TI Midland Bounces Back To Tie Ivy VIC MIMI Al the pm Wed to pith Burro oil mono Ind are In The linier MIL Ipotlnd theirth munrm gmm mm mm Hiram Morrow rm in the nine twin on to II the IIme Ind lllllfl ouri lwm mlljluillrl Allen on Iiarhl miinr mi um tie Iiru lxlon Cecil thln II on lining and line III innit by yrrlal onlt Iii1 lime before iliLIrA worm will more on to an the radar three qu in lhelillb LU the llnltIIIrr mien orliinI In lyre run In the uirnih Ila WM Ind Aikn Ulir Irma re In the run In oil More min mu knoll lied on and Iinfni Rodin IlrIIIsltr In rowed In lhe awful iI thud MT lrr Natural leot Bill III loo with pilrher Join In Bldlnrm Iinekd to thrill ilzn Med mun hi IJH George ElIiI III III Ii ylihni not time Iirurh in ml the Inn rhe Ihrd In lentoll nun rum in the tint no mean While lion Ibo IIoIlId Icon lnI MdIIilrr Iod Ilonly lite liou hi Into doibte ploy to not the lunar from too point on it was Ill liiolond II Ihey mien Ihrre ployrrnonrh LIrn Greene him run Irllh In men on lluri rurhrn hm hm on hate error In the uni limmn Ini II III GreerI Ital In the TI lntlon III Inhoi 3min uirnt II he paid mother limo II morn one our the Inn with mm the tall then an or break on hue ln III III K0 City Soccer Is Win 20 Over Orangeirille Athletics Hum Cur Sow Club lo Jlmmy lilielunnn III on llliA pried up lth mono my rlrI lint goal In the mod iniory Saturday Illnliklltl angnille Million 20 In Or halt when It mil long rrou rpm right oiog lo ill tell Ildz lnzeutle on min In 10mm to Vlrwer whoouthlr not Vim ario Iliie Voile whilelhe II we Itnninl Il Ounrmlle Binnie Cir lli toll II the limit IIII motto Io lhr OraIIelItle Ca inn gt0 In dropped behind In their me Ivr IIM place In the Athleilrolr lame ihe lint hall play VII domluird hy Orlnwllle II they continue Illy Irpllrd omqu on Barrie Irnl urn rinse In Morin on rnuplr ograiluno iloueur the oilemiu ploy ol III lirana Denir Euniirril Inl pod Iaier by Inalir Glrn hreloir lent the Athletch oil the Manhunt um uunrmt Irom loin Iiew mlry pitched Inohu Iur Siiunlni night In store so lrlory oirr Grorurn lnrnnnrr Irom hnqiir lliinon Lakeview Blanks Georges In tore Suioruoy llllllil nun ilniry hlnnknd tlmuzen Iurni Il Quocnn Iillt Intrilew rurr Ihnn Anon to on llic Ion hli nlhhinr III llirr ilurlon In Ilorrln rian Dlilllll Senior Snllv hnII nllivn Tlic IIIAIIII wvrr phiylny It rninnmr hum whlih Iiultl lnrn nmlpnnnri Incunn nl ruin Ion lIIIrunlny nlnIiI Although lIIIIIlilI llllllll only men InrneI liallerl he hurt iIrrlirnt Iiolriih Inlund Inrn II III Intcri no inuro ihnn Illlll Iilllr lrrI In any one inning II man up Inn Inln IIlIlI Wlillll one hallo ullouing only Innr mum on into llurlun nlui Iiiil holn horn tin lnktrinw InuinI union ninth Irnlleicrl in Int nlI Iinrlinr pitcher lion ilrlndrion Inn hir reliol Don hliillniii linkevnw Illilllti nil In tho Iiollom oI llie Illrl inninn Iiiii three runs Illlr GriirgeI lnii Iliue linltrrI llinil out why Aliulli niualorl Io Itll held with Inn out lhrn Irlv Home on nnulhor hirlylr ny thqu hlnxionl Gory llinor Ihnn In home run wIilrh hounurd oil the up oi the toll Iiolii min to win Adorn Inn Ilchirul Ill Ihe inp ol Ilir Irlnrnl lmrgen IIuirny lorry linolrrl of play lnkeyiuw IIIIIEII too more runr Ill Io hard riot out the who It the nineminute mart Four nrlnrnro Inter the City rid mend IIIln tilirn lrll Wetland look IonI limoIn IIul ilhnlen headed the hill hull in title ieIIe Ind hie Ihot lotion the hurt The City victory hot the turn In lie tor the IllIo leidmhln wioi Aurore Ind at It In Ihe oi Ihe Irv liirhrrwni liiII mum Al the Inrmundi lhr llr Ind limit 21 lie DIan IiihouI rrnulnr IoIIIr Cuey itzm loundnhenuelm to