Anororlrnrtzly Ito none Ellwood tho rrerttot eer montel oi provlntlrl Juirr Ni Anio oi Btlynet It Sumo jtounty orrrthouro My Judno Anio practised law In Sinner tor or your betoro bum eIikd In tho mm to null tone prorlneiul court udzn lulrninnl diririaoi in Storm County moor LEFT Jutro tti ttortoo Judge world It Inch Judge Ania Drllon Drier Attorney iStayner Lawyer gSworn In As Provincial Judge iho only lnwrrr In tho torn ri ingot tor to your nu on provincial oourt tor Siam County 1W noy rttemoorr ttitit tho prov eor Attorneyeiknmi Drltro Itnloo In rttendrm Judro John Anln took the orlh oI olto trout Jud Ilryeo ronlor more In yimlarldivlrioo provincial court Mott About 13 floods and mulhtrom In tho tean protessloo Mro Anio mounted hour Ito Untyerrttp at Toronto to ion titer urvlor In tho ItoyII Cro Idlrn Air Forooi Ito gradurtorl trom Ongoodo Hail to ma with honoro Ind octlsed Low in milk tor threo mrr beloro mm to rmer Lilo thl tho only lawyer nryner tor to your rod dur By iiiiiii Club Tho Hmil not an oi tho At my Navy and Air Tom Club woo top honorr tor tho host coi on pnrndodurinr the are on at tho Ionurl Pilgrim nso Day panic in Nlrrrro No that limo rerred on my borrtir rod commissions to mm Ind Collinproori Ilo Iatho rumnt chairmrn at the Ontmpwooo ilotttItIlJoord Ind mod director oi the thilinwood Dittrkt collegiate hoard Ior ilrn min Ito reocntly rrrlmod dir eotor oi the Wrotivo illodiv at Seniors Amrirtlon in Do IarIo Iln llren In Stryocr with his rrIIo tho lormer melon Irvin oi Muniord Ind hit ehihlrru Wri ilnm Allto Ind Dull Ilo Is now rlltinx In Toronto too month Moro ntrrrnlor to Slim Oomty Architect Iiamerl In for 2nd Fireball iiolor Parryf hwartiWon Lily routdlr Inigo Hmtiiitior on rna IIIM Ilrohnlt in tho northeast end ot the elty tim dny trim when It approved moromendmlm to rtturn In It rhlttot to draw up prolimirnnry plum llnrry Ntshitt ntdtltrct will draw up the piJIIS nnd prooerrt them to tho commith iot Rudy The iuohali war topic some concern to Word rest rrtminol oirIano Mre General at nature not mo Cure tram Photo liner nean lotto ot tho CITY NEWS Till BARN MINER WEDNESDAY JUNE I17 Lessiiumid Cooler Thursday Mainly Sunny Skies Forecast The hot mom air over the ion southern Georgian Dry strotoo Coraty rm trill Imp toto tntrrto iilanJ Con perr tomorrow or drier tlr tinqu warm Ind humid Illiil mom Into tho rm rhorerr and thunder storm to Skier Illi ho moot runny thy wind routhorly to to with rumn tionly wtodr nod Stun ntth cloudy period rod temperntrrrer will he tire to to not to harmlo Thurrrtny Im dcgroto Nola than Thresdny Ipd westerly it to no HIrh today to lady to Ionith so to to him Thur Tho overnight loo trill rrnre tiry Toto In httan to to to with hirh run low nun Thursday oi 70 lo 75 1th Tonight Thorn thyroprtr Another worm Windsor 75 rllm day it in ring tor tooth notion IS ern mlrrlo Iilhwdr drier Ind ICItchcrrer 73 morn rtrhlo alr rnm Ir truth Illarhrm Iu way across hltdrlnrn not in then Sound emotion to tour northern 0n Ittrrskotn Irrlo Tntrrrdry Ternoeroturer Iiotrtlltorr Ihurtdny will ho live or ID do Cath veer cooler than the no comer Toronto minnow In tho Inrt tew motion rim hut rrith plent oI Irnr IIqutnn rhino In Northern orrlo Pctrrrror moIInn trend to