whenever New MedlBank Plan into your personalaccuunt you go to recognized hospital for acovered accident or sickness 0rrcturnsallyuur paymentsevery It cautious vars it you make no claimsEither wayyou must collect How we credit cash to your MedlBank account Csslrcrsdils are deposited to your account tor each and every day you are covered tensity mombor ls hospitaltrud tor cavarad sickness or accident $100000 month 531m day lot you 75000 month 32500 day tar your spouse 50000 month 51066 day Iar each child Dspoelle era maria to your parsonat account tor up to or months In recognized hoepitslloroach abrardltt covarad atcknassor accident recognised hospital In one where you wou title conilrlad tor iroaimartt when sick or Inlurad which has stall at doctors on call and tucllitias tor diagnosis and surgery convalescent ieclllly or nursing homo Is not lnctudud How you withdraw cash from your MeritBank account The cash In your MartiBank account Is yours last as much as it it were in your personal savings account You can withdraw all or part at It any time even while youre In hospital All you do is send us this withdrawal term we provide your doctor Thats all Ihora is to It We mail you your choaue immediately tor the Iliad out by you and till amount you ask tor up to tho total amount daposllad In your MattiBank account This maneyts paid loyau with no strings attached to use any way you with How you collect cash If you stay well We bellows llratpooplo whoetey healthytlrculdnthava to paylor insurance Ihl dont Lilli 00 It you stay wuliond hero no claims tor to continuous years wsll return every penny youve paid us in premiumsl Andwollraturnyaurmonoylorevarytanyaarperiodditarthatlnwhlchyau slay hssltlsy too as long as you kaap your policy in torso thats why wa say you cant Iaso Sick or well you must collect Other important features of your ModIBonk Plan Your plert cannot be cancoliad no matter now allow you go to hospital how muchie craditod to our account or how old you becoma lsrartlls reduced by heltalior pg 65 cu can cancel anyllmo you want Enrol usl yoursall or yoursolt and your spouse or your whole temily regardless olelso You canlnctude all your children batwaon the ages at months and 10 years up to Allurlhoeo atill In school and unmarried All chlldrancovorod alonoolngio rataavanlltoso barn eitoryour policy Ettecttve Data Everyone le allgtblu ragarttlass at ago or health condition Esrnecrsdlls In addition to any othartnauranca you have oven your Provincial Plan No medical aramlnatlanto apply Your plan does not cover IniurIes caused by war or act at war sulcido participation to slot or other civil commotion or commission oi crime untuea you aro tho victim at the crime Mental disordara alcoholism or drug addiction Inlantlonally salltlnlllclad inlurlas Daniel troslmanl axoopt tor occldontet Inlury to natural tooth Pregnancyahlldbirth miscarriage abortion or any conditioneerislng irom them lConditions covered by Workmans Compensation Occupational Disease or similar laws Proexisting conditions conditions you had boiora tho Elloclivo note at your policy are cavorod beginning on tho Elioclivo Data UNLESS you race vsrt treatment or madtcai advico lar Iham anytlmo within two years bolora the Ellen Iive brutallyoudidracoivosuchlraatmonioradvlcawlthlntlrstparlodihocontii ilontsi will yours Everything also Is cavorad Immadlatoly It certainly is comlorilng to know that when you or rrrombar your inmiiy go to hospital tor traslmcnt Illa Provincial Plan will help pay your okporrsrla Ono at the maior reasons why Provincial Plans were adopted Is the high cost at goinp into hospital whorl Ce nadisrrssraslckarlrurt But as torturous as any Plan might ha you could still have money nap thll you are common to hospital Its not only because you trley have to pay part at tho modicai and hospital bills out at your own pockets but there aro all thnsa oihor okponsos that usually comsuplao mm is no plan tor example that will reimburse you tor the axponso at gotwin vsceilonor tor hausokcapcr Or to pay householdbillstoadmonthlyinstailmontpay rrranle on tho tarnlly oer appliencoe the snow page or rent But yet those expanses go on whsthsryauroInhospltaiornot0ntopotthsl you eorrlsltnras need special therapy altar you iesvohospllstmodiclnosnursos someonstaholpoutwhertyou pot horns Why avenashorthospilaiatayott0art5davacoud seriously sliecl your security and turns Pays cash whan you may need it most Nowwa donimosnihetlho ideollsnk Plsn reimburses you dlraclly tor all those at ponsselldoesnl But what It does do It give you cash credits in an nccauni you sort draw on vitun you need it most And you csn use the monsy any way you wisheuch es helping to pay