lend In the up Ihe lint In liIrrlI ilroI lteaulionIl IIuinli lupin loudly nlrhl Yunnan SEMI Brmry Ilom rd illInsIoc Credit Union 14 In Prmk Petroleum detent cd Benlorneil Ii Shut lIrl IhiII him Ind Elem Sllnll mind Int II Steel Siren In Ihrlr Iin IIInIlicld Il ml Irni litrqu Ibnlr hailing mien the rim lulu Itle rooted lour run on one hit Itle Pelkller George II limo Michell Add sauna Irored tor the winnlnl IlInIllelo round In the bottom or the the nine IIImInId Iodcd lull mi in the Iecopd Ihrn CIIIWII Imi rd BrilneII Dore low India run In the third lunlnx ohle Curr mullet the Ially with home run In the lourih In in ion Innlnz Formula loot ndrInIIIe couplo oI IlInIlleld rrloII II ltolly Geo bel Torn lillliop Ind Gin Bol Iln Koren lliiu Shepherd Ilarlel rIIly In the ninth Inning npcninl up with home run hmier lilo leIrn Mind hlni mold not Inn to the mire lit Sleek street Brm Irnl Glenn look IdiInlIIe or ml Inlll lnnIo in More three runs The sun had LpulELI up down to Iner only ti mlnuIrI Inning on tour by my lluahu IM Gerry lIIII MI Illlpcd liy IIII atelier trunk hlcNIcol item with two hIII Ind Gary lllnei who till lhreerun homer In Iho IIHI nnin Iltxlmner lIiolnl 60 lnkriuw nlier hr hId not on third on Georzir error llur Iori hrwuhl hlin home with IMrIIlIE In the third mm In complete Ilin Inning Jell illnux Iroml IirIl nllrr gellinr on hole on an moi Inil ironing home no Ilnglc hi IirNiinl who ntItllilld on Iiriv dim error My Ilinri NJHIIIBI IICNIIDI with lutllllll Iliiin llrnin hill ler Iinrlrd In hrinrr him home Intellew Koren Iliolr le ruru in the tint llirro lnnlnIr molt In llllll Iii hilr room on the llrurllel llmll SPORTS TODAY Jim Iii MIIIIAliln lienlor lnkerirw llIlry Il lliunh llulnle Ilointr 1130 pml llrndlord Qilreni Hotel in Nowrnnrlttt Norm llurIiri IIIIIIIIrra Itinlnr liar llonlrn lIrnIrr It hIrlJnnn Allin Ellrill l7n Mill lterrrIIlnnII thiiilulihlr lnolr iiI Iinnlnh ltnriin llpm hiretni LACROSSE gun Iliry hold their Iron until ll boltont at the third Inning linen Drink Cori Tom Tualin mrrd lot Ind With limo Ind Glcm Inning Iain into lhrboilom oi the wrath Delia Ind ilIr Ily lilmin Imrei Ior Ind with one 001 llweler the Ind IV loud Ill unable to Mickie their rally II IIliI In Nispen nirI out In in ihorliloolor the no and out hon ilelteo the nail boiler doubted out the rum IIi our inner we Kennedy gunned not to ptltber lion iIrldooil In IhI mad mm It Shelr lrnoodr look to lrId In lIlr IARIIIERUGW CLUB SECONDS FIGHT FOR BALL IN llNEOlIT AGAINST TOAONTO BARBARIANSI THIRDS bottom ol IhI reload InnlnI Ihrn lioII Cameron rooted ol the Iourlh with home run In the bottom at the lnilrtli Peacock Tome bark ulin tour llhiimclhhlllliilt Over Barbarians Emlih WWW Barrie irony Football Club linIl run In the bottom or the mm or 0le mm Ind held on In Ihe lop ol the seventh mil thoth Sid Iir $2112 mlloxe Wild Ior Brnlniiuril Inmer nlIyed hIIurdIy II North one Inme II Ichalulrd lonlrhl cow with Convertihle loolr II Dan Ionh noon linens Strut In MI Dorrie llrIII iwnmpnu the llir hurlnn Scronoi Iil lo the diiliirui copIrII the limit Set orrailidrlloed thn tiIrnIrIIn Here Today Tell Ilnndy II Ily hull led the limit Firm to iirlory In their tongue oprnrr lie Icorrd thrre Irlri In the Inmc The Barri Firll till win Ilnn Georln Gihion and he at lllo mm 3mm tm Stern IIIIIr nno Iirlnn Dill ralldl SIIWAY WV nonull added try cnrll while Iood ermp lor Tunisia um II lIIIIIIfilII DnInLunnlnIhom kirk Irom unndnll WIIII or pnir 1oI continua llllIdldd ptnaly Inn rouii out The turn Irorn WIIH whlrh the Barrie ICUIilIi II In the mlrlu at In rlrhtu The IoriiI IIrIl XV IooII hill Imr Inur ol Ontario rm to lend II hill