expected during North uoy tho next two dtyr mirurrr oi cloud Ind run with tho porri hiilly oi rhowerr to expected tr dny utd Iern Thursday Itth Meowch mainmo mei ch Into Erie hurt no ttooronu Ho zauusaszssszsaassa mount drop tn tunprralurer Wlndsor Inndon IIrmlIlon sazgsSssszaizsssarxgsz The weather to pntlnioti dolly It public urrieo try Woolworth DOWNTOWN BARRIEI CDRr COLLIER LAPPERTON 5T5 7263971 ubmowuugnt Activities For Young PeOpIe Suggested By Convicted Youth Iutohep yam poople heuriinlhylprerwtmro whomonum mthnvumnndnhcnguei at tiowlhy Murphy mdrm In omen 0mm John trophy ulJ recd out or not hm protldr rm mu tnrulrr nturhrihetoloeptronr plo meat Lariat Wt Ilo raid local mieo ehrh IrotzrltoIMIporthdub Says Crown Attorney Despite tincr In Iirrrir prvtio tint court tor toothled rhopiJl err tho dim still too prty Lienl want or InItI Tuesday hy mun Attmrry John Murphy Prod oi the nttl wouenc la Inrulraclont it maybe the peruluer rro ruliirieot ml the memro to not Keillor through to the public throuxh the Iault oI tho media he untested Judxr Donald Inch expressed hit continued tntemcot It will the oilem Lites pim uhen tho rhopiilien usually have money with Lhcm at the time at eponhenniur Ito sold tho educaItui ryrtem perhaps does not tmmcra tho rrrlournesr oi rterlinx on pcoplo Fri Illuhew duty oounrci lot tho dry runestul the publicity ltnehed to conviction Ill enough It penrlty Ind Inked tor court Ioanry tor tum worm emitted oi the crime Sylle Alttrton it And Joan Elizabeth Fatrchild ixth oi Cedrinrtm Strut Into than Iith oration coottr worth under ht did not It rtriireiui pom to ermlloi tho protect SHIT SENTENCE LIr Morphy ruurstzd tho pinto to rtoo vuadnthrn in protnnctrl tom hr hondhtl out still renter Ind rnrd the on Implr oi thywold youth rho mo lrum Tower and Wool Irh Ill Wlsh Deieal Ontario 79 OTTAWA CPI Thl trtkh touring ruuer team put on rpccuculnr Ilmost turtle ex hibition Nomi in demolishing no Ilerulnrio do It no the tooth game in Canada or the ntylith lrtltors and hrin1 their more more to nozt or they mom tor mulch Saturday in Torontos Vanity Stadium Inlan to ril crnnda term In their total Dxstiay Irlrr mired It iourpoln ilits eleniy dlrldod heirm Iorwrnit Ind thrcgqrrartero But Ito lending unrera hero torword ottntto hall Phil Ben nett with points on try Duetpoint penalty lick and modeurordirberbmnlh Murrowhumm lie nrld tho rriLr atowcd untimhotreptntrd Imnothtitdrmlaiin on in panic too Vsndrlmernsutm addt toLhIpwllr lieu Hutui rialotpm mmrohrreeoolldtm tyestrttedtodono We two had tho yam peo ple or restart rho Im In In on not yrt ray in mi duo the mm total ehrno oi niltul darn no Irth tour othcf youth wont Druid In nthhln hy tho Own COURT BRIEFS RULLXDED Jonr Itnyce cunt xI oi Kmnlot Dore rrIr rermdtd out oi rmtotty motley in Dar no promrant court to June It who date tor total IIii ho Grant charged with IWD rug in common rrth rn inci dent Iay then Alien than propnrm the youth trill ho mud nntintism pmhlarr hut hi1 eitmt hurl made all this can mistake Ltr Thy pleaded null and were an and trttn PMMH to Royal Vittorio Itorpttrii LiIAIRHD DRIVING nu twopounl eorrroru Ind inr John Ring 11 oi RR Strcurt Iutl Ilnuter John Taylor Irth arr lined trw 917 in Dar it peak on thrro Iran