyly Irv reply to wool Icant strep Tho trauma rarmatrn by ttrr nicotine and thousands hm Itvlng along the Ilth Itlvtr hora II one email allrmlth In continuing bal tia aganrt pollution In West Germany The battle Inchtdcs ettorts to your the thine ot tiitlr lrnrrl nduslrlrl waste me leave Cologne Cathedral Irom erosion by air pollution partly the air at Industrial Ituhr cit tea uvd elern nattic beaches Grarlccllor VrlUy Ilrondla govemnvent with btiIeea along lnrekoloygrd Ila Ir plcdred la errellyrnIlila mous to Improve the us rtronrrurtt 9r tor the campaign by tire Quanttux and other sorry Germans has tailed to stop the truth rclltt map be In sltl rattle mniatry applet mra Ilorrv the state ot North FAIwWestphatla laid the state government has decided ball Artobtain UM mm It shortly when new by prru Io udrcslucd In truth mu AKIIPIICAL Dr ttudatt Harvest protest to or skeptical hoard prorrrlrer be trn he raid Well call oil our earrryrlcn only on the day It really hemno Mrs us leans out oi Irrrsr owalrovarllneot trucks tn the street below and her tor protest photo bold irg stud and crooaboner its It block away greyhaircd Dr ltaven claims he now treLts more patients otth re aplratnry Ills due to an In crease In exhaust Elms lie and letter eitlrena tear the truth maltucht will spoil the trendy oI Ilehient accrue rlv ertkle village with ccnlurleaold timber and plaster nurses It Is across the Itth tronr oil when irzcrrd has It Slcplried slow the dracon Fainir The protesters have held entry rattler atyrved petttlonr and west ml ot the ultr rietr end some federal law makers whore porliamervt Inviting only two blocir oil the no Itle reallatr note that the tractor lobby to powertul Ionrrrange rail and htrhwsy plant make It dillltllll to chance tratttc patterns new and the whole Irena ta snarled to red tape FOREIGN ONICII Canadian tmmtyretlon etttcra are maintained in It coonlrtcr addresses to The Pry iuy ltxreart as to Butte Ittrr tr INVITE IETIEHS T0 Till1 EDITOR The Examiner lavitea row trthutlorrr to Its lxtlerr to lhe rrttlor column on the ad Itorlal para when possible letters atrnntd Ire restricted to see to too words and they IItnnId be akrnrd apd Include tbs nrtlcra addan and tries prone number ertrrr may bro pct more It they desire IlltINI VIVASlt leterborouph GIRIITIAN PRINCIPLYAI Dex Air to rttmnce to an anlclr In on Examiner on May it retard lng shoplittlnx convictions may we lertly orprevr our conrcrn yet also our thanks that there are still people wholesltha came as us do We on in Int trrcenscnt with Jud Doortd tech that the per mlsrtve attitude ot society and nested oi Chriatlsn prlnetpler lv havtnr Its toil ettoct on our word here It simply will IM MI The lack ot teacan crash tlarv viewpoint relating to ev INTERPRETING rur urvu Make Sure You Fill Er Up On Friday My tltlUCFl trvtt WASHINGTON ICI The manager rrl turn service sto tlun on the outskirts nI Wash Inglon rhalter his head and er plalrtti vere out oi rrrrrlar Tho rinlton he runs once atnyrrl oprn seven days week tumtng out the lights Iurt he tore mldnlgnt Now its closed Sundays with the lvtehhood that Saturday clostng to soon to Iot IW You trod hatter make sure you trll up on Friday the man aerr adv sea hundred miles away in auburbrn Maryland the lady who runs the combination rent mt store and as station at quiet crossroad apolo her can only let you worththeyre rationing me And the mornlnr mail tea turn etampa canceled with the Irreod shot the country that ruru on oil must not rtrrv short lint the country door seem to be nothing short The Senate hearings on the Watergate buggies scandal bev gln again today but In the gasoline shortadu thatle begin Mary to take the No root In the worries ot the people ol the rurntry that lives wheels There are 11 million fora pur chased In the United States each year The man behind the wheel to trrr to the problem as the gas shortage In Cenrrerr tho rtl uattorr tr viewed as port ot an nveroll nlphtmaro ralch the encrcy crlr The car owner end the corv grcvsman both seem equally be ulldorsvl The drrrcra are asklnl How It did tlvlr happenvhovr bad II It going to cell Gcrrrrnlly the cmgrrasmm are askinr lhoe rcrpml rihlewhat can we do to solve the problem MD AND IIIIS II VEGTEII my largely because other Illl AND MRS IIARUL letters to win them In Everybody Ll truest them It gppcarr except the public In Canada one meter oil company scored rotor success with promotion linked to bIgiesgue hockey while another achieved big rater gator by giving awry provvrtclrl coalr ot arrns with BIBLE THOUGHT Therrtore unto you desire orth ye pray bolls that What lhlege reever re reerlvr llrrm end rl have them Mark lit to much depends on you believe abotn what you believe Ite will take you at yourl things are possible to Mint that lion and the oil compan made substantial donatlorr to belleveth So tar there bavebrrn low cut retinrrr driving up the prprermanp gcpttng envtrprkmrn on on NYl didnt rt one when dur wanlr Iedereaillrotdfe anawerr Senator Jacob Iavits Ind what you aay attracting each parcharc In the United Itincdolrr the what British rubeldlary ot Texaco Ia many new csutomerl Gods wILh the nltcr pl 30 Drlltslv regi that mental bsdrer The British AU Arrrvy Ia endorsing the prorrrw as hrs Senate hearvnr he asked alon invertiratim Whos tcsrmslhle tor cncuy we need an enrrgy start the iteldr ot Itavr costs Senator Robert alhlcte DIARIES Bill FIRMS Senator Henry II Iaclson lrtcm Warn ro rtlra yasoilna level conspiracy snd toreeartr elvortate Ia It cltherrte can at world problems to yours tn rclrnll rrmtrivanrc at big oil lIvr tutvue arent worrying the companies to destroy Indepeodv US driver to much as the item Minn railing are hp my yr pugny filmyny nanccd by the Ford Forldalon rest This torn tWthinstonr warns that there will be level It aslcrplt mules lilo Van 1511 Wrntla look like an Olympic llllmpllley David Freeman head et my massive cherry policy study encrlr sources are developed These concerned mrn era In this country Do you think amour the more responsible and relperltd lexlrtatore on 5mm ym perm tarp Capital lilll Irekron waa chair Kent warm we dont yet man oi Do Scents mum on yy may ya my my my the all probirmr oi Alarkaetlll unsolvedand is all author oi brgtobataredwllbrtsinl tood mutt Ilvlmvnentvl were It people on this planet by the year torsoand rtvany pt them are taclng lilo In partial blackout unless new cheap However charges ot myrr ovcc promotional gtmmtdl mrestion ot Competition companies may be tents ot Canadian doesnt arrears that war has monopoly As longer an oil so surplus rctinloy tell to Ind additioan ket la more Since ell saroliner grade tor crade needs something Ipeclll to grab those wlomerr Until now the answer to hare been catchy lionom keyed to tlonal Interest such There have been plenty motiooal flow well prettiest How but workt Oil companies Cut your speedyou one gallon in seven to grilles an hour TURNING TO IIIALL Jamar Aklnr the elites o1 tuetr lays the US public more wlce the mice per altoo our large car The bi Amertearv which vnh polinttoctcmisstor controls has been Ievrer tharv 1o miles has tonp been symbol the US Irlth lira shorter reel lttIlerI Aline rapt that hpath the