Iirnr Ilnruly Ind IrrIre In linrrie thII Illernoou dlblll Irorrd lrlri Iulilnz ndv It 150 pm civic rereption vnntnzI nl linrharinn mIIInlIrI Ir itIIIA lol orlnri II oily whllninninlhnnironrrricd one hIll ni Ih lrujor Icnm lIin In Tuesday IlIrr InlIxin m4 hurlnni not on the nrorrhonrd Ilnn II tho lIrudnn Health with perinin root Sin um tour ol the iormnII In tho Iernnn hall the Barrie rlnlt llrmry IJIodIII thI mqu pllrdun polnlr Ilt My llIrrII It North eoIInIIIIe ollnI went oelenoe olth Illlh Ilmlnx II vim lnl runs by Inn ihrnInuIrler lqllootnI the unto thin line IIII be commit nl Ihn linn ItunnInIhIm Item penalty nldiln Commonly Crnlre lor the Welsh lenm lolihllrll lIAYEII lillntl Anyone Interrstul to meeting LII nor Ilnn IAI the ylrltori II Invited to Illenri llnilrr Iormer molar length the name and Ill rrurpllnn Imehnll pilrher or New York liierelr no Idmiirlun churn to Glonii In leli Ind Ilutton lted either The reiepilon wlii beIln Sex In lolllo died It in home Ifworfisces you should catchouract Andnll oI IIIII so quickly must or anyone and you wcrcsn fascinated you viiil to Speedy Mullior King shop II It oil to will lhu ltnrrle tram rollinl IIIndy scared nalr rt Irlcl Ihnn anncnull unit lllnir rrorred In line nilh alumni hIm Inning nnollier ronierl In romplrlo the route BIIbIrlInI could only replyy with dropout Ianl uonh three The Harrie Sernnrle rnn lhrlr record to pair or will without IMI In tooth league nnmr IInInIl Ihr llilllbhrn nIrIu Neil Moll It oulride crnlrc broth reurelui dendlwk Iry limiting couple at Incklu Irio plunging our uiih lry early In the mono hall Thnl Will all llu Irnrln In the ram Illhonyh both lcnnu IIIII rcrernl Irorlni opporlultlliel eiporlolly with linking litany penolly rlianru were men in the rourh nine Nel Saturday Ilir 1min lIlC Iconu will oliend the Cannon reriur Wotel Inlrmnilunul Innis II Virility Norton kiololl Sunny Ihe llorrle rln It pm TheBInII ilnwerer Bentorrwrlln ruin bnrlr Into Iruun notion Iillhool 1mm IOIIIvrIl linird Ier the wort In the top inciting tho EIII lindan In To In Inhibition runtrh Kirinll II Ith lor antral Ilnlmt to he moron I915 NOW 16 pun SATURDAY bonus DEMONSTRATIONS Canadian Forces Bose Bordon rnrr rouission 88 Dunlop SIWIiilrrlol Phone 7266585 Firestone 4PLY NYLON CHAMPION Chnoio Iha Bil of tho wldn 78 nnrlnI Groni rnplncomnnl lnn valua Ior economy mlnoed lllquIllIl Covnrod by tho Filo Irons NoGimmlnlt Guarantee 60043 IMOIE BIntkwaIl In In many mndoln oi FALCON VALIANT CHEVY II vw TOYOTA WHITEWALLS $2 MORE INSTALLED Fwestone Super Sports 100 RETREAD With our NEW tire guaranteel who loves work When other rihlnt even not your miiizuiinc Inr the hilt DI their two hnn Novlre Iliuinnd II llIil Id lerry advanced on ralniirn noon 17pm hy Frill Cline liiuvlnn Iwn tiIlI tlInlIni nutty Ind llrnI Il it hot ulllmlllhl Canadian in in pull hlgiltlla nut Illlirrl htnnrriy In hlldrIlIlldiond ItIlrnIanrl lonr pitcher wnll Cunnirutlon I0 DIM In the bum III the Inning lnkn hilll Inna run lnr SPORT CENTRE lmllrr Nodil nl Illrrlr an iven Ilghglmll lluy Punriii Ilitlln IEIIII FIIII hmlrr III4F7I577EI4775IEI Blackwnll In In many niodrII ol CORONET rxannoE marlith WHITEWALL people are doing it iirliclc nished The Milk from your or to Oh well thats your waiting room CIIIIII Is the show business most cllorl youll have to exert The rest is sheer CliILIItIIII mont Ilissn Up Iocs your car on the hydraulic hoist Inp liipi The trouble Iii diagnosed iIIipe ip The price inrovenlcdClunk The old mufer corner oil Zing lhe ihinyncw one goes on Poss Down comes your cup Silence Your new mulllcr in ltClIOn rag2 or IIImm mi Ir ltInoI Irom III DON CONMHER Mruunrlr noun gut2