and no prottmrl turrt ritcr plead ootert to pull to inguirnt rtriytu June at am on am to oi innislil tmnstrp Grurt FARM toil Ittttt hot blood rLohuI count hi in per tort whrn ho initd his sisletl err In ditch 101mm It Ilrormurrt Jomngntothrtrhlcie tritium err probctr ptim to term to tull to fun this Iii rttutltshcti by the Ontario Bag and PM Protoc en Marketing Dornl erlrI Iorne 56 hep St medum small at Nominal whole sale prices to country rtatioor trhre use ouotul hy corre miuro ot nholeoalo ez deriv en Din large are large SJ medium 5657 small ti 24 Itrrtttr prim Cnnlrlion Dairy Commission lendcrrhlo mint broth 33 more in tiny DONT WASTE mil LIST Ind hUY iIIRII STEIN STEINREAL ESTATE Ltd III Dollop Emil in No TI sown 1t aradise otcullz am Viitoss Spas mwwmm so lnovort tarmun Arvin eebrution New York drrrtr during tho Drwrrrhrr mu Th Is In honor at ntctpni clmion hnr boon to Amgitlitfage rteatt Minot by In mid Dan Tho taut Iran to trap ta tho Kent tor some run my him than too veteran prot In tho purndoi The Royal Canadian Sea CI htt cm oi rant on yrrd Ior tho host cadet hood on parade Purndo martini Git Trtrohlld fpmchlot the toy to Ilrrrlo to the mayor ot tho city ot Illaxorn jTnIIr on heholi oi Iloyor DorIIn Parlor during the women and or turning up of tho colon Also on tho weetend the club ritnld their moot loll tournn jtrrent Cholrmrn oi tho event on Date hItCIearr Mel Mel enlto had the tow group low not Ind longest dlitr Proceed Irom the tournament your duutzd tor the annual chll drenr picnic which otIt he held July with Iluwrrd Marshall titalnrrm lhlr wotterrd Stu hohtnrmi yrcsldoht oi the unit Ind no othoe detonate lrom tho club will tutorl the 33rd hlIunrrrl convert tron lit DrmtlorrL Lociu orirhnt orL rrouso Iaarriit Tornrlrtp council bu TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS I291X ARE YOU READY FOR BATHING SUIT WEATHER Norfr the time to pot requrlntrd with Prrrdiu Health and ezlnm$mggig mememum 011mm WM Yum mm by SCHOOL HUGE lordrtil Townsh comtlt hnr endorsed renal Ion parted In tho town ol htlnolsrrupn which Itstrtho proviaco tr darn tho tglhe Ilezgudln Wm tsxfrr oo er err on rm allowed to Ictlvato out attivntg the nothing IIghtr Ivery tlmn they Itop to let oil borrowers and that motorirtr in hath direction he rootrirtd to Fltnou Spno Ixtlilnp inrtlitioo Proiouionri progrrmt oiiored tor every lndtvidurl Trko rdvontrgo oi Ilrlr Spoelrl Week CertIiIertr today BARRIES ONLY FULLY EQUIPPED FITNESS CENTRE JUICE DAR DRAWN IIAIIT DitYlitlS HUN noon PiIIVAII SHOWERS IIIIVATE CHANGE BOOTH AND LOCKERT IKDIVIIIIIAL PERSONAL OTROPICAL EWIIIAUNG POOL ULTM MODERN 0th AND WNTDUTIING SALON orur roost rroom CONDITIONING nuumo ma REDUCING oorrrrcm IIYDROTIIEMPY WHIRLPOOL OEUCALYPIUS INIIALLTDII ROOM inmmwmvmn BY OBAUNA B00 EXPERTS IN FITNESS Mombor oi UGA 700 Attiiiotor Aomo North America the spoon Ilrrrlt exoeodl 35 mph The resolution uh thnt tho drIV uci down out by at iitthobrllidlrrg rIy town or Ituyl Md other It Willi ororlrglimsnuymwg DANCE HALL unislrl Township council hr coronch Ineludup two apart Ittontt Although council Inrecd tit1 new build pg would Wiiai tn Improvement to rht tar olltrlrl plan and yiow do riotpenrrlt that tirooldoirloprrwnttnhotIreu threo tIoro commercial