or tho things no lust mentioned You can withdraw your crush the same day you tom the hospitalor oven while youto in hospital However you must withdrew your cash within the tlrsi year eiier you leave the hospital orwlthin parlodot time which Is twice as lorrp as yourhospllai slay whichever is longar The amount at money you withdrew at any one time is up to you To rrteke wilh drowalyourdoctarslmplylllisaut thetorm we sand you Then mail It to us We send you choauo tor the amount you ask tor up to the total amount In your MealBank Plan account $3033 day tor up to 00 months loranch covarod condition You build up credits in your account It the raid at Itlrdle day 000 month tor each and every day youre seminar to haspitel tor coward sickness or accident Maximum credits tor any and sickness or accident are 30000000 tar you 02700000 Ior rs covered spouse and 000000 tor each covered child 00 months at irthospiiel csro tor each Ityou rscoivolustpsrtoiyourrrlsklrrrum credits tor hospital stay you can ailli recsle the rest at the credits It the ssrrtocondiilan lorcos you back late hospital sgsln and again upioamsximurrr olld banalit months Bana Iiil are credited tram the that day each time you go lrrto hospital Evan ll your recount has already been credited tor the Iull 536000 it can recmvn another 336000 ii that same condition hus pitslitas you altar you have resumed normal dutiustaranlysrxmonths And at course any new cunnrtron ls coveredinrrnadrstelyandeliglblolpriultbcnc Iris no matter how oitcn or how much your escounthasbaan paidtnthn past hospltsr recognised by this plars ls anawhcra you would he conllrtcd tar treat manlwhen srcir or irriurcd which hasa slaliol doctorsuncultendtacilitiestar diagnosis and surgery convalescent or nursing home is notlnctudcd How to get all your manay back course Its good to know that It you go to hospilli tar WYIICO aleknsss or OCCI dent you hava both MartiBank and tho Pro vinclar Plan to help you with your orponrca But supposa you stay wall dont no to hospital What happcnsl liavo you paid all that money tor nothing Nowo think that would be unrsirta you So weve dons something about lttva give you hacit all your money it you stay well and recsivn nocradtls or to conircuousyotrs tram iha Etlectivo Data at your policy We will continue to retund all your prumlurrt paymorrls st the and or each additional toyasr ported durinpwhlch you receive no credits It your spousb is covarcd Under your ManiBaht Plan and stays well and receives no cradits In the account you got back all Ir premiums paid tor your spouao Similarly your children are covered and all at them till wall and receive no credits you get back all the pramlumspnidlorthcm Now can we atlord Ia raturn ell prc mlums to people who stay woill Eaceuso we invest your payments in Canadian companios Whoa the limo comes to givo you back your payments or to put cash in your MootBank account the monoy Is there We main is prohi on those Investments and you not peace and escurity at no cost to you Its slrrrpld Its Isir lleegooddaal tarballs plus Youra protector by Ilnnnclally sound wellrraspactad Canadian company Abbey Lite insurance Company olden ada Is Federally incorporated Lilo insurance Company with muitImilllan dollar sssois and over one hundred and twanlyriivo million dol lere $05000000 at his Insurancu tn torco The Company Isiloanscd in each ottno Provinsos at Canada and maintains aciuarislly sound rcssrros tor the protection at all policy outlets No ago limit or medical exam nsadad to enrol Every poison who is resident at Can ede ls allplbla to loin the Mcdi0ank Plait There is no age limit It you are 65 yuars old or over well still cover youyour daposlts era lustroduccd byheil Wewiit Issusyouapallcy covering you and any other tamliy memborts you list on covorad AFTER your policy has baon In Iorco Ior two continuous the Application ropardloss at tho proscrrt sorr dillon otyourhoaithorthatrs No one who applies will have to take medical examination to or covered tvo guar entss to Issue paltry promptly to avaryene who appliesand without any kind ol Irrvcsll gatlon Wo cant cancoi your plan Your plan is guarsntaad ronewablo Ior trio That moonstlralwa can nevercancaiyour policy no matter how marry times you make claim or how much money is deposited and withdrawn trons your account 0i course you have to pay your promlurrra on limo You can cancel anytime you with Yaurrata can navar be relsadnovar The premium rate you pay when you take out this policy can naval ha raisad tor my reason whatsoever it stays this camp no matter how alien you receive crudrta no matter how much you receive in crodltsrlo matter how old you became This guarantors is writtenriohtonynurpolicy ABBEY CANADA ABBEY LIFE iNSUllANCE COMPANV OF CANADA it larr rr Srurr OtnrlhRulOdIIUHAtlltmnm Onlsrtt ltorrnsnlernss President Abbey Ltle insurance ca otCenede invite you to try May Fran Examination the MattiBank Plan Is avatlnbla only through announce ments ol this kind hope you will tako this opportunity to apply tor MoatBank Plan with our trrm guaranlca that you do to absolutely wrthaur risk Simply IIiI rnandmarttnacpplreatiantoday IYtrcn youaotyour policy itwril already hava arr Ellccitva Data on tiusuaily tho sarrra day no rucaivo your Applicationovers though you born not paid one paaoy lot it You wrll than lrava 10 days to aaarrtirla rtovan discuss II with anyonu elsa whose udgrnani you trust when you aro completely sailsllod that tho hicdrIinnk Plan will help you lust road In clrcquo or many order or uuthorrzo with drnwats train your ProeAulhnrucd Chngua Plan Tho minute it Is in your coinsr mail box youroclrgtbla tor bnnolrls 30Day MonoyBnck Guaraniao It you than decide you dont want the Mcdrank Plan no guarantee to rclund every penny youvo paid tor it Just wide the word Cancel on your policy and malt it bnckwilhirt 30 days ellar paying your prcmlum We will promptly roturrd all at your monoy or Crcdrt your account Ill lull hlosnnnilo you will be covered tor the tail hcnolrls during those 00 days Certyou honosriysaytlratyou have ever heard at plan as attractive and risktree this You apply without sending money and have 10 days to decide It you docldo to ply your tlret premium you can still got your money back It you change your mind within 00 days Alter that you can IIIiI cancel erry time you want to It you dont cancel you either get cash dopoeils in your MaulBank account that you can withdraw at any time or you got all your pdymonle back alter caelr rcrr yours at good haaitlr Every day you are sick or wait in worth money to you under this plan so dont lose another day trail the application Iorm today botare you target Choose the plan that suits you host You may soicct any one at the lot lnwrrrg plans ruperdiass at this else at your totally For okempla it you are married writs children you my Wish to cover lust yonracll and your spouseor only your sali as the brandwinnor Haras how much ls cradliad to your account toroach tamlly member you duclda lo irrclurtn in your hlodirbank Plan FullFamily Plan Covcrs all members oi your lormlyyou your apouso and all dopcndanr chridrarl undsr t9yuersotago up to 2d lorunmarrtcdcbridrsn still In school Your Age test birthday Total Monthly title JIM 2005 2205 Husband Wllo Plan Covers husband and WIID only Children can no nddadlator Your Aoa trsi birthday Under t0 4ND hound Over Total Monthly Ilnta SISM 1195 1595 Madltterrk Plan Irhblmtt month 03001 day tur you 5000 month 500 day tar your spouse $50000 month $1560 day tar each child OnoParont Family Plan Foi parbyla who are widowad or div voiced Carats parant mother or lather and all dependent children notice 10 years at age up to age 23 lbs unmarried children still in school YourApa Lest UlrihdlY UnderIO ltd 50end Over Tolal lipstith lists SIIIS 139 95 Individual Plan Covers yotronly YourApe Llsi birthday Undsrt0 AlIO 50 and Over total Manny Rate 1035 95 Also available$50000 month plan This plan pays araclly halt tho bcnolrts Inc $1000 month plans to scribed shovo and the roles are also are holly hall All other toaluros era the some including the rolurrtt ot prorrrlurrrs it you slaywcll HOW TO APPLY your ml or srsrnaa covered met mm let in the planar bnat00000 or 0500 00 Mouth choose the Imawrl Irelailprrponbtob TComptsllpirrelrarl Nola Regardlessot which planyau select tho monthly premium shown writ never change as you got oldor no matter how oltcn or how much you collect In bcuclris or ratund premiums star to Abbey tits Jarrrll drrrtl Saul Ias Itr trusts limi toAOnIeuo wits sureta ram plan you mt r3095 APPLICATION 10 ABBEY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA lcr TNE MEDIBANK PLAN one remote Applicnrrls Merriam Tnsr Lair Arlrtrnss man paiaoltiirlh 0st Montn IIIrcrchyspplylorehcckonoi IIti00000smonrhplan 1550000amnnthplarr City Province rear Street rr FullFamily Plan ti Husbandwile Plan OneParent Family Plan rJIndividusI Plan Persons to be covered under this policy bcsldcs Illa poison whoss llama nppcars nbavnorotrslart batow nudism Id ADDIIIIHI Name Date or truth rrrn yr dsr day Age understand that my policy will be eilecllvc on tho date shown on tho gdlicy and thatcavarago haplnsonthat date provided pay my tlret promlum withlnl days lwishihetoilowingeavoragsiehnckcrrol altar resolving my pal cy Applicants5ignaturoDnla Nolvsllp unless slurred aunua Pars $3333 altar